Once philosopher said, politics is a dirty game if it goes beyond personal and family extermination.It is good when it precisely champions and fosters development aspirations of the people represented or governed for that matter.The individuals in the pictured are all certified professionals with different levels of extensive academic reading and unmatched political acumen and experience as well.
Destiny brought them together to save pilfering Turkana county from yoke of shameless looting spree of the first government of Turkana. The profound integrity and writing prowess endeared them to bond with then MP for Loima, now Turkana governor, HE Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai.They held talks on how to popularize his aspirations to become the governor of Turkana county. Indeed, he had valid a dream to pursue.
The team embraced the idea and took it head on amidst meagre resources at disposal.To make a success, the team sacrificed the little resources they had to support their families.The online battle was fierce and vicious.They confronted political teams hired to intimidate and taint the current governor.The online political opponents they fought include Aborigo Ras, a Kalenjin brat by the name Kiprotich Glen hired by former senator to blog for him and many more others from Jubilee faction.
This team was steadfast in political programming than any other in Turkana county.They had a team leader was a stute and rounded team player.He was forthright and strategic in deed.They delivered the victory and now are at the back as spectators and reaping nothing to replenish the lost energy. Soon or later they shall TRIUMPH.