What do you do when you find yourself in difficult seasons and times
You have a DEFENDER
When you feel all hope is lost, when debt are draining you and people rise against you, both external and internal attacks, I want to let you know, you have a DEFENDER.
Quenchable thirst
Isaiah 55:1,6
John 4:13-16
What is that thirst you have that is unquenchable, I know a solution...
Prayer/counseling 0758881845
Something sweet out of pain
Something sweet out of pain
Called to conquer
Prayers/counsel 0758881845
Inner circle
The inner circle
Who do you allow in the inner circle
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Love covers a multitude of sins
Love, love more love
Prayers/counseling 0758881845
Jesus the guarantor of the new coven
Jesus the guarantor of a better covenant
#Jesus is forever a priest in order of melchizedek
#Jesus became a priest not by meeting the physical requirements of belonging to the tribe of Levi but by the power of a life that cannot be destroyed
#The new covenant draws us near to God
Hebrews 7:22(NLT)"because of this path, Jesus is the one who guarantees
better covenant with God
Hebrews 8:6(NLT)"But now Jesus ,our High priest had been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for he is the one who Mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises"
#A call of hope
#The wiser woman
Children like attributes.
Matthew | Mathayo
11:25 At that time Jesus said, 'I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.
Being children like is the key to deep spiritual revelation.
1.Open to Learning
3.Spending more time asking questions
4.Always truthful and innocent
#A call of hope
Divine positioning
Divine positioning
Genesis 37:12-36
May you enjoy a divine positioning for your glorious destiny
#Call of hope
FORGE ON.......
Numbers 13:27-30
-The odds might be against you but forge ahead, fight on
-Caleb understood this and he believed in the fulfilment of the promises of God
1.Attitude- have a winners attitude
2.Faith - have faith i God
3.Focus-Don't get distracted by naysayers
Believe God's testimony not people's testimony.
1 John 5:9-14
Have confidence that whatever you ask God according to his will, He shall answer.
#Call of hope
Not if you can, it's because you can
Not if you can
All we need is to believe in God and whatever we ask in faith is assured
#A call of hope
prayers/counselling 0758881845
We have a race
We have A race we must run