Lamu Fort Library is located within the Lamu Fort in Lamu Old town. The fort was restored by the National Museums of Kenya in 1984 and officially opened to the public in 1986. The Lamu Museums Library was founded in 1978 as a reference library for staff and researchers and was initially housed at the Lamu Museums building. However in order to accommodate the growing number of users and polite req
uests from the Lamu resident to extended the library services to the community and the general public at large, the library was in 1986 relocated to a more specious room at the then recently rehabilitated Lamu Fort. Lamu Fort Library is a research-cum-community library and serves a population of about 80,000 people. It plays the role of a public library in Lamu County, since it is the only library open to the general public in Lamu County. The library is a member of Kenya Library Association and has participated in Maktaba Awards competition since 2010. in 2011 Lamu Fort library was rewarded 2nd runner-up in public libraries categories and third runner up in community library in 2018. The library is also a participating partner in the Elimu Asilia program (organized by Goethe institute) and collects Indigenous Knowledge on Swahili Culture . The library has a vast collection of books, Periodicals, Manuscripts, Photos, Newspapers and a digital library comprising Computers, CDS, Video Players, Cassettes, DVDS, E-library collection, folders for K.C.S.E E-Revision Past papers
Monday – Friday 8.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. Closed on Weekend and Public Holidays
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