Daniel Mbuvi Mutuku

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Yesu akawakazia macho, akasema, Kwa wanadamu haiwezekani, bali kwa Mungu sivyo; maana yote yawezekana kwa Mungu.
Why are you giving up and it is written!
~ Mark 10:27 ~

Some day...

Some day...

Classroom in Turkana County in 2024. While DPs Residence is being renovated at 660million shillings.

Classroom in Turkana County in 2024. While DPs Residence is being renovated at 660million shillings.


I am a follower of JESUS CHRIST. I will not back up , let up or shut up until I'm taken up. 💯✅




Why Does God Test Us?
God tested the Israelites’ faith. Would they trust in his ability to provide for them? They had seen his incredible power in the plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea, the manna and quail and in so many other ways. Yet they still grumbled and complained. By doing so, they failed the test.
Life is a laboratory of faith. God tests us to confirm the strength of our faith and the sincerity of our commitment to him. In Genesis 22, for example, God tested Abraham (see Ge 22:1). Would Abraham trust God even if it required the sacrifice of his beloved son?
It’s important to distinguish between testing and temptation. We know God doesn’t “tempt” anyone (Jas 1:13). It is Satan who is the “tempter” (Mt 4:3; 1Co 7:5). Yet God can use Satan’s temptations to test us. God redeems what Satan intends for evil and uses it to accomplish something good.
~ God bless ~


Out of the Boat
Some people miss the full dimension of the story about Jesus and Peter walking on the water. Peter often gets criticized. People point to his moment of panic, shake their heads and speak disapprovingly about his lack of faith. But they overlook a crucial fact namely, that Peter got out of the boat!

He left his own comfort and safety to venture into the unknown. He put himself into a vulnerable position in an effort to get closer to Jesus. He made a mistake in letting the danger of his situation rattle him. But because he’d dared to do something almost unthinkable, he experienced the Lord’s grace in a way few others have. Are you ready to get out of the boat?
~God bless ~


Intimacy with God
One of our greatest needs is to know that we are loved. Each one of us has to feel certain, deep down in our hearts, that someone loves us, cares for us and has our best interests at heart.
That is how God designed us. He wants us to know that he loves every one of us with a passionate intensity too deep for words.
God created human beings with fellowship in mind—first with himself and then with others. But we cannot fully love one another until we have ourselves experienced the love of God. We experience his love when we willingly surrender to his call to be our Savior, Lord and Friend.
There are at least three reasons God seeks our surrender:
He loves us and desires our fellowship and worship.
He wants our service for him to be effective and fruitful.
He waits for the freedom to bless us.
So why do we resist? With all this in mind, why does anyone resist surrendering to God?
Pride is the key reason most people resist surrender. They think they know better than God and that they can handle their lives better than he can, so they keep him at a distance.
Others do not surrender because they fear what God will do (or not do) for them. They think that if they give him control, he’ll make them do exactly what will make them most miserable.
Still others refuse to surrender to Christ because they believe Satan’s lie, which tells them that God is judgmental and will punish them for their mistakes.
All of this is completely false! God always has our best in mind. He will refuse us no good thing when we gladly submit to his will (Ro 8:32). He tells us, “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jer 29:11).
It only makes sense to surrender to God, because when we do, we grow close to him—his highest priority for us—and we begin to have an impact on our world.


If you find yourself weary, battling temptations or processing difficult news about a loved one, know there is hope. You don’t have to seek an escape route or add temporary fixes to your to-do list, you can tend to body, mind and soul by turning your eyes toward heaven and asking God to fill you with his presence and peace.
~ God bless ~


Dying to Self
A woman came back from a Christian retreat, and a friend asked what it was like. She answered, “I died!”
“What do you mean?” her friend responded.
“This weekend I discovered that I had spent my whole life hiding,” she said. “I had never been honest with anyone — my family, my friends, myself, or God. The worst part was, I wasn’t even in touch with my own dishonesty and distortions. This past weekend all my lies died; my old hiding places collapsed. I am so glad I went through this death experience to become the new person that God is creating. Now I know what it means to be ‘born again.’”
As strange as this sounds to some, this “death experience” is exactly what happens when we surrender our lives to God. It is death to our old wills and lives as we turn them over to God. An ancient saint said, “God has to hollow us out before he can fill us up with life and love.” All our old debris of self-centeredness, self-pity and self-control has to die.
As the apostle Paul wrote: “We were therefore buried with Christ through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead . . . we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:4). What could be more hopeful than the promise of new life?
Christ, I give myself to you. Take me as I die to my old selfish ways and live in you and your love.
~ God bless ~


Seeing Ourselves as God Sees Us

Look long enough into the eyes of our Savior and, there too, you will see a bride. Dressed in fine linen. Clothed in pure grace. From the wreath in her hair to the clouds at her feet, she is royal. She is the princess. She is the bride. His bride. Walking toward him, she is not yet with him. But he sees her; he awaits her; he longs for her.

“Who could bear to live without her?” you hear him whisper.

And who is that bride? Who is this beauty who occupies the heart of Jesus?

It is not nature. He loves his creation and creation groans to be with him, but he never called creation his bride.

It is not his angels. His angels are ever present to worship and serve him, but he never called the heavenly beings his bride.

Then who? Who is this bride about whom Jesus speaks and for whom Jesus longs? Who is this maiden who has captured the heart of God’s Son?
You are. You have captured the heart of God. “As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you” (Isa 62:5).
The challenge is to remember that. To meditate on it. To focus on it. To allow his love to change the way you look at you.
Do you ever feel unnoticed? New clothes and styles may help for a while. But if you want permanent change, learn to see yourself as God sees you: “He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels” (61:10).
What does it mean to you that God rejoices over you?
~ God bless you ~


1) Pastors function like CEOs
2) Members are turned into customers
3) Other churches are seen as competitions
4) Evangelism is reduced to marketing
5) Church planting looks more like franchising
6) Numbers are primary measure of success
7) Prayer and Word study are replaced by formulas
😎 Revival is reduced to a few days fund-raising
9) Preaching sounds more like motivational speech.
All the people do is shout "I receive, Amen,"
throughout the concert. I mean the "service".
10) Praise and Worship is turned into a
performance. The best actors are made the worship
and praise leaders.
11) The Spirit of God is reduced to "emotionalism".
No real power of God other than hypnosis and
12) The saints are entertained instead of equipped
13) Disciples of Christ have become papa's sons,
daughters and fans.
14) The Church, a living Body has now become a
lifeless body
15) A leader's empire is built instead of the
Kingdom of God advanced
16) The pastor becomes the super man and Jesus
Christ reduced to just another religious figure.
Does any one of these sound farmiliar in this
generation? Beloved, if you are under these pattern
of "christianity" you are already in a cult, not the
Church of Jesus Christ. Get out before it is too
All I have highlighted above is exactly what made
Jesus himself to ask:
"When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in
the Earth?"
(Luke 18)


The Glory Returns to the Temple
The vision of the return of God’s glory to the temple is one of the high points of the book of Ezekiel. On its return, the glory of God not only fills the temple, it even causes the land itself to shine (v. 2). Without the presence of God at the heart of a community, there can be no life at all; there will simply be a collection of dry bones.
Ezekiel’s vision of the return of God’s glory is a picture of what must happen before people can be restored. God’s presence must arrive for healing to take place. This vision gives readers a picture of the future city of God, when his glory will be revealed and there will be no need for the sun (Rev 22:5); it also points toward the time when God himself would live inside his people and reside in the temples that he has made them to be. In both the present and future, God dwells with his people. By dwelling with them, God will make all things new. He lives within his believers today through his Spirit; he will gather all people who love him to himself one day in the future.


'Si mara ya kwanza kunitoa katiika magumu, nina ushuhuda zaidi ya mmoja wewe ni mwaminifu, nina historia maalum wewe ni chemchem ya uzima''
~~ Israel Mbonyi ~~


Wueh... so niliwaambia story za sijui Fx pro?? na ni storo hata cjui mwenyewe?..poleni san, ilikuwa hacked.


**** God's Ways ****
God does things we would never think of. And he does things in ways we think would never work. But God’s ways are so much wiser than any of our plans. Imagine if God had chosen to come to earth as a grown man. He then might have been more of what his people were expecting as they looked for the Messiah that had been promised. But a baby? How can a child, who is helpless and totally dependent, be the Messiah? None of what happened that day in that stable, among the animals, was grand. God the Father gave his Son a completely humble birth and an almost regular childhood. “And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him” (Luke 2:40). And, against all kinds of opposition, this tiny baby will be the one to save our lives and someday rule the world. It doesn’t make much sense to us. A baby? But that is because we are so limited in our understanding of the ways of God. Still, do not miss this vitally important lesson: The God of the universe is content to use the weak things of the world to confound the strong. And this truth should give us comfort. If he can use a baby to change the world, he can certainly use us.
~ God bless ~


Keep Peace In Your Soul Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the tress and stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
~ It is well with my soul ~



1. Don’t lend money to your family. Give it.

2. Never shake a hand while sitting down.

3. Stop telling people more than they need to know.

4. Never eat the last piece of something you didn't buy.

5. Don't throw your friend under the bus to impress someone.

6. Never insult the cooking when you are the guest.

7. Don't use the urinal next to an occupied one.

8. Don't take out your phone during a conversation.

9. Never take credit for work you didn't do.

10. Listen, nod, and most of all make eye contact.

11. Don't make fun of your friend in front of his kids.

12. Never let emotions overpower you.

13. Never beg for a relationship.

14. Dress well no matter what the occasion.

15. Never kick a man when he is already down.

Thank you for reading


Mauti ya pili..
~ Ufunuo wa Yohana 20:11-15~
11 Kisha nikaona kiti cha enzi, kikubwa, cheupe, na yeye aketiye juu yake; ambaye nchi na mbingu zikakimbia uso wake, na mahali pao hapakuonekana.
12 Nikawaona wafu, wakubwa kwa wadogo, wamesimama mbele ya hicho kiti cha enzi; na vitabu vikafunguliwa; na kitabu kingine kikafunguliwa, ambacho ni cha uzima; na hao wafu wakahukumiwa katika mambo hayo yaliyoandikwa katika vile vitabu, sawasawa na matendo yao.
13 Bahari ikawatoa wafu waliokuwamo ndani yake; na Mauti na Kuzimu zikawatoa wafu waliokuwamo ndani yake. Wakahukumiwa kila mtu kwa kadiri ya matendo yake.
14 Mauti na Kuzimu zikatupwa katika lile ziwa la moto. Hii ndiyo mauti ya pili, yaani, hilo ziwa la moto.
15 Na iwapo mtu ye yote hakuonekana ameandikwa katika kitabu cha uzima, alitupwa katika lile ziwa la moto.


Zaburi 20:1-5
“Bwana na akujibu unapokuwa katika dhiki, jina la Mungu wa Yakobo na liwe kinga yako. Na akutumie msaada kutoka patakatifu na akupatie msaada kutoka Sayuni. Na azikumbuke dhabihu zako zote, na azikubali sadaka zako za kuteketezwa. Na akujalie haja ya moyo wako, na aifanikishe mipango yako yote. Tutashangilia kwa furaha utakaposhinda, tutainua bendera zetu kwa jina la Mungu wetu. Bwana na akupe haja zako zote.”
‭‭Zaburi‬ ‭20‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NEN‬‬
Zaburi 20 ni zaburi iliyoimbwa na muimba zaburi kwa wapiganaji vita kabla ya kwenda kupigana vita. Na 21 ni Zaburi ya sifa baada ya kushinda(Bwana akupe wimbo wa sifa baada ya kushinda vita uliyonayo kwa jina la Yesu
Hii inaweza kutumika katika maisha yetu na vita vyetu vya rohoni k**a waamini.
“Kwa maana kushindana kwetu si juu ya nyama na damu, bali dhidi ya falme, mamlaka, dhidi ya wakuu wa giza na majeshi ya pepo wabaya katika ulimwengu wa roho.”
‭‭Waefeso‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ ‭NEN‬‬
Sisi tunapambana na na vitu vizivyooonekana,mamlaka, wachawi, na vita vya kiroho kwa mwamini ni halisi sana na mara nyingi hufanya mipango yetu, na mambo yetu mengi yasifanikiwe lakini ni washindi kabla ya vita alopanga dhidi yetu

đŸ‘‰đŸ»Kwenye maisha ipo dhiki unaweza kupita,
đŸ‘‰đŸ»Upo na mahitaji k**a watu wengine
đŸ‘‰đŸ»Ipo vita tu utapotia shetani hawezi kukuacha tu sababu umeokolewa
đŸ‘‰đŸ»Ndoa yako inaweza pita msukosuko ,biblia imetangaza ushindi kabla ya vita yako pokea ushindi kwa jina la Yesu

* Kwenye hii sura na mistari ya biblia Hapa tunaona haya maneno ya nguvu sana (Prayers) na yawe kwako leo*
âœđŸ»Bwana akujibu unapokuwa na dhiki
âœđŸ»Jina la Mungu wa Yakobo liwe kinga yako.
âœđŸ»Bwana akupe kutumie msaada kutoka patakatifu kwake na akupe msaada kutika Sayuni
âœđŸ»Akumbuke sadaka na dhabihu zako
âœđŸ»Akujalie haja ya moyo wako(itaje)

âœđŸ»Aifanikishe mipango yako yote
Na mwisho ni kwamba tupo hapa kushangilia ushindi wako kwa jina la Yesu
âœđŸ»Na akupe haja zako zote(Yaani zote)


If your family has been involved in witchcraft, su***de, curses and ungodliness; end that cycle, introduce God in your family tree, declare that as for me and my house we will serve the Lord!
You don't have to carry forward the shortcomings in your family down the lineage to the next generation. Love your family but learn from their mistakes. You don't have a say in determining the family you are born in to, but you can determine who you become and the kind of future and family you will have. Your decisions affect generations to come.


So last night I used a motorbike to navigate through our estate. The rider started to preach because it was a slow ride. He told me that since he gave his life to Christ he feels very calm and peaceful. That he has learned to relate with God in a more personal manner than
However of importance is that he told me something deep. That these days God even if it means allowing atrocities and other bad things to happen to you to save you He will. He said God knows that through certain uncomfortable situations one will learn to trust Him and that its through such that wheat and chaff is separated.
He said, don't run for miracles but study your situation and hear the voice of God in it. That was a sermon right there.
~ Stay blessed ~


4 " Neno moja nimelitaka kwa BWANA, Nalo ndilo nitakalolitafuta, Nikae nyumbani mwa BWANA, Siku zote za maisha yangu, Niutazame uzuri wa BWANA, Na kutafakari hekaluni mwake. 5 Mradi atanisitiri bandani mwake siku ya mabaya, Atanisitiri katika sitara ya hema yake, Na kuniinua juu ya mwamba. 6 Na sasa kichwa changu kitainuka Juu ya adui zangu wanaonizunguka. Nami nitatoa dhabihu za shangwe hemami mwake; Nitaimba , naam, nitamhimidi BWANA."
~ ZABURI 27:4-6 ~


When a car parks for too long, it collects dust and people tend to write all sorts of things on it.
But there's an interesting thing that the owner does, he doesn't worry about who wrote on it, all he does, is just ignore the writing and washes his car.
Likewise when you face challenges, or go through difficulties, people write all sorts of things, and gossip about you, but one thing for sure they don't own you, God does.
When God sees all the writings and fabricated stories about you, He cleans you, sets a table for you, and blesses you in front of their eyes.
May God wash and change your story today in Jesus Christ name.have a blessed week people of God


11 Kisha nikaona kiti cha enzi, kikubwa, cheupe, na yeye aketiye juu yake; ambaye nchi na mbingu zikakimbia uso wake, na mahali pao hapakuonekana.
12 Nikawaona wafu, wakubwa kwa wadogo, wamesimama mbele ya hicho kiti cha enzi; na vitabu vikafunguliwa; na kitabu kingine kikafunguliwa, ambacho ni cha uzima; na hao wafu wakahukumiwa katika mambo hayo yaliyoandikwa katika vile vitabu, sawasawa na matendo yao.
13 Bahari ikawatoa wafu waliokuwamo ndani yake; na Mauti na Kuzimu zikawatoa wafu waliokuwamo ndani yake. Wakahukumiwa kila mtu kwa kadiri ya matendo yake.
14 Mauti na Kuzimu zikatupwa katika lile ziwa la moto. Hii ndiyo mauti ya pili, yaani, hilo ziwa la moto.
15 Na iwapo mtu ye yote hakuonekana ameandikwa katika kitabu cha uzima, alitupwa katika lile ziwa la moto.
~ Ufunuo wa Yohana 20:11-15~


My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise Yahweh with joyful lips:
~ Psalms 63:5 ~


Those who mock the poor insult their Maker; those who rejoice at the misfortune of others will be punished. -Proverbs 17:5


Though I may have no clue for what will happen today, despite my mistakes and worry, I have faith that God will come through


Good evening. So much going on these days. Praying for my family and friends that are mourning their loss of loved ones, parents grieving their children who in the battle of addiction, those that are ill and those that are in war zones. There are seasons in life and even though there are times or seasons of grief or struggles, God is God and knows our needs. He will provide and comfort. He knows the seasons in life and is there. He will give you the strength and will provide your needs.
We may not understand it all but He does and He will be glorified. Rest and trust in Him not sure what season you are experiencing in life, praying for you
Ecclesiastes 3
English Standard Version
A Time for Everything
3 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
2 a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3 a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.
God bless...





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