Bruno media Line

Bruno media Line I HAVE a DREAM




K**a siyo hivi wacha ikaeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚... I miss this kind of kiss


𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒: ππ„π‚πŠπ˜ 𝟐3𝐑𝐃 ππŽπ•
Tito ako hapo nje anakunywa chai na Mandazi kidogo Sanchez anakuja. Tito anamuuliza sasa ulienda kuwasha moto huko mbona? Sanchez anamwambia sikuenda kuwasha moto nilienda kufanya kitu we ulikua ufanye. Alafu Sanchez pia anambia Tito eti unajua Shantell ni nyoks inafaa apelekwe mbio ndo asifanye vituko zake.sanchez anaambia Tito ambakishie mandazi alafu anaingia kwa nyumba.

Becky na yeye akiwa njiani kuenda job anakumbuka tu vile junior na shan walikua wanavurugana. Sahi sasa ashajua ukweli wote ndo hapo anaregret sasa mbona sikuacha ajiexplain??? Mbona akaingia mtego wa shan lakini maji yashamwagika. Becky anajiuliza sasa nitaanzaje kuambia tena junior eti pole aki.

Becky kufika kwa mansion anakutana na ambulance anashangaa. Kufungua mlango anapata ndo madactari wanatoka alafu kidogo anaona Lexy amekaa hapo anakuja Lexy anamwambia manze mathe is no more becky anamhug alafu anapanda mbio anapata Trisha wako hapo nje ya ile room na junior, wakili naye kazi ni simu anapiga , Becky kufika room Martha amelala hapo hakuamini. Becky machozi yalianza kumtoka anakaa hapo analia.

Kuna jamaa askari anahoji Trisha about Martha k**a alikua na ugonjwa wowote. TRISHA anamwambia zii alikua sawa.hajawahi complain of anything yeye huenda shughuli zake kawaida. Lexy naye amechoka Becky anamletea maji Alafu Lexy anamwambia manze sielewi ama mom alitaka tu anione ndo aende? Becky anamwambia ziii anamhug alafu Trisha naye anaambia yule polisi eti yaani mom anaenda hata before I fulfill her last wish, analia hapo uongo alafu polisi anamwambia take heart. Askari anauliza Trisha kuna mtu alikua na njama ya kummaliza? TRISHA anamwambia hapana lakini after ameangalia k**a kuna mtu ako karibu atamskiza. Kisha yule askari anawaambia naomba utulivu please, am assuring you that anybody involved will be brought to book. Trisha anajibu eti please do. Na tunajua ni yeye tu alifanya hvo.


K**a si hivi wacha ikae


President Uhuru



1) Mtu atakutxt na offers e.g Sultana/Becky foundation, fuliza increasement, taja jina Moja linaloanza na "l" upate 30k.

2) Then ww na tamaa unamwambia uko interested
3) Anakuomba namba ndo akufanyie registration ama anakuambia umtxt Whatsapp.

4) Anatumia that number anaingia Facebook then Kwa "Log into another account" then "forgotten password"

N/B Kuna code utatumiwa instantly ya kureset password

5) Anakuambia umpee hiyo code ndo akufanyie registration fully, akueke Kwa system ww nawe na ujinga wako unampa code inaingia kwa account yako

6) akingia anaenda anachange password ya ur account.

7) Na juu unaweza enda pia ww uchange password, the conman anaenda Kwa change number alf ACCOUNT YAKO ITAKUA BYE BYEπŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹


We wake to worship the true God first...

Benja Bruno

𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒: ππ„π‚πŠπ˜ πŸππƒ ππŽπ•Follow Benja Bruno Bruno media Line   𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏Becky amefika anaambia Tito nimefurahi kukuona. Lakini...

𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒: ππ„π‚πŠπ˜ πŸππƒ ππŽπ•
Follow Benja Bruno
Bruno media Line

Becky amefika anaambia Tito nimefurahi kukuona. Lakini Tito anamwambia umenifananisha ama? Hakuna mtu nishawahi ona hii dunia roho ngumu k**a wewe, Becky anamwambia ndio maana nimekuja kuapologize. Becky anamwambia am sorry and i beg for the second chance. Tito anamwambia weee unakumbuka vile mlinionyeaha madharau na yule sister yako? Sitaki story zenu. Becky anampembeleza lakini wapi Tito anakumbuka vile alikua anabeg, vile alimwagiwa maji, mateso yoote akaambia Becky we ishia k**a umemaliza kufanya chenye kilikuleta hapa. Becky anaenda kumhug lakini ile design anarushwa mbaya makosa, ama kweli tendea mwenzako mema. Yaani Tito ndo alikua anaomba last chance leo Becky ndo anaomba. Makosaaaaa!!!

Martha amekaa anasoma stuff fulani kidogo Trisha anakuja. Martha anamwambia mmh talk.trisha anamwambia mom unajua hizi tabia za Junior ndo zinafanya naenda nje kutafuta Samuel anitibu πŸ˜‚. Martha anamwambia mmh continue this is interesting πŸ€”. TRISHA anamwambia mom hata k**a huoni mi naona Junior is so obsessed with Becky. Yaani me i don't deserve any attention as a wife kwake? Martha anaitika ile ya uongo tu. Trisha anamwambia mom I want you to help me labda wewe atakuskiza. Trisha anamwambia k**a sasa amepigiwa simu akatoka nje na nko sure anaongea na wanawake kwanza Becky. Wananifanya nakaa mjinga. Martha anamwambia you know Trisha this is happening because of your mistakes. It is happening because you cheated on your husband. Makosaa! Martha anamwambia skiza k**a ungepea junior mtoto kitambo this won't be happening now. TRISHA anabaki ameshtuka hapo.

Becky na yeye ameamua ni vayolence πŸ˜‚. Anapembeleza Tito yake yote lakini Tito hataki story zake. Becky anashika Tito mguu anamwambia hamwachilii Mpaka amsamehe lakini Tito anamwambia we toka hakuna kurudiana, sikupendi,sikutaki na nishamove on. Becky akiendelea kumpembeleza kidogo Lexy anakuja anawauliza wasee ni nini? Becky bado yeye ni kulia tu πŸ˜‚. Tito amejam anaambia lexy ambia huyu dem aishie. Wacha aende kuoleka na baby daddy wake huko. Lexy anaambia Tito tulia alafu anaambia Becky madam we ishia usipigwe. Tito anabaki hapo ameangalia ile maharagwe ilianguka πŸ˜‚.

Shantell bado wanaongea na Junior, shan anamwambia junior aende kwake for a sleepover. Lakini Junior anakataa anamwambia sikuji. Shan anamwambia si tutaenda kwa hoteli basi? Bado junior amekataa vile tu amemwambia I HAVE SAID AM NOT COMING FOR A SLEEPOVER kugeuka Mako! Makosaaaaa anapatana na Trisha amemwangalia. Kumbe amekua akimpimia kwa umbali tu hakuskia anything. Alafu ndani yake anajiambia Junior you and your mother will dearly pay for this. Hapo ameangalia junior naye junior amemwangalia.

Becky kwa njia anakumbuka vile Tito alimwambia eti amsahau. Becky anajiambia yaani ni mimi nimefanya Tito akue heartless hvo?? Enyewe mi ni mjinga i deserve all that aliniambia. Yaani Becky sasa ni majuto ama kweli majuto ni mjukuu huja baadaye.

Lexy ndo anarudi anaambia Tito bana joh am happy umetulia bana. Tito anamwambia pole sikua nataka uone that side of me. Lexy anamwambia manze vile ulireact ni k**a hii kiu ilikua deep sana, ebu niambie nione vile utasaidika atleast you heal. Tito anamwambia sidai kubonga hiyo story but Lexy anamkazi Tito anamwambia basi tuchape lap hvo nikikuambia. Vile wameamka tu hivi director akasema part 1 enough. Tufike part 2.

Madam problems aka Shantell yaani ashatangulia kwa Becky, vile Becky anafika anashtuka hata kwanza huyu ni nani ako hapa. Shantell Anamwambia niliona nipite hapa nikugotee nilikua matembezi. Shan anauliza Becky junior ndo amekudrop? Becky anamwambia weee sio kila siku ni Sunday. Kidogo vile Becky anafungua nyumba Shan anamuuliza uko sawa? Mbona unakaa hvo? Becky anamwambia kuna vile nilikua nimeenda kucheki Tito,,,, shan anashtuka.

Kwa njia Lexy wanaongea na Tito. Lexy anasema na ndo maana Becky hakukuambia hao wasee walikugonga kumbe ni ex wake. Tito anamwambia bana! Na mimi nikacheza chini ndo atleast Becky asifukuzwe kazi. Tito anamwambia na by the way later nikagundua hata walikua high school moja. Lexy ni kushtuka tu πŸ˜‚.Tito anamwambia Lexy manze na sijui mbona sikumskiza yule beshte Yangu Sanchez aliniambia niende huko nivuruge but nikaacha . Tito anagombana hapo anasema hapo na hasira eti yaani hiyo familia siku moja nitawaonyesha. Hiyo familia sijui inaitwa the Katanas. Lexy kuskia hvo akashtuka akamuuliza bro umesema the katana,,,,??? Tito akamwambia eeh niliconfirm ni the Katanas. Wacha sasa LEXY askie hvo anakaa kukumbuka kitu fulani makosa!!!!!!!! Huenda lexy anatokea huko na sasa hapo ndio Mako makoshaaa tena zaidi.

Lexy anamwambia huskii msee alinilea aliniambia hyo ndo familia yangu. Makosaaaaa!! Tito anamuuliza na hauna anything ya kuonesha atleast tujue tunaanzia wapi Lexy anamwambia hapana najua tu jina. Kidogo Lexy anaambia Tito ebu Ngoja, anaenda anaacha Tito hapo . Tito kumuita Lakini Lexy anaishia inakaa kuna kitu anaenda kusaka je ni nini???

Lexy amefika kwa nyumba anatoa walet alafu anatoa picha fulani eti ndo Informatioma ya mamake ako nayo. Picha ni ya nani sema Martha katana. Makosaaaaa!!! Tito kuangalia akaanza eeh huyu mathe ndo alikataa kunipea doh yangu huyu Martha katana. Kusema hvo Lexy akasema eeh huyo sasaaa. Makosaaaaa! Lexy akaanza manze siamini hii inagapen joh. Hawaaamini makosaaaaa.

Becky nayeye amefika job anafanya kazi bidii ni ile ile tu.anafanya usafi kumbe hata Martha hawajaamka Becky anaenda huko kwa room ya Martha kumwamsha afanye usafi lakini Martha anamwambia unafanya nini hapa? Siku nyingine usikuje kubisha hapa k**a sijakupea ruhusa. Becky anashtuka Martha anafunga mlango.

Lexy ndo anaamka anajiuliza kwani Tito ameenda wapi hii asubuhi yote? Na kwanza alirudi ile usiku??? Hana majibu. Anaamka anaenda kumsaka kumbe Tito ako Tu hapo nje anafikiria Lexy mtoto wa Martha Katana tena???? Hii ni coincidence gani tena. Lexy anakuja anamuita Tito uko poa? Tito anamwambia siko sure. Lexy anamwambia hizi ni gani tena na vile tulikua exited jana tunaenda kusaka familia yetu. Tito anamwambia sio kukuruka siwezi rudi kwa ile nyumba na hizo mangori nimepitia. Nielewe Tu. Lexy anaboeka.Lexy anageuka anaambia Tito sisi kukutana haikua na coincidence,kuna purpose fulani. Tito bado anamwngalia Tu.

Kwa room trisha wamelala kila mtu anafinya simu yake πŸ˜‚ kidogo Trisha anaamka. Venye ameenda hivi message inakuja kwa simu ya Junior inasema "HEBU CONFIRM HIYO NUMBER NIMEnKUTUMIA K**A NI YA TRISHA," makosaaaaa! Junior anashtuka anaamka anaenda kupiga simu nje. Kumbe ilikua Shantell alikua anataka tu kumake Junior know that ako na number ya Trisha so akijaribu kufanya ujinga anamsukumia pics πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ junior anamwamba ulipataje namba ya my wife? Shan anamwambia usijali we fanya hvo. Alafu Junior anamwambia weee I will tell BECKY what kind of friend you are. Na Mimi nikiangalia naona episode ya kesho ni mwisho mwisho.

Tupatane keshoo wakuu.


Benja Bruno

𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒: ππ„π‚πŠπ˜

Kumbuka kuweka LIKE
Shantele alijileta kwa Becky kuomba msamaha. Becky alifungua akamuliza shida yako ni nini msichana? Shan akamwambia relax,nimekuja kukuomba msamaha venye nilireact ni venye nilikua down kiasi. Becky akamwambia ni sawa,una bahati umenipata kwa mood fiti na pia pole venye nilikuongelesha alafu nishajua wewe ndio ulichapia Tito story ya kuenda kwa Junior. Shan akadhani Becky atajam but noo Becky kako sawa ju kanaamini,Shan was just doing best for Tito.

Kwa Mansion,ishafika wakati wa mlo na bado Junior hajakuja kula,hadi Martha anashangaa kuna nini,akamtuma Trisha but Trisha akamwambia mum noo,sidhani k**a ni idea poa,tutaletanisha tu huko juu. Hawana habari,Junior amepata condom kwa kibeti ya Trisha. Trisha akaamua kuja juu kumuita Junior.

Kumbe Junior,alianza kukumbuka ile siku Shan akimwambia ameona mtu k**a yeye na Trisa na sasa ndio Junior anashikanisha na kujua actually Trisha was there but with another man,makosa. Junior,umeishi kuchezwa broo na punde si punde Trisha akaingia akamwambia madhe amesema uende ukule food Itakua baridi Ile kuangalia Junior aliangalia Trisha,hadi Trisha akamuuliza bro,rada,whats wrong? Junior akaamka akafunga mlango,baaaaasi,utaniambia kila kitu msichana.

"Iam ok eating cold food as long as you give me good explanation of what a CD is doing in your hand bag." Junior alianza kuuliza Trisha. Trisha alinotice hasira kwa uso wa Junior akamwambia babe please,calm down lakini Junior alimwambia Iam not calming down. Junior akamwambia nak**a unacheat on me,utajua hujui lakini Trisha alimwambia nikiwa na CD haimaanishi Iam cheating on you,ngoja I give explantion kwanza. Junior amewaka mbaya mbovu.

Martha akiwa huku chini,alisikia kule juu kuna tatizo,Junior anapiga kelele na Trisha alimwambia sikiza,hii kitu si yangu,take it or leave it. Mlangoni,Martha akabisha,na Trisha akafungua mbio sana ju anajua Junior amejam sana. Martha aliuliza mbona mnafunga mlango whats going on? Trisha akamwambia ask your son but Junior akamwambia shut up Trisha,akauliza mamake,do you have idea what your daughter in law has been into lately? Martha akauliza what? Junior akamwambia she is cheating on me. Martha alishtuka mbaya mbovu lakini Trisha akajitetea akasema ni Junior anatafuta tu excuse but Junior akatoa CD akaonyesha mamake. Martha akauliza ni ya nani? Trisha akamwambia mum,its for my friend Vicky,aliniomba bag na akarudisha ikiwa hapo ndani,na cd ikawa ndani na sikuangalia ndani na hata si yangu,na tukaenda kwa Becky ikiwa hapo na sijui hata mbona sikuona na hata sijui nilitaka kuonyesha Junior na hata.... "eweee,calm down" Trisha anaongea nonstop lakini Martha akamuuliza,unamaanisha that thing ni ya Vicky? Trisha akasema yeah wakaamua kucall Vicky sasa,eeh! Trisha akachukua simu, kumcall Vicky wajue k**a ile CD ni yake ati. woi!

Kucall,Vicly ni mteja,kwa nini? Kwa sababu Trisha wakati anachukua simu,aliweka flight mode na akajifanya anacall Vicky akasema ni mteja but Martha si mjinga,alimwambia call her again na uweke loudspeaker nataka kusikia huyo msichana hananga kazi akisema sorry the member of CD cannot be reachedπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Trisha alitoa flght mode pole pole akacall Vicky na ikaingia k**a umemeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Vicky alishika simu alafu sasa ebu sikiza venye Trisha alitumia ujanja,badala ya kumuuliza swali,akajifanya amejam akamuuliza unaita nani bestie na umenifanyia hivyo? Vicky akamuuliza mbona sikuelewi? Trisha akamwambia unajua chenye umefanya,mbona uliacha hii kitu kwa bag yangu? This directly ni siz code ya kuonyesha Vicky,cheza kiwewe,lakini martha akaona aaai! Aaaaai! Hata kaam ni watoto,sisi si watoto hapa. Alafu Trisha ni mkora,hadi anageuza story kwa Junior hadi Martha akamwambia relax,you can hung up now ju Trisha alikua ameanza kusema aama ni plan ya Vicky kuchukua JuniorπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Shantelle alikuja kumcall Moh akamwambia imagine Becky anarudi job na venye mlimuongelesha vibaya,ama uongee na yeye asirudi ama hata ukuje na Jeff ju k**a yeye anarudi job si wewe pia urudi but Moh alimwambia acha tu hataki kusumbuana na Becky.

Trisha the winner,alicall Vicky akamwambia bestie,walai jana umeniokolea hiyo brocode iliweza mbaya lakini Vicky akamuuliza,ni nini ilikua kwa bag? Trisha akamwambia imagine ni ile CD bna,tulifanya mamboz nikasahau. Now we know venye kulienda.

Junior ako zake anaangalia tu picha ya Becky akismile tu kumbe Trisha alimuona,akamuuliza unasmile smile nini ukiangalia kwa simu? Junior akaficha simu but Trisha alikua ashaona,akamuuliza si I thought story za Becky tulimaliza? Wakaongea kiasi. Kisha Trisha akamuuliza,do you trust me? Junior akamwambia yeah,mbona? Trisha akamwambia I just wanted to be sure ju si unajua nakufenda k**a njugu motoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Becky ako ready na hata Shan amekuja kumuuliza k**a anaenda job. Becky alimwambia yeah,hata sai nangoja Junior akuje anipick twende job. Shantelle didnt see that coming.

Tito na Lexy,wera ni wera na leo hii walitoka pamoja wakienda job,Tito akaenda kuuza smokie,na Lexy kuuza nguo lakini kumbe,hawa wawili washaanza kupendana,hadi wanafikiria vitu same,kitu ikaambia tu Lexy ebu angalia Tito na kumbe Tito pia amejipanga kuangalia Lexy so wakaangaliana,wakasmile na wakacheka. Hii sasa ni nyota ya mapenziπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

After some minutes, Junior alifika kwa Becky,ready waondoke but Junior alishangaa kuona Shan pia ako huku na Shan kana ufala kalikuja kakamhug Junior Becky akiona hadi Junior akashangaa na wakati Becky alienda kuchukua bag, Junior akamuuliza hizo ni mawhat? Shan akamwambia sikiza, ukijaribu kumwambia kitu nilikuambia kuhusu Tito,utajua hujui,nitafanya utrend Kenya mzima. Junior akajua kumbe Shan bad ako na zile picha,akajam,akakuja ile ngumi yake na hii ukiwekelewa tu moja,unaokotwa Subukia,woi Shantelle,ngumi ngumi inakuja,bahati yake Becy akakuja na Junior akacool down.

Martha alikuja jikoni akapata Trisha anatengeneza mayai na Trisha akamwambia anataka kuhakikisha mume wangu hamuangalii Becky ananiangalia tu mimi, lakini ebu cheki,Martha alimshika Trisha shingo akamwambia sikiza,I know unacheat kwa my son na k**a hii sura yako ndio inafanya unacheat kwa Junior,I will destroy it ushangae,unadhani nilizaliwa jana sindio? Trisha akasahau akasema "yes"πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚This means,Martha didnt buy that story ya Trisha na phone call.

Becky alifika kazini na kufika kwa compound akaanza kukumbuka ile madharau alifanyiwa ile siku na kufukuzwa hadi karibu arudi but Junior akakuja,akamwambia najua unakumbuka what happened. Becky alimwambia yeah,na hata sikujua naeza rudi huku. Waliongea hapo nje kiasi na Becky akamwambia manze nilibambika venye ulisimama na mimi and to be honest nimerudi job kwa sababu yako. You can imagine Junior's priceless smile after kuambiwa hivyo,waaau!


Good morning


(1) All sovereign power belongs to the people of Kenya and shall be exercised only in accordance with this Constitution.

(2) The people may exercise their sovereign power either directly or through their democratically elected representatives

What isn't Love πŸ’˜?1. Love isn't staying up till 3 am in the night to talk to each other every third day.That's not Love,...

What isn't Love πŸ’˜?

1. Love isn't staying up till 3 am in the night to talk to each other every third day.

That's not Love, it's immaturity.

2. Love isn't sacrificing your goals for someone.

Instead, you help each other achieve your goals.

3. Love isn't chasing them after they leave you and saying that β€œPlease I love you, don't leave me”.

That's not love, that's just you being needy on the inside for someone who doesn't care about you, because if it was love, they would have stayed and figured things out with you.

4. Love isn't about how perfect a relationship you have or how perfect a partner you have.

It's about how you accept each other's imperfections and are willing to put in consistent efforts. Because in the end what matters is how the both of you go through your tough times and make the best out of your beautiful relationship.

5. Love isn't constantly trying to make sure of the fact that your partner might cheat on you because you are scared to lose them.

That's just a lack of trust on your side because of some experience that you might have. It's not wrong to feel this way but it will lead to unnecessary drama. Trust is the underlying foundation of a relationship so you should work on that first.

6. Love isn't depending on your partner for everything.

It's about also having a life of your own. Relationship is a part of your life. Not your life. You should have your own life, goals, and friends as well.

7. β€œDon't talk with your brother in front of me"
That isn't love, it's jealousy

8. β€œIf you love me then you must give me your password”
That isn't love, it's insecurity

9. β€œYou will only talk to me when you're online"
That isn't love, it's possessiveness

10. β€œYou should stop clicking photos"
That isn't love, it's toxicity

11. β€œWhy would I apologize ? I've done nothing wrong"
That isn't love, it's narcissism

Now the question comes, What is Love then?
In simple words, love is a pure feeling bound by mutual trust which is free from all the toxicity.

Hope many of you find my answer worthy to read!


Becky 16th Oct full episode... ukweli imejulikana

Benja Bruno

Strictly for the Married Couples...(((S*X DOES NOT BEGIN IN THE BEDROOM)))I have noticed with disdain that in this part ...

Strictly for the Married Couples...


I have noticed with disdain that in this part of our world, most Christian couples are not romantic at all. I can say with a heavy heart that romance is virtually dead in many christian marriages.

Many christian couples live like intimate strangers in the name of being spiritual and practicing holiness unto the Lord.

I was at a Christian couples' retreat some years ago where the guest speaker asked all the couples present to kiss each other. You needed to see the look on the faces of most of the couples; it was as if they had marched poopoo. I was a bit irritated by the spirikokoism I saw on display that day.

Dear Husband, when last have you hugged your wife as you were going out or coming in? Do you even hug your wife at all? Or you think your body is the temple of God and must not be used for hugging?

Dear Wife, when last did you grab your husband's head and plant a kiss on his lips?

When last did you dance together? When last did you crack jokes together? When last did you leave the kids with grandma and travel on a fun vacation together? When last did you do pillow fight?
Who told you that in marriage couples should only talk about kids,schoolfees,farming, relatives,church,property,investments,football,movies,everything except how to enjoy each others company.

The only time some Christian men hold their wives' hands is when they want to pray together. Re kindle your marriage with laughters ,smiles,humour around the house.

I charge all Christian couples, don't only PRAY together, PLAY together as well.

Husband, feel free to play the keyboard on your wife's body. You paid dowry over the owner of that body. You see those twins on her chest! Whether they are Extra large, large, medium or small; size does not matter; Play with them regularly. Squeeze them often. You think they are mere decorations? You think they are meant for the babies alone? No! Use your hands and mouth skilfully on those things. It does not reduce your anointing. Smack her playfully on her backyard once in a while! It's not a crime,shes your wife not in lawπŸ˜…

Wife, feel free to trouble that man in the other room. Fight like children doing chamama! It is allowed. Mummy, It does not reduce your spirituality. It even makes you to bond together. Mummy, do you even sit on Daddy's lap often? We know you are born again. We know you are Spirit filled. So are we too!

I remember how an older pastor advised me some time ago, "Pastor, if you want to operate in more power, you have to limit how you meet your wife, too much s*x with one's wife reduces the anointing." The reason I did not laugh right there before him was because of my respect for his age.

To be candid, S*x does not begin in the bedroom but outside it.

Husband, in the other room, don't just lay your wife on the bed and go straight into action.pinduka! ...? Who is chasing you? What's the rush? Are you a "Russian?" Who is hurrying you up? Try to go downstairs and work some magic there with your hands.It is not a wrestling match oohπŸ’ͺ

Wife, don't just lie down on the bed like a log of wood showing no emotions or feelings while the man does all the action. What are your hands for? Kilode? are you not the one ran from your psrents home to get a husband? Let the man hear your ringtone. It's not a sin for ringtones to be playing in the other room. Any other room where there is no ringtone during fellowship is a cold room.

Many Christian homes are just too cold and most couples are too formal. Many Christian marriages are just too boring. No intimacy! No different styles,no display of affection either openly or secretly. This shouldn't be. Christianity is not against romance.

This is lockdown period, don't allow your chambers to be under lockdown too.

Wife, Please don't listen to those women that are saying a man will still cheat no matter what you do to satisfy him during s*x. Don't listen to such women and allow what they say to kill your enthusiasm and action in the other room. Intimacy should not always end in s*x,are we tugetsa,you can cuddle,fondle,carress,feel all that watmth and sleep.

I agree that a man that will cheat will still cheat but that is no excuse for you to be boring in the other room; because I have also seen men that were pushed out because of that. Though that's not a genuine excuse.

Uncle, Daddy, please wake up, be a Lion for aunty/mummy. Aunty, mummy, please wake up, be a Tigress for Uncle/Daddy in the other room.

I believe this will help many Christian marriages....

"But, man of God, I don't love s*x. After all it is not food" If that is what I can hear you saying to me.Have you heard people mourn as they eat,so ,of course its not food,its on another league.Eti missionary what again?

You want to know my response to you? It's simple: "Keep quiet sir/ma! Why did you marry in the first place"

Chai! I have forgotten this is post Easter period, we should all be focusing on spiritual things. I hope I'm still spiritual sha!

God bless all the Christian marriages out there.

Enough of the Voltron we are forming with ourselves. Let's be real and frank.

Let's make the most of this lockdown period, my people. At least work stress is not an excuse at the moment.

God bless all the Christian couples out there. May your homes be heaven on earth..

S*x is an important element in marriage and until there is s*xual in*******se between a husband and a wife, the marriage...

S*x is an important element in marriage and until there is s*xual in*******se between a husband and a wife, the marriage is not yet spiritually recognized. This shows how important s*x is in marriage.

When you look at how aggressive men are towards s*x you may think that what a man needs from a woman is s*x. Of course, if he has not married you yet or he does not really intend to marry you what he will need from you is nothing above your body. But if he really intends to marry you or if you guys are already married s*x is never what he needs from you - maybe let me say it better; "WHAT A MAN NEEDS MOST FROM A WOMAN IS NOT S*X."
Many young girls think because they are s*xually active and experience they will easily be married and have their husbands loving them. And when a man approaches for marriage they think the greatest asset they have to show the man is s*x. Others also think once they are giving out their bodies it means they are giving out the best for which reason they will be chosen above all.

There is this young girl who is very beautiful and s*xually active. Due to that she thought s*x is all that matters to a man. Ironically, she struggled for long before finally getting married. Her s*xual dexterity could not win her the heart of a man until out of the blue and reason beyond imagination a very handsome good man married her. The wedding was grand and her tears were now gone. Unfortunately only a year after the wedding the marriage fell on rocks. Within five years three different men came her way but none could stay.
The problem was simple. She thought s*x was all that matters so she would never submit. But submission is what men need, not s*x. It is time for our young ladies to know that when a man is ready to marry he will not look out for a woman who will satisfy his s*x drive but a woman who will submit herself to him. Excuse my language, "every woman has va**na but not every woman has humility." So when you are a humble woman, you are an expensive jewelry. And a man of integrity will fear to lose you.

What does the holy say, "wife, submit to your husband." The reason is that a man's true love goes out only for a woman who is submissive. Your beauty cannot make another woman ugly but your humility can let him love you above all other women.
Sadly, many young ladies in our days call submission as "control." And you will hear them saying in tiny romantic voices, "As for me I don't want any man to control me oh." If you don't want to submit don't think of marriage because no man in his right sense will offer his love to a woman whose heart is higher than his height, no matter how short he may be.
When a woman bows her knee before a man, the man will automatically bow his heart before her love. And love her sincerely. There are, of course, recalcitrant men who will not value women of humility but I tell you that every true man does not need s*x, but submission. It is submission that truly makes you a romantic wife. So be the QUEEN you want to be but when it comes to dealing with your husband, play the role of a humble maid. Don't forget that it is the spirit of humility that has caused many maids to hijack their mistresses' husbands. Be your man's queen and also be his maid.

I wish you all the best as you submit in your relationship and marriage. May God bless you with good marriage, my dear friends...✍

Never force a relationship...✍🏾Sometimes it's better to move on, than to hold on to a person who doesn't understand who ...

Never force a relationship...✍🏾

Sometimes it's better to move on, than to hold on to a person who doesn't understand who you truly are. Unfortunately there will be times where your absence will teach you what your presence cannot.

You need to stop breaking your own heart in trying to make a relationship work that clearly isn't meant to work to begin with.

You can't force someone to genuinely care about you.

You can't force someone to be faithful to you.

You can't force someone to be the person you need
them to be.

The truth is, sometimes the person you want the most is the same person you would be best without.

You have got to understand some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay.

Everything that you do to show love, you have to be
careful, not to lose yourself by trying to fix what should never been there in the first place. You can't get the relationship you need from someone who's not ready to reciprocate the love you give to them.

I know it's hard when you meet someone and your heart feels, that's the person you could spend an eternity with, and you start to accept that they are not that person you thought they needed to be.

And no matter how many times you cry yourself to sleep at night, you will eventually heal from your previous relationship and find the one you have always longed for. Your future will now bring an understanding of why things didn't work out in your previous relationships.

One thing I have learned throughout the years, is β€œIt is better to be single than to be in a relationship settling for less.”

If they see you as an option, then they don't deserve to be a priority in your life.

Take my advice and never chase someone who's not chasing you.

β€œIdris was born a man 1992 august 31st. Immediately i got into dis earth and also mature enough to differentiate btw my ...

β€œIdris was born a man 1992 august 31st. Immediately i got into dis earth and also mature enough to differentiate btw my right and left !!! I told myself i want to be a WOMAN.

There's nothing bad to be a man truth be told. But i see myself doing better in life as a woman. Women are so caring, soft hearted, beautiful and hardworking.. I saw all dis characteristics in me growing up especially growing up with an amazing mother.

I'm not regretting taking dis BOLD step. Instead I'm glad i took d bold step to become who i want to be and not ready and will never apologize to anyone.”


Commander mwenyewe




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