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Top 50 Tribes in Africa

1. Maasai (Kenya, Tanzania): Migrated from the Nile Valley around 15th–18th centuries CE.

2. Zulu (South Africa): Became prominent under Shaka Zulu in the early 19th century, with Bantu origins dating back to 3,000–2,000 BCE.

3. Hausa (Nigeria, Niger, Ghana): Established city-states around 1000–1200 CE, with Afro-Asiatic roots dating back 10,000 years.

4. Khoisan (Botswana, Namibia, South Africa): Among the oldest indigenous groups, dating back over 100,000 years.

5. Yoruba (Nigeria, Benin): Their centralized kingdoms (e.g., Ife and Oyo) became prominent around 900 years ago, though oral histories suggest earlier origins (~1000 CE).

6. Xhosa (South Africa): Emerged from Bantu migrations around 3,000–2,000 BCE.

7. Berber (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya): Ancient group dating back 12,000–10,000 BCE, tied to early Afro-Asiatic cultures.

8. Amhara (Ethiopia): Linked to the Kingdom of Axum (100 BCE–700 CE), with roots in Cush*tic and Semitic migrations.

9. Igbo (Nigeria): Evidence of settlements from 3000 BCE, with developed communities by 9th century CE.

10. Oromo (Ethiopia, Kenya): Migrated to their current area around 10th–16th centuries CE, part of the Cush*tic lineage.

11. Wolof (Senegal, Gambia): Emerged as a distinct group in 12th–13th centuries CE, tied to the Ghana and Mali empires.

12. Himba (Namibia): Emerged in the 16th century CE, a subgroup of the Herero people.

13. San/Bushmen (Various Southern African countries): Indigenous population dating back over 100,000 years, among the oldest human groups.

14. Ashanti (Ghana): Founded the Ashanti Empire in 1670 CE, with Akan roots dating to 1000 CE.

15. Mandinka (Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Mali): Linked to the Mali Empire (1235–1600 CE), with earlier West African origins.

16. Fula/Fulani (West Africa): Probable origins around 4th century CE, with widespread migration and cultural expansion starting 1000 CE.

17. Tuareg (Saharan regions): Nomadic Berber subgroup, dating back


∆. Get the right woman - Forget the slay queens and women with looks but zero brains. Get a woman who will not only support your vision but will also push you to achieve more. A woman who will inspire you to work hard and not a woman who just makes you hard. He who finds a real woman finds a good thing and obtains favour and power to create wealth.

∆. Stop Taking Cheap Drinks - I have no problem with having drinks during social interaction and networking. However, when you drink cheap drinks or drink in cheap places, you hang out with cheap people who have cheap ideas and a cheap future. Big business opportunities are found in places where the drinks are expensive. In fact, in places where they sell cheap drinks, the only people you will find there are people who will be asking you for money. They even clap when you come knowing 'big buyer' has come.

∆. Stop being Lazy - "Man ooh Man, why art thou Lazy?" You are too lazy for your own good. You sleep the whole day and blame the government for your poverty. "A Little Sleep, a Little Slumber, poverty shall overtake you like a political cadre in overalls". A lot of men are just lazy when it comes to making money. They have enough energy to give a woman five or***ms, but have no energy to start one organization, that's why it is so easy for men to manufacture children than it is to make even pegs for putting children's clothes on the line..

∆. Know Productive Things - If you keep too much junk in your head, you get a junk life. I know a lot of men who are so sharp when you are talking about girls, about soccer and about street politics, Who is Rich who is not,Who has a good house but you can't bring a topic about investment, innovation and business, they start looking at their phone, yawning or saying bye.. Useless things, videos and memes go viral fast than constructive things.. A man must know how to do at least one productive thing (have one skill) even without having gone to college.

∆. Get Connected to Big Men Who are better than you - A lot of men are failing because they are not mentored. They don't have anyone to whom they can sit down and listen, with obedience. In the old days, old men would sit young men down and show them how to hunt and kill animals... and no man was considered a man enough until he has personally killed an animal... now these men of nowadays are not mentored and can't even kill a bird. There are men out there who have made it in life, find a way to get mentored by big men who are making waves and impacting people in our community.

∆. Work - Stop Spending your whole day just praying and fasting yet you know that both Quran and Bible tells you that God will bless the work of your hands. Yes yes The blessing finds you on your way doing something,Stop using Prayer as an excuse not to work. Work hard.
It’s an error for your pockets to be empty and your brain to be empty‼️

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Dear Young Man,

Women chase those who don't chase them and love those who don't care for them.

They will abandon the good guys and go all out for those bad boys who barely have any serious intentions towards them aside from playing fun with them.

After they have been used, reused, overused, damaged, shattered, battered, broken, destroyed, acquired lots of body count, have taken more abortion pills than a balanced diet, and have been dumped by the bad boys, they will now want to fall back to the good guys.

The only time the good guys become their spec is when the bad boys are no longer interested and reject them.

When she's fresh, ripe, beautiful, less damaged, and innocent, she will reject the good guy.

The only time the good guy becomes an option is when she's now a single mom with a factory of babies.

The only time she needs a real man is when all hope is lost, that moment when she's tired of playing bed-to-bed midfield, playing around, taking abortion pills, sucking community c***s, jumping from one hotel to the other, now age is catching up with her, and she needs to retire.

The good guys take the leftovers while the bad boys eat her fresh.

They will friend zone the good guys until they are tired of being a hoe, being passed around like toys by different men, and that may be after 12 years.

At that moment, all that matters to her is fun, fun, fun until when she has been destroyed, then she seeks for the good man to save her.

Kings never be that good and understanding man.

If she rejects you in her prime, don't have anything to do with her in your prime.

If she friend zone you in her prime, enemy zone her in your prime.

You deserve much better.

You must not be that understanding man that will accept rubbish into your life

Let me tell you, such women hardly change for any good.

She has seen more than you can see, you can't tame her.

If she says she has repent, fine, let her repentance be for another man but not you.

Stay wise.


“Whatever happens, stay alive.
Don't die before you're dead.
Don't lose yourself, don't lose hope, don't loose direction. Stay alive, with yourself, with every cell of your body, with every fiber of your skin.
Stay alive, learn, study, think, read, build, invent, create, speak, write, dream, design.
Stay alive, stay alive inside you, stay alive also outside, fill yourself with colors of the world, fill yourself with peace, fill yourself with hope.
Stay alive with joy.
There is only one thing you should not waste in life,
and that's life itself..."


Actually, the converse is true.... all peoples presently living in Ugenya, parts of Alego, Usonga, Yimbo, Usenge and even as far afield as Ugunja and parts of Gem, and even Butere and Khwisero and parts of Bunyore are, by lineage, Samias. It doesn`t matter what language they speak now, or what they call themselves. Even as far afield as Gusiiland and amongst the Ba-Kuria and Zanaki peoples, you find peoples whose origin is Samia. The Abagirango [Abasira-ngwe] and Abanyakone [Abakhone] are Samia in origin. Kisiis lived in Busia and Alego anyway. Read Barack Obama`s book ``Dreams From My Father``. We have offshoots of Samia even amongst the Tiriki and Isukha. The Bukusus and Batura of Bumula have Samia clans. The original Abanyala ba Ndombi came from Budecho and Busia. Half of their group remained in Busia -Uganda, and are known as Abadecho and Abanyole in Butaleja District. U are a Samia if your totem says you are one, if your genealogy says so, and lastly if your tongue and oral history leads you to the great land between Rivers Nzoia and Nile. In Uganda, the argument rages on: that Samias are apostasized Basoga. We share clans and totems and a few words still. All the original proverbs and sayings in present-day Lusamia are spoken in a version of Lusoga spoken in the southern part [Lutenga or Lukhooli/Lugabula]. The link with Luos is not a Jomo/Jaramogi phenomenon. It goes much, much further. Basamia originally lived on the shores of Lake Albert. A splinter group from the Acholis came and lived next to tthem. This group had come from Pa-Bit in Acholiland. The Samias called them Ababiito. Over several generations, the 2 distinct groups intermarried and gave rise to the hybrid community of Abanyooro..... a mixture of bantu/nilote/hamite groupings. As population grew, it became necessary to move out. The largely Luo-speakers of Bunyooro moved eastwards, towards the Nile and Lake Kyoga. They asked the bantu-speaker to accompany them, promising them cattle. The bantu-sp


My first time to vote was for President Kibaki in 2002.
Some of you calling me names here were barely in school. Immediately he was sworn in, he decided to be a supremacist.
But being a clever individual, he cunningly recompense his betrayal with performance.
He was a good President but a sly politician.

Uhuru Kenyatta defied opposition to join him.
Most of you here celebrated when Uhuru jumped opposition leadership and stood with Kibaki against the popular will of the people.

Still, Kibaki was overwhelmingly voted out.
Kenyans saw through his craftiness. Facing defeat,
He refused to concede and was sworn in at night.

Kibaki had to share government.
Again he subjected Raila Odinga and those of us who were in his camp unimaginable pain.
Raila would soon be baptised mzee wa nusu mkeka, nusu mkate, mzee wa toilets...
It was unexplainably painful to us his supporters.

Kibaki would soon engineer his succession and Uhuru became president.
2nd term, the court ruled he didn't win fairly.
The threats to Maraga and his team were palpable.

Uhuru competed against himself and some of you celebrated as the rest of Kenya just watched. I assume you felt wamezoea.

After Ruto became president, we were told hatuna shares, mtu wetu wa kuzimia should retire. ..

But as fate would have it, you have developed to dislike your president whom you overwhelmingly elected to the last man.
Strangely you feel its your right We support you in this rat race ignoring how we feel and if we ever healed from what we went through.

Interestingly at Raila Odinga wall, you show deep resentment..
Prays he lose the AUC but somehow expext us to join you in anti Ruto campaign.

It doesn't work like that folks.
President Ruto will enjoy our free support.
If Raila Odinga were to join Hands with Rigathi...
Ruto will be impeached the following week and by January he won't be in office.

Unfortunately some of us believes in clean politics and good manners.
President Ruto will serve his two



1. They never apologize, even when they know they’re wrong.
2. They always make excuses or give empty promises.
3. They use your weaknesses against you.
4. They prioritize others but treat you like an option.
5. They try to control you.
6. They use guilt trips.
7. They twist your words to benefit themselves.
8. They shut down and get defensive instead of talking.
9. They project their feelings onto you.
10. They gaslight you to create self-doubt.
11. They give you the silent treatment.
12. They lie constantly.
13. They leave you feeling crazy and confused.
14. They always make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells.
15. They always play the victim.

Recognizing these signs is the first step to taking back control. You deserve respect, kindness, and healthy relationships.


Listen up, Men! 5 tricks a narcissistic women use to finish you.

If you’re entangled with a narcissistic woman, know this: she’s mastered the art of manipulation. She’ll go to extreme lengths to impress strangers, putting on a flawless, charming act in public while treating you—the man she claims to love—with contempt behind closed doors. It’s a well-crafted game: she builds a shining public image so that if you ever speak up about her toxic behavior, others won’t believe you. They’ll see her as the perfect, kind, caring woman and question your perspective instead. This two-faced approach is designed to isolate you, making you feel trapped and questioning your own reality.

Narcissistic women use calculated, dangerous tactics to keep you confused, controlled, and emotionally drained. Here are five key strategies they use to manipulate you and protect their own image🙄

1. Love Bombing to Create Dependency

In the beginning, she’ll overwhelm you with affection, admiration, and attention. This phase is called love bombing, and it’s designed to make you feel like you’re the most important person in her world. She’ll shower you with compliments, spend as much time with you as possible, and make you believe she’s “the one.” This is a trap, meant to hook you emotionally and create a deep sense of dependency. Once you’re fully invested, the love bombing stops, and the real game begins. Robert Greene’s “The Art of Seduction” details how manipulators use charm as a weapon, hooking you only to later reveal their true intentions.

2. Gaslighting to Distort Your Reality

One of the most insidious tactics narcissists use is gaslighting. She’ll twist conversations, deny things she’s said or done, and make you doubt your memory and perception. She may say something hurtful, then deny it happened when you confront her, making you question your sanity. The goal is to destabilize you mentally, so you start doubting your own judgment. In “The 48 Laws of Power,” Robert Greene discuss


Listen up, Men! Let’s talk about second-hand cars—or better yet, let’s talk about the streets, because this isn’t just about vehicles; it’s about life and the women you choose to build your future with.

When you buy a second-hand car that’s been misused by multiple owners, you know what you’re signing up for: a headache. That car will demand more from you than you can possibly give. It will drain your finances, sap your energy, and constantly leave you stranded. Guess what? The same principle applies to women who’ve been “driven” all over the streets. They come with baggage, issues, and a history that will haunt you more than you realize.

Let’s break it down. That second-hand car—much like a woman with a high body count—has been through it all. It’s been over-revved, mishandled, and beaten down by every driver it’s had. You, the new owner, think you’re getting a good deal, but before long, it starts breaking down. It spends more nights at the workshop than in your driveway. That’s your life when you marry a woman who’s been out there: constant emotional and financial breakdowns. She’ll drain your wallet, exhaust your patience, and leave you questioning every decision you’ve made.

And don’t think the previous “drivers” will vanish into thin air. Just like an old car’s former owners might show up asking to “borrow it for a quick errand,” her exes might still linger around. They’ll flash their lights at you—DM her, call her, or even pop up in public—because they recognize what you’re now dealing with. And trust me, this isn’t about harmless banter; it’s about them still having access to what’s supposed to be exclusively yours. Do you want that kind of stress in your life?

Here’s another thing to think about: a car with a long history of reckless drivers comes with unfixable issues. The alignment is off, the engine is damaged, and the wear and tear is irreversible. The same goes for women who’ve been passed around. Emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, they’ve bee

Women don't want love, they want a slave.They want a man that they can use to fund their life style.Once life becomes ha...

Women don't want love, they want a slave.

They want a man that they can use to fund their life style.

Once life becomes hard, they will look for a man that can work hard for them so they can live a soft life.

They want a man who can pay their bills, they want a man that can solve all their problems on earth.

WHAT DOES THIS SLAVE[Men] GETS IN RETURN FROM THEM? nothing but suffering, pains and regret at the end of the day because this women don't have anything of value to bring to the table.
Its very obvious that majority of men are just slaves to their women but they don't know because the women they are dating are just using them to get their life easy and comfortable without offering the man any real value.
Be wise.
Until she has something of value to offer, treat her like a prosti...tute... don't commit to her.

Stay putinized.



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