My Qur'an Tutor

My Qur'an Tutor Quran classes
Collection of thought Reflection
Inspiration Message Quotes and Advices



Imam Bn Qayyim (May ALLAH forgive Him) said: Surely, The Qur'an was not only revealed for plain recitation or gathering ...

Imam Bn Qayyim (May ALLAH forgive Him) said: Surely, The Qur'an was not only revealed for plain recitation or gathering on Salla recitation. Added, it was revealed to: peruse it, be sensitized, guided, be informed, act upon, lighten from darkness, direct rightfully from astray, be educated from ignorance, rescued from folly, guidance to d straight path...

Sawa'iqul mursala 316/1.

May we be from among those who d glorious Qur'aan will intercede on d day of Qiyama....



ALWAYS REMEMBERQur'an is better than music.Sunnah is better than tradition..Prayer is better than sleep & Silence is bet...

Qur'an is better than music.Sunnah is better than tradition..Prayer is better than sleep & Silence is better than bad

When you're single, you see happy couples everywhere. But when you get married, you see happy singles everywhere.This ki...

When you're single, you see happy couples everywhere. But when you get married, you see happy singles everywhere.
This kind of witchcraft is difficult to explain. 🙄

UKWELI NDO HUU DHIDI YA MWANAMKE NA MWANAUME.Ni rahisi kwa Mwanamke  kuchagua Mwanaume anaemikiki Uchumi/Kafanikiwa lich...


Ni rahisi kwa Mwanamke kuchagua Mwanaume anaemikiki Uchumi/Kafanikiwa licha ya kuwa na Option mbili Aliefanikiwa na Mwaminifu.

Na nirahisi kwa Mwanaume kumchagua Mwanamke Mwaminifu licha ya kuwa na Option mbili za Aliefanikiwa na Mwaminifu.

Hii ina maana gani Mwanamke kwake Mwanaume mwenye Uchumi ndiye humata sana bila kujali tabia wala Miendendo yake.

Na ukweli kwamba hawawapendi Wanaume wasio waaminifu kwao kwao ndomaana hata kuwapa tendo huwa ni kwa kulazimishana.

Wakati kwa Mwanaume Mwanamke Mwaminifu ni Maisha ndo Mke mwenye Haiba ya k**e mwenye anaweza kuhakikisha Familia inasonga hata k**a hayupo.

Mwanaume kwa sababu ni Muhumini wa Utulivu asiependa kelele anaamini Mwanamke Mwaminifu basi ndiye mwenye neema machoni pake.

Je kwako wewe kati ya 👇


Utamchagua yupi na utaondoka na yupi kati yao na je huwa unazingatia nini umchaguapo Mwanaume au Mwanamke wa Maisha yako na hata kwenye Mahusiano yako?.

HUYU NDIYE MKE MWEMA.1.Sifa njema pambo lake, na wala hana paparaNi mengi mazuri yake, wa kutubu kila maraAheshimu Mume ...


Sifa njema pambo lake, na wala hana papara
Ni mengi mazuri yake, wa kutubu kila mara
Aheshimu Mume wake, akiwa kwenye sitara
Huyu ndiye Mke mwema, chaguo la Waumini.
Mwenye njema akhilaki, zilotajwa na Nabia
Asiwe mpenda laki, na vingi vya kuvutia
Na nyumbani anabaki, si yule wa pita njia
Huyu ndiye Mke mwema, chaguo la waumini.
Wakuvaa za mapana, Jalbabu na Niqabu
Sio zile za kubana, zilizo na nyingi tabu
Anaemcha Rabana, haramu kwenda Kilabu
Hiyu ndiye Mke mwema, chaguo la waumini.
Ibada kwenye maisha, awe anazingatia
Mfano Nana Aisha, Fatma Mama Asia
Si yule anaebisha, Mumewe kumrukia
Huyu ndiye Mke mwema, chaguo la waumini.
Huyu ndiye Mke mwema, chaguo la waumini
Wa kukithirisha wema, awe kando na kukhini
Basi ndiye Mke jama, Vijana tuzindukeni
Huyu ndiye Mke mwema, chaguo la waumini.
Wa kusali sala tano, ni bora wa kuchagua
Aepuke malumbano, asichambe kuchambua
Mjua maelewano, si mipango kupangua
Huyu ndiye Mke mwema, chaguo la waumini.
Na mwisho nalibaini, awe na njema khuluka
Zaidi awe na dini, na mengine kadhalika
Abakie Majumbani, dharura kwake kutoka
Hiyi ndiye Mke mwema, chaguo la waumini.

KILELE CHA FURAHA KWA MWANAUME NI KUKUBALIWA.Hakuna nyakati bora maishani mwa Mwanaume k**a siku na saa hujibiwa ombi la...


Hakuna nyakati bora maishani mwa Mwanaume k**a siku na saa hujibiwa ombi lake kutoka kwa Mwanamke ambae amekuwa akimpenda sana.

Siku hii huwa ni njema kwake, na inaondoa uzito wa aina yeyote ambao huenda ulikuwa tatizo nje na matamanio yake dhidi ya huyo Mwanamke.

Ukitaka Mwanaume akifikie kilele cha furaha yake basi mjibu nakupenda pia, maana kwake huondoa kila aina ya karaha iliyowahi Msumbua na zinazoendelea kumsumbua.

MKE WA MUJIBU NI YUPI?K**a una Mwanamke wako kazi yake kupost Mionekano yake na kutuonyesha Baadhi ya Maungo yake unaamb...


K**a una Mwanamke wako kazi yake kupost Mionekano yake na kutuonyesha Baadhi ya Maungo yake unaambiwa hana utofauti na Malaya au Kahaba.

Kutuonyesha Makalio Mtandaoni.
Kutuonyesha Mgongo wazi Mtandaoni.
Kutuonyesha Miguu ya Bia Mtandaoni.
Kutuonyesha Kucha zake tena za bandia.
Kutuonyesha Hips zake Mtandaoni.

Ni kuhalalisha zinaa ndani kwake, na pengine hata Mwili wake unanukia Ufuska au ametawaliwa na Mihemko ya Umalaya.

Kubwa zaidi anapost Mapaja yake yaani ana ruhusu walimwengu kufahamu namna yeye Kabalikiwa na Uumbaji wa Mungu ujue hafai.

Si Mke wa kuishi nae Wanaume wanasema hiyo ni Sahani ya Kulia chakula na inawekwa kwenye tenga itaoshwa na kutumiwa na wengine haitakiwi kuketishwa au Kuifadhiwa Kabatini.

Na unaambiwa Mwanamke ambae ni Sexualize Online hana utofauti na Kahaba anae uza utu wake kujipatia chochote kitu yaani nae ni Malaya aliechangamka japo anajifichia kwenye kivuli ya Ndoa.

Sasa basi k**a ndivyo alivyo na Maisha yake ndo hayo na Janaume umelidhika tu ipo Siku utamshuhudia na Baba mkwe wako pole.


UKISIKIA PENZI K***A NA DOTO NDO HILI.Soma kisa hiki kifupi kisha fikiri kwako kukoje?, na penzi lako na My wako limefik...


Soma kisa hiki kifupi kisha fikiri kwako kukoje?, na penzi lako na My wako limefikia hatua gani mpaka hapo ulipo?.

Siku moja Mwanamke alitaka kujua ni kiasi gani anapendwa na Mume wake, hivyo akataka kujua Mumewe atafanya nini na ni anauaminifu kiasi gani endapo ataamua kuondoka na kumuacha?, maana ni swali ambalo amejiuliza Muda mrefu sana.

Basi bwana Mwanamke Huyo akaamua kuandika Barua inayosomeka "Samahani mume wangu, Nimeamua kuondoka na kwenda kuanzisha maisha mapya mbali na wewe" kwa sababu umekuwa ni Mwanaume usie wa aina yangu nimevumilia nimeshindwa kwaheri.

Baada ya kumaliza kuiandika Barua hiyo akaiweka juu ya meza iliyokuwa chumbani kwao kisha yeye akasubiria muda wa kufika kwa Mumewe ili aende kujihifadhi uvunguni mwa Kitanda chao akisubiria Mumewe ataamua nini baada ya kuuona Ujumbe ule.

Baadae Jioni, muda wa Mumewe kurudi Mwanamke huyo akajificha chini ya Uvungu wa kitanda, mule chumbani mwao na mume alipoingia Akakuta Barua Ile Ipo juu ya meza akaisoma.

Baada ya kuisoma akaandika maneno fulani kwenye Ile Ile Barua kumjibu, Kisha akaanza kuimba imba kwa Furaha huku akiwa anapiga miluzi na akiwa anavua nguo.

Mara akapiga simu na akasikika akisema hivi "Hello mpenzi nina Raha sana Leo....yule mwanamke nuksi ameondoka mwenyewe bila kumfukuza na kutuachia uwanja jiandae Nakuja" muda huo huo mume akaondoka.

Mwanamke alipokuwa uvunguni akawa amechanganyikiwa na analia na kutokwa na machozi na jasho zikimtiririka sana na baadae akaamua kutoka huku akiwa amenyong'onyea na ameloa mashavu kwa machozi.

Akasogea pale ilipo barua na akataka kujua mumewe aliandika kitu gani kwenye Ile Barua !! cha ajabu Akakuta maneno haya "Nimekuona miguu yako upo chini ya Uvungu tafadhali Andaa chakula nina Njaa Sana Mumeo ila Nimetoka kidogo nafuata maziwa nilisahau kupitia". Nakupenda Mke wangu wa moyo.

Hope penzi hili limefika hatua ambayo ni salama na haliwezi kubomika kirahisi hata kidogo!!, ila je penzi lako limefikia hatua hii au limechanganyikana na kuvurugika.

How do you find your purpose?I get asked this question ALL the time.But they NEVER teach this in schools.Because once yo...

How do you find your purpose?

I get asked this question ALL the time.

But they NEVER teach this in schools.
Because once you find purpose, you won't ever want to work for someone else again.

Purpose is a very personal thing.
But finding it isn't easy.
First you have to think...

What problem in the world do you want to solve?
Then list out why that matters to you.

"But what if I can't think of a way to help people"
Then think of a problem that has bothered you.
No matter how small or silly it is.
And think how to solve it

This will wake your entrepreneurial muscle up.
And once it's awake, keep thinking and solving problems...

Until something clicks.
When it does, you'll know that you've found your purpose.


Find someone else who has found a strong purpose you believe in, and work alongside them.

Your purpose may be the same as theirs, or it may inspire you to find your own.

Purpose is infectious.

How to WIN in business:🙌There are 3 things you NEED to make your business a success.Purpose, passion and delayed gratifi...

How to WIN in business:🙌

There are 3 things you NEED to make your business a success.

Purpose, passion and delayed gratification.
A lot of people say don't work for free.

I think they're not only wrong...

But the truth is the complete opposite.
When starting a business you should over deliver and provide free value.

This is as the most important thing at this stage is to build relationships with clients.

Winning them over early will not only keep them supporting you for life...

But will also mean they will spread the word about your great services.

PENZI LIENDALO KUFA LINAKUWAJE?.Linakuwa na mfululizo wa sababu nne mpaka tano kutoka kwa mwenzi wako, ikiwa unaziona da...


Linakuwa na mfululizo wa sababu nne mpaka tano kutoka kwa mwenzi wako, ikiwa unaziona dalili hizi embu usijitafakalishe sana tafuta kujipumzisha.

1• Kutoka kuambiana Morning kunapokucha na Goodnight kabla haja lala, Mpaka kuambiana Sory nilipitiwa na usingizi bahati mbaya kipenzi changu.

Hapa mmoja wenu atakuwa ana react kwa kuuliza na kujiuliza maswali k**a mbona unabadilika siku hizi hukuwa hivi inakuwaje?.

Reaction hizi zinakuwa sababu ya kuanza hatua ya pili ya anguko la penzi au Mahusiano yenu.

2• Simu ilikuwa silence sikuisikia ikiita nisamehe bure mpenzi wangu na univumilie sawaee maana da.

Wakati akitoa sababu hizi tambua kuna mbadala ana uvutia kasi na kwako pameanza kuondoka taratibu note that.

3• Leo sijisikii kuongea sana na simu so naomba nilale au nipumzike tutaongea nikiwa sawa.

Bila shaka unapo ombwa ruhusa hii kuna mwenzako kapewa Air time na wana bebishana na wakoo On Mood.

4• Nimechoka sana nawahi zangu kulala hivyo tutaongea kesho sawaee, inauma sana hii tena mnoo omba isikukute.

Hatua hii humaanisha kesha negotiate tayari na penzi jipya na huenda yupo nae kwa kitanda kimoja wakipeana raha zao trust me.

5• Naona hatuwezi kuendana naomba tafuta unaeendana nae maana hunielewi kila ninapoku kuambia matatizo yangu, kwaheri maisha mema.

Hope haya ndo majibu yanayo umiza na kuutesa moyo kuliko, hapa tambua tayari jamaa yake kamfiti vizuri na ameamua kumpa Moyo tayari so huna chako hapo.

Anyways k**a upo kwenye situation hii elewa Mapenzi ni hisia zinazo umiza Ila huwa hazichoshi ndugu.

Unaumia kwa kumkosa huyu wa sasa ila utapata mwengine atakae fanya maajabu moyoni mwako na kulia kukaisha.

JITAFAKARINI NA UBINADAMU WENU!!!.Msijifanye wazuri sana kwa Wenzenu/Wengine ilihali Mioyo yenu haitamani hata Kutuona/K...


Msijifanye wazuri sana kwa Wenzenu/Wengine ilihali Mioyo yenu haitamani hata Kutuona/Kuwaona Haitamani Kutusikia/Kuwasikia na haitamani hata Tufanikiwe.

Mwaonekana Machoni k**a tunda la Aple zuri lenye kuvutia na tukaamua kufanya Malengo ndani yenu kumbe Mlisha ling'ata na Mnachotupatia ni Mabaki na Makapi.

Endeleeni kuwa hivyo mlivyo Mungu anawaona na kuwachunguzeni Mienendo yenu, Mtaufanikisha huo ubaya na husuda ila aibu zitawakuteni.

Ni kweli mwajua jicho la unaemfanyia husuda hizo hajui na hatambui na mnamfanya bwege ila yupo Muumba asiependa mnacho mfanyia atakupeni majibu badala yake.

Acheni kuja na taswira za Wema ikiwa mwajua Mioyoni sivyo mlivyo na eleweni ni makosa kufanya hivyo maana hamku Umbwa kuwa hivyo Jitafakalini njia zenu.

UZUNGU UZUNGU.Uzungu ndo unaosababisha Ndoa ziwe na Migogoro mingi na kuwa sababu ya Ndoa hizo kuto kudumu na kuwa na Ma...


Uzungu ndo unaosababisha Ndoa ziwe na Migogoro mingi na kuwa sababu ya Ndoa hizo kuto kudumu na kuwa na Matatizo Mengi.

Tafuta pesa ikusaidie kutatua changamoto za Kimaisha na sio zitatue wajibu wa Mwanamke wako hapo Nyumbani.

Ukiwa na uzezeta huo pesa yako itakuwa chungu kwako na hutoiona raha ya Kuitafuta kwako hiyo pesa elewa hutoiona raha ya pesa yako.


10 Common Mistakes in Prayers

A father said to his daughter “You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago. It is a bit older ...

A father said to his daughter “You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago. It is a bit older now. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you for it.

The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, “They offered me $1,000 because the said it looks pretty worn out.”

The father said, now “Take it to the pawn shop.” The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said,”The pawn shop offered only $100 because it is an old car.”

The father asked his daughter to go to a car club now and show them the car. The daughter then took the car to the club, returned and told her father,” Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it because it’s a Nissan Skyline R34, it's an iconic car and sought by many collectors”

Now the father said this to his daughter, “The right place values you the right way,” If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you......Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.

Dont force yourself to stay where you are not regarded....
Stay where you are appreciated.

God over everything ďż˝


My beloved Parents, don't use and abuse the right of your daughter(s).  It's your responsibility to advice and protect h...

My beloved Parents, don't use and abuse the right of your daughter(s).
It's your responsibility to advice and protect her, but she has the right to choose a man to be her husband not you, you have the right to convince her but don't confuse her.
she's going to be in that married house not you.
My beloved Sisters, always pray and fast for Allah to Grant you a practicing Muslim husband that will lead you to paradise.
May Allah ease our affairs🤲

A lady had a pet snake that she loved very much. The snake was about 7 ft long and one day it just stopped eating. After...

A lady had a pet snake that she loved very much. The snake was about 7 ft long and one day it just stopped eating. After several weeks of trying everything the lady still couldn't get the snake to eat. The woman took the snake to the vet and explained her situation. The vet replies "I see ..has your snake been sleeping with you at night or snuggling real close and stretching himself out?" The woman said "Yes. Everyday and it makes me so sad that I can't help him feel better." The vet says to the lady "Ma'am your snake is not sick. It has been preparing to eat you. He's been sizing you up everyday so he knows how big he has to be. He's not eating so he has enough room to digest you.

Moral of the Story:
Recognize the snakes around you. Everyone’s intentions aren’t pure. Just cause they seem close to you, doesn't mean their intentions aren't to devour you.

Some ppl aren’t PRAYING for you they’re PREYING on you!!

Quit negative thinking. There’s enough of that in the world today. Spread positive vibes. Be the voice of reason. Listen...

Quit negative thinking. There’s enough of that in the world today. Spread positive vibes. Be the voice of reason. Listen, empower, encourage, motivate and build people up.

Hujaolewa wajipost haya umeolewa sasa na bado wajipost na ukitongozwa wawa mkali ,,,wewe mwana unatutafuta nini lakin,,.

Hujaolewa wajipost haya umeolewa sasa na bado wajipost na ukitongozwa wawa mkali ,,,wewe mwana unatutafuta nini lakin,,.

"You don't need a crown to be a queen, all you need is a Hijaab". 🧕🤍

"You don't need a crown to be a queen, all you need is a Hijaab". 🧕🤍

We are in a time where Muslims:1.. Cry when they listen to an “emotional” song but never shed a single tear while listen...

We are in a time where Muslims:

1.. Cry when they listen to an “emotional” song but never shed a single tear while listening to/reading Qur'an

2.. know the names of movies but have no idea about the names of different Surahs in Qur'an

3.. Memorize lyrics of songs but never tried to memorize verses from Qur’an

4.. Don’t help their parents, treat them badly and even make them cry while they treat their friends kindly and help them readily

5.. Prefer to spend an hour watching a movie instead of watching an Islamic program

6. Consider a movie star as their role model, and forget Muhammad Rasulullah (s.a.w.s.)

If you are one of them, then it’s not too late.. You're alive today, you have a chance, you don't know if you'll wake up tomorrow, so change for the better now.


A boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is where two individuals agree to disobey Allah together, in order to burn in the He...

A boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is where two individuals agree to disobey Allah together, in order to burn in the Hell - Fire together...

Is that what you call "love"??

Either get married and make it Halaal or come out of that cursed relationship!

The Prophet S.A.W Said: When two people are (illegally) together alone. Then the third is Shaitaan. (Bukhari)

May Allah SWT give us Halaal keep us away from haram. Ameen

A 24 year old boy seeing out from the train’s window shouted…“Dad, look the trees are going behind!”Dad smiled and a you...

A 24 year old boy seeing out from the train’s window shouted…

“Dad, look the trees are going behind!”

Dad smiled and a young couple sitting nearby, looked at the 24 year old’s childish behavior with pity, suddenly he again exclaimed…

“Dad, look the clouds are running with us!”

The couple couldn’t resist and said to the old man…

“Why don’t you take your son to a good doctor?”The old man smiled and said…“I did and we are just coming from the hospital, my son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today.

Every single person on the planet has a story. Don’t judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.

Thanks for reading

I didn't steal your woman, I took her away from you.You remember the time you spent the whole day without checking up on...

I didn't steal your woman, I took her away from you.
You remember the time you spent the whole day without checking up on her...
I checked up on her every minute to make sure she's fine
The time you neglected her and didn't give her attention.
I gave her my time when she needed company.
I gave her my ears when she needed someone to talk to.
I gave her my shoulder when she needed to cry.
The more you tried to hurt her was the more you brought her closer to my arms.
While you thought she had sleepless night, I was making sure that she doesn't go to bed with broken heart and tears in her eyes.
While you thought she's crying over you, I was cracking jokes for her and saying Corny things that makes her laugh.
You even thought she's gonna chase after you. we were busy enjoying each other's company and you were our last worry.

Men, never treat your woman like other men won't fall for her.
If u don't appreciate her love and her respect ,another man will.

Every woman needs to be loved❤️👑



PAY ATTENTION ⚘Did you know that when a womansay goodbye to you, a long time ago,in her mind, she already left you?Women...


Did you know that when a woman
say goodbye to you, a long time ago,
in her mind, she already left you?

Women have several phases.

They talk to you and explain
what they need

Then they go to phase TWO:
where are they are sad
and where they cry for everything.

Then comes the Worse stage for you,
where everything you do
It bothers her.

You both fight for everything and it seems
like you can not stand each other
but even so...

Then comes the phase
where many men
get confused

You can say what you want.
Do whatever you want.
Go wherever you want.
And she acts like nothing
would change her mind

And then you say:
She's already doing much better.

She doesn't fight anymore
She hardly bothers you anymore...

And when you believe
that things are going super well
she grabs her suitcase and leaves you...

And you wonder...


It's been a while
I had already left you CHAMPION!!

Kisa kizuriDada alikuwa airport akisubiri connetion ya ndege yake, wakatangaziwa ni 2 hrs waiting time.Akaamua kununua g...

Kisa kizuri
Dada alikuwa airport akisubiri connetion ya ndege yake, wakatangaziwa ni 2 hrs waiting time.
Akaamua kununua gazeti na box Dogo la biscuits, akatafuta sehemu akakaa kusoma gazeti kusubiri muda ufike wa kuingia kwenye ndege, alipokaa pembeni yake kulikuwa na kaka nae anasoma gazeti akisubiri ndege. Dada alishangaa alipokuwa akitoa biscuit kwenye box aliloliweka pembeni yule kaka nae anachukua moja anakula, akamwangalia kwa hasira, kaka akawa anatabasamu.

Dada akakasirika akataka kumtolea maneno machafu akajizuia. Ukawa mchezo kila dada akichomoa biscuit moja yule kaka nae anachukua moja. Ikaendelea hadi ikabakia biscuit moja. Yule kaka akawahi kuichukua akaimega nusu akampa yule dada, ...dada kwa ghadhabu akanyanyuka akamtukana sana yule kaka na maneno ya kumdhalilisha kwanini anavamia vitu vya watu asinunue vyake!! Kaka alikaa kimya bila kumjibu yule dada.

Mara wakatangaziwa muda wa kuingia kwenye ndege, yule dada akaingia akimuacha kaka nae akisubiri ndege yake. Alipokaa kwenye siti yake akafungua mkoba aweke simu yake, mara alishtuka kuona box lake la biscuits zima wala halijafunguliwa, kumbe alikuwa anakula biscuits za yule kaka. Akajutia sana akatokwa na machoz jinsi alivyomdhalilisha yule kaka, na muda wa kurudi kuomba msamaha haupo tena kwani milango ya ndege ilishafungwa na kuanza kuondoka.

"Muda wa kuomba msamaha kwa uliyemkosea upo usisubiri milango ifungwe"...

Kiburi ni sifa ya Shetani
Ujumbe huu ni Kwa manufaa ya jamii..

5 Lessons To ALL MEN With No CHILDREN Yet…When you meet someone and the first thing they asked is what you do for a livi...

5 Lessons To ALL MEN With No CHILDREN Yet…
When you meet someone and the first thing they asked is what you do for a living?
Although, it sounds like a thoughtful good question but it also shows what their priorities are.

You have to understand most people are concerned more about their future financial security not about you. The red flags is there from the beginning, don’t ignore it

There is a popular saying “ It is better to be unhappy in an expensive car than be with a broke man”

If you make between 55-60K you are GOLD
If you make 80k you are PLATINUM
If you make 6 figures or more you are DIAMOND

Whichever way you fall, you are valuable but

1. You need to define your value and how you want to feel in a relationship. So many of y’all are going through so much in your relationship, you know this ain’t right but seems like you’re stucked

Do not let anyone make you feel less, your value is not tied to the size of your pocket, that’s what they want you to think so they can take all your value without you noticing

2. Don’t confuse compatibility with chemistry.
Compatibility takes some time to know when with someone and this is why so many people eventually settle for chemistry. Most men settle for chemistry instead of compatibility

3. Stop seeking validation from women, be proud of what you do to earn a living. If you are a tailor, Uber driver, farmer, teacher, barber. Stop looking down on yourself, that’s how they want you to feel when you don’t have a white collar job.

The next time she ask
“What do you do for a living?”
Take a deep breathe and slowly tell her what you do for a living is providing and protecting your loved ones.

3. If you have a car or house, leave it behind when you approach the girl you like. Don’t not approach women with material things, if she doesn’t appreciate you, she’s not the one for you

For most women, a ambitious man is one who can provide an extravagant lifestyle even if it cost his nostrils

Don’t get it twisted, there are so many people earning good income in white collar jobs but living from paycheck to paycheck not because we don’t have enough but in wanting an extravagant lifestyle beyond our means

You value is largely in how naturally inclined you are in providing, protecting your loved ones, being disciplined and creating a conducive & supportive atmosphere for relationships to thrive.

That’s the most valuable asset majority of women are unable to get from their man.

Keep your head up, stay disciplined and focused, you are more valuable than you thought. And don’t forget to walk pass any woman who say you need to make millions in order for you to be their man



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Monday 07:00 - 20:30
Tuesday 07:00 - 20:30
Wednesday 07:00 - 20:30
Thursday 07:00 - 20:30




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