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Minas De Pasion❤️ Episode 98


6th January 2025



3rd January 2024


Minas De Pasion❤️ Episode 97


Wadau naweza piga nduru sai ama nimechelewa😂ju sasa rent nitatoa wapi😂



2nd January 2025


1st January 2025


Happy New Year folks 🎉



31st December 2024


Minas De Pasion❤️ Episode 95 & 96



Blessed Sunday you all🙏


Minas De Pasion❤️ Episode 94



30th December 2024



27th December 2024

Minas De Pasion❤️ Episode 92Roberta indulges in a meltdown. She lovingly fingers a picture of Mauricio and then notices ...

Minas De Pasion❤️ Episode 92

Roberta indulges in a meltdown. She lovingly fingers a picture of Mauricio and then notices his sweater draped on the couch. She walks over and picks it up, inhaling his still lingering scent. She then flashes back, standing next to him, dead on a slab in the coroner’s office. She spits out Emilia’s name, vowing vengeance. In the present, she murmurs “Forgive me son, forgive me my love” as she kneels clutching his sweater.

The next morning, Leonardo and the children are gathered round the table. Inez takes them away as Sara arrives, giving Romina a kiss. She takes a few pills and grabs Leonardo’s hands

Roberta has the loan application ready for Marijo to sign. Roberta, seemingly unaware of Marijo’s non-acquiescence, natters on about money as Marijo seems to gather her strength about her, pushing the file across to Roberta saying she won't sign. In a lightning quick manner, Roberta’s bony hand grabs Marijo’s, hurting her. For a second, an upset Marijo holds up a fist and Roberta taunts her to go ahead and hit her!

The fab four (Victoria, Danilo, Sebastian and Aleida) convene but their meeting is anything but fabulous. They bicker as Aleida tries to keep the peace. Victoria seems to lose her patience, and leaves.

The stage is being set for the candidates’ discussion/debate. Gigi is greeted by Manuelito as Fatima makes her displeasure known loudly and clearly, calling her immoral. Gigi gives a speech, introducing Zaira. We see Sara’s table; she is flanked by Roberta, Fidel and Adalberto. Victoria shows up at the political event but Gigi is shocked to see that she supports her opponent, Sara

Sara introduces Fidel and Roberta who gets up amid enthusiastic cheers as Zaira rolls her eyes. Roberta talks about family as Adalberto stands and cheers until Fidel pulls him down. Sara has the grace to look uncomfortable. Chants of Sara fill the air.

Joaquina is reading from a book when Cayetana comes in

Zaira, (looking lovely in purple) smiles as Marat comes over and introduces himself. He is clearly enchanted by her.

Marijo panics when it appears the line of credit has been approved without her signature.

Roberta threatens Victoria who strolls off undisturbed. Roberta urges Sara to get a grip.

Victoria tries to make an overture to Gigi, who clearly rebuffs her. Marat arrives in Mexico ready to support Victoria in whatever is necessary to raise the mine. Victoria goes right to Marat; she is delighted to see him. Leonardo watches looking concerned as Sara walks up to him and then leaves.

Sebastian tries to talk some sense into Tiger about Zaira.

Marat is talking about Zaira to Victoria, enchanted. Victoria explains all the problems in the mine. His support is unconditional.

Leonardo cries on Orlando’s broad and very strong shoulders regarding his marital problems, Fidel and Roberta. The list is endless.

A sad and vulnerable Jennifer tries to talk to her sister but selfish Sara can only focus on herself and her latest crisis regarding Romina.

Fidel and Roberta toast her for falsifying the mine loan application.

Marijo frets to Gael who tries to calm her with assurances of her bravery saying she is just like her father; he brings her in for a kiss.

Victoria tells her associations Marat is here. Sebastian brings her up to speed on the forged document.

Sara is still talking with Jenifer, now complaining about Victoria. Leonardo comes in and overhears.

Fidel and Roberta share more cringeworthy kisses while planning more chaos. Later, Joaquina comes in and accuses Roberta of manipulating Marijo.

Danilo is doing his magic trying to unearth whether there was embezzlement and shockingly there is. Everyone waits expectantly to see where the money was diverted, expecting it to have gone to Roberta’s account. But no. The name on the account belongs to Leonardo Santamaria.

Leonardo yells at Sara and their fighting descends into a screaming fest. “You are sick”, he says. Sara sits down and starts crying and clutching her chest, cries out that something is terribly wrong.

Gigi has a shot of courage as Adalberto arrives to berate her. She confronts him about Fatima and Victoria’s betrayal. He calls her a mad woman. Their talk then takes a somber turn as she tells him that Jennifer lost her baby. For a moment, Adalberto does seem genuinely upset. I believe he wants her to suspend her campaign and she answers by hitting him with her pocketbook.

As Zaira finishes speaking with one of Gigi’s supporters, Marat appears. She thinks he is here for Victoria but no, he is here for her and he invites Gigi for coffee and conversation.

Leonardo brings Sara to the hospital, carrying her into a room. She is furiously hyperventilating as they continue to argue about their marriage and Romina.

Adalberto is at the bar drinking when Sebastian comes in. Flor goes to wait on him but Adalberto intervenes. They get into an argument about Andres, whom Sebastian declares is HIS son!! When Orlando tries to intervene, Sebastian says something about drugs being traded there but leaves as Adalberto berates and insults him.

Gael and Tiger have a talk. Gael tells his father he loves him. Tiger cries again. He asks his son to help Zaira to find a good man, one who will protect her.

A creepy guy shows up at Miriam’s but she shuts and bolts the door in his face, threatening to call the police. Andres is there and upset. She tells him it’s all right and to sit down but looks worried.

Over some sort of sugary confections, Marat and Zaira have that always awkward first date talk. Marat has a daughter who lives in the U.S. and Zaira says something about being married.

Leonardo and Romina are home as Victoria arrives, bearing gifts.

Sebastian is at Miriam’s who asks him not to do anything; she doesn’t want to cause any trouble. Andres, who is an adorable child calls him “dad”.

Sara’s nurse declares her blood pressure is “perfect” as she hands the chart to the doctor. Leonardo looks angrier by the second. The doctor tries to be solicitous of Sara but he doesn’t buy it and accuses him of conspiring with Sara, threatening to sue him for fraud.

Victoria and the kids are having a great time; all smiling as she hugs them. Roberta and her nasty beyotch resting face come in to ruin the party.

Zaira tries to clarify her situation saying she is getting divorced but Marat makes the point, repeating “you are married”. Zaira tries again to explain saying “Tiger is my ex husband ” but she needn’t have bothered. He isn’t the least bit deterred. As Marat takes her hand, Zaira's phone rings; she is saved by the bell. It’s Joaquina who says there is a serious problem. Zaira explains she has to leave. Marat offers to go with her but she declines. He smiles after her.

Nico tells Roberta that his father Leonardo gave him permission to see Victoria. Roberta makes several veiled threats including threatening to reveal exactly who Victoria is. Sensing the tension, Victoria makes a hasty retreat. Roberta glares at Nico and Romina shaking her head ominously.

Leonardo angrily accuses the doctor of being Sara’s accomplice. He turns to Sara and calls her a “lying actress”. The doctor acts mortally wounded telling Leonardo he has no compassion. Leonardo only wants the doctor to confess. Sara starts pouring it on, acting as though she is dying but the second Leonardo leaves, she starts screaming at the doctor to leave her alone. Right then and there, Leonardo dumps and leaves Sara right in the middle of her medical “crisis”.

Tiger joins Sebastian who is crying in his tequila. He tells Tiger what has transpired regarding Leonardo and worries that Victoria loves him.

Outside, Victoria texts Nico asking if he is all right. He confirms he is.

Victoria, fully alarmed at what transpired, calls Leonardo and says he needs to go there now.

Poor Romina tries to get Roberta to play with her doll but she thrusts it back at her.

Sebastian calls Victoria but she brushes him off. He looks crestfallen.

Zaira arrives at Joaquina’s and feels her forehead looking for a fever. “Are you ill?”, she asks? No.

Danilo is with Aleida. He calls Sebastian and asks where Victoria is and is told she is at Leonardo’s. Unfortunately, with impeccable bad timing, Fidel slithers over and joins them at their table. Aleida’s face immediately reflects her panic.

When Victoria texts Nico for the second time, Roberta demands to look at his phone, calling him Mauricio! “I’m not Mauricio,” Nico declares looking a bit frightened. At that, Roberta stands, drawing her hand back, high in the air appearing ready to strike him. Inez appears at that moment, looking very concerned. At that moment, Leonardo shows up, standing very close to Victoria, hand on her shoulder. Next we see Sebastian scurrying down the hill in the background just as Sara rushes up accusing Leonardo of abandoning her at the hospital!

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Nimefuata gari ya tents na masufuria kumbe sherehe ilikuwa jana ni kurudishwa zinarudishwa😭🥱


Boxing day innit😁wewe umeunbox nini,ama niachane na maisha yako😂



26th December 2024
Part 1
Jojo alimcall mamake akamwambia amesikia ati ameenda ushago? Neema akamwambia yeah na akamwambia if everything goes well wanarudi leo..."ati manarudi leo" Jojo akamuuliza kwani umeenda na nani mum? Neema akamwambia ni Mark nimeenda na yeye. Jojo akauliza mamake, as who? Neema akamuuliza what do you mean? Jojo akamwambia sipendi venye Mark anaingia kwa biashara zako hivi hivi,what of mkose kurudi leo mtalala wapi na yeye🤣🤣🤣🤣Neema alimwambia sikiza mtoto,iam your mother not your kid, ok? Jojo pia akamwambia kumbuka you are a married woman but Neema akamumbusha akamwambia divorced! Siana ici🤣🤣🤣Yani Jojo tu!

Mark akauliza Neema kwani kuna nini tena? Neema akamwambia ni Jojo,hataki kuniona karibu na mwanaume yeyote,even if we are just friends. Jojo alikua anakuja kuona Jayden kwa shop yao na kufika,akawasalimia ndio but Jayden has zero intrest kuongea na yeye hadi ikabidi Jojo amejitoa polepoooole venye alikuja hadi Baraza akashindwa,akauliza Jayden wee,kwani wewe na Jojo mlikosana ama? Jayden akawambia dad please, nimekua busy nikisoma sitaki hizo story🤣🤣🤣

Its christmas day na k**a kawaida boyfriend yafaa akununulie kakitu hadi dem k**a Val ashanunuliwa tumaua an nguo ya christmas🤣🤣🤣alafu sasa kuna wewe! Kitu umepewa ni merry chtistmas pekee🤣🤣🤣

Babu Jay,ashamleta Isabelle out leo hii,wakule wakunywe na washereheke ju ni siku kuu ,lakini kumbe Isabelle,kukuja out walikuja ndio but walitembea hadi akaanza kuumwa na magoti. Woiye Isabelle 🥲🥲🥲

Kumbe ile gift Val alipewa,haikuja bure,ilibidi aende kuilipia sasa na kuna place Kevo already ashabook waende but Val akanotice place ni mbali kiasi hadi Val akamwambia yoh,si hata basi twende kwa mahindi ju sitaki kuchelewa madhe anigombanishe. Kevo akamwambia come on,basi mpigie simu umwambie utachelewa kiasi...Val kucall mamake,akamwambia kuna place ameenda n Kevo na nitachelewa and for the first time,Sharon akapea Val ruhusa,akamwambia baby girl,enda ujibambe ju dunia is for the living,wee hata usiwe na wasiwasi. Val alishangaa sana but all in all,yeye na Kevo,lero lero ni leeeeero🤣🤣🤣🤣itagulwa!

Part 2
Neema na Mark ndio wamedonjo,sides za Nakuru but walifika k**a ni usiku. Neema alimuuliza Mark k**a ashawai muona Eddy? Mark akasema zii,atamuona wapi sasa. Neema akamuonyesha picha kwa simu yake. Mark akamuuliza alah,naona hadi bado uko na picha yake kwa simu? Neema akamwambia yeah,for the kids.Neema anataka sana kujua sana what happened kwa Eddy kabisa and she can't wait...walienda kulala pahali kiasi.

Kumbe Jojo alimcall Naomi,akamwambia mamake ameenda na Mark huko ushago ati kwa aunty ya mamangu. Naomi akamwambia hana idea kuhusu na hata pia akashangaa sana kujua wameenda na Mark. Naomi kuambia Richard ati Neema ameenda na Mark,Richard alifurahia sana akasema that's good...Naomi akamwambia enyewe hauna akili hadi Jojo anakushinda,huoni wanaenda kuspend pamoja for all those hours pamoja?

Richard na Naomi waliletana juu hadi Naomi akamwambia yani huoni hauna akili wee mzee,Mark ako na mwanamke mwenye ako na watoto wawili na maybe watalala hotel moja,huoni ni shida? Richard akamwambia wee pia nyamaza, usisahau before me you used to date that married man with 4 kids,mbona hukuona k**a hilo ni shida🤣🤣🤣Naomi alijam kuambiwa ukweli,hadi akatoka nje kuota jua usiku🤣🤣🤣🤣

Val ashajienjoy na Kevo wake hadi saa nne usiku. Kurudi nyumbani,hakupata mamake,akashindwa sana mamake ameenda wapi,akaenda kwa Isabelle kuuliza k**a mamake ako huko but Isabelle akamwambia hajamuona hataa. Kumbe Sharon,alikuja kwa bar,amekunywa,amelewa na hata akaanza kucheza huku anakatia kila mtu na kumbe hana pesa,mako...makosa🤣🤣🤣

Sharon kuambiwa alipe bill aende nyumbani,akawauliza bill ndio nini hizo? Hajui kitu kuhusu bill. Val alimcall mamake akamuuliza madhe uko wapi? Sharon akamwambia sijui niko wapi but nimeambiwa tu nilipe bill nikujie huku before nifanyiwe kitu mbaya🤣🤣🤣

Val alikujia mamake kwa bar,akamwambia mum,huoni unajiabisha,ebu twende nyumbani. Sharon analeta shida anasema hata hataki kuenda nyumbani anataka kuenda kujibamba but ikabidi Kevo na Val wamforce kuingia kwa gari🤣🤣🤣

Jojo aliambia Cate acall bwanake wajue wako wapi na Cate kucall Mark,akamwambia wamesema watakua huku after 5hrs that's k**a weather itakua sawa lakini Jojo akauliza Cate,how do you feel bwanako akiwa na mwanamke mwingine hizo masaa zote? Jojo akijua Mark si bwanake Cate sijui atafanye nini🤣🤣

Tufike kwa kina Jayden,kabla hawajalala,aliomba sana babake waongelee kuhusu mamake kiasi but hii story Barasa huwa hapendi kabisa,swali ni,this time,will he talk about it kwa Jayden? Tutakuja kujua kesho hapo kesho.

©️Nandwa Isaac

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