Sabbath School Summary
The Testimony of the Samaritans
Lesson 5
Memory Text: John 4:42
SABBATH: Samaritans were half-Jewish, half-Gentile people. They were formed after conquest of the northern kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians. Captives from other nations intermarried with those in the north to make the Samaritans. Jews & Samaritans were bitter enemies. They could trade out of necessity but social affairs were abhorred. The Jewish ruler, John Hyrcanus, destroyed a Samaritan temple in 128 B.C. Jesus’ talk with the Samaritan woman depicts this enmity.
SUNDAY: The love for John the Baptist made his followers jealous when Jesus’ disciples baptized more than them. The reply of John was; he must decrease as Jesus increases. Likely, to avoid tension, Jesus left Judea for Galilee. He used the direct route, Samaria, instead of Perea, the long route used by devout Jews (John 4:1-4, 3:26-30). It was there He met a woman at Jacob’s well. Her life was about to change (John 4:5-9).
MONDAY: At the well, hatred stopped the Samaritan woman from being kind to Jesus. He was wearied, but He was waiting to bless her (John 4:7-15). As was with Nicodemus, Jesus knew what she needed. Her reply on where Jesus will get the living water is like that of Nicodemus; “how can these things be?” Both needed a conversion experience (John 3:9, 4:11). Christ is the Water of life; the Living Water (Jer. 2:13, Zech. 14:8). Water is a necessity for life.
TUESDAY: Water in the natural world is thirst-removing. Jesus as the Living Water is grace that’s sin-removing. He cleanses you & gives you a new heart (Ezek. 36:25-27). He takes away all stress & He gives true rest. Initially, both Nicodemus & the Samaritan woman did not grasp what Jesus told them. Do I go back to my mother’s womb? Where is the water?; Give me the water. Jesus asked the woman to call her husband first (John 4:15, 16, DA, p. 187).
WEDNESDAY: The woman at the well practiced avoidance. To find healing, she must first accept her sin & Jesus as her Savior. When Jesus told her deep secrets, He accepted Him as a prophet (John 4:16-26). To deflect the topic, she asked Jesus about the place of worship. Samaritans in their worship blended Judaism & paganism. Jesus told her the Jews worshipped the true God. Jesus plainly told her He was the Messiah; the only time in the Gospels before His trial.
THURSDAY: How could the Master mix Himself up with a Samaritan? Jesus’ disciples marveled. They interrupted the sweet talk & brought it to a climax. They cared about physical food & lost sight of the spiritual food Jesus was giving. Meanwhile, the woman left her water pot & rushed to the city to testify Jesus (John 4:27-42). Her testimony made many Samaritans believe in Jesus & they asked Him to stay with them.
FRIDAY: The Samaritan woman became a more effective missionary than the disciples by bringing many from her city to Jesus. While the disciples overlooked the potential in Samaria, she recognized the immediate need for salvation around her. Her actions illustrate that true faith in Christ compels believers to share the gospel with others. Those who receive Christ's grace become sources of life and hope for those around them.
—Ellen G. White, “At Jacob’s Well,” pp. 183– 195, in The Desire of Ages.
DA- The Desire of Ages
Jacob’s well- Jacob’s well was located right next to Shechem, while Sychar, where the Samaritan woman was from, was about a mile away (1.5 km).
The Samaritan woman- Nicodemus, a Jewish ruler and a Rabbi lowered himself to meet Jesus at night. But the Samaritan woman rejected Jesus in broad daylight. Why did she go such a long way to fetch water, and in the middle of the day when it was hot? Meeting Jesus was not an accident.
SUNDAY- The Setting of the Encounter
MONDAY- The Woman at the Well
TUESDAY- “ ‘Sir, Give Me This Water’ ”
WEDNESDAY- The Revelation of Jesus
THURSDAY- The Testimony of the Samaritans
Discussion Questions
📌 In class, go over your answers to Sunday’s final question. Be brutally honest about it. What are the taboos and prejudices found in your culture that could indeed hamper your own witness to others?
📌 Why do you think Jesus got such a warm reception among the Samaritans in contrast to the reception among His own people?
📌Put yourself in the place of that Samaritan woman. A total stranger comes and lets her know that He is aware of her deepest secrets. How could anyone, much less a stranger, have known these things? No wonder she was impressed by Jesus. What should this story tell us about how the Lord knows everything about us, even the deepest, darkest secrets that we would not want anyone to know? And yet, what does the way He treated her say to us about how He wants to deal with us, even when He knows our secrets? What comfort can we draw from this truth?
📌 What themes in the Gospel of John that we have studied thus far are found in Jesus’ ministry to the Samaritan woman at the well?
For October 26–November 1. Happy Sabbath!