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Azimio la Umoja Think Tank TheReporter is a one stop destination for trending and viral news,stories and entertainment, with a

TheReporter is a one stop destination for trending and viral news,stories and entertainment, with a voice that’s respectfully aware–and completely selective.


Visa-Free Countries For Kenyan Passport HoldersAs of January 2024, Kenyan passport holders can travel visa-free to 44 countries


I hate it that during my generation, I had to witness these clowns as Kenyan "leaders".
1) Daniel Moi
2) Mulu Mutisya
3) Kihika Kimani
4) Mike Sonko
5) Gachagua
6) Ruto
7) Aisha Jumwa
😎 Waiguru
9) Waititu
10) Oscar Sudi
11) Malala

Ati we'll be like Singapore by 2030😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈😭😭


Not talking too much this year. If you say blue is white, you win 🙏🏾


*Chak achaka nyathina*

_*By: Dr Okinyi Nyawade*_

Just after I received my fee structure from Moi University for my PhD totalling 850,000 in 2012 I met my dad, Charles at cooperative bank in Homa Bay. I explained to him that I had the admission letter and he smiled. I told him however, _"Baba there is a problem, they need 850,000"_ He held my hands then slowly but reassuringly said, _"nyathina chak achaka_"

To ensure his point went home he got into his account and gave me 14000 in an account that had 20,000. I was touched. I added 16000. I paid 30,000 to the account and my journey to PhD began.

Today having reached the dream I remembered the words of my father. In everything you do always remember *chak achaka.* Just begin no matter how difficult it seems to be. It appeared to be difficult but as time lapsed I realised dad was right. At some point after my defence I gave up. I still had a solid 300000 to pay, they won't give me chance for final defence. Then came a very unlikely help. I had supported a gentleman to undertake a project evaluation two times in the year. I received his call cautiously asking me to meet him. He was carrying a brown envelop in his hand. He began:

_"Benson you will forgive me if you find my action inappropriate. For two consecutive times you have given me a job without asking a cent. This is very unusual with many people. I did not know how to approach you but am deep with gratitude. Please accept my small gift."_

I quickly peered into the envelope and saw they were two bundles likely in hundreds. He confirmed that it was 200,000. I told him, _"I have helped so many people, many known to me, some were my school mates who never returned a cent. God bless you. Please don't give it to me. Pay it straight to the university account."_

I couldn't believe it. The words of my father Nyathina chak achaka rung on my head with familiarity. Don't worry how it will end, chak achaka. If you are building a house, chak achaka. If you are planning to buy land, chak achaka. If you want continue your education, chak achaka. If you want pay dowry, chak achaka. Nothing is powerful as this word my people. We just need to begin.

I have revised this philosophy. Whenever someone is doing something I always encourage them, tem atema. When things get thick I always say, wuoth awuotha. When things are intimidating, cha achaya. Let's keep trying my brothers. Don't give up in life just because it looks insurmountable. Do not be defeated before you begin. Whatever looks like a mountain soon becomes an anthill only if you begin.

Not long ago someone asked me, "Bennie to koro dorm midwaro ni wager Mbita ni wabonyale?" My answer, "wachak achaka" I believe in the power of starting. No one loses a race until they respond to the start gun and begin. The secret lies in beginning. Overtime God has seen me through a number of projects because of this philosophy. I have land parcels that I acquired by simply paying 5,000. Overtime these have become thousands. Many a time I can't even tell how I managed the big sum that is their value.

I persuade you this morning never to allow yourself to be threatened by the size of your problems. Begin in a small way doing something about it. If it is lack of money do a small thing to get something for yourself. If it is marital issues look for a small way to solve it. In whatever you face, chak achaka. Even those with big debts can do something about it, chak achaka and it will shrink each day.

I am not a millionaire but one time I wanted to have a feeling of being one. I drew a plan of how to hold a million in my account at least for few days. After few months of chako I discovered it was possible. A year and half later of savings I got my first ever million. Even though I scattered it later into investment and expenses, it felt so good. Wachakuru achaka my people. Let's ignore naysayers and doom predictors that opine Luos can't invest. Wachakuru achaka nyithindwa.

Have a Good Morning"

Top 10 Most Handsome Tribes in Kenya:

Top 10 Most Handsome Tribes in Kenya:

the Luhya, Kisii, Taita, Kikuyu, Luo, and Kamba neighborhoods topped the list of the Top 10 Handsome Tribes In Kenya.


The move to privatize Kenya Power is cooking pretty well. The sabotage at KPLC seems to be very calculated and geared towards privatization with the claim that it will make service delivery better. This is a long game being played. JKIA & nationwide blackouts can’t be accidents.


In crony capitalism society, how far you rise in life depends on who you know rather than what you know. The country's intellectual top cream falls to the bottom and rubbish rises to the top.

You end up with a dysfunctional society where effort and reward are poorly matched. In the end, many people give up hard work and settle for mediocrity and dishonest means to earn a living.

Obviously, such crooked livelihoods aren't sustainable. So eventually the economy collapses and the country sinks. This explains the economic stagnation we have been going through. We need to revert to a meritorious system of running the country before it is too late.


Those attending maandamano and public holidays celebrations hosted by the government got something in common. They're jobless, they're hungry, they're idle! That's the ticking bomb for your government!
When a president is excited to address a full parked stadium during working days he should know he's basically celebrating unemployment na piia anajipiga ngumi!! You don't expect employed guys to participate in those two those employed include Railas kids, Rutos , Uhurus ,musalias and other kenyans. I support maandamano! An hungry man ..


Taxpayers to raise Ksh 5 billion monthly on salaries, allowances and other emoluments for the unnecessary 50 CAS posts created by Ruto.

Taxes must go up to fund the bloated executive.

There will be no subsidies to cushion the poor.

Who is sabotaging the economy now?



I recently dusted off the TV decoder to watch a world cup match. I haven't been watching local TV stations for some years now. Flipping through the channels, I was surprised at the large number of religious TV stations.

There are too many predators preying on the pain Kenyans are going through due to a dysfunctional economy and bad governance. There must be a way to protect the vulnerable from these channels.

The biblepreneurs selling false hope to desperate Kenyans are the vilest of all human creatures. Why take advantage of people's suffering to enrich yourself?

In times of despair, religion becomes a refuge for many. It is inconceivable that such can be commercialised to this extent. The only other thing rivaling this commercialisation of pain is the betting by media houses.

The other day our early morning peace and tranquility was disrupted by loudspeakers announcing an end of year meeting to be presided over by Dr. Owuor. The announcer claimed that the prophet will heal all the diseases under the sun. I know this sounds hyperbolic but those were her exact words.

How can such deception be propagated so openly? Have we become a banana republic? The announcer asked for all the sick to be taken to the rally. Isn't this a public health risk? People with HIV have attended such meetings. Gotten prayed and stopped taking medicine believing they have been healed only to end up dying.

I know some will be tempted to defend these crooks. However, doing so will not advance the cause of your faith or religion. A few decades from today there will be more nonbelievers than believers in this country. Houses of worship will turn into museums. These kind of lies are the fastest way to kill religion.



Some of these young people who engage us online can leave you shocked by their naivety. I saw one talking about how people should buy Safaricom shares because they company's profit will always be rising.

I cautioned him about the coming economic crisis and the fact that no company will be left unscathed. He told me that economic crises are always short term and cyclical. He reminded me of the great depression and the great recession.

Things changed when I asked him about how long the economic crisis has been in Zimbabwe, Venezuela and Greece.

There are many people who think we are clueless or dramatic when we warn about the coming days. What they should know is that no country can escape economic ruin after sustaining the kind of budget deficit we have had over the last 7 years.

Instead of arguing with us you should be putting your house in order. Just as we expect the sun to rise tomorrow, winter is surely coming. It is no longer a question of if but when. That when will be evident soon.


Hawana Clue

Immense growth has been witnessed on the outskirts of Kisumu City, with many real estates, businesses, investors and hom...

Immense growth has been witnessed on the outskirts of Kisumu City, with many real estates, businesses, investors and homeowners are now sprouting in Nyamasaria which has provided a viable spot for all types of businesses and developments. The population is as well overwhelming.

Nyamasaria is strategically situated along Kisumu Nairobi Highway within close proximity of Kasule in Kolwa, south of Manyatta in Kisumu East and few kilometers from CBD.

It's fast growing might surpass any other town in the County with droves of Kisumu's most embraced clubs like Blackpearl Grill & Lounge, M-City Bar and Restaurant, Double M, Railways Bar etc, SMEs, Hotels, Hospitals, Supermarkets, Motels, a bread factory and many more. The police posts and well lit streets have come a long way in fostering security within the area.

The presence of Gusii community is heavily felt in the line of business as they are well-known for their enterprising nature and their ease fusion with other communities. This assimilation maintains Kisumu’s cosmopolitan prowess accommodating various international and national communities.

The transport sector has not been left behind; the tuk tuk, bodaboda and amongst other PSVs have booking offices in the area, a clear indication of booming business and growth in Nyamasaria.

Next KingPin

Next KingPin

FREEMASONRY IN KENYA It might seem hard to believe now, but many of Nairobi’s first builders were Freemasons. In fact, A...


It might seem hard to believe now, but many of Nairobi’s first builders were Freemasons. In fact, All Saints Cathedral was built by FreeMasons.

A devil worship hysteria swept the country in the 1990s. The result of this hysteria was the Devil Worship Commission of 1994. The report was never released. But it leaked. The Masons were mentioned in the report.

The Masons, being even more secretive than others named in the list, and more powerful and connected, quickly became the enemy of the church, and by extension the people.

The Freemasons soon became equivalent with devil worship in Kenya.

The first people to try start a Masonic Lodge in Nairobi were the men who built the railway.

The first Lodge was part of a building called The White House, owned by T.A Wood somewhere on Moi Avenue-then called Station Road (most likely on the junction with Biashara Street). Wood was a jack of all trades and a future mayor of Nairobi-It is for him that Wood Avenue in Kilimani is named.

The White House Lodge was burnt down as part of measures against the plague in 1905. But another one was quickly built, this time further downtown, on the very spot that Central Bank is today. That was the Lodge that survived until the much grander, more serene one we know today.

After independence (perhaps even before), several black elites were invited to the organization. All of them were practicing believers of a faith; the most basic requirement other than gender is that one must believe in a deity.

In the hysteria of the early 2000s, some churches took out ads in the papers against the Masons, and declared public war. In 2004, there was a public split in the PCEA’s main church St. Andrews, over symbols in the building that matched those of the Freemasons.

The antiMasonic side had already removed stained glass and metal grills from the building. The church was begun by Scottish missionaries. Freemasonry in Scotland is thought to be the oldest in the world.

When the report was finally leaked in 1999, one could see why its nonsensical work never amounted to anything. It demonized anything the church didn’t sponsor or agree with. That included Mormons, art, matatu culture, and of course the Freemasons. The Mormons were founded by a Mason, and feature several similarities in symbols and rituals with each other.

The Freemasons have been a particular target because they include the rich and powerful. They were accused of praying in the dark while n**e, eating human flesh and drinking human blood, and walking backwards while in the temple. The commission report advised that they ‘are usually wealthy and prominent people who drive expensive cars.

Women will eat your money and finish you completely with s*x. Later you return to your home neked....

Women will eat your money and finish you completely with s*x. Later you return to your home neked....


The ODM nominees for the East African Legislative Assembly will shock you more than the results of the last elections!

"2027 I Will not run for any political office. I will officially retire from politics." ~ Senator Moses Kajwang...

"2027 I Will not run for any political office. I will officially retire from politics." ~ Senator Moses Kajwang...



Bad move!

Bad move!

Nyawawa Masonic

Nyawawa Masonic

Hapo sasa

Hapo sasa

JUST IN Man Whose Wife Died Weeks Ago Chasing "Side-Chick" Has Finally Died.Sonnie Bassey has been on coma due to shock ...


Man Whose Wife Died Weeks Ago Chasing "Side-Chick" Has Finally Died.

Sonnie Bassey has been on coma due to shock having lost his wife in fatal accident while she was chasing him and his mistress.

Sonnie finally lost the battle and he has finally gone to meet his late wife leaving behind their children.



KEnya today!!

KEnya today!!


Never make your ego so big that you can't ask for help.

wahPhotos: 6 expensive things owned by DP Ruto

Photos: 6 expensive things owned by DP Ruto

owned by DP Ruto-Photos: 6 Expensive Things Owned By Dp Ruto William Ruto has an estimated net worth of $450 million. Net Worth: $450 Million


There’s this fallacy. An illusion, smoke and mirrors. An illusion that in December 1963, Kenya became an independent and sovereign state. If you believe in this fallacy, let me give you one simple example and disabuse you of the belief that we’re independent and how much we’re still shackled by the power of slavery and colonialism that we still don’t realise that we collectively suffer from Post Traumatic Slave Disorder.

You might struggle to know who Agnes Wanjiru was. She was a 21 year old mother based in Nanyuki who was s*xually assaulted and murdered by a white British Army soldier who was based at the British Army camp in Nanyuki at the time of her murder. After murdering her, he dumped her body in the septic tank of the lodging in Nanyuki.

Her murderer even bragged about what he did on Facebook and his own colleagues were so disgusted, they offered to testify against him in court as evidence of his murder. Mind you, many of them had already given their evidence to the UK Military Police and their superiors in Nanyuki. The murderer is now in the UK living large and continuing on with his life.

The UK media have gone out of their way to protect the name of this murderer, calling him Soldier X, while at the same time going out of their way to name the Kenyan victim and explain that Agnes was a pr******te. Kenya has made very tepid and feeble attempts to try and get justice for Agnes Wanjiru and all the way, the UK establishment, led by their High Commissioner in Kenya Jane Marriott have run some serious interference. They even insisted that if an investigation was going to happen, the UK Police and UK Military Police have to lead the investigation and one or two investigators from Kenya can join in. Agnes’s murderer is still walking the streets as a free man in the UK.

Flip the script. Kenyan Chief Magistrate Wendy Kagendo has order the DPP to extradite Anthony Kamau, a Kenyan who lived in the UK and fled to Kenya after being charged as a pa******le for multiple s*xual offences against under age girls. Guess what happened. The State Prosecutor Catherine mwaniki and the DCI went out of their way to hunt down Kamau and make him available for extradition to the Uk to face charges of s*xual assault and statutory r**e. The white man had called and demanded their pound of flesh.

In fact, the Kenyan authorities were running around like headless chickens doing everything they could to serve their white masters. Mwaniki even told the court that Kamau was being held under the same conditions that he would have been held in the UK as they awaited Uk authorities to come and collect him and extradite him to the UK.

Mwaniki was proud to mention that “Kamau is being treated well. He has a mattress and a blanket and is being fed 4 square meals a day as expected by UK authorities”. I nearly hid behind my sofa in embarrassment hoping that I wouldn’t read that the fella was getting KFC take outs or Java coffee as part of his 4 squares.

It makes you wonder, do Kenyan prisoners on remand – including those charged with s*x crimes against children - sleep on concrete floors without a blanket? What do they eat? Oh wait, of course they do sleep on the concrete floor and s**t in a bucket that they probably once in a while swop with the bucket that is used to provide them with very dodgy food while in custody. But no, this guy was going to the Uk and they had to satisfy the demands from the colonial master that their prisoner slept on a clean dry mattress, wasn’t cold and ate 4 squares a day.

I’m just saying, if I was the President – 1. Absolutely no way Anthony Kamau would be extradited to the UK. We will prosecute the bastard at home and jail him for life if convicted. Paedophiles have no place in society and should be castrated, locked up and the keys thrown away. As a sovereign state – if we were ever one at all – this is our job.

2. If the British wanted Anthony Kamau and applied pressure, absolutely no way he gets on a plane to the UK without the white murderer of Agnes Wanjiru being sent to Kenya accompanied by the G4S guards (of course they sub-contract their dirty work) being sent to collect the Kenyan pa******le. Give me my white murderer, I’ll give you my Kenyan pa******le.

It’s really sick to see how the government is bending over backwards to please the British establishment and don’t have the guts to demand their own pound of flesh. Agnes and her family deserve justice. Until then, that Kenyan pa******le can have his top and bottom front teeth knocked off in Kodiaga or whatever prison he ends up so that he can give other prisoners better blow jobs as part of his rehabilitation. Naturally, you’d also expect him to become someone’s bitch in prison.

But this nonsense of bending over backwards to please colonial masters – Hapana. Give us our white murderer first so that his teeth also get knocked off at Kodiaga.


An elderly couple went on a picnic. They have 5 sons and each son has 3 children. In total, how many people went for a picnic?


Problem with kenyan Media Houses and their journalists is that they forget that the Government’s Lawyer and Adviser is the Attorney General. He advices the President on matters relating to Constitution and Bills et al. The President is not a professional Lawyer and as such even the High Court Failed to understand the Basic Procedure of amending the constitution- the ONLY reason the BBI was sent to the Supreme Court was to help them understand the legal procedures as dictated for by the Supreme Court… BBI shall be back even better and stronger.. the motive was right but the Procedure was Wrong! Thank you.



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