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allie.clark.designs I help entrepreneurs grow their business to 6 figures through visual branding & content creation.

I’m‎ going‎ to‎ let‎ you‎ in‎ on‎ a‎ little‎ secret‎ of‎ mine‎ 🤫⠀⁣
This‎ girl‎ who‎ loves‎ BLACK‎ EVERYTHING,‎ also‎ has...

I’m‎ going‎ to‎ let‎ you‎ in‎ on‎ a‎ little‎ secret‎ of‎ mine‎ 🤫⠀
This‎ girl‎ who‎ loves‎ BLACK‎ EVERYTHING,‎ also‎ has‎ a‎ soft‎ spot‎ for‎ Valentine’s‎ Day.‎ In‎ fact…it’s‎ my‎ absolute‎ favorite‎ holiday‎ 🤍⠀
⁣While‎ I‎ would‎ never‎ personally‎ include‎ pink‎ in‎ my‎ brand‎ color‎ palette,‎ SO‎ many‎ of‎ my‎ clients‎ do,‎ and‎ since‎ it’s‎ the‎ day‎ of‎ love,‎ I‎ thought‎ it’d‎ be‎ fun‎ to‎ share‎ some‎ inspo‎ palettes!!!⠀
⁣SWIPE‎ 👉🏻‎ to‎ see‎ these‎ vibes⠀
⁣◾️In‎ Love‎ (aka,‎ hit‎ by‎ Cupid’s‎ Arrow)⠀
⁣Btw…did‎ you‎ know‎ that‎ the‎ color‎ PINK‎ represents‎ a‎ sense‎ of‎ compassion,‎ sincerity,‎ sophistication,‎ and‎ sweetness,‎ while‎ red‎ is‎ known‎ to‎ create‎ &‎ demonstrate‎ excitement,‎ strength,‎ love,‎ and‎ energy!⠀
⁣Comment‎ below‎ &‎ tell‎ me‎ which‎ ones‎ your‎ favorite!

I’ve‎ NEVER‎ done‎ this‎ before,‎ buttttt⁣⁣it’s‎ my‎ birthday‎ week,‎ I’ve‎ had‎ a‎ HECK‎ of‎ a‎ year,‎ I’m‎ happy‎ to‎ ...

I’ve‎ NEVER‎ done‎ this‎ before,‎ buttttt

⁣it’s‎ my‎ birthday‎ week,‎ I’ve‎ had‎ a‎ HECK‎ of‎ a‎ year,‎ I’m‎ happy‎ to‎ be‎ ALIVE‎ &‎ able‎ to‎ use‎ my‎ gifts‎ &‎ talents‎ to‎ help‎ other‎ business‎ owners,‎ and‎ my‎ love‎ language‎ is‎ gift‎ giving‎ so…

⁣I’m‎ hosting‎ a‎ SURPRISE‎ birthday‎ sale!!

⁣Here‎ are‎ the‎ details:‎
⁣🖤‎ 20%‎ off‎ to‎ the‎ next‎ Luxury‎ Launch,‎ Elevated‎ Collection,‎ and‎ Web‎ in‎ a‎ Week‎
⁣🖤‎ Contract‎ must‎ be‎ signed‎ &‎ deposit‎ must‎ be‎ made‎ to‎ secure‎ discount‎ for‎ project
⁣🖤‎ Project‎ spots‎ will‎ NOT‎ be‎ held‎ and‎ are‎ first‎ come,‎ first‎ serve
⁣🖤‎ Projects‎ will‎ be‎ scheduled‎ to‎ begin‎ in‎ February/March

⁣I’m‎ a‎ FIRM‎ believer‎ in‎ paying‎ someone‎ for‎ their‎ talent‎ &‎ skill,‎ so‎ we‎ rarely‎ ever‎ offer‎ sales‎ on‎ our‎ services‎ {for‎ real,‎ do‎ NOT‎ hold‎ your‎ breath‎ for‎ the‎ next‎ one},‎ but‎ this‎ is‎ our‎ biggest‎ one‎ yet!!

⁣SWIPE‎ 👉🏻‎ to‎ see‎ the‎ details‎ of‎ each‎ project‎ {you‎ can‎ also‎ tap‎ through‎ our‎ highlights‎ to‎ see‎ the‎ deliverables‎ for‎ each‎ one!}!

⁣How‎ to‎ book:
⁣🤍‎ Luxury‎ Launch‎ (savings‎ of‎ $650!)‎ +‎ Elevated‎ Collection‎ (savings‎ of‎ $340!):‎ send‎ me‎ a‎ DM‎ with‎ your‎ full‎ name,‎ email,‎ AND‎ whether‎ you’d‎ like‎ to‎ pay‎ in‎ full‎ or‎ need‎ a‎ custom‎ payment‎ plan!
⁣🤍‎ Web‎ in‎ a‎ Week‎ (savings‎ of‎ $350):‎ Click‎ the‎ link‎ in‎ our‎ bio‎ or‎ stories‎ and‎ enter‎ the‎ code‎ BDAY20!‎ If‎ you‎ need‎ a‎ custom‎ payment‎ plan‎ aside‎ from‎ what’s‎ offered‎ with‎ Afterpay‎ +‎ Pay‎ Later,‎ feel‎ free‎ to‎ send‎ me‎ a‎ DM!‎

⁣Happy‎ BIRTHDAY‎ to‎ me,‎ and‎ happy‎ SHOPPING‎ to‎ you!!!

Here’s‎ why‎ I‎ deliver‎ MORE‎ than‎ just‎ colors,‎ fonts,‎ +‎ logos👇🏻⠀⁣⠀⁣Brand‎ identity‎ is‎ one‎ of‎ the‎ most‎ IMPOR...

Here’s‎ why‎ I‎ deliver‎ MORE‎ than‎ just‎ colors,‎ fonts,‎ +‎ logos👇🏻⠀
⁣Brand‎ identity‎ is‎ one‎ of‎ the‎ most‎ IMPORTANT‎ things‎ you‎ can‎ create‎ for‎ yourself‎ as‎ an‎ online‎ business‎ owner,‎ BUT…if‎ you‎ don’t‎ actually‎ utilize‎ that‎ identity…then‎ what’s‎ the‎ point?⠀
I‎ work‎ with‎ a‎ lot‎ of‎ BUSY‎ professionals‎ who‎ are‎ scaling‎ to‎ the‎ next‎ level,‎ and‎ given‎ that…they‎ don’t‎ have‎ a‎ ton‎ of‎ time‎ to‎ do‎ the‎ thing‎ they‎ don’t‎ NEED‎ to‎ do‎ (aka,‎ something‎ else‎ someone‎ else‎ -‎ ME‎ -‎ can‎ do‎ for‎ them).‎ ⠀
⁣And‎ you‎ don’t‎ either.‎ ⠀
⁣You‎ don’t‎ have‎ time‎ to‎ scroll‎ through‎ the‎ ENDLESS‎ color‎ +‎ font‎ options‎ searching‎ for‎ the‎ perfect‎ fit,‎ only‎ to‎ have‎ to‎ repeat‎ the‎ cycle‎ and‎ scroll‎ through‎ the‎ INFINITE‎ amount‎ of‎ templates‎ to‎ utilize‎ them‎ with.⠀
When‎ I‎ first‎ started‎ this‎ business,‎ I‎ DID‎ offer‎ only‎ color‎ +‎ typography‎ development.‎ And‎ you‎ know‎ what‎ happened‎ with‎ the‎ clients‎ who‎ purchased‎ that‎ low‎ level‎ option?‎ They‎ didn’t‎ USE‎ IT.‎ First,‎ it‎ wasn’t‎ a‎ high‎ enough‎ investment‎ for‎ them‎ to‎ take‎ it‎ seriously,‎ and‎ second,‎ they‎ didn’t‎ have‎ the‎ time‎ to‎ put‎ it‎ into‎ action.⠀
⁣And‎ that’s‎ why‎ all‎ of‎ my‎ packages‎ include‎ not‎ only‎ brand‎ development,‎ BUT‎ ALSO‎ social‎ media‎ templates‎ to‎ help‎ you‎ implement‎ it‎ 🤍
⁣If‎ you‎ feel‎ overwhelmed‎ with‎ this‎ part‎ of‎ your‎ business,‎ I‎ can‎ help.‎ Comment‎ below‎ BRAND‎ and‎ I’ll‎ send‎ you‎ the‎ options‎ for‎ working‎ together!

Here’s‎ a‎ secret‎ to‎ attracting‎ higher‎ paying‎ clients👇🏻⁣⁣Make‎ sure‎ your‎ branding‎ aligns‎ with‎ both‎ your‎ futu...

Here’s‎ a‎ secret‎ to‎ attracting‎ higher‎ paying‎ clients👇🏻

⁣Make‎ sure‎ your‎ branding‎ aligns‎ with‎ both‎ your‎ future‎ business‎ identity‎ AND‎ the‎ level‎ of‎ clients‎ you‎ wnt‎ to‎ attract!

⁣Using‎ myself‎ as‎ an‎ example,‎ I’ll‎ walk‎ you‎ through‎ how‎ my‎ initial‎ brand‎ and‎ rebrand‎ (current‎ brand)‎ has‎ attracted‎ two‎ different‎ types‎ of‎ clientelle‎ as‎ well‎ as‎ made‎ a‎ DRASTIC‎ (4x)‎ impact‎ on‎ my‎ income!
⁣SWIPE‎ to‎ see‎ how‎ my‎ current‎ brand‎ stacks‎ up‎ &‎ compares‎ to‎ my‎ OG‎ brand‎ 👉🏻

⁣If‎ you‎ want‎ higher‎ paying‎ clients,‎ more‎ monthly‎ &‎ annual‎ income‎ earned,‎ and‎ less‎ financial‎ objections‎ in‎ your‎ DMs,‎ then‎ your‎ branding‎ needs‎ to‎ align‎ with‎ your‎ future‎ business‎ identity‎ AND‎ the‎ clients‎ you‎ want‎ to‎ attract.

A‎ closer‎ peak‎ at‎ a‎ FULL‎ logo‎ suite!‎ ⁣
This‎ logo‎ suite‎ (part‎ of‎ an‎ Elevated‎ Collection)‎ includes:‎ ⁣☑️‎ A...

A‎ closer‎ peak‎ at‎ a‎ FULL‎ logo‎ suite!‎
This‎ logo‎ suite‎ (part‎ of‎ an‎ Elevated‎ Collection)‎ includes:‎
⁣☑️‎ A‎ primary‎ logo‎
⁣☑️‎ A‎ secondary‎ logo‎
⁣☑️‎ A‎ submark‎ logo

⁣The‎ reason‎ we‎ include‎ multiple‎ different‎ logo‎ options‎ in‎ our‎ packages‎ is‎ because‎ we‎ want‎ your‎ brand‎ to‎ be‎ versatile!‎

⁣The‎ logo‎ you‎ use‎ for‎ your‎ business‎ card‎ is‎ likely‎ going‎ to‎ be‎ different‎ than‎ what‎ you‎ use‎ for‎ your‎ social‎ media,‎ and‎ vice‎ versa!‎ Sometimes‎ you‎ might‎ want‎ something‎ small‎ to‎ pop‎ onto‎ marketing‎ materials,‎ and‎ others‎ you‎ need‎ the‎ full‎ logo‎ to‎ give‎ the‎ full‎ run‎ down‎ on‎ your‎ business!‎

⁣Do‎ you‎ have‎ a‎ logo‎ suite‎ that‎ represents‎ your‎ business‎ and‎ aligns‎ with‎ your‎ goals‎ for‎ 2025?‎ If‎ not,‎ head‎ to‎ the‎ link‎ in‎ our‎ bio‎ to‎ learn‎ more‎ about‎ working‎ with‎ us‎ to‎ build‎ your‎ DREAM‎ brand!

If‎ you‎ want‎ to‎ triple‎ your‎ income‎ this‎ year,‎ here’s‎ what‎ needs‎ to‎ happen‎ with‎ your‎ branding‎ 👉🏻⁣⁣P.S.‎ i...

If‎ you‎ want‎ to‎ triple‎ your‎ income‎ this‎ year,‎ here’s‎ what‎ needs‎ to‎ happen‎ with‎ your‎ branding‎ 👉🏻

⁣P.S.‎ if‎ you’re‎ someone‎ who‎ needs‎ PROOF,‎ this‎ is‎ exactly‎ what‎ I’ve‎ done‎ the‎ last‎ two‎ years‎ to‎ triple‎ &‎ quadruple‎ our‎ income‎ in‎ ACD!

You‎ might‎ know‎ that‎ we’re‎ not‎ accepting‎ ANY‎ new‎ clients‎ this‎ month,‎ but‎ did‎ you‎ know‎ you‎ can‎ PRE-SCHED...

You‎ might‎ know‎ that‎ we’re‎ not‎ accepting‎ ANY‎ new‎ clients‎ this‎ month,‎ but‎ did‎ you‎ know‎ you‎ can‎ PRE-SCHEDULE‎ your‎ project‎ for‎ next‎ month‎ (or‎ later)?!

⁣✨NOW‎ BOOKING…February‎ +‎ beyond!✨⁠

⁣Hiring‎ ACD‎ to‎ build‎ your‎ brand‎ and/or‎ website‎ will‎ help‎ ensure‎ that‎ your‎ branding‎ aligns‎ with‎ the‎ services‎ &‎ experience‎ you‎ provide‎ as‎ well‎ as‎ the‎ goals‎ you‎ want‎ to‎ achieve‎ in‎ 2025!

⁣Scheduling‎ your‎ project‎ in‎ advance‎ is‎ the‎ BEST‎ way‎ to‎ guarantee‎ a‎ spot‎ in‎ our‎ busy‎ calendar,‎ but‎ you’ll‎ also‎ get‎ a‎ FREEBIE‎ design‎ add‎ on‎ from‎ my‎ list‎ of‎ support‎ materials!‎ All‎ that’s‎ required‎ is‎ a‎ signed‎ contract‎ +‎ deposit!‎ {If‎ you‎ get‎ started‎ with‎ a‎ custom‎ payment‎ plan,‎ your‎ payments‎ will‎ NOT‎ start‎ until‎ your‎ project‎ does}⁠
⁣SWIPE‎ 👉🏻‎ to‎ see‎ our‎ premier‎ service‎ options!‎ ⁠
⁣To‎ get‎ started‎ with‎ your‎ project,‎ send‎ us‎ a‎ DM,‎ fill‎ out‎ the‎ inquiry‎ form,‎ or‎ schedule‎ a‎ design‎ consult!

Meet‎ the‎ new‎ &‎ improved‎  website!‎ ⁣⁣You‎ know‎ if‎ the‎ word‎ LUXURY‎ is‎ part‎ of‎ the‎ brand,‎ it’s‎ a‎ project‎...

Meet‎ the‎ new‎ &‎ improved‎ website!‎

⁣You‎ know‎ if‎ the‎ word‎ LUXURY‎ is‎ part‎ of‎ the‎ brand,‎ it’s‎ a‎ project‎ we’re‎ going‎ to‎ fall‎ in‎ love‎ with‎ and‎ JUMP‎ at‎ the‎ opportunity‎ to‎ take‎ part‎ in!

⁣Audrey‎ came‎ to‎ me‎ a‎ few‎ months‎ ago‎ wanting‎ to‎ revamp‎ her‎ website,‎ so‎ she‎ invested‎ in‎ our‎ new(ish)‎ Elite‎ Refine‎ project.‎ She‎ wanted‎ to‎ improve‎ both‎ the‎ functionality‎ AND‎ the‎ aesthetics‎ of‎ her‎ site,‎ so‎ we‎ made‎ some‎ minor‎ tweaks‎ that‎ had‎ BIG‎ payoff.‎
Here’s‎ just‎ a‎ few‎ of‎ the‎ things‎ we‎ changed:‎
⁣🤍‎ Rearranged‎ her‎ home‎ page‎ content‎ to‎ create‎ a‎ better‎ flow
⁣🤍‎ Removed‎ duplicate‎ elements
⁣🤍‎ Added‎ short‎ form‎ videos‎ to‎ create‎ movement‎
⁣🤍‎ Added‎ more‎ personal‎ (but‎ branded!)‎ photos‎ so‎ her‎ audience‎ could‎ get‎ to‎ know‎ the‎ face‎ behind‎ the‎ brand
⁣🤍‎ Added‎ photos‎ to‎ all‎ of‎ her‎ blog‎ posts,‎ along‎ with‎ alt‎ image‎ text‎ to‎ improve‎ SEO!

⁣SWIPE‎ 👉🏻‎ to‎ see‎ her‎ ABOUT‎ page‎ before‎ &‎ after‎ (the‎ perfect‎ example‎ of‎ little‎ changes,‎ big‎ impact)!

⁣If‎ you’re‎ looking‎ to‎ revamp‎ your‎ website,‎ head‎ to‎ the‎ link‎ in‎ our‎ bio‎ for‎ more‎ details!‎

Stories‎ saw‎ it‎ first‎ (and‎ they‎ LOVED‎ it),‎ so‎ I‎ figured‎ it‎ was‎ time‎ for‎ it‎ to‎ have‎ a‎ permanent‎ place‎...

Stories‎ saw‎ it‎ first‎ (and‎ they‎ LOVED‎ it),‎ so‎ I‎ figured‎ it‎ was‎ time‎ for‎ it‎ to‎ have‎ a‎ permanent‎ place‎ in‎ the‎ ACD‎ feed!!!‎

⁣While‎ I‎ don’t‎ *typically*‎ work‎ with‎ a‎ lot‎ of‎ bright‎ colors,‎ my‎ goal‎ is‎ to‎ always‎ deliver‎ for‎ my‎ clients‎ and‎ bring‎ their‎ vision‎ to‎ life‎ (and‎ sometimes‎ that‎ includes‎ a‎ fun‎ POP)!‎ It’s‎ funny,‎ because‎ in‎ the‎ questionnaire,‎ my‎ client‎ said‎ she‎ was‎ afraid‎ to‎ add‎ too‎ much‎ color‎ (because‎ like‎ me,‎ she‎ not‎ only‎ wears‎ a‎ lot‎ of‎ BLACK‎ in‎ her‎ wardrobe,‎ but‎ her‎ favorite‎ color‎ is‎ also‎ black).

⁣HOWEVER,‎ instead‎ of‎ thinking‎ only‎ about‎ herself,‎ she‎ had‎ her‎ dream‎ clients‎ in‎ mind,‎ and‎ wanted‎ to‎ create‎ an‎ “everyone‎ is‎ welcome”‎ vibe‎ with‎ her‎ social‎ media‎ &‎ business.‎ This‎ is‎ something‎ I‎ encourage‎ all‎ of‎ my‎ clients‎ to‎ do‎ btw!

⁣DOUBLE‎ TAP‎ if‎ you‎ think‎ we‎ nailed‎ the‎ vision‎ 🤍

Not‎ to‎ toot‎ our‎ own‎ horns‎ but....we’re‎ pretty‎ sure‎ this‎ is‎ the‎ collab‎ you’ve‎ been‎ waiting‎ for‎ 😏⁣⁣The‎ A...

Not‎ to‎ toot‎ our‎ own‎ horns‎ but....we’re‎ pretty‎ sure‎ this‎ is‎ the‎ collab‎ you’ve‎ been‎ waiting‎ for‎ 😏

⁣The‎ Ali/Allie’s‎ are‎ teaming‎ up‎ to‎ bring‎ you‎ the‎ ULTIMATE‎ personal‎ brand‎ palette,‎ and‎ there’s‎ no‎ better‎ way‎ to‎ celebrate‎ than…a‎ GIVEAWAY!‎

⁣We’e‎ combining‎ our‎ shared‎ love‎ of‎ branding‎ to‎ gift‎ one‎ lucky‎ winner‎ a‎ Personal‎ Brand‎ Palette!‎
This‎ will‎ include‎ a‎ Color‎ Season‎ Analysis‎ from‎ Ali‎ B‎ +‎ a‎ 5‎ color‎ Brand‎ Color‎ Palette‎ from‎ Ali‎ C!‎

⁣{this‎ is‎ a‎ total‎ value‎ of‎ $394}‎

⁣If‎ you’re‎ READY‎ to‎ figure‎ out‎ your‎ unique‎ color‎ season‎ so‎ you‎ can‎ feel‎ confident‎ in‎ dressing‎ for‎ your‎ business‎ +‎ develop‎ your‎ brand‎ on‎ social,‎ you‎ won’t‎ want‎ to‎ miss‎ this‎ opportunity!‎ Let’s‎ get‎ looking‎ like‎ the‎ amazing‎ BOSS‎ BUSINESS‎ owner‎ you‎ are!!!!

⁣☑️Follow‎ BOTH‎ ‎ and‎ .clark.designs
⁣☑️‎ Like‎ this‎ post
⁣☑️‎ Comment‎ below‎ by‎ tagging‎ your‎ biz‎ besties!
⁣(Each‎ friend‎ tagged‎ is‎ an‎ entry!)
⁣☑️‎ SHARE‎ to‎ your‎ stories‎ for‎ 5‎ bonus‎ entries

⁣This‎ giveaway‎ runs‎ from‎ May‎ 7‎ through‎ May‎ 13‎ and‎ the‎ winner‎ will‎ be‎ announced‎ on‎ May‎ 16th!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret of mine 🤫⠀
This girl who loves BLACK EVERYTHING, also has a soft spot for Val...

I’m going to let you in on a little secret of mine 🤫⠀

This girl who loves BLACK EVERYTHING, also has a soft spot for Valentine’s Day. In fact…it’s my absolute favorite holiday 🤍⠀

While I would never personally include pink in my brand color palette, SO many of my clients do, and since it’s the day of love, I thought it’d be fun to share some inspo palettes!!!⠀

SWIPE 👉🏻 to see these vibes⠀
◾️In Love (aka, hit by Cupid’s Arrow)⠀

Btw…did you know that the color PINK represents a sense of compassion, sincerity, sophistication, and sweetness, while red is known to create & demonstrate excitement, strength, love, and energy!⠀

Comment below & tell me which ones your favorite!

🤍NOW BOOKING 🤍⠀⠀This month we’ll be heading to Cancun and I’ll be OOO from the 22-29th, so availability is limited, and ...


This month we’ll be heading to Cancun and I’ll be OOO from the 22-29th, so availability is limited, and our signature luxury launch service is already booked!⠀

To take a peak at the BTS work of my current client projects, make sure you tune into my stories each day!⠀

I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m a one girl operation over here, and can only work to MY personal capacity while still living my life & honoring my priorities, so if you KNOW you want to elevate this year, and you’re ready to show your clients what you’re made of through impactful branding and/or a luxurious website…don’t wait! All services are first come first serve (so if you’re waiting until “next month” for a luxury launch to open up, two more ladies could already be locking in their projects & reserving their spots, which will continue pushing YOUR project out)!

How about a little sneak peak into the base collection I’m working on for an permanent jewelry business looking to ELEVA...

How about a little sneak peak into the base collection I’m working on for an permanent jewelry business looking to ELEVATE?⠀

We may be adjusting the colors + fonts slightly, but I can HARDLY contain myself with this one because I can already envision it coming together! ⠀

Whatcha think? Double tap if you love it too! 🤍

If you want your dream clients flooding your DMs ready to work with you, you need to do this FIRST (down arrow)⠀⠀Develop...

If you want your dream clients flooding your DMs ready to work with you, you need to do this FIRST (down arrow)⠀

Develop your professional brand.⠀

Having a clearly defined and recognizable brand…👉🏻⠀

So, if you want those clients flooding your DMs ready to work with you, the first step is showing them WHY they should, and that starts with building a clearly defined brand!⠀

If you’re ready to elevate your social media using visual branding, so you can show your clients EXACTLY what you represent, comment below COLLECTION and I’ll send you the info on my signature service, the Base Collection!

If you’re an ambitious business owner who has BIG dreams and a CLEAR vision for elevating and scaling her business, you’...

If you’re an ambitious business owner who has BIG dreams and a CLEAR vision for elevating and scaling her business, you’re going to need a visual brand that represents that vision. ⠀

Here are THREE ways to work with me to brand (or re-brand) your business so it represents the amazing, badass, biz owner you’re striving to be 👉🏻⠀

If you’re ready to brand (or rebrand) yourself, head to the link in my bio to get started!

Can you see a shift in your social JUST from creating a visual brand? 👉🏻 YES.⠀⠀Here’s how:⠀1️⃣ The VISUAL component⠀⠀2️⃣...

Can you see a shift in your social JUST from creating a visual brand? 👉🏻 YES.⠀

Here’s how:⠀
1️⃣ The VISUAL component⠀⠀
2️⃣ The GROWTH component ⠀⠀
And when you have a strong brand identity, and don’t have to work as hard to grow…your BIZ naturally follows suit! ⠀

If you want to see both your social media AND your business numbers grow this month & this year, it’s time to develop your brand & implement it. You could do it on your own, but I KNOW you’re a busy entrepreneur doing a million other things, so make it easier on yourself, and let me do it for you! Head to the link in my bio to get started with my signature service, the Base Collection, or send me a DM and let me know you’re ready for an Elevated Collection! 💌

One of the BIGGEST mistakes you can make in your online business 👇🏻⠀⠀Waiting to brand yourself and establish your presen...

One of the BIGGEST mistakes you can make in your online business 👇🏻⠀

Waiting to brand yourself and establish your presence as a business owner until ___ (fill in blank with whatever is coming up for you: level of success, time spent as a biz owner, etc).⠀

None of your favorite stores WAITED to brand themselves until you walked into them and purchased a specific amount of items. If they had…they wouldn’t be the stores you know & love today. What they DID do, was create a brand for themselves that actually DREW YOU IN. That ATTRACTED you to them. ⠀

They created their name, developed their colors and fonts, and devised a marketing strategy that showcased the experience, products, or opportunities you’d get by walking in their store. They put THOUGHT + EFFORT into the type of business they wanted to be. ⠀

The thought pattern of “waiting until” is holding you BACK, and it’s already costed you hundreds of missed opportunities. ⠀

✖️It’s costed you the clients who would be attracted to you. ⠀
✖️ It’s costed you working relationships from clients who didn’t know what to expect.⠀
✖️It’s costed you easy sign ups and purchases.⠀
✖️It’s costed you DOLLARS in your bank account.⠀

If you’re ready to stop waiting until, and you’re ready to attract your dream clients by building a reputable and professional brand, head to the link in my bio to work with me.



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