GUIT TV A forum for sharing information and interaction. A place for fun

Guit forum for which the upcoming sons and daughters of Guit can share their experiences and opinions and view the situation at hand and find solutions for their beloved county

The coming together of Jikany Political leaders,church leaders as well as Generals in the army and police, to discuss pa...

The coming together of Jikany Political leaders,church leaders as well as Generals in the army and police, to discuss partinent issues facing jikany for years, is a crucial step toward finding a lasting solution to the killing of intellectuals in the greater Jikany Community.

A big thank you goes to H.E Gen Taban Deng G*i,for listening to the cries of Jikany people ,that has been going on for years.With his contributions I believe real solution will be found and achieved eventually.

I also extend my sincere gratitude to the players who are behind this innitiative to happened,,you shall be remembered as our heroes for stepping up to end this cronic random killing of intellectuals in our community.

Lastly,I want to thanks each and every person who took part in the meeting,this itself is a clear indications that you are for the goodness of our welfare as a community.
As Youths from jikany we shall always stand tall and support this lives saving innitiative with all our hearts and effort ,because at the end we are the real victims of this propensity for killing.


It's good to be back to the limelight!... Guit TV wants to urge the fellow guit chauvinists that their vote counts! Leadership is not like taxes which disregards quid pro quo..leadership should be conversant with service delivery and competent management of public my fellow guit county patriots, let us elect leaders who will wisely take care of our goats and not whose thick coats their ever grinning wolves faces are hidden ready to draw blood from it's own kind. Our two sons are legible candidates, and we believe in their manifestos and also in executing their obligations and duties unapologetically! Remember, the leaders we elect today will be the same leaders who will advice our community tomorrow. Feed the crocodile today hoping that come tomorrow it will eat you last!..Whoever wins will be celebrated but his legacy will be written based on the services he has rendered! The one who concedes will be celebrated as an icon of the community! Vote wisely and freely my fellow Guit breathrens, we want accountability and prudence to guide our leaders and whoever takes the wheel will embrace those two principles at heart for the betterment of this great community! Peace be upon all the voters and greatness upon the electoral committee to see this election through.


The Sudd Swamp in South Sudan

The Sudd is a vast swamp formed by the White Nile’s Bahr-al Jaba section in South Sudan. This is one of the largest wetland areas in the world and the biggest freshwater wetland in the Nile basin.

From the southern inflow of the Bahr al Jabal at Mongalla, the riverbed successively widens and become a floodplain caracterized in the dry season by meandering rivers, channels and lagoons. In the wet season, the increase inflow of water expands the floodplain to include semi-flooded grasslands.

The hydrology of the Sudd is complex, with various meandering channels, lagoons, reed fields and papyrus fields. In the permanent and seasonal floodplains, roughly half of the inflowing water is lost of evapotranspiration (evaporation + plant transpiration). The Sudd plays an important role in capturing sediments from the Bahr al Jabal river.

On 5 June 2006, 57,000 square kilometre of the Sudd was designated as a Ramsar Wetland in accordance with the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat.

Where is the Sudd?
The Sudd stretches from central South Sudan up to the northern border of the country.


The size of the Sudd is highly variable. During the wet season, it can extend to over 130,000 square kilometres, causing 13% of South Sudan to be covered by the Sudd.

The main factor impacting the size of the Sudd is how much water Lake Victoria discharges. The Sudd itself recieves around 55-65 cm of rainfall per year on average, which is actually less than for neighbouring areas at the same latitude. This is partly due to orographic lifting to the east and west of the Sudd. It should also be noted that as far as we know, groundwater does not have a significant influence on the area’s hydrology.

The civil wars have largely hampered domestic and international conservation efforts. Also, the conflict has led to rifles and other similar weapons becoming widespread in the region, which in turn has encouraged wildlife poaching using modern weapons.

There are three game reserves in the Sudd:

Zeraf Island Reserve
Shambe Reserve
Mongalla Game Reserve
The people
The Sudd is utilized by Dinka, Nuer and Shilluk pastoralists. These rural populations are heavily dependend on being able to let their livestock feed on the seasonally flooded grasslands. They also practise rain-fed agriculture.

The Sudd – a natural barrier
the sudd

Historically, the Sudd has served as an almost impenetrable barrier to navigation on the Nile, since the thick vegetation makes it more or less impossible for boats to push through the swamp. There are for instance reports from 61 AD, telling us how Roman soldiers sent out by Emperor Nero traveled along the White Nile but had to give up at the Sudd since they could get no further. Thus, the Sudd became the limit for the Roman Empire’s pe*******on of equatorial Africa.

Much later, European explorers trying to locate the source of the River Nile encountered the same problem as the Romans – the Sudd put a stopp to their boats and they were forced to either return or engage in much more dangerous and difficult overland travel.

During years of increased flooding, large amounts of papyrus can be torn up with their roots and drift, eventually causing manjor blockages in the Sudd.

The Sudd is also renoved for its unpredictable an non-permanent floating “islands” formed by matted vegetation in various stages of decomposition. Some of the largest ones ever meassured extended for 30 km in lenght.

People trying to move through the Sudd also need to handle large populations of mosquitoes and parasites, of which many aren’t just a problem in themselves but also vectors of diseases.

The plant life throughout the Sudd varies depending on factors such as elevation above the river flood level, and is broadly divided into five categories:

The vegatation of the river and lakes
The floating swamp plants
The plants that grow on river-flooded grasslands
The plants that grow on rain-flooded grasslands
The wooded grasslands on the fringes of the Sudd
The characteristics of the grasslands changes dramatically depending on the availability of water. The rainy season brings tall grass, while short and dry grass dominates the land during the dry season. During the dry season, grass fires are common.

Examples of common plant species in the Sudd
Cyperus papyrus
Echinochloa pyramidalis
Echinochloa stagnina
Oryza barthii
Phragmites communis
Vossia cuspidata
Typha domingensis
The animals
bird suddThe Sudd is a highly biodiverse area, and a lot of migratory animals rely on it to find water since the surrounding areas tend to be very dry.

The Sudd is especially famous for its large populations of migratory birds. Over 400 bird species have been spotted here. You can for instance encounter black crowned cranes, great white pelicans and shoebill birds here.

Hippopotamus enjoy the shallower parts of the swamp, and so does the crocodiles.

Many antelope species are found in the Sudd, such as reedbuck, tiang, Nile lechwe and white-eared kob. There are an estimated population of 1.2 million white-eared kob in the Sudd, making it the largest population of this species anywhere in the world.

Historically, the African painted dog (Lycaon pictus) lived in upland areas of the Sudd, but these dogs are now extinct in this region.

Soils of the Sudd
The Sudd area typically have heavy clay soils which are highly impermeable and features a top layers of so called “black cotton” vertisol. On average, this top layer extends for 50 cm.

Sandy soils do exist here, but only at depts of 30 metres or more. (They have been discovered when wells have been drilled.)

The Jonglei diversion canal
The Jonglei Canal is a canal project that was started but never completed. The aim was to create a canal to make more water reach the areas downstream in Sudan and Egypt, where it would be used for agriculture. Without the canal, roughly half of the water that enters the Sudd doesn’t reach the downstream areas since it evaporates or is transpirated through plants.

Work on the canal was started in 1978 but stopped in 1983/1984 due to the outbreak of the Second Sudanese Civil War in 1983. When the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) brought the digging to a firm halt in 1984, 240 km (out of the planned 360 km) of the canal had been excavated.

The Second Sudanese Civil War ended in 2005 but the canal project has not been resumed. In 2008, Sudan and Egypt agreed to restart the project, but the independence of South Sudan in 2011 ended the Sudanese Government’s involvment in the project. There is currently no agreement on resuming excavations, which is unsurprising since the boost in agriculture downstream would benefit Egypt and not South Sudan. Concerns have also been raised about damange to fisheries, drying of grazing lands, drop of groundwater levels, and reduction of rainfall in the region. There would also be an increased risk of flooding downstream during unusually heavy rainy seasons.

The draining of the Aral Sea and the drying of Lake Chad serve as warning examples. .

The first detailed proposal for the canal was created in 1907 by Sir William Garstin, Undersecretary of State of Public Works. According to his calculations, a canal would increase the area of cultivatable land in Egypt by two million acres.

In the 1930s, hydrogeologists suggested that a canal should be constructed east of the Sudd to divert water from the Bahr al Jabal (before it reaches the Sudd) and empty this water in to the White Nile further down.

Plans for the project were developed during the second half of the 1950s, but actual construction work did not commence until 1978.

About The Sudd Swamp in South Sudan


Press statement.

1. The Bank of South Sudan's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) convened
an extraordinary meeting chaired by the Governor Hon. Dier Tong Ngor on Thursday November 6th 2020. The meeting was held on the backdrop of the rapid depreciation of the SSP and high inflation. The meeting suggested ways to calm the market, using available monetary policy tools.
2. The MPC noted that the economy is severely battered by shocks brought about by COVID-19 pandemic, low oil prices, which led to considerable fiscal imbalances and constrained financial system performance, particularly the banking sector.
3. In light of the above, the MPC resolved to tighten monetary policy stance to mop the excess liquidity from direct borrowing from the Central Bank.
4. In this regard, the MPC resolved the following:
a. Raised the Central Bank Rate (CBR) to 15%
b. Increase the Reserve Requirement Ratio (RRR) to 20%
c. Increase the cash reserve ratio to 20%
d. The Central Bank will urgently introduce its own bills as a toll of liquidity management mechanism.
e. Bank will step up its supervisory role by continuously monitoring the cash in-vault of commercial banks.

Dier Tong Ngor
Bank of South Sudan




I am a Nuer and I am not your enemy.

By Nyakolon Angelina

I am Nuer, a blood sister to a Dinka. My brothers and sisters are Dinka and I would defend them with my life and they do the same for me because love matters above all.

I am a Nuer and I am not your enemy, your enemy is that leader that places a gun in your child's hands. Sends them to war to die while their children are abroad studying and one day they will take over the rule of South Sudan from their parents.

I am a Nuer and I am not your enemy, your enemy is the Minister of finance that brings every year budget but had never set funds to support those children whose fathers died in the fight for referendum. The children of the heros are the ones in refugees camp suffering.

I am a Nuer and I not your enemy, your enemy is that leader who preaches hate instead of trying to unite his people. He wants you to have an idea of an enemy that doesn't exist because he is trying to protect his interest while he uses you as the sacrificial lamb.

I am a Nuer and I am not your enemy, your true enemy is that leader who wouldn't allow you to enjoy the land that your father died for. Your father died so that you can live free and not be a second class citizen. Your enemy wants your life to end young like your father's but it's not right.

I am a Nuer and I am not your enemy, your enemy is that leader that has failed to place your interest first. He looks out for himself and doesn't care about what you want. For example medical care, education, security, etc.

I am a Nuer and I am not your enemy, your true enemy is that uncle that gives your sister for marriage at an infant age for the sake of bride price.

I am a Nuer and I am not your enemy, your enemy is the leader who uses your country's money to invest in guns instead of developing the country.

I am a Nuer and I am not your enemy, your enemy is that leader who convinces your children to for fight blindly because he doesn't give them a clear motive to fight or an option.
More coming I not ur enemy.

These are the kinds of youth upliftments we need in our state ....thanks SPOC

These are the kinds of youth upliftments we need in our state ....thanks SPOC

JUBA – At least 418 students from five counties in oil rich Unity State have been offered university sponsorship by the Sudd Petroleum Operating Company. The company would pay their tuition f…

So inspiring

So inspiring

This is how the professionals get trapped into SISI - Single Income, Single Identity A "mouse" was put at the top of a jar filled with grains He was too happy to find so much of food around him. Now he doesn't need to run around searching for food and can happily live his life.

As he enjoyed the grains, in few days time, he reached the bottom of the jar. Now he is trapped and he cannot come out of. He has to solely depend on someone to put grains in the same jar for him to survive. He may even not get the grain of his choice and he cannot choose either. If he has to live, he has to feed on whatever has been put into the jar.

Here are my top 4 lessons from this:
1) Short term pleasures can lead to long-term traps
2) If things are coming easy and you are getting comfortable, you are getting trapped into survival mode
3) When you are not using your potential, you are losing it
4) If you don't take right Action at right time, you will finish what you have and will be in no position to come out.
Credit: Yes to Wealth

They have done it again and they will continue to do the same without hesitation,it's now the right time to showcase our...

They have done it again and they will continue to do the same without hesitation,it's now the right time to showcase our inner circle can they leave out the HOST community for sure! I urge all Guit sons and daughters to step up as this issue has reached our boiling point!

Heroes and Heroines of Unity State

Heroes and Heroines of Unity State

Know your martyrs!
Unity State heroes and heroines in Anya one (1955-1972) led by late:

1. Lt. General Vincent Kuany Latjor( Known as Kuany Tutjiok Raan)- the founder of Anya Anya Two and Bilpham Military Training Centre
2. Paulino Matip Nhial Nyak the former Chairman of South Sudan Defence Forces before Juba Declaration Agreement in 2006, the First Lt General and Deputy Chairman South Sudan Army( SPLA) from (2006_2012)
3. Dr. Gattiel Machar Teny Dhurgon the big politician and Dr Machar’s younger brother who got killed in 1984 by Khartoum Nimeiri‘s brutal regime.
4. Charles Kuot Chatim the first Commissioner of Unity Province in 1984
5. Molana Lewis Lambah of SPLA
6. Banak Riek D**g Ruei the senior politician and Field Officer of Anya Anya One
7. John Wicyuak Tour Senior Field Officer of Anya Anya One
8. Utaz Paul Bol Ruac Jang the politician
9. Father Thomas Kume Kan the politician
10. Father Wathkak Dador the politician
11. Comrade Daniel Wuor Dador of SPLA
12. Commander James Koang Ruac Gatluak of SPLA
13. Commander Thoara Gatkhuor of SPLA
14. Commander Koang Tut Doh (known as Young Commander of SPLA)
15. Commander Makuol Ruot Nuan of SPLA
16. Commander Paul Thong Ruac of SPLA
17. Commander Malith Koang Rialthin
18. Commander Peter Gatkuoth Choul Makuac (Maraic) of SPLA
19. Commander Dhoor D**g (Ox’s name Dhor Reangnyang)
20. Commander Mathew Khor Gatluak of SPLA
21. Commander Khor Puok Wechkai Lueng
22. Commander Gaatcham Duop
23. Commander Goah Mathiang Kuanyyow
24. Commander Peter Nyiir Gatluak Lony
25. Commander Magay Karac G*i
26. General Philip Bipan Machar of SPLA
27. Commander Mayiel Thank Tuil of SPLA
28. Commander Gatluak G*i Gatwech Kuai
29. Commander Dhiel Changas Gaw
30. Commander Kolchara Nyang
31. Lt Major Shay Nyirbang Deng
32. Major James Chany Rer Dak of SPLA
33. Major Lok Liah Wal of SPLA
34. Paul Luth Tai (known as Young Politician of SPLA/M)
35. Captain Bol Nyawan of SPLA
36. Captain Makew Kueth Geer
37. Captain Diu Chuol Chang Kuony my cousin
38. Lt. Faustino Puok Majiok Bakam
39. Lt. Major John Jal Bidoi Kuac (known as African One) of SPLA
40. Lewis Keah Madut former Minister of Engineering and Housing in Unity State
41. Engineering Gattiel Kujiek Mut
42. Ist Lt Kuac Gatwech Pan SPLA Officer
43. Khom Gatkuoth Banak SPLA Officer
44. Captain Char Makuei Ruei
45. Major Marco Khan Ruot
46. Bahtei Wargak Peet of SPLA
47. Luany Bipal Ruac Nen of SPLA
48. Captain Maliny Khaway
49. Ist Lt Liah Manyuon Liah of SPLA’
50. Ist Lt Gatluok Riir of SPLA
51. Captain Guek Guek Koang Chiliny of SPLA
52. Lt Gatluok Latjor Madeang Kier’
53. Captain Yiey Malual Dak of SPLA
54. Major Gatdor Biel Biliew
55. Captain Paul Gatyiel Pouk Balang Kueth
56. Major Isaac Tap Shang ( Cuba Trainee) my brother
57. Chuol Ruei Ging of Any Anya One
58. Liah Nyaloy of Anya Anya one
59. Captain Kuony Tuel Kuet of SPLA
60. Paljor Wicyuak
61. Nurse Chop Jal Madeang Kier
62. Major Duai Tai Tai of Anya Anya Two
63. Rev Jeremiah Pan Madeang Kier the second Pastor after Moses Kuac Nyoat among the Nuer who translated Bible into Nuer in 1963.
64. Moderator of Presbyterian Church Rev. John Gatluok Chuol Kuong
65. Rev William Gatjuong Lam Wial of SPLA New Sudan Council of Churches.
66. Joseph Pal Mut Khuon the Catechist of New Sudan Catholic Churches in Leer
67. Mary Chol Mai Geer Women Representative in Unity State who got killed by SAF
68. Gatkek Jiek known as Kuel Jiek ( killed by Anglo_ Egyptian Forces)
69. Paramount Chief Chath Hook Bang, Buom Diu,Riek D**g Ruei Koch and Tap Liep Ruot of Dok Nuer
70. Paramount Chief Malual Wuon Kuoth, Danhier Gatluak Nyak and Ruei Kuong of Nyuong Nuer
71. Paramount Chief Kulang Ket,Kong Kuol Kulang and Magei R**t of Jagei Nuer
72. Paramount Chief Chol Geah , Monytuil Wicjang and Luk Gatluak of Bul Nuer
73. Paramount Chief Yarkew Juol , Kerlual Nyinyar and Deng Jaak of Leek Nuer
74. Paramount Chief Gatkek Lop of W.Jikany Nuer
75. Paramount Chief Chuol Nyakuiny ,G*i Jal and Gatluok Dak of Haak Naath Nuer
76. Paramount Chief Makuei Bil Kuei and Jaw Jill of Panarur Dinka

Plus uncountable officers and non-commissioned officers of SPLA, Anya Anya One, Two and beyond who died for our liberty, equality and dignity.

Therefore, my fellow South Sudanese, Unity State siblings, dads and mums, I have listed the above late comrades because they left their beloved families and fully participated in South Sudan national struggles since SPLA/M, Anya Anya One, two and beyond. Hence, we shall not mind whether they met their deaths from hands of siblings, friends, and comrades or from the hands of our main enemies of tyrant successive Khartoum clique regimes.

Hence, we have to protect their legacy and sacrifices whereby we have to remember their martyrdoms, efforts, struggles, sufferings and hardships by wandered in bushes for 17 years in Anya Anya One (1955_1972) and 21 years during SPLA/M (1983_2005) and beyond (1821_1955) equally my Country fellows and state’s mates.

This act is what Guit sons and daughters are uncalling for ...

This act is what Guit sons and daughters are uncalling for ...

If greater Maluth civil society organization can do it then we greater Guit people can do it....let's have one Accord an...

If greater Maluth civil society organization can do it then we greater Guit people can do it....let's have one Accord and fight for what is ours

and full representation in the GPOC
of the claims of ownership of Manga port by neighbouring community (Parieng)

Slogan of the year!

Slogan of the year!

Happy Independence day  to this greatNation

Happy Independence day to this great



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