Flow Socially

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Flow Socially Helping entrepreneurs cultivate consistency and grow their community through social media.

We all seem to have this fear of being repetitive with what we share on socials, but I can promise you that no one is go...

We all seem to have this fear of being repetitive with what we share on socials, but I can promise you that no one is going to remember that you shared the same thing last week, last month, three months ago, or even the other day...

If you're not repurposing your content, most of your audience is probably not seeing it. 👀

And sharing the same content in multiple different formats is the best way to maximize reach and visibility for that piece of content. You're giving it a longer lifespan and getting it in front of more eyes.

This could look like sharing the same content in a reel, then in a carousel post, then on stories, then in a feed post with a long caption. You could easily share every piece of content in 4 or 5 different ways...

Share the same information in every way possible if you want more of your people to see it because not everyone in your audience is seeing every piece of content that you share.

If you want a bigger return on the time and energy you are putting into your content, don't be afraid to share it time and time again. ✨

⬇️ Comment below if this resonates and follow along .socially for more social media guidance. 🩵

This is NOT the end all be all. Some of you REALLY need to hear this... 👇And not just hear it but put it into practice! ...

This is NOT the end all be all.

Some of you REALLY need to hear this... 👇

And not just hear it but put it into practice!

Your socials should NOT be the only piece of your marketing funnel.

Because when someone finds you on social media, where are you leading them?

What does their path along the journey to working with you look like?

You MUST consider this in the way that you show up here, and you need to have somewhere to lead your people.

Now let's not overcomplicate this... 😅

Here are some places you could lead your audience from your socials: ⤵️

→ To a call scheduler
→ To your email list
→ To your blog or podcast (long-form content)
→ To your website
→ To fill out a form
→ To a sales/landing page
→ To a different platform

Social media is the beginning of the road. It's where your people find you and connect with you, but you have to keep them moving forward if you want them to take the right turns.

What road are you sending your people down when they connect with you here? 🩵

This is the year that you realize once and for all… 👇You are wearing too many hats. And the truth is -  they are weighin...

This is the year that you realize once and for all… 👇

You are wearing too many hats.

And the truth is - they are weighing you down.

The way to having more is sometimes by doing less.

Scaling your business doesn’t come from doing all the things. It comes from finding the right people to do the things for you, freeing up your time to do what YOU are good at. 

If you’re wearing the social media manager hat and you don’t actually LOVE being on social media, creating content, and strategizing to maximize visibility for your brand, it’s time for you to take that hat off.

One of the most impactful things I hear from EVERY single one of my clients when we start working together is something like: ⬇️

“It feels so good to have this content going up and not even have to worry about it.”

And they get to feel this way because they finally decided to stop wearing all the hats and pass them over to the right people.

What hats are you wearing that are weighing you down?


Your’e sitting on a gold mine of content. ✨The  truth is, you have LOADS of stellar content at your fingertips, but the ...

Your’e sitting on a gold mine of content. ✨

The truth is, you have LOADS of stellar content at your fingertips, but the problem is, you’re looking somewhere else for it. 👀

You keep trying to create something out of nothing, instead of being inspired by the GOLD you already have.

Your best content lies in the conversations.

The conversations you are having with: ⬇️

• Your Clients
• Your biz besties
• Your Coaches and Mentors

If you really payed attention to the conversations you are having you would find an endless well of content that never runs dry.

And this is really the good stuff - the thought leadership, the stories, the unpopular opinions, the perspectives, the truths.

You have access to it all. ✨

So let this be a nudge for you to look at what is already there - pay attention to the conversations you are having, and watch your content creation become WAY easier.

You don’t need to keep reinventing the wheel, you need to learn how to share the wisdom that is already within you. 🩵

I F’d up big time… It was NOT a pleasant way to start the day! 🙃

I knew I had a whole day of work that needed to get do...

I F’d up big time… It was NOT a pleasant way to start the day! 🙃

I knew I had a whole day of work that needed to get done ahead of me and I felt like crap inside. 💩

I also knew I needed to get my s**t together and get on with it… 

So I chose to sit in stillness and quietness for a bit and let myself hear whatever was meant to be heard at that time.

These are the lessons that came through: ⬇️

☑️ No one else can forgive you if you don't first forgive yourself.

☑️ Having a bad day doesn't make you a bad person.

☑️ No matter how good life gets or seems, we ALL make mistakes. It's okay to F up once in a while. It's okay to have a bad day.

☑️ You can't control how other people feel or react, but you can control how you feel and react.

☑️ You get to choose how you show up moving forward.

☑️ You don't owe anyone an explanation but an honest apology will go a LONG way in today’s world.

What’s funny about ALL of these is that they can relate to you no matter what business you are in. And even outside of business, just life in general! 

And that is why I am sharing this with you - because I know that you can probably relate to this in one way or another and maybe you needed to hear this today too. 🫶

Tell me which one you needed today most in the comments below. 👇🏼💛

Things are shifting around here ⬇️I’ve been wanting to share an update with you all here for a hot minute but truthfully...

Things are shifting around here ⬇️

I’ve been wanting to share an update with you all here for a hot minute but truthfully I’ve just been letting myself be quiet here and it’s been so lovely.

So here’s what’s up! ⤵️

As some of you know I am a Social Media Assistant for and am so grateful to have worked with Sydney and the team for 2+ years now!!

In September we had a little team retreat and I met the team all in person for the first time ever!!

Wild, I know, but it was amazing.

During the retreat we obviously talked and brainstormed on all the things. 🧠

One of which being that I love working with 22 Marketing Co. and I only see myeself growing in my role there.

So with that, things are shifting a bit with Flow Socially. 🌊

Without going into too many details or making this post obnoxiously long, here’s what that means: your opportunity to work with me looks a little different. 👀

I will only be offering 1:1, high level services in two capacities:

➡️ Social Media Marketing
➡️ Social Media Coaching

Because it is ONLY me inside Flow Socially, this is how I am going to structure my services moving forward.

You can either work with me in this way through Flow Socially, OR you can work with me as the assistant on your account through 🤳

This is also going to shift the way that I show up here which I’m honestly most excited about!

I am going to just let myself have fun here because it’s not about selling for me right now, it’s about sharing.

I am taking ALL of the pressure off of selling my services and I am just going to share whatever feels aligned, comes up, and called to share. ⚡️

I’ve built such an amazing community here - and I have learned SO MUCH about social media and how to use it for business. And for those reasons I’m always going to keep this space. ✨

What I do on a daily basis isn’t changing. My future vision and growth plan is only developing.

So if you’re here for it, you rock, and I’m grateful for you.

More to come on what it looks like moving forward, but that’s what has been shifting in my world! 🌎 💛

You feel like you’ve done it all… 👇🏼But have you? Or are you just sick and tired of not seeing the results you want? 👀Lo...

You feel like you’ve done it all… 👇🏼

But have you? Or are you just sick and tired of not seeing the results you want? 👀

Look, I’ve been there too.

Posting everyday, showing up on stories, pouring your heart into your content, and *crickets*

So what do you do? You keep showing up. You keep posting, you keep creating content thinking that one day it’s just going to land.

And, we all know that it doesn’t.

If I could go back in time and do one thing differently with my social media it would be to develop and implement a strategy sooner.

I would prioritize being strategic over just putting content out.

And here’s why… because I would have felt like every post I put out was purposeful and every action I took was intentional.

So if you’re ready to feel like ALL the things you are doing are actually getting you closer to your goals, you’re in the right place. ✨

I’m offering 25% off Strategy Sessions to celebrate my 25th birthday and there’s only a handful of spots available. 🎉

Link in bio to grab one before they are gone! 🫶


Here’s the thing with ANY strategy… 👇🏼 ⚡️ YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO IMPLEMENT IT. ⚡️Have you ever heard the saying that knowl...

Here’s the thing with ANY strategy… 👇🏼


Have you ever heard the saying that knowledge without action is meaningless?

Same concept here… A strategy without implementation is not going to get you anywhere. 🤓

But your strategy should ultimately make your life easier not harder.

Your strategy SHOULD make you feel: ⤵️

⚡️ Like you have limitless potential in the social spaces
⚡️ Guided towards your goals
⚡️ Clear and confident in the way you show up
⚡️ Inspired and empowered to take action
⚡️ Like you CAN do a lot of things to reach your goals

Your strategy should NOT make you feel: ⤵️

❌ Limited
❌ Like you are being put in a box
❌ Overwhelmed
❌ Uninspired
❌ Like you HAVE to do more

Don’t let the idea of implementing a strategy make you feel like you can’t share content that lights you up and inspires you, because the truth is, your content is such a small piece of your overall strategy. ✨

My strategy session birthday special will be announced on THURSDAY. Stay tuned. 💛

Can we please not let scrolling on Threads become another epic waste of our precious time? 🫶That’s all. Happy Friday. 💛 ...

Can we please not let scrolling on Threads become another epic waste of our precious time? 🫶

That’s all. Happy Friday. 💛

The point is this: 👇🏼 Having your brand on social media will have MANY benefits. But most of all, it’s going to get you ...

The point is this: 👇🏼

Having your brand on social media will have MANY benefits.

But most of all, it’s going to get you more visible and build the brand recognition and awareness you need. ✨

You can show up on social media without feeling like it runs your life.

You can show up on social media without wasting hours on it every day.

You can show up on social media and feel good about it.

Show up on social media MORE and do LESS when you work with me. 💛

Shoot me a DM if you wanna know more! 💌

My clients see the best results when they believe that there is potential and there is opportunity within this space. ✨I...

My clients see the best results when they believe that there is potential and there is opportunity within this space. ✨

If you don’t think social media can serve your brand, your not going to see it serve your brand. 👀

And there’s not a brand out there that couldn’t benefit from being active on social media.

Having a strong presence for your brand can work for you in many more ways than one. 👇🏼

➡️ Gain visibility
➡️ Build brand awareness
➡️ Get brand collaborations (podcasts, blogs, lives, guest speaking, etc.)
➡️ Grow your email list
➡️ Drive traffic to other outlets

The list goes on but these are just some of the ways my clients see ROI from being on social media that aren’t about making sales.

Yes making sales is great but it’s about so much more than that. 🙌🏼

What are you willing to do differently to make showing up social media worth it for your brand? ⚡️

⚡️ PART 2! ⚡️ What would having THIS as your experience with social media be like??? 👀How would it change the way that y...

⚡️ PART 2! ⚡️ What would having THIS as your experience with social media be like??? 👀

How would it change the way that you feel about and show up for your brand? 👀

What is it worth to you?

Swipe through and feel into this. ✨ Head to my page if you missed part 1 of "What happens when you hire me as your SMM!" 💛

Link in bio to book your free connection call, let's get these waves rolling. 🌊 ✨

If you want to see different results, you have to do something different. ⚡️I can promise you this… Just posting more is...

If you want to see different results, you have to do something different. ⚡️

I can promise you this… Just posting more is NOT the answer to getting the results you want on social media.

There’s a whole lot more that goes into equation.

But it all starts with really getting clear on what you want to achieve by being on social media for you brand.

And then you have to take the time to evaluate what is working and what is not working, so you can make adjustments to keep going for your goals.

I see way too many people here just posting, pumping out content, and wanting more followers, more reach, more engagement, yet they are just doing one thing searching for all these different results.

When I work with clients this is exactly the process we take: 👇🏼

➡️ Clarify
➡️ Strategize
➡️ Implement
➡️ Analyze
➡️ Evaluate
➡️ Adjust (if necessary)
➡️ Repeat

success on social media does not come from how many posts you can publish.

It comes from your overall PROCESS. ✨

If you want to see the results you crave and see how this process works for your brand, i have two spots open for social media management.

link in bio if you want to grab one before they're gone. 🫶

As you swipe through this post I want you to feel into what this would be like for you... ✨What is it worth for you and ...

As you swipe through this post I want you to feel into what this would be like for you... ✨

What is it worth for you and your brand? 💛

Link in bio to book a free connection call and find out. 👀

Follow along .socially if you're curious to know more and see part 2 coming soon... 🌊

Two things you need to know if you are investing ANY time or energy into social media… 👇🏼1️⃣ Who is your desired audienc...

Two things you need to know if you are investing ANY time or energy into social media… 👇🏼

1️⃣ Who is your desired audience?
2️⃣ What platforms are they hanging out on?

If you aren’t clear on these foundational pieces of your strategy, you are quite frankly wasting your time.

And let me be clear by saying that this doesn’t mean you can only target one kind of person or you have to “niche”down… you can call in anyone to your community.

What you are doing with this clarity is giving yourself DIRECTION for the how + why + where you are showing up.

Being intentional and strategic doesn’t have to equal being complicated. Don’t get it twisted. 🙌🏼

Drop a 💛 in the comments if you know these two things!

If you came to me feeling like you are downright sick of posting on socials and uninspired to keep showing up I would as...

If you came to me feeling like you are downright sick of posting on socials and uninspired to keep showing up I would ask you this: ⤵️

→ Are you living the lifestyle you started your business craving?
→ Are you living the lifestyle your brand stands for?
→ Are you living the lifestyle you GET to live because you took the leap to entrepreneurship?

And then I would tell you... 👇🏼

To stop thinking about it and go live it. ⚡️

Because nothing inspires us more than living the life of our dreams and actively doing the work that sets our souls on fire.

And if writing social media posts and creating branded content is not doing the work you love, find someone who loves doing it, so that you can keep practicing your passions, and gather lived experience that will inspire you to show up along the way. ✨

I'm here to remind you (and I'll keep reminding you) that it does not have to be hard. It gets to be easy. And I'm right here with you!

I'm here to guide you in finding your flow with social media and allowing it to fit into your entrepreneurial lifestyle, not the other way around.

Curious about learning more? Link below to grab a free call with me. 💛


Are you feeling the pressure? 👀If we all know one thing about social media, it's that it can just be A LOT. (Who's with ...

Are you feeling the pressure? 👀

If we all know one thing about social media, it's that it can just be A LOT. (Who's with me?) 🙋‍♀️

But when clients work with me there is one thing MAJOR that takes pace... 👇🏼

The pressure of social media gets lifted off their back and they are able to focus their time + energy wherever feels best for them. ⚡️

Swipe through to read a bit more of my thoughts on this. ✨

PS - If you are not looking to invest in social media management but still want to receive guidance and support, my first newsletter is going out tomorrow and that will be the best (free) way to get the most out of being here in my little slice of the online world. 🫶

LINK BELOW to get the newsletter. 🌊


Make sure these 3 things are included in your social media strategy. ⤵️⚡️ What are your goals - why are you showing up o...

Make sure these 3 things are included in your social media strategy. ⤵️

⚡️ What are your goals - why are you showing up on social media?
⚡️ How are you going to reach those goals? - What actions can you take to get you closer to your goals on social media?
⚡️ How much time are you going to give it? - What does your capacity look like? when are you going to evaluate what is/isn't working?

This is a bare minimum baseline of what your strategy NEEDS. But know that we can go way deeper... 👇🏼

I see so many entrepreneurs spending boatloads of their precious time + energy on this app without really ever considering what the heck they are doing here and why they are doing it.

And to put it bluntly, that could be a major waste of your time + energy.

→ You're ready to feel like your time and energy here is well-spent.
→ You're ready to feel like every time you open up this app it is with intention.
→ You're ready to feel like every piece of content you put out into the world has a purpose.

You want to use social media intentionally and sustainably for the longevity of your brand. ✨

But you KNOW that it is going to take some work... and your plate is already full.

I'm here to walk alongside you, develop a strategy to put you on a clear path toward your goals and put in the time and energy necessary to help you reach them.

Social media can feel like a lonely place, but with me, we're in this together. 🫶

Link below to book a free Instagram audit.💛


The reality of social media for entrepreneurs...👇🏼Social media platforms are a FREE place to market your business. ⚡️And...

The reality of social media for entrepreneurs...👇🏼

Social media platforms are a FREE place to market your business. ⚡️

And there are not many outlets left to market your business for free in today's world...

So find the ones that your audience is hanging out in and leverage them as an opportunity to build your brand, get your message out there, and shine your light on the world. 🔥

But, while social media is a free place to market your business, it all comes with a cost.

Showing up on social media consistently costs you precious time and energy. And as entrepreneurs, those resources come at a high value. 💰

But you have to ask yourself what is it worth to you? ✨

→ Is it worth getting your brand in front of millions of people?
→ Is it worth getting to share your message with the world?
→ Is it worth growing a community of potential clients?
→ Is it worth being able to show up and talk about your offers whenever and however you want?

Investing time and energy into showing up on social media is investing in your brand. ⚡️

What makes showing up on social media worth it to you? Let me know below.👇🏼

Your permission slip to take up as much or as little space as you feel. 💛Swipe through to see what happened after only p...

Your permission slip to take up as much or as little space as you feel. 💛

Swipe through to see what happened after only posting once over the last two weeks, and what I DID post was not social media related and got very little engagement. 😂 (not surprised)

Drop your thoughts on this in the comments, I’d love to hear from you. 👇🏼✨

The latest (and possibly greatest) IG update you NEED to know about! SWIPE! ➡️Part of my job as a SMM is to stay up to d...

The latest (and possibly greatest) IG update you NEED to know about! SWIPE! ➡️

Part of my job as a SMM is to stay up to date with industry news, platform updates & changes, as well as new features.

It’s important to know how new things are going to affect my clients and our overall experience on this app.

It’s also important to know when it’s time to shift your strategy!

So swipe through for the scoop on this one and let me know if you have this feature yet in the comments! 💛

We ALL have something special that we bring to the world… 🌎We all have amazing thoughts and ideas, a powerful message, a...

We ALL have something special that we bring to the world… 🌎

We all have amazing thoughts and ideas, a powerful message, and a bright light to be shared with the world.

But many of us struggle with the sharing part. 🫠

I see so many entrepreneurs with a unique perspective and a strong message, they just get stuck in the delivery of their message.

We are so blessed to live in a world where it is easier than ever before to spread our message to the masses. ✨

I see social media as a powerful place to amplify your message, shine your light, and build a community.

This happens by being intentional and strategic with what/how you share.⚡️

But before you share, you have to get your ideas out of your head and into content.

This is where I truly help my clients thrive. ✨

Your message deserves to be shared, you just need to know how to deliver it. 💛

Swipe ➡️ for a life-lesson from nature and how it relates to social media. 💛🌱Share if you needed to hear this today. 🫶  ...

Swipe ➡️ for a life-lesson from nature and how it relates to social media. 💛🌱

Share if you needed to hear this today. 🫶

Swipe for a life-lesson from nature and how it relates to social media. 💛🌱Share if you needed to hear this today. 🫶     ...

Swipe for a life-lesson from nature and how it relates to social media. 💛🌱

Share if you needed to hear this today. 🫶

One of the biggest problems I see with social media. 👇🏼People think they have a strategy, when there's really nothing st...

One of the biggest problems I see with social media. 👇🏼

People think they have a strategy, when there's really nothing strategic about what they're doing...

Hate to break it to ya, but the number of times you post per week is NOT your strategy.

Neither is what type of content you post...

OR what CTA's you're using... 👀

Hear me out on this one! ⤵️

These are all PARTS of your strategy. Pieces of the puzzle that make a bigger picture.

A true strategy should always start and end with your goals.

Both personal and business. And the reason why I say personal goals too is because at the end of the day, you are a human being, and being an entrepreneur on social media has an effect on you as a person.

What makes all of the puzzle pieces fit into your strategy is HOW you will use them to reach your goals. 📈

Here's what you need to get. clear on... What are your goals and how will you reach them? THAT is the beginning of a good strategy. ✨ Then you can look at: 👇🏼

How many times a week will you post to help you reach your goals?
What type of content should you be sharing that will help you reach your goals?
What CTA's will you use to reach your goals?

You get the point...

So, is it time for you to revisit your strategy? Start with your goals. 💛

Storytime ⤵️Before I became a Social Media Manager I was working in management for a PetSmart store.I was in the positio...

Storytime ⤵️

Before I became a Social Media Manager I was working in management for a PetSmart store.

I was in the position I always wanted to be in and had worked my way up their corporate ladder for the previous three years.

I was in charge of all of our merchandise, inventory, signage, processing/handling trucks and product, and a whole lot of other BS. Because I dealt with our merch. And inventory, the numbers fell back on me.

I was also managing employees, dealing with a lot of customers, as well as vendors and other leadership. The pandemic had also set in, and s**t really hit the fan. I was still working full-time because I was in management and then came on ALL the supply chain issues and a million other things.

I liked my job, but it was hard work. I had terrible leadership above me, and that is what pushed me to leave.

Now that you know a bit of the backstory, these are three things I learned during that time that have shaped me into the SMM that I am. 👇🏼

1️⃣ Not everyone is going to believe in what you have to offer. I won’t even get into some of the things that I tried to convince customers about lol. What matters is that YOU believe in what you are offering and can back up your beliefs with experience or reasoning.

2️⃣ Don’t get caught up in the numbers. Having to look at our numbers day in and day out during my time in that position taught me that numbers are truly only part of the story. What’s bigger than the numbers is the reason behind them. The numbers are just details that we don’t need to get bogged down by.

3️⃣ And lastly, through ALLLLL of my interactions with people whether they were customers, employees, or leadership, (trust me, there were some crazy experiences) the things that were ALWAYS appreciated were honesty, authenticity, and being a genuine human being. Here’s the thing with this: What can we all build connections over? OUR EXPERIENCES. We just have to be honest, authentic, and genuine about the way we connect.

So here’s a prompt for you to take away from this: 👇🏼

How has your lived experience shaped the way that you show up in your business?

Drop a 💛 in the comments if any of this resonates.


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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00


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