Vinke the poet

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Vinke the poet Am a Kenyan creative
I love music and lyrism
Join me in my creative journey



JONGO LOVE🇰🇪Nampenda for who she is Nampenda what she does to me and how she does it Kwangu it's better nimwone akistand...

Nampenda for who she is
Nampenda what she does to me and how she does it
Kwangu it's better nimwone akistand tall ndo afikie zake dreams
Than abend na kuaribu zake dreams kidogo akitembea usipomwatch anaweza Unda team
Am the milk na yee ndo honey,see love yetu haijakua defined na rose flower ama chocolate za Cadbury haijakua defined na money
Together tuko na amani,najua ni wengi wanamtamani but God bless kwangu ndo yee huona dhamani
Our love ni soft Kaa ya Romeo na Juliet,mapenzi ya zamani
Naeza compare what I feel for her na MILK,hata nikue mhot kiasi gani,nikicool down yee hurise on top k**a cream
Nadai kumweka into my mix k**a creame Dela creame
Yee hunidrive crazy eastwards,westwards,north ama down
She's my queen kwangu ni yee peke yake anadeserve the crown
She says am funny at times sometimes me hukua clown
Nabelieve design nampenda inaeza attract crowd
Kwangu she belongs and am proud
See nampenda kighetto where real things come from
Where sii hugrind ndo tupate,where real dreams come from
See love yake kwangu Iko so open sii kitu naeza ficha
Kaa ingekua ngoma ningetamani anieke Kaa feature......
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the love


Just a reminder...we ni masterpiece
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Today's piece in one piece


Mashinani ndo where the biased meet the sellers
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UHURU MALIZA UENDELeo naraise my pen kuwrite bila contemptKuna Soo much to write about huku sii must nigenerate contentI...

Leo naraise my pen kuwrite bila contempt
Kuna Soo much to write about huku sii must nigenerate content
In a country where mweshimiwa na mdhulumiwa wote wanashare one thing in common
Mfuko ya anayedhulumiwa Iko empty Kaa Nia ya mheshimiwa
The ground bado Iko Soo fresh from Ile sera mlituambia,hamjatimiza,na mmrudi tenaa
Hamfeel ni Kaa wanatucheza ako wapi Ref hii march aforfeit
Sometimes me hublame my country people,mnaclap after every empty promise
Mnaact Kaa kuchochea moto inaburn inside these empty people hawana utu,na hizo flames ndo zinatumaliza
Tuko in chains 90% of families kwa hii country inategemea fuliza na yet walisema watacreate job opportunities
Wastoope so low kutuambia watainua economy by kutupatia handouts,hawana interest zetu at heart,wanatusoma hiyo ndo kitu inahurt
Level za domestic violence imerise,bwana Hana kazi anashindwa watoto watakula Nini,bibi amekataa kuuza shamba Ina an effort kusecure future ya her kids
My country is sick madaktari wameshindwa I think every family inaneed kits just in case
Tunahitaji saviour,God mwenyewe alishusha his only son kutoka majuu akakuja huku chini atleast anajua hii taste
Imefika point hii sii poetry ni roho nafungua na Kaa inakuuma sana hama kwa hii dunia
Coz hatutaendelea kuraise our kids bila utu,morality tutaraise watu gunia hawaezi change hii dunia
Tuko In a country where ni heri watu wabadilishe noti instead of kubring change
Currency ilichange but currently economy bado Iko in chains
Welcome in a country where future hudefiniwa na looks na chains
Fake diamonds huku sii huita ice
Inspire before uexpire stori imeimbwa Kenya k**a choir
But uskii reality ni huezi para kazi unless uko mawire
Philosophy ya change ndo the only thing so foreign kwa wale wamekalia viti
Uhuru maliza uende!!
To be continued.......
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See social media ilikua created kufanya world iwe smaller,kufanya world iwe Bora See usinitishe na factory uskii God ali...

See social media ilikua created kufanya world iwe smaller,kufanya world iwe Bora
See usinitishe na factory uskii God alicreate the first factory,mdomo, before Microsoft ifikirie kutengeneza word
Ndani ya mdomo Kuna servant mmoja hufanya kazi yake kwa bidii,anawork at home Hana flat CBD but ukimtumia vizuri anaweza kuwinia flat CBD hakuna Cha rahisi ni bidii
See Kuna so many people living in UTUBORA but wengi waliembrace philosophy ya BORA UTU
Binadamu ni Image na reflection ya God but Kuna so may real people living in mud houses ama Bora mtu?
Wataki kufanya kazi wanataka vya Bure Bora kitu
Wanalia hii world Iko full of darkness but ni haohao walitengenezewa viberiti wao huenda kuwasha misitu
See love inafaa kua defined na utu sio kitu
So skiza nani
Sacrifice ya cross iliosha dhambi zote na ikasafisha kwote
Uchaguzi hukam na inaenda so let's not select before we elect,ni important kukeep an open mind to it
Juu ni funny Yani wale wenye walisema watasupport women ndo wanapropose that we need a STEP FATHER ndo tuweze kumake another STEP FURTHER
So chunga what you spit words ziko na power ya kufanya vitu ndogo zikae kubwa
Tutumie words zetu kujenga na Sio kuvunja ,tuombee our socities na hoods before tufikirie kuombea nchi
Me ni advocate wa peace sijakam kukusuka,amani yangu naileta in one peace kwa hii peace


She says "
It's not about how he holds me
It's out how it felt
It's about how I felt his fingers touching every landmark on me,places I marked as do not touch please
I am not robot I agree
We are Godlike so I don't have any weakpoints ooh I forgot to mention (I'm ticklish)
He made me weak,in the sense that I wanted to claim him not hold him
Have him to myself Id say
I hold my phone against my chest after every conversation we have
When he calls my skin answers,my hair stands my heart races,my fingers don't need command to slide up the green call button,I want to hear his voice
I miss what it does to me,she says
She remembers the nights
White wine and blackberries on her plate he sits across the table stealing glances at her its a family dinner he's nervous so his feet find hers
He has a folk in his hands he steps on her,steals glances and smiles at her
Her memories scribble a vivid picture softly on the floors of her heart she imagines herself wearing a lingerie,it scribbles softly as an oil loaded brush swipes across a leen canvas
She stands on the 14th floor of her flat in her hands she has a cigar she puffs and blows against the wind it's a cold night she has a lingerie and inside a purple velvet bikini she goes down the memory lane
He stands against her on an orange evening he kisses her as softly as the Atlantic ocean kisses the Pacific
The skies seem to be singing his praises,it's mysterious just as she finds him some of the time
Her friend has a birthday today he suggests they should go, partying is not her thing but she wants to go mostly to claim space beside him
Her friend offers a drink to honor the special day just one shot she says
She thinks she's such a push over but she doesn't say
Just one shot babygirl he stretches him arm across her back looks at her face and smiles
She sips shots after shots her world is spinning,he's not there to make it stop he's sitting across the room he steals glances at her friend and smiles
She lures her into the rooms and leaves a mark on her, parmanent
He promised he'd never touch her
She is sitting on her balcony,her hair is messy kind of depicting how her mind is not at peace she takes hard puffs on her sigar but none of these makes her feel at ease
She beats herself up of pulling down her walls why?why for him?
She remembers ooh he's just a boy......"
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My MoM SaYs
My mom has taught me three things

1.Never leave people who don't leave you
When everyone leaves

2.It's not enough to be good
It's important to make sure you are good enough to yourself first

3.When everything seems off
God is the only light you'll need

4.Sometimes silence speaks louder than words
It's not fair when you're not being fair to yourself

5.Love is complicated
Do not struggle to make a move on a girl if you can't move her heart first

6.Heaven is not a place people go when they die
It is a place we struggle to get to before we die

7.In my country corruption makes headlines
Where people die of hunger

8.I have known the pain of a mother
So never lay your hands on a woman if you didn't bring her up
Never let your daughter grow up in a way I didn't raise you

9.Use what you have to get what you want is a phrase many people don't get out here
So be careful to who you listen to

10.Be the change you want to see

Even when my poem is short it is still long....


Before Ryan GoslingThe movie came I found myself wanting to learn magicYou were not something I wanted to become part of...

Before Ryan Gosling
The movie came
I found myself wanting to learn magic
You were not something I wanted to become part of
Because I was willing to give my all,dive right in
Jump on the Frontline for you, didn't matter how may times I got shot at
I would tell myself maybe this is worth it

Partly blind, partly in sight
I became lost in your presence
I would lock my house with the keys inside anytime you were around
I did not need a tune to remind me of how your smile made my insides tingle
I could not stand what you did to me so fell for you
With a pen in my hands
I became the poet who wanted to write my name on the stone walls of your heart
Forget April I was a fool for you before the 14th of a February

You were this cool girl everyone wanted a piece of your 'cool' in School
I was just the lyrical kid
And no seemed to dance to my tunes
Back in meditation class I was asked to close my eyes
Picture someone you adore
Your picture was what came to mind before I could close my eyes
There was no getting used to or infatuation when It came to you
Because I was sure this was not going to turn into a casual feeling anytime soon
The only thing between us was your eyes, because Girl!! You saw my every move
So before Peter Parker became spiderman I found myself caught up in your web
I couldn't stop to Marvel how your eyes saw right inside me
The first time we locked eyes
My world stopped
I could clearly hear how fast my heart was beating for you
I could feel your skin ,your scent,how mystical it felt
I want to feel that again....


In a million years I'd choose to be AfricanI want to walk in a land my ancestors once walked in I will follow their foot...

In a million years I'd choose to be African
I want to walk in a land my ancestors once walked in
I will follow their footsteps closely with my eyes open
My education and logical thinking will be my guide
I will hold on to their pillars of peace harmony and equality like Samson on his dying breathe

I hope my country will know peace
I hope Africa will one day become a refuge centre for all our brothers and sisters out there
I hope that the beauty of Africa's tourism will reflect in how hospitable it's people will be
We have a warm continent in our hands so why don't we have warm hearts

In my country love has been alienated for long enough I feel like I'm living as an outcast in my own society
Corruption and tribal wars are not something we see on BCC news or CNN
They hang on our necks like heavy metal plates
Our hands tied by primitive thinking
So I will write pieces that will trigger an uprising and call myself saviour or the next messiah Lutheran ready to save my people with pen and paper
I will write until I am able to colour the political chains in my country invisible
I will write until my people feel like they cannot be touched they are invisible
Because that's how I feel everytime I see news headlines of young children dying because we could not connect in the right way

I want my people to rise to levels that not even gravity can hold them down
The ground beneath our feet will feel our rage when we cannot stomach violence
Our voices can be heard from a far if we all choose to say "WE WANT PEACE TO REIGN SUPREME IN OUR COUNTRY"

all spread love
is life after August 9th
Children to take to school
Our candidates to finish their levels
most importantly a chance to help someone out🤲🏽♥️

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I went from scrolling down your pics to zooming themI've seen you many times before but trust me there's this 'you' I wa...

I went from scrolling down your pics to zooming them
I've seen you many times before but trust me there's this 'you' I wanted to see in a good picture
Your reality was something I couldn't picture in your pictures
Soo excuse me for zooming in because that's what you did to me
You zoomed in my heart my life and found my weakness and you mastered it
So from JANUARY to FEBRUARY and when we MARCHED to DECEMBER you had already become my OCTOBER'S very own
Our love grew beyond flavored candles and late night dates
You literally became my skin
Every jumper in my crib mastered your perfume
My pillow took up your hair cream smell
So when I missed you,at night id cover my head in my pillow and imagine you right next to me

See there are two memories I mastered of you

The first day we met at that favorite village store at 7
You were wearing a blue jumper and by BLUE I mean
Manchester blue (we Just won the England Premier League) so I had to
You wore that hoodie and stood infront of me
I had come to buy a half loaf
my mother has this late night craving for tea so she sent me
I remember the shopkeeper looked up and asked me 'Na wewe nikusaidie aje?' he made his move
I was lost in your perfume and I was battling about which face to put out when you looked back at who is being asked
So I quickly cleared my throat and the word SALT came dancing out of my mouth (I still don't know what happened until now)
I remember he asked me 'Ya pesa ngapi?' and I said 'Ya hiyo pesa'
Not to mention I was holding a 200 note in my hand
You looked up,looked at me I the eyes and smiled
I said just give me a half loaf of bread and the shopkeeper was like 'you don't want the salt now?'
I wasn't even listening I was locked up in the sight of you leaving
I quickly took the bread and left followed you by a distance until I learnt where you lived so I could pick a new road for myself

The day you left
I had to tune my skin off your memories
Believe it was easy erasing your face from my dreams until I convinced myself you are the flying Dutchman
And you floated away from me with time......

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 ....Some people ask me What type of poet are you And am lost of words You see its funny because I do words That's my th...

Some people ask me
What type of poet are you
And am lost of words
You see its funny because I do words
That's my thing

Poetry for me is not something I learnt in highschool about rhyme schemes and styles
I don't do poetry
Poetry just happens to me
Am a poet who for long enough has had to watch other poets go on stage and wish I could have found the courage to go on stage when the show is over
My conviction used to be I can change the world
But the sooner I realised the world doesn't need to change it's the people that need change I started composing notes trying to find a perfect rhym to cure their souls
And ask do you now feel me on stage
The ground below my feet feels my rage Everytime I feel like I should walk into mheshimiwas office and ask you promised milk and honey but my brothers in northen Kenya are dying of thirst and hunger
My veins pump enough blood I need to bleed my pain out on paper

Am not a revolutionary leader
I'm just a simple young man living in the floors of his soul and everytime he has to choose between him and what others need

My peace doesn't come easy
I tell you I've had to tear down a 200 page book just to find the right words to describe what I feel
My pages are hungry and from the pain inside me they feed
I wish my pen had the power to colour the political chains my county is wrapped up in invisible and for once we can pretend they never existed

See in my country
Public funds are not funds for the public they are personal
But a woman's body is considered public property Everytime she boards a matatu or walking by the road

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See tulipata uhuru lakini economy bado Iko in chains
Uhuru highway bado ndo njia imepeleka wengine kamiti

I write her name on my palms everytime im staring Everytime I close my eyes her smile is imprinted in my memoryI see her...

I write her name on my palms everytime im staring
Everytime I close my eyes her smile is imprinted in my memory
I see her
This is not a love poem I know what you are thinking

I don't see her for her body NO
I see her smile
She has a heart of gold
Her beauty is like weather everytime it rains it withers
She has built walls
A foundation to hide the acne on her face so she can bar you from reading her from the inside out but still her fear for what people will say eats her from inside out
Her mother tells her
People will not always understand you but it's up to you to understand people
She tells her
Life will not always work for you
And relationships will crush you but you'll have to find the strength in your feet to get up again look it in the face and say I'm going to make it work

She has reached out her hands to find something to hold on to everytime her heart bleeds
She's not open to people maybe one of the reasons is because she was robbed of her smile
Her eyes look too hard at people because she tries to see the person hiding behind every man's skin
Shes black but she has a pure smile
Maybe that's one of the reason she has black and white for a favorite color
Her skin tone speaks more than her body does
Her body is a treasure every man struggles to find
She bites her fingers for the times she missed opportunities that would open doors for her
She puts on a mask every morning just to look confident
But Everytime she takes a step out of her house her insides start pounding enough to make rhythms for her

Her beauty is not defined by how much mascara she wears

It's the beauty of her heart that glows because she is pure

But no one ever see it...
Remember to subscribe on my YouTube channel official for upcoming short videos..
Thank you for supporting me this far
God bless you


BEFORE I GOIf I go today I want to know if there is no one who has ever thought of youKnow though I did not know you but...


If I go today
I want to know if there is no one who has ever thought of you
Know though I did not know you but still I thought about you in my pieces
I want you to know my pieces may be perfect or not because most are those I wrote when my heart was in pieces
I want you to know I wish to write letters about people that my daughter will read when she grows up so she doesn't call people animals

Before I go
If I will not be able to give handouts to the poor
I hope the lines deep in my poems will be enough to give you a smile
I want you to read my poems and apart from smiling
You would also feel the pain or joy I felt when I wrote them
I want you to know I wished you would achieve your goals one day
And that patience is what it meant when I said "just give it time" or "God's time is the best"
I hope you pick a phrase from my pieces that will be enough to make you soildier bravely in life's struggles
I hope you would understand I had friends
But one Mufasa told me to be careful of circles they make it hard for you to find the right angle

So when I go
And you look at me and lack words to say
Let me give you what to say
Look at me and smile and say he was a good man
So before you remember me as a poet
I hope you'll remember me for being me
I hope you'll remember the one time I made you smile
I hope you know that even when I smirked my heart was pure
I hope you'll learn that I loved kids but I feared if I was a perfect example for them to say I want to be like him

I am Christian but I still had dreams of getting a tattoo
I hope my country will get leaders who will not only give speeches against corruption but will be ready to fight against it too
I hope my country will find leaders who will value change as much as the value money
So when I go put a rose on me.. and smile...



I have not known what love is
Like how does ur it feel to be loved
The last time she asked me if I've ever fallen in love
I told her
I have been to the gym a number of times
But love just doesn't work out for me

She asked me
What do you love?
I told her I hate the colour of blood
But I really love red roses
Ive love my mother enough to feel the sting
Of betrayal

My mom says you don't always find true love often
Except for the fact she says it in Swahili so it doesn't sound that wise
Anyway let's go on with the poem

I question alot of things
Like why should we celebrate other states
Like London bridge on our phones wallpapers
Ifle tower

Love is profound
We can all live in peace
If we all find love

Even when my poem is's still long


Hey fans Here is my collection My page   the poetLike my poems and you can also share Love all of you

Hey fans
Here is my collection
My page
the poet
Like my poems and you can also share
Love all of you


Truth is,
I am the one who said no one is perfect.
Then stayed single waiting for someone perfect.

Truth is,
Every time I get too close to someone,
I find a way to pull back.

Truth is,
I’m not an open person,
I’m afraid if I open up to you I will never be closed again and I like my insides inside.

Truth is,
I identify myself as an introvert,
But funny how naked I feel without cologne, without wearing a scent,
I am an introvert who likes the attention of people’s nostrils.

Truth is,
Sometimes I am a piece of art for the way
I take away peace from people's hearts.
I have been a hard piece,
My inability to forgive has not been broken by time,
I have been serving the past in cups like sour milk,
But it's not protein to my mother if it's not building,
If it keeps breaking her.

Truth is,
I have more than enough playlists on my phone.
I’m trying to absorb as much music into my body, Give the most rhythm to my spirit,
Feed my senses enough tone to convince my spine I have enough magic to moon walk, to sun run, to cause Star Wars.

Follow me on Instagram for in coming short videos


Mapenzi ya siku hizi watu wanapenda akili na wala sio roho,
Utadhani kila Mtu ni vegetarians vile chat zimejaa emoji za biringanya na sio hoho,
Mapenzi ya kisasa,
ZIko na lifespan short I think
zinafaa kuitwa kinyasa ,
Mapenzi ya kisasa,
Mwanaume anapeleka mrembo date na pesa ya school fees cuz aliona ako na class,so ana hope watakuwa kwa relationship imeenda shule,
Too late
Mapenzi ya kisasa ni k**a shoe lace, mwanaume anabelieve Lazima apitie mashimo kadhaa before a tie knots
Na wanawake wako kwa rlshp cuz wanadai notes,
Ukiwaona wako na class jua Kuna lesson that needs be taught ,
So take notes wakichapa mashot za tots
Lifespan ya relationship iko so short so shoot your shots,
Hata ujipige risasi kwa brain hauwezi shoot your thoughts
The beast zenye ziko ndani ya Hawa self proclaimed Sweetsixteens
Zimezoea G3 na m16,
not guns
shorter than shortguns,
Hizi beast hawawezi uliwa na waterguns,
Mapenzi ni Maji na huwa haiexpire expiry date ni ya water can,
Mapenzi ya siku hizi imepoteza dhamani
Ata K**a una Mrembo anaitwa faith Bado hauna imani,
watu hawa fall in love,
Watu wanafall na money,
Zile lipstick wanaume wamemeza ni mingi jamani,
Throat na intensines zao zinafanana na rainbow ,
Kujaribu Kuchange their mindset Sawa na kujilamba elbow,
Wake up,
Kuna so much break ups
Cuz wanaume wengi wanafall for makeups,
I think si roho ni macho zetu zinahitaji check up.
Mapenzi ya kisasa ni poetry stanza ya kwanza inaanza na coffee dates,
I wish ingeanza na confidence ,
So Kuona Mtu amewachwa cuz of his weakness si coincidence,
Mapenzi ya kisasa watu wanafall,
ukiexpect one might stand
But inaend up one night stand,
Mapenzi ya kisasa ni ile iko Vile tutaspend ganji bar
Na wale sio vile tutasave na Tukabuy hekalu Zanzibar,
Mapenzi ya kisasa ni Tamu,
Na tumesahau
The same sukari yenye binadamu walipata kwa miwa
Ndio nyuki ilipata kwa maua,

Listen to Roho juu on YouTube


Scene 1,

Landlord anabisha,
Gas imeisha,
Token inabishana na mtoto kulia,
Unaangalia kushoto ukirudi Kulia,
Ukitaka kuanza kulia ,
uanaUme inakupiga bare ,ikisema pumbafuuuu wacha hiyo ujinga,
landlord anaingia anatingiza kichwa anatoka, unamfuata nyuma na kibuyu ya mafuta ya taa.
Ukiteremka hivi unapata na mtoto wa neighbor anakuambia Kevo niaje, Ile deni yangu ulisema Leo.
Unamshow tusizoane wewe,
Unapata simu kutoka Ocha ati mokoro amepigwa hedi na ngomb'e wanadai na Miti Kumi ako ICU,
Ulikuwa unaendea Maziwa na Mafuta ya taa juu uko na Jill mbele nyuma,
Unaitishanga shash kwanza , unachapa puff unasahau , mtoto, landlord,ocha,token na kila kitu,
Juu ulikuwa na option ya Kununua Kamba uondoke hizi mashida milele,
but ukaamua kuzipush mbele .
Ukirudi hivi unapita mama Mboga anakupoint na Kisu akikatakatanga Mboga
Anarudia Ile kitu mtoto wa jirani alisema ,
Kevo weweee???, ulisema Deni yangu unanijenga leo,
Unamshow ngojea hadi jioni,
Na wee mwenyewe penye utatoa pesa hauoni,
Unarudi Kwa nyumba unapata wife amerudi kutoka Tao alikuwa ameenda interview na anakulishwa mtoi uji na kijiko SA hiyo kuna food Kwa gas haijaimeiva na wee mwenyewe umeiva mbayaa,
Ndio uMake things right unatoa vyombo njee uanze kuosha ndio asijam zaidi,
Unafungua tap, unaskia kooooooooo koook ko,ni k**a chura iko uko ndani, juu chenye inatoka ni sauti badala ya maji,
Unaingia Kwa nyumba unagonga mitungi na miguu, zinatoa beat ya kidunduuu,
Hakuna maji ni Hewa Tu,
Unakumbuka mazeee maji ni Uhai, si uHigh,
Hapo ndio unatoka na kibuyu ukienda kuchota Maji Kwa KISIMA ukijiConsole all will be WELL.
Hii ndio life ya Kila Middle-class Kenyan.
Maisha ni Movie.


God ako just
one Deal Away
Anaweza kutoa from ule msee mwenye
1 meal a day
to ule msee
1 mill a Day,
Anaweza kutoa
A Great mess
Netflix and chill
Let's fix this bill,
From mwizi wa koto
mtu anarepair Milango,

kuzaliwa kwa hizi neighborhood poor
So hakuna kitu inaweza tushtua.
Wengine wetu tuliingia Kwa dens za lion
Simba zikabaki speechless na breathless after kudhani ni sisi tutawacha kupumua,
Sa zingine sio wale watu unajua
But zile vitu unajua
Na kuna kitu unafaa kujua
Wengine wetu hii pandemic haikuanza jana ni kitu imekuwa,
Tumekuwa tukifungwa mdomo na njaa,
Tumekuwa tukinawa mikono ya promise za better livelihood,
TumejiDistance na alot zenye hazituwekei food kwa meza,
Juu Kaa ni riziki ni Mwenyezi Mungu ndio hutupea
Yee huheal kila mtu ata wale wako beyond repair
Hakuna mwenye atawekwa nyuma k**a gurudumu spare
Unaweza toa mghetto ghetto umpeleke rundha
But ni yee ataamua ka ata wacha ughetto,
Juu Kuna wale
Hata Wakatolewa ghetto wapelekwe runda, wanaweza badilisha runda mzima iwe ghetto,
na kuna wenye wanaweza tolewa rundah wapelekwe ghetto na wakuwe waghetto zaidi,
Si environment ni character na attitude,

Our Dreams are bigger than our beds and that's why we always have sleepless night
Mungu aliweka roho zetu side Left
Cuz alijua at some point in life vitu hazitakuwa Right ,
Tuko Kwa hii tunnel but tunafocus na Kenya Power haiwezi tuzimia light,
Tuko spirit ya kushare si hugive ata k**a budget ni tight
Kununa is too expensive the only thing tunaweza ni kusmile.
Smile sababu Diamond na Bouncing castle zote zinadepend on pressure, na ukiambia mtoto achague moja ataenda for bouncing castle juu pressure imejenga diamond si enough kuweka smile Kwa face ya mtoto,
Smile juu ata k**a hauko wealthy uko healthy.


WhatsApp Group Invite


Planning to do a part2
Of_Nakulove by King kaka ft Pascal Tokodi 😍

Tegeeni@vinke poet254 (YouTube) subscribe to be updated on the latest
@ .


Finally am back guys
Up ahead we Planning a live concert
You can support by making sure u watch it on YouTube

our leaders change

If you are around eldoret you can join us
Register with me with 200|=
And watsup me @0702862705


Moisbridge Eldoret West



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