Mom Bosses Abroad

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Mom Bosses Abroad 🏆 #11 Best Mompreneur Podcasts 2022 🔥 2 Mamas+1 Dream = REAL WORLD convos. Weekly episodes +Freebies. Join a 🌎 Tribe. Share your story as a Guest!

Hosted by Biz Besties Desiree Bonau (fdr Oily Essentials) & Iva Perez (fdr The Momergy Movement) To all the moms who are Mom Bosses in one way or another… Whether you are staying home and raising your little ones, running your own business, pursuing a corporate career, or working that side hustle, you are absolutely, 100% a Mom Boss. And if you’re doing all of this while living abroad, well, you’r

e simply fantabulous all the way! Join Des and Iva as two business besties who are borderline obsessed with building a global tribe that is unapologetically authentic in how we embrace our roles as moms and mom bosses having REAL WORLD conversations about all things motherhood. They live by the motto: “You have to do it yourself, but you can’t do it alone.”

In this episode, we explore a frequently underestimated cornerstone that lays the groundwork for optimal wellness and vi...

In this episode, we explore a frequently underestimated cornerstone that lays the groundwork for optimal wellness and vitality- namely the ph content in your drinking water. Join and Iva as they uncover the science behind alkaline water and its potential benefits for hydration, detoxification, and rejuvenation. This episode promises to quench your thirst for knowledge and leave you inspired to hydrate with intention.⁣⁣⁣⁣

HERE’S THE FORMULA TO CHANGE YOUR LIFEWant to create the reality you want and achieve your goals? I am here rooting for ...


Want to create the reality you want and achieve your goals? I am here rooting for you!

Here's what I’ve learned from Iva , a Rapid Transformational Therapist:

HER STORY TIME -- I had the biggest crush on Indiana Jones growing up!

All those Indy Jones movies kept me on the edge of my seat.

Remember the scene in The Last Crusade where Indy has to step into the abyss while trying to save his dad?

Here, he’s had to basically take a leap of faith FIRST and then the bridge materialized AFTER.

What it meant was that first he had to have faith, THEN the bridge (Universe) would appear and sustain him.

Hollywood got it right. Joe Dispenza got it right.

The formula is very simple. And yet, we tend to get it backwards.

It’s not Think- Act- Be.

It’s actually Be- Act-Think.

Or as some people say, Believing is Seeing.

If you don’t believe that you are already who you want to be, then the formula doesn’t work.

For that to happen, your beliefs must change,

Once your beliefs change- MAGIC happens!

Accessing the gatekeeper of those limiting beliefs is the tricky part.

You need to talk to your subconscious.

If your subconscious mind believes it, then MAGIC happens automatically.

Yes, miracles rush into your life.

When you try to manifest on your own without addressing the subconscious part you end up with mixed results.

This is because you're not harnessing .

Because the more positively you dream about the future, the better you feel. You need positive energy to implement your wishes.

When a group of us come together we start vibrating at the same energetic frequency and MAGIC starts to happen.

It’s not woo woo. It’s science.

As business besties, and I are hosting a Manifest with Ease Challenge next week.

We'll use the power of Collective Energy + the power of Energetic Alignment to signal to the Universe that you mean business.


You can also go at it alone, but the power of Collective Energy cannot be understated.

It unlocks everything!
Link in bio!👉👉   

HERE’S THE FORMULA TO CHANGE YOUR LIFEWant to create the reality you want and achieve your goals? I am here rooting for ...


Want to create the reality you want and achieve your goals? I am here rooting for you!

Here's what I’ve learned from Iva The Momergy Movement], a Rapid Transformational Therapist:

HER STORY TIME -- I had the biggest crush on Indiana Jones growing up!

All those Indy Jones movies kept me on the edge of my seat.

Remember the scene in The Last Crusade where Indy has to step into the abyss while trying to save his dad?

Here, he’s had to basically take a leap of faith FIRST and then the bridge materialized AFTER.

What it meant was that first he had to have faith, THEN the bridge (Universe) would appear and sustain him.

Hollywood got it right. Joe Dispenza got it right.

The formula is very simple. And yet, we tend to get it backwards.

It’s not Think- Act- Be.

It’s actually Be- Act-Think.

Or as some people say, Believing is Seeing.

If you don’t believe that you are already who you want to be, then the formula doesn’t work.

For that to happen, your beliefs must change,

Once your beliefs change- MAGIC happens!

Accessing the gatekeeper of those limiting beliefs is the tricky part.

You need to talk to your subconscious.

If your subconscious mind believes it, then MAGIC happens automatically.

Yes, miracles rush into your life.

When you try to manifest on your own without addressing the subconscious part you end up with mixed results.

This is because you're not harnessing .

Because the more positively you dream about the future, the better you feel. You need positive energy to implement your wishes.

When a group of us come together we start vibrating at the same energetic frequency and MAGIC starts to happen.

It’s not woo woo. It’s science.

As business besties, The Momergy Movement] and I are hosting a Manifest with Ease Challenge next week.

We'll use the power of Collective Energy + the power of Energetic Alignment to signal to the Universe that you mean business.


You can also go at it alone, but the power of Collective Energy cannot be understated.

It unlocks everything!
Link in bio!👉👉         

When will my life finally take off? What does it take to “get it together” and get to experience at least some degree of...

When will my life finally take off? What does it take to “get it together” and get to experience at least some degree of success? Can the struggle ever end?


Life will “take off” when you chose for it to.

And not a moment earlier.

I know.

You are doing “all the things”.

And yet…

Something is missing.

You hear how people go about manifesting and make it “work”, but you feel as though you're missing something to make it work for you.

And I’m here to tell you, it’s not your fault.

Iva from shares: As a Rapid Transformational Therapist, I watch my clients use the powers of the mind to make their desires a reality in the most easy breezy type of way,

where it seems like things, people and events, simply fall into their lap.

And I want the same for you.

Because if more people start making their desires come true, more people will be fulfilled and happy and this makes the world a better place.

So here’s a question for you:

Before the year ends-
Do you want more of the same? Or do you want to make it happen?

What’s on your list?

* Switching to a higher- paying job/career that thrills you & makes you go “pinch-me-I-can’t believe-they-pay-me-for-this” type of feeling

* Moving to the country of your dreams or even better, living half the year in Paradise and the other half travelling around the world

* Enjoying the freedom to pursue that pet project, or be able to spend more time with your kids without pressing meetings or pending due dates

* Or perhaps it’s meeting the perfect partner-in-crime, who thinks your freckles are endearing and cracks up at your quirky jokes every.single.time.

Whatever your dreams might be, it’s possible to make them a reality!

(As long as you’re ready to make your desires come true).


Join Iva and for a 10-Day Manifest with Ease Challenge next week.

This challenge that uses the power of Collective Energy + the power of Energetic Intention to make our desires come true that much faster

Link in bio to get all the deets!

Seasons of our lifeSometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves. 
To achieve certain things.
Hit those goals
Meet thos...

Seasons of our life

Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves. 
To achieve certain things.
Hit those goals
Meet those deadlines we set ourselves. 

Then we look at other people around us, and feel bad because they are doing more than we are and you start to feel like you cannot keep up. 

But you need to remind yourself that you are going through your own SEASON in life.

And if that means you just moved, had a baby and a little one - then they come first!

Your season will come again and then you can continue full blast ahead to build your passion business!


(Check out our very first episode on .bosses.abroad Season 1 Episode 1 ’Tis the Season)

Do you often catch yourself in the comparison game too? 
How do YOU get out of it?

Podcasting with KidsPuhhh...this was quite the week in our recording studio!Podcasting with a newborn has been surprisin...

Podcasting with Kids

Puhhh...this was quite the week in our recording studio!

Podcasting with a newborn has been surprisingly easy - but when you throw the 4 year old in the mix as well - things can get what would be the right word to use?

Help me out below in the comments!!

( & thank you for your patience!)

I soooo resonated with  during our podcast interview! An independent woman living in the largest cities, who became a mo...

I soooo resonated with during our podcast interview! An independent woman living in the largest cities, who became a mom and is now staying home raising them in a country that is not her own. But she re-claimed her identity by building her successful online business!

But what I loved most about talking to Miki is that - she figured out how to un-busy herself!

Are we really THAT busy? We’re constantly telling ourselves “I don’t have time. I have so much going on!” Yet, we can easily loose track in the everyday things and activities that pepper our lives of what we are all about. We are human beings, after all, not human doings.

Miki shares a powerful tool that cuts through all the busyness and confusion of what we truly want for ourselves, our families, and our lives so that we can better manage and control the concept of time and how much of it we actually need to do all the things.

Check out Episode #18 and if you like it, then try some of our other episodes, like and subscribe/follow!

Do you often feel busy too, yet have no clue what you did at the end of the day? 💁‍♀️

Who sets the rules anyways?That’s what we asked ourselves, when ,  and I were talking. It’s interesting what types of st...

Who sets the rules anyways?

That’s what we asked ourselves, when , and I were talking. It’s interesting what types of stereotypes you are faced with when moving to a new country, immersing yourself in a new culture - and all that while also navigating motherhood and trying to build a business.

And for me it was so interesting to listen to Sarona, as she talked about my home country - Germany! Having been away from there so long, I totally resonated and can see what she is talking about!!

Sarona came to the best conclusion and gave herself the permission slip to do it on HER own terms! She did what felt right for her - and we feel that’s the best way to achieve your own goals and chase your own dreams!!

Listen in to this week’s episode that’s live on your favourite podcast platform now! Just search for MOM BOSSES ABROAD

What part did you resonate with the most?

 shares:   How many times have I heard this? ‘I have a baby now, I can’t work, I can’t start a business…etc etc’ But why...


How many times have I heard this?
‘I have a baby now, I can’t work, I can’t start a business…etc etc’

But why not? If we are passionate enough about something - it shouldn’t stop us at all.

Best is - you find something where they can totally be a part of it.

The many times I’ve given a presentation while holding my little one…

And yes he’s attended quite a few webinars.

It’s fun and can definitely work.

Listen in to today’s newly released episode on MOM BOSSES ABROAD, where our special guest Regina from shares how she, too, started her business with a baby in tow!

Give us a 🤩 in the comments if you are a passionate working mama, too!

 shares:  How many times have I heard this? ‘I have a baby now, I can’t work, I can’t start a business…etc etc’ But why ...


How many times have I heard this?
‘I have a baby now, I can’t work, I can’t start a business…etc etc’

But why not? If we are passionate enough about something - it shouldn’t stop us at all.

Best is - you find something where they can totally be a part of it.

The many times I’ve given a presentation while holding my little one…

And yes he’s attended quite a few webinars.

It’s fun and can definitely work.

Listen in to today’s newly released episode on MOM BOSSES ABROAD, where our special guest Regina from shares how she, too, started her business with a baby in tow!

Give us a 🤩 in the comments if you are a passionate working mama, too!

 sharesI am so excited to share this week’s episode with you!I love surrounding myself with inspiring women - and this o...


I am so excited to share this week’s episode with you!

I love surrounding myself with inspiring women - and this one definitely inspires me each and every day!

She takes the whole concept of “YOU CAN DO IT ALL” to a different level (I honestly often ask myself - How does she do it? And still always remain so positive and motivated?).

It takes a special dedication, passion and life vision to accomplish just that! Plus the power of your tribe!

A PHD Mama, business developer, professional women networker, start up queen, mother of 2 under 3 and wife - and all of that in a country far away from home.

Even during our interview, her 9-month old was very actively involved, yet .tagram stayed so laser focused on the conversation - need I say more?

LINK in BIO to listen!

Please listen in! And put a 💛 in the comments if afterwards you feel a bit more confident that it IS possible for you to do it all, have it all, and have fun along the way!

Hey - what is the 8th wonder of the world? Just this answer alone can start turning your finances around for the better....

Hey - what is the 8th wonder of the world?

Just this answer alone can start turning your finances around for the better.

For small business owners, finances are like gas in the car, because they keep the business running. It’s time to get fired up financially, and in this episode, financial adviser Batya Shulman, , will take you through her F.I.R.E. acronym in order to gain the coveted dream of Financial Independence & Retire Early so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor that much faster.

Isn’t that a HOT thing to strive for?


Quicksticks: what is the eighth wonder of the world? Just this answer alone can start turning your finances around for t...

Quicksticks: what is the eighth wonder of the world? Just this answer alone can start turning your finances around for the better. For small business owners, finances are like gas in the car, because they keep the business running. It’s time to get fired up financially, and in this episode, financial adviser Batya Shulman , will take you through her F.I.R.E. acronym in order to gain the coveted dream of Financial Independence & Retire Early so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor that much faster.

Listen in to this week's latest episode! Link in bio!


DON’T BE TRAPPED IN THE SCARY FEAST OR FAMINE CYCLE IN YOUR BUSINESS! 👻Listen in to this week’s episode in which our fea...


Listen in to this week’s episode in which our featured guest, Patty Rogers, gives us the breakdown of how we can easily fall prey to this and – even scarier, how this can lead to things slipping through the cracks.

Plus, we get the final answer on whether we should automate or delegate and how.
Get all the deets in our link in bio.

P.S. Are you Trick or Treating this Halloween? How about giving us a Treat (LIKE) 👍on our podcast? Consider it good parenting karma 😊

   with ポポポWe are back!! It's wonderful to be back recording new episodes for a brand SPANKING new Season 2 going live t...

We are back!!

It's wonderful to be back recording new episodes for a brand SPANKING new Season 2 going live this week!

Working with a partner-in-harmony/ aka business bestie makes it all so much fun and a breeze!

But most important of all, the roster of amazing guests this season makes each episode packed with so much valuable information about the things that matter to moms and mompreneurs as they navigate the remainder of this year - as we all start to ease back into a new baseline of life after a pandemic.

This podcast is for all the moms who are Mom Bosses in one way or another… Whether you are staying home and raising your little ones, running your own business, pursuing a corporate career, or working that side hustle, you are absolutely, 100% a Mom Boss.

And if you’re doing all of this while living abroad, well, you’re simply fantabulous all the way!

Suscribe to our podcast to be the first to listen to a fresh batch of new episodes released weekly. We promise you- you will gain valuable insights from our 30-minute episodes!

Will you be tuning in? 🎧

it's wonderful to be back recording new episodes for a brand SPANKING new Season 2 going live this week!Working with a p...

it's wonderful to be back recording new episodes for a brand SPANKING new Season 2 going live this week!

Working with a partner-in-harmony/ aka business bestie makes it all so much fun and a breeze!

But most important of all, the roster of amazing guests this season makes each episode packed with so much valuable information about the things that matter to moms and mompreneurs as they navigate the remainder of this year - as we all start to ease back into a new baseline of life after a pandemic.

This podcast is for all the moms who are Mom Bosses in one way or another… Whether you are staying home and raising your little ones, running your own business, pursuing a corporate career, or working that side hustle, you are absolutely, 100% a Mom Boss.

And if you’re doing all of this while living abroad, well, you’re simply fantabulous all the way!

Suscribe to our podcast to the the first to listen to a fresh batch of new episodes released weekly. We promise you- you will gain valuable insights from our 30-minute episodes!

That’s quite a ride we are on!! We may be quiet on the podcast but we are working furiously behind the scenes! We‘ve bee...

That’s quite a ride we are on!!

We may be quiet on the podcast but we are working furiously behind the scenes!

We‘ve been interviewing amazing guests for Season 2 and our calendars are full full full for the next 2 months!

We are creating something amazing for all of you in addition - and we can’t wait to share it soon!

And a huge highlight for me personally is that we’ve built all of this on a fairly automated and super efficient system - coz MOM BOSSES are busy and we have businesses to run and kids to raise!

We can’t wait to share more soon…

Share one of your wins from this week down in the comments ###

Swipe to see!!!! Oh yesssss….Season 2 we are ready for you!!

With all your great help - we are coming back in October s...

Swipe to see!!!!

Oh yesssss….Season 2 we are ready for you!!

With all your great help - we are coming back in October stronger, wiser (a little bit at least) and with an army of amazing guest speakers that will englighten us with all things:

✨Living Life abroad
✨Building a business
✨Mindset on how to do it all!!

AND not to forget - with a new TITLE for our Show!!

You voted and we love it!!


Des & Iva

Are you excited about Season 2?

Feeling meh, mama? You need a quick pick-me up. This hilarious, random and totally wise Bonus episode has our little one...

Feeling meh, mama? You need a quick pick-me up. This hilarious, random and totally wise Bonus episode has our little ones telling it like it is on what makes a great mom, and guess what? You're already winning! Trust us.

Link in bio✨✨✨

We need your help once more!!!! Your vote may be our TIE BREAKER. Yes. YOU may be the one responsible for our new PODCAS...

We need your help once more!!!!

Your vote may be our TIE BREAKER.

Yes. YOU may be the one responsible for our new PODCAST NAME. A mark forever on a big chunk of our brand!

Help us put it in the comments. What will it be?
A or B?

Des & Iva

 shares: On episode 12 of our podcast, I start off thanking a dear friend for wishing me to fail when I first shared my ...


On episode 12 of our podcast, I start off thanking a dear friend for wishing me to fail when I first shared my podcast project with her.

AND I also share, how much I love her for it.


I get it. Nobody likes the F word. Not at home and certainly not in business.

We want to avoid it at all costs!

But what would happen if we not only embraced it but also used it to make us more empowered and successful in all areas of our lives?

I don't want to give the whole episode away- so please go and listen in. :)

But, most importantly, I want to share what 'failure' looks like:

We launched our podcast and wrapped up our first season last month. However, the name we chose for our podcast, desperately needs a revamp as we gear for Season 2. It wasn't awful...

We were happy with it for a while. Until we weren't.

(Lucky for us, that hasn't happened with our children's names so far.)

So now it's back to the drawing board.

The point I want to share is: that we essentially 'failed' at choosing our podcast name. We went with the mantra 'Done is better than perfect" because there's no point in waiting for everything to be perfectly aligned (and it will never be).

It takes courage and vulnerability to bring projects into the public domain and saying "I'm game".

We basically went and told the whole world about it, and now we have to take it back. (Officially we're calling it a revamp.)

Is it embarrassing?

I don't think so! Because we get to make it fun. It's as important to enjoy the process as it is to 'get there'.

So I hope this inspires you to take some chances today even if it means taking it back, pivoting, recalculating or simply 'revamping it' later on.

And so, we need your help in deciding our new brand spankin' podcast name. New season. New you, right?

🔥Check out our link in bio to cast your vote! 🔥🔥🔥

And thanks in advance for helping us turn this so-called 'failure' around.


Hey Mama - we need your help! After such an exciting First Season of our podcast we have decided to spice things up! So ...

Hey Mama - we need your help!

After such an exciting First Season of our podcast we have decided to spice things up!

So after a long debate - we nixed the dyeing our hair purple idea and settled on a name change instead.

Not for us- for our podcast.

Can you help us decide?

(Link to vote is in our BIO too)

It’s a wrap on Season 1 of ‘The Mompreneur’s Guide to Work-Life-Harmony’!!But just for a little while...If you're lookin...

It’s a wrap on Season 1 of ‘The Mompreneur’s Guide to Work-Life-Harmony’!!
But just for a little while...
If you're looking for something to binge listen on your way to work, do some errands, or unwind at the end of the day, look no further!
Here's a quick guide on major themes we've touched upon and what episodes showcase them.
Also, if you have listened to one of our episodes, could you share below what topics/ subjects/themes you would like to hear more about in the upcoming season? Ideas WANTED! Share below and let me know 🥰


It’s time to say Goodbye!!

Well just for a moment.
Because guess what….

It’s a wrap on Season 1 of ‘The Mompreneur’s Guide to Work-Life-Harmony’!!

So, It’s not good-bye! It’s a ‘See you Next Season’.

Listen in to discover the pivotal moments of the season as well as what made Season 1 be pure magic.

Desiree and Iva can’t wait to spill the beans on what’s to come for Season 2 while they reveal their biggest secret yet!

Tune in to find out what it is!!

Did you know? Tell us below but don’t spoil the actual secret 😉😉😉


It’s time to say Goodbye!!

We’ll just for a moment.
Because guess what….

It’s a wrap on Season 1 of ‘The Mompreneur’s Guide to Work-Life-Harmony’!!

So, It’s not good-bye! It’s a ‘See you Next Season’.

Listen in to discover the pivotal moments of the season as well as what made Season 1 be pure magic.

Desiree and Iva can’t wait to spill the beans on what’s to come for Season 2 while they reveal their biggest secret yet!

Tune in to find out what it is!!

Did you know? Tell us below but don’t spoil the actual secret 😉😉😉

What are microshifts?They are essentially baby steps towards creating meaningful changes in your life.When done right, t...

What are microshifts?

They are essentially baby steps towards creating meaningful changes in your life.
When done right, they can significantly start to alter your reality and making the results you're after that much easier to accomplish.

Have 20 minutes?

We have two podcast episodes that can get you started with some very impactful microshifts.

It's the weekend and you've got plans.

But you also can spare 20 minutes to take a step towards that goal you're after.

I promise you_ you will learn something valuable AND have some fun too!

 shares:・・・✨✨NEW BLOG POST✨✨Here are the easy steps to conquer the emotional and mental load that fills up your motherho...


Here are the easy steps to conquer the emotional and mental load that fills up your motherhood plate to the brim.

This Roadmap will help you feel in control of your time and energy so you can be the playful mom that connects with her family with fun and ease.

You can get your FREE full Playbook guide by joining our FB community. All the deets are in my bio! 🥰



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