Emilia and Leonardo are in the psychiatric hospital courtyard where she is screaming that he get away from her. The nurses grab her as she cries, demanding they leave her alone. The evil doctor intervenes as Leonardo chases after them as reprehensible Roberta, hidden inside, watches the unfolding drama, smiling viciously. Just as Sebastian, Zaira, Gael and Tiger arrive, Emilia flies around the corner, distraught, overwrought, firmly in the grasp of the nurses. Tiger is beside himself.
Orlando and Jenifer are experiencing some afterglow, he tells her how special last night was.
The evil doctor tries to poison Leonardo's mind, telling him that Emilia suffers from fantasies and is violent. He seems unconvinced, particularly about the violent part. With a grunt of pain, he gets up.
Emilia is strapped into her bed screaming about Nico as the nurses prepare to sedate her. Leonardo gets Emilia’s family up to speed. Sebastian says the attorney was paid off. He and Leonardo do some antler bashing. Eventually, the good nurse comes out and says Emilia can’t have any visitors. Tiger is in tears, Zaira kisses him and then Leonardo pushes him out. Sebastian goes charging out into the hall, looking desperate and recognizes one of the guards and jogs his memory as to how they know each other. He tells him Emilia is the love of his life.
Emilia is strapped by her hands and ankles to the bed as she comes to, muttering to herself, crying in prayer to the Virgin about her son.
Nico tells his reprehensible grandmother he is worried about his mother.
Leonardo is still shirtless being attended to by Sara.
The guard tells Sebastian, who has somehow managed to gain entrance into Emilia’s room, he only has 5 minutes. He gently removes her arm straps and to my utter delight, starts singing to her, gently and lovingly. He puts his face on her hand as she rouses.
The Doctor sets her evil plan in motion.
Leonardo, still wincing in pain, arrives home and at first Nico seems to reject him but finally turns in his seat, throwing his arms around him. Roberta and Fidel arrive and she asks her unloved son why he is there. Joaquina and Marijo are there as well.
In a very moving scene, Sebastian professes his devotion as Emilia talks about Nico. The doctor walks by shouting orders. Emilia frets about Nico and her father as Sebastian puts Emilia’s wrist restraints back on. Much to her fury, the doctor is locked out and calls for the guard (who let Sebastian in), and finally manages to gain entrance. We see Sebastian hiding under the gurney as Emilia’s wrist and foot straps are checked.
Leonardo holds his own with Roberta and Fidel and accuses Fidel of corruption. Leonardo wants Nico to return to his family as Nico looks uncertain. Nico recalls talking with Roberta and, afraid to do anything that would put Emilia in danger, decides to stay there. Leonardo kneels and holds a very upset Nico before he leaves.
Emilia is being prepared for electrotherapy shock.
Sebastian rushes to the police station, grabbing Orlando. As they run out, the guard texts Roberta. She smiles evilly as she sees the picture.
Nico looks to Roberta for comfort who shows him a picture of Mauricio, his “father”. Alone in his bed, he cries for his mother.
Emilia cannot speak due to the guard in her mouth. She is terrified as her muffled moans and frantic expression grow louder. The good nurse tries to talk the evil doctor out of proceeding but to no avail. The nurse injects her but takes the guard out of Emilia’s mouth. Emilia pleads for mercy…
We see Emilia’s shadow against the wall as the good nurse slouches outside of Emilia’s room, obviously in mental agony.
The two paddles are held aloft in the air and the gel is applied. Then, miraculously, the lights go out! We see the good nurse has turned the power off. With fortuitous timing, Orlando and Sebastian arrive, Orlando identifying himself as a policeman. He asks for Emilia just as she is wheeled past them. Sebastian kneels and begs Emilia to wake up. The doctor asks questions including if Sebastian is also a policeman. Orlando says no, he is a friend. Sadly, Emilia does not regain consciousness. “i love you” Sebastian tells a comatose Emilia as the evil doctor stares darkly.
Jenifer tells her parents she has had enough and is leaving. When Adalberto objects, she assures her mother that Orlando is a wonderful man. On that note, she turns on her heel and wheels her suitcases out. Later, Miriam kisses Adalberto.
Sara gets back, finding Leonardo who is clearly out of it, sweating profusely.
Back at the psychiatric hospital, Emilia is now wide awake and sitting up as the livid doctor goes after the good nurse. The bad doctor confronted the good doctor, Emilia pushes her and she hit her face hard at the edge of the hospital bed which ends her bloodied on the floor.