As we begin this new week, let us fix our eyes on Him knowing very well, that with Him nothing shall be impossible.
To get more devotional messages kindly listen to Powerline Radio.
Pastor James Karichu is taking us on journey/ a walk thru the Bible in Gikuyu. (Gikuyu version of Neno Litaendelea) on CORO FM
Remember Nelson Mandela once said, "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
TWR K- Trans World Radio Kenya is here to get the Word into your heart through Rugendo. Join us for this journey/ walk thru the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
"Na Rugendo rwa guituikania kiikaniro no ruguthii na mbere"
( Na Neno Litaendelea)
He listens, cares and walks with us through every moment. No prayers goes unheard, and no heart is unnoticed.
Evangelist Reinhart Bonnke shares how God used him to bless Rev. Teresia Wairimu's that marked the beginning of her ministry
Kwenye Kipindi cha Maswali Kuhusu Maisha. Leo tunajadili maswali kuhusu Tumaini
Je wajua maswali kuhusu tumaini yanaweza kukusaidia kufikiria maana ya tumaini kwako, jinsi linavyoathiri maisha yako, na jinsi unavyoweza kusitawisha.
Ili kujifunza mengi bonyeza hapa
When we keep our eyes on the Lord, we stand firm in every season. With Him at our right hand, we will not be shaken!
#FaithUnshaken #GodsGuidance
Commit everything unto the lord
For inspirational and devotional programs kindly listen to Powerline Radio and remember to commit every thing unto the Lord
It is through your support, we are able to touch lives, inspire hope and spread the message of faith in those in need.
we would be honored to have you join is in this mission and together we can continue to make a lasting impact in sharing the word if God.
Pray even when you don't feel like it.
In our weaknees, His strength is made perfect.
When God Shows up
When God shows up, He shows off, just like he did for Moses and the Israelites at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-22)
Trust Him!
Stay connected to God through prayer 🙏✨. Pray in the Spirit on all occasions, be alert, and lift others in faith.
#PrayWithoutCeasing #FaithInAction #PowerOfPrayer