環境NGO CWWI 環境NGO CWWI, 長野県上田市秋和201の 2, Ueda-shiの連絡先情報、マップ、方向、お問い合わせフォーム、営業時間、サービス、評価、写真、動画、お知らせ。




兵庫県加西市で安心・安全をモットーに全品水洗いのクリーニングをされています。 脱ドライクリーニングにより、アトピー性皮膚炎や化学物質過敏症などの皮膚疾患をお持ちの方にやさしいクリーニングです。 宅配便で....



Martin Harkens challenged The RTL program "Holland Got Talent 2010" and gathered the trajectory until becoming the third winner. English subtitles click by t...



2002年 アイルランド&ノルウェーの二人組、シークレット・ガーデンが発表した楽曲。以降、多くのミュージシャンによってカバーされ続けている名曲です。ここではオランダ出身のシンガー マーティン・ハーケンスの歌で...



FILM旅歌人(フィルムコブザーリ)プロジェクト第3弾 公開 *赤川新一さん(本プロジェクトの録音&ミックスを担当してくれたトップエンジニア)への追悼として、フルバージョンでの公開を致します。 「防人の詩」 (作...

https://youtu.be/ipkXFIx0oBY 第二の人生の門出のお祝いに歌を贈らせて戴きます✨😌✨誕生日メッセージをくださった皆様方に感謝を込めて送らせていただきます^_^夢の翼深井利春


已淡忘的 ...... "幸福". I don't own the music.

A new energy comes from Japan, which made from atomic Hydrogen (French version) ↓https://youtu.be/zQtLniqzVpw

A new energy comes from Japan, which made from atomic Hydrogen (French version) ↓


Le nouveau carburant est dérivé de l'hydrogène atomique, ce qui réduit le prix du pétrole brut ainsi que les gaz d'échappement du pétrole dans l'environnement.

Hello,Good day to you! My name is Toshiharu FUKAI, founder CEO of Sosei World Co., Ltd - Japan. I have developed Sosei W...

Good day to you!

My name is Toshiharu FUKAI, founder CEO of Sosei World Co., Ltd - Japan. I have developed Sosei Water, which is characterized by high levels of atomic hydrogen for 30 years. These are the materials regarding the applicabilities of Sosei Water. Please take a look! If you want to know more about this technology please contact me by email: [email protected]

This new technology from Japan can solve all the water and energy problems in the 22nd century. All the videos, data and materials here are truth, without any lies. Moreover, we do not need to use any chemicals or surfactants. Water now becomes energy – meaning WATER IS BURNABLE. When water and fire merged, the Buddha appeared. Take a direct look at this technology materials in the comment section! Water is making an energy revolution. Naturally, it also revolutionized agriculture, mining, and all the other societies. This is the beginning of the water industry revolution.

Best Regards,
Dream Wings
Toshiharu FUKAI

https://drive.google.com/open?id=11qzLcDUugziIqUzeBpWbsPwgIR-Icj8h (Why Sosei Water was Developed)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=19HfDBKTBCcCgi50HHEeWPNka-zsli67A (Messages)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qS_gsplnZ0-AZ6JtBn1NZP5q34UJoGH1 (To All Users)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Tvgmh1g44eAYp1_23d03NDnRWwAbS5fs (Emulsion Concept)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EFNjlLAH2NHLfhvw6_p48h3i4qxz6EMN (Newsweek 2016)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=16Bnhya_Sfq8i7uV64QTwETBdl_J0KYPa (About Sosei Water)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wQ7pNYNqzz9PmCqmC26KrqKTRaR3tBeU (Sosei Fuel Water)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uZKLXJZQueX94Cbx8xizSmiiG-0P6YnU (Fukai Emulsion Calorific Value Measurement)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zgg1JWWvGsVFlSR2ysQBrCp7jq7QNDZe (Sosei M21 Series)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=19KuR-4TejBF01cnh0jhdb8QNFmKexKPY (Medical Report)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IXHBROfhNmb-RHykpkLQc7U6XoIJnzJh (English YouTube Links)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ppr2NwyID4CaqG94PPe0nE7iIO7-iL_x (Newsweek 2018)

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BBrlyTIiCwJcL8_xlQHtQ9z_Nxbg3laU (Sosei Fuel Water and the Shipping Industry)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ2UCqJkdcs (SFW English ver.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX990aVxPkA&t=6s Oil abstraction technology from oil sand by using SOSEI WATER.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/15QTII-DHrPSmCgjLr_MspeTzhbpSU7a_/view?usp=drivesdk (Sosei Water in Agriculture)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1C1bT51JDWvbeJghqh_HB_5GtFDze4ZHM (Africa Children drink Sosei Water)

https://docs.google.com/file/d/18HjaNGeJeC617-0LdCZLwrvEOU2BVpRS/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword (Sosei Fuel Water - New Energy)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PCM__dmaDbVwCq52nksENOzCWKOVICrq/view?usp=drivesdk (The Unknown Potentials Of Sosei Water)



「こういう時こそ」 未来に希望が持てなくて みんなの心が沈んでいる 不安な夜がとっても長い どおしていいか わからない でも問題は必ず乗り越えられる 今だから出来ることがある あきらめない という名案がある 自分.....

Supporting individuals who live in an era of change! Another life.Home Life story list Toshiharu Fukai"Watering people's...

Supporting individuals who live in an era of change! Another life.
Home Life story list Toshiharu Fukai
"Watering people's fields" - taught by my father. The owner who played in Ginza bets on everything.
[Courtesy of Big Life Co., Ltd.] Mr. Fukai says he was shocked to see the dirt on the river in his hometown and threw away all his property to develop water that does not require detergent. Mr. Fukai, who had been playing around with the success of the hotel business and saying "I spent 10 million yen in 3 days in Ginza", changed the idea to clean the earth. I heard your story.
Fukai Toshiharu

Fukai Toshiharu | Contributing to the environment and health through Water. CEO founder of Sosei World Co., Ltd.
Influence from my beloved father.
I was born in Nagano prefecture and grew up in vast nature. I was born when Japan was poor. And the eldest son is an era when it is decided to take over. The eldest son is 100% must listen to his parents.
The family business was a livestock business, so there were always four or five cows in the house. The second floor was a straw hut and my study hut. The study room was divided, but it was like living with a cow. My job is to take care of cows after returning from school. I also did milking, pooping, and witness the birth of calves. That was my childhood.
I had a good physique and good strength, so I could not fight at school. However, my parents told me to fight if it is to help people or to protect the weak, but as long as I do it, I will beat them. Don't lose even if you bring a log stick. But unless that was the case, I was told not to fight, except to protect the weak, to be patient.

You had a strong sense of justice and a strong desire to protect the weak.
After graduating from junior high school, I took a test at a school where I could be a railroad worker or a train sheriff, but I failed. I didn't like the train because I wanted to go to school to get a job that protects everyone.
I was greatly influenced by my father, especially in his way of thinking about many things. For example, one day in my boyhood, my dad refers to a car carburetor that he disassembled and tells me to "return it." As a boy, I was at a loss when I couldn't do it, but he didn't listen to me, "There is no way that humans cannot fix what humans have made." After getting ready, I took three days and three nights to assemble the carburetor and learned what I could do.
My father was a man who loved by local people. When I got milk, my dad told me to give it to people who work in police stations, post offices, and train stations. "You have to be grateful to those people because they always work for everyone" - he said. Moreover, “Don't just water your fields yourself, you have to water other people's fields too” – he also said. From what my father taught me, I understood the importance of helping others. I also have learned that just thinking about your

own interests is a foolish thing.
With my father's sudden death as a spring, I made a great success in the business.
After graduating from high school, I came to Ueno for group employment. After working for a year in a motorcycle contractor, I returned to Nagano and started my business with my father. Since the livestock industry will not be bright in the future, I started subcontracting work to manufacture and sell industrial gloves. However, when I was 20 years old, my main contractor broke down, and this time I started working by living in a company in Chiba prefecture, relying on my relatives. A year or two later, I returned to Nagano, and this time I started polishing with my father. I got on track and got a job from a local company. However, due to family circumstances, my eldest son, I, left home and started the polishing business by myself. Polish bicycle pedals and other parts before plating. I have grown to use 15 or 6 people.
In the meantime, my father built a steel building on the cliff of the Chikuma River. Originally it was the land I bought. When asked what to do with the building, he

says, "Because it's a steel frame, it doesn't rot, so you can leave it there, but you can pay the debt." So I turned the building into an observation restaurant. Because it is a cliff, the scenery is good and you can see the Chikuma River and the city. I didn't know anything about eating and drinking, but when I set up a high-class steak house with the help of the chairman of the Cook's group called the Kitchen Society in Gunma Prefecture, it was very successful.
The year after I opened the restaurant, my father died when I was at the age of 34.
A cancer was found in the artery of the pancreas, and the life expectancy was declared for half a year. Without knowing anything about him, I tried to secretly eat what was said to be effective against cancer in my meal, but my condition did not improve.
After that, my dad taught me a lot about my work and tried to pass it on. Perhaps he knew his destiny. While listening to each other's tears, I listened to the pain that I couldn't put out even though I knew each other's feelings.

Half a year later, my father died at the age of 57, as the doctor declared. My father, who was respected by the people of the town and devoted himself to the benefit of the world, cried aloud at the factory he worked with. Why he had to die so quickly..
Eventually, the restaurant that opened together the year before my father died was thriving, and I opened the hotel by riding the waves. This hotel also hit the jackpot and I built another hotel three years later. I worked hard to forget the sadness of my father's death. I worked desperately to escape the loneliness. The same goes for restaurants, hotels, and the Babakou cultivation that inspired me to get into the water. I often went to Ginza with the money I got. I've used 10 million yen for 3 days.
"What is death? What is nature?" I all businesses at the age of 39.
He said he would like to farm with me if he could live a long time. So I bought land in the mountains. However, my father died, so I rushed to run a restaurant and hotel. However, even after my father's death, I still had a passion for agriculture, and while searching for something that could be cultivated, I

encountered a tropical fruit, Babakou. It took a year to succeed in commercialization and was featured on TV and newspapers.
One day in the next year, I wondered if the drainage from my hotel could cover the water used to grow the Babakou. When I tried it, the drainage of the hotel was covered with detergent and foamed, so it was not very useful for cultivation. When I went up to the Chikuma River, which was in front of my eyes, the river surface was completely dirty with detergent foam. The river that helped me grow up. Perhaps, my hotel also takes part in it.
My father's words reminded me, "Toshiharu, nature and human beings are one. If you pollute the river, human blood will be contaminated, and humans will definitely get sick. So don't pollute the river." If you pollute the river, the earth will get dirty. It always comes back to our body. The earth cannot live and everyone will becomes sick.
Contrary to my desire to lose detergent, I didn't know what to do, and while I was doing that, I continued draining containing detergent from my hotel. ..

I was still dragging on my father's death. I didn't want to admit my father's death, but I have to admit. As I thought about my father's death and the dirt on the Chikuma River, I began to focus on the theme, "What is death? What is nature?" When I was 39, I closed all my businesses. As a result of the liquidation of the company over several months, 100 million yen remained, and with the funds, I started research to eliminate detergent.
I didn't even have a college, let alone science, but I had a hard time. Seven or eight years have passed in a blink of an eye, and 50 million of them have flown away, but we have completed a shower head that does not lose its cleaning power even if the detergent is diluted 200 times. However, when I was pointed out by a professor who had been advised, "No matter how thin you are, detergent is detergent. Poison is poison." I decided to stop selling the shower head that I finally developed.
Development and dissemination of "Sosei water", water with detergency
I was running out of money by that time, but I suddenly threw out a successful business and started making noises with detergent, water, and I'm crazy, no credit.

Even relatives thought it was crazy. One of my friends, the real estate company president who understood my dream, said, "I'm buying Fukai's dream. Let's build Fukai's own building someday." Loaned me and restarted my research. He lent me 40 million yen.
As I continued my research, I learned that tourmaline, a tourmaline, reduces water clusters. By combining tourmaline and an aluminum water softener, the following year, we completed water with a cleaning power equivalent to that of detergent. When I sold about 50 of this water generator, I was able to pay off my debt.
One time, a customer inquired, "Is drinking this water good for your health?" It was just around the time when water purifiers became popular due to the problem of chlorine in tap water. In fact, this water wasn't supposed to be taken, so I had trouble answering it. I feel that the customer's needs are due to the health effects of drinking, and that the detergency alone will eventually reach the limit of diffusion, so I decided to stop selling generators and not only wash them, but also make them healthy by drinking. Well embarked on the development of good water.

The following year, we completed water that is not only washable but also healthy. Finally, a lifestyle that does not require any detergent has become possible. I named this water "Sosei Water". In a home with a generator of creation water, all the water that comes out of the tap water becomes creation water. Sosui water can be used not only for washing dishes and washing, but also for bathing, washing your body and hair with water, and drinking water and cooking. The detergent, soap and shampoo have disappeared, the drainage from the house is clean, and clean water can be returned to the earth.
A few years after the Sosei water, I happened to see a book at a bookstore that was made beautiful by intestinal bacteria. It will be done.
Studies have shown that it improves the composition of intestinal bacteria, increases dietary fiber, and suppresses uterine fibroids, uterine cancer, and breast cancer. There was great water, which spurred the spread. During this period, the sales were tonning, and in five or six years, annual sales increased to about 700 million.
The conclusion of life is the energy revolution that uses Sosei Water.
Currently, as the representative director of Sosei World Co., Ltd., Sosei Water is

the center of the business. After the creation of Sosei water, I traveled to each home with my bag and held seminars to convey my thoughts. I went around the country and spoke the same thing over and over again. It spread through word of mouth, and a number of households installed the generator of water for creation.
From around this time, I was convinced that this water would burn in the 21st century, and I said so. If you take out the bottle of Sosei water from the refrigerator, cut it only and leave it without removing the stopper, the stopper suddenly pops. I was convinced that the created water contained hydrogen gas, which was used as energy.
When I started working on water, I was married and had children. I was angry when I told my relatives, "In the 21st century, the water I'm studying will not need detergents and will save the planet. Because cars and planes run on this water, fuel can be saved." .. It was treated like crazy.
From the age of 60, I've been working on energy issues with the intention of doing the last big job in my life. When we mixed Sosei water with the fuel to be put into

the engine, we obtained the experimental result that the fuel consumption was much better than that with the fuel alone. Since we received critical comments, we conducted a ship operation experiment under the public disclosure of a third party and succeeded in reducing fuel consumption by 40% so that all the experts could understand. In response to this result, it has already been put to practical use on ships. The use of automobiles in gasoline engines is also moving toward commercialization.
Currently, the world energy situation is swaying greatly due to environmental pollution such as exhaust gas and competition between oil-producing countries and natural gas-producing countries. Political bargaining is fine, but if you pollute the earth, it will always come back to you. By using Sosei water as fuel, the cost can be greatly reduced and the environment will not be polluted at all.
I like Kenshin Uesugi. I do something for his feelings of nothingness, for the sake of others. I've liked this since I was small, and I thought that I would like to live like this. I also think that I can make inventions that move the world from a small town like Ueda, Nagano Prefecture.

In Japan, there is a law that mixes various things such as biomass with gasoline, but there is no law that allows water to be used as fuel in an engine. First of all, we have to change the head of the government. I am asking you to understand that water can burn and become energy, and to amend the law.
I am 68 years old this year. I poured a lot of money into the dream of "water," and once I was covered with debt, I overcame many challenges and came to this point. I have no regrets. There is nothing I cannot do. I was shocked to see the dirty Chikuma River, and after a long time I was confused, I decided to choose such a life. I think that this one-time life is even more wonderful if it is a life of "watering



※【関連動画】 ・なぜ?日本人は世界で最も「高潔」と言われるのか‥あの戦いで見せた「武士道精神」に世界からの賛美と拍手が止まらない!《永久保存版》 https://youtu.be/pVclvzBgsUQ ・【涙が止まらない】我々‥パラオ人.....


長野県上田市秋和201の 2
Ueda-shi, Nagano



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