God's process comes before the fulfilment of a promise that God has prepared.
Philippians 3:12 Voice
Paul realized that he, like Joseph, was in God’s training process and had not arrived at his ultimate destination, yet. In fact, so many great men and women of the Bible had to trust the process of God getting them ready for their destiny.
God gave Joseph dreams to show him what his destiny would be. But, Joseph wasn’t ready to live it out just yet. Before he could reach his destiny, God had to shape, mold, and refine Joseph’s character. Just like Joseph, we can have big dreams and a destiny God has planned for us. And, just like Joseph, most of us are not ready for those dreams to be fulfilled, yet.
You just can't give up on the dreams God has put on your heart, because you still see all of your inadequacies, sins, and Please trust God’s process and let him change you.
I know Sometimes the process includes difficulty, disappointment, and heartbreak. Other times, it involves opportunities and successes. But trust him, wait on Him.
process of sanctification because “the God of peace [will] himself sanctify [me] completely” (1 Thessalonians 5:23). The Lord who began this process of sanctification the moment that my heart was made alive to him “will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).
Child of God
continuing in faith and repentance, trusting the process in both your success and failures.
Therefore, when you find yourself undergoing a process under God’s hand, it is always a positive process because it has the fulfilment of a promise in mind.