Today Papa Sakaja Johnson unavailed Dishi na county phase 3 at umoja 1 primary school.The kitchen will not only serve children at umoja 1 primary but also in other areas.
Thanks you so much Gavana Sakaja for this inciative ime okolea wazazi sana🙏.
Dishi na county program is providing meals to over 310,000 students across Nairobi's 17 sub-counties.The Governor also affirmed that he will put measures in place to incorporate students from private schools(informal schools) to be part of Dishi na county program.The informal schools will be mapped and merged with nearest kitchen center.
The 17 kitchen centers are now equipped to offer meals to students at affordable rate of 5 bob per meal.
Quick positive impacts of Dishi na county program👇
*Cases of mulnutrition in schools dropped.
*Increase of enrollment of pupils in schools.
*Has enhanced proper learning in schools.
*Created over 2000 job opportunities.
*Has improved good performance by pupils in schools.
*No missing of school because of meals.
Nairobi City County Government