Story time...
Part 1
The primary school scandals
(Flashback)I went to this polling station kind of school where you had to carry your meals to school,,,There was this box we used to store our food immediately on arrival to class,,our cold microwave and also acted as my shoe rackπππ€£π€£,,,there was this group of guys who used to detect food with Nyamah and chapati everytime i would carry my lunch to class with Nyama or some chapati i uld find some finger marks in my food dish,,,the guest would eat the meat and leave the rest for you mark you it was not only my dish but all the dishes,,,the funny part would be that all of us would attend the usual assembly meeting and immediately we get to class after assembly the food containing meat uld be already eaten with no prove of the "eater"ππππ€£,,,the first week this happened we never reported to the class teacher but we realized it was becoming a routine,,,i was getting tired of my food been eaten so i came up with this idea of me using my dish bag as my shoe bag also,,,most of you know that this polling station school during our time shoes were rarely woren.i had this behavior of immediately i got to class i would remove my black umoja rubber sho and store them beside my food dish since most of my friends came barefooted,,,but the so called eater would still eat my food,,this really disappointed me,,,on the second week we had to report to teacher,,,i remember it was on a Monday coffee pay was out so most of the students had chapati and nyama that day for their lunch,, immediately we got to class after assembly all the fooddishes had been scattered on the floor,,, the teacher we reported to acted abit weird sorry to say,,, instead of her looking for the food eater she said that our class was smelling fresh morning urineπππ and that no one would dare eat under that condition π€£ππ funny but heartbreaking,,,one of the teacher offered to help in the search,,,,the day to reveal the eater was finally hereπππ€£,,,part 2