19box Recordings

19box Recordings Owned & operated by DJ 19, the Tokyo based 19BOX(JUKEBOX) RECORDINGS label has firmly established it

19BOX RECORDINGS has been releasing various genres of upfront quality dance music since the label's founding in Tokyo, Japan in 1999. Since then, the label and its boss DJ 19 have gone on to become one of the most respected labels and DJs in Asia. "19" is pronounced "Juku" in Japanese, so this is where the name 19BOX(JUKEBOX) stems from. The concept in the name other than witty word-play was to al

low us to keep supplying music on an endless cycle - much like that of a traditional jukebox! As a result of our striving to provide nothing but pedigree tracks to the world of dance music, 19BOX releases have been featured on many of the world's best electronic music compilations like Bedrock, Global Underground, Renaissance and many others. http://soundcloud.com/19box-recordings



https://www.junodownload.com/labels/19box+Recordings/?order=date_down etc

Please only send download/streaming links, (Soundcloud streams with a download option is preferred) wetransfer is a good file hosting site. Do not send mp3s as email attachments, any demos sent as email attachments will be deleted straight away and will not be listened to. We do listen to everything that comes in but unfortunately due to the volume of music we receive we cannot reply individually, however if we like the demo and want to speak to you further about it you will be the first to know.

Pre-Order link of 19box Recordings 19BOX238 UTKarma’s 'Somebody Else' with remixes from Bread N Butta and Kinos

Pre-Order link of 19box Recordings 19BOX238 UTKarma’s 'Somebody Else' with remixes from Bread N Butta and Kinos

"UTKarma - Somebody Else [19Box Recordings]" | Find the latest releases here | #1 source for DJ Sets and more

19box Recordings 19BOX237 ‘Dueling Weapons Vol.20’ featuring Ambrozia AKA DJ 19 + Edison Watanabe and Genuine Fakes with...

19box Recordings 19BOX237 ‘Dueling Weapons Vol.20’ featuring Ambrozia AKA DJ 19 + Edison Watanabe and Genuine Fakes with exclusive remixes from Elgone and DanSonic continues to move up the beatport Afro House and Progressive House charts.

No.20 on Afro House Top 100 Releases
No.26 on Progressive House Top 100 Releases


Brilliant to see 19box Recordings 19BOX237 ‘Dueling Weapons Vol.20’ featuring Ambrozia AKA DJ 19 + Edison Watanabe and G...

Brilliant to see 19box Recordings 19BOX237 ‘Dueling Weapons Vol.20’ featuring Ambrozia AKA DJ 19 + Edison Watanabe and Genuine Fakes with exclusive remixes from Elgone and DanSonic which just entered the beatport Afro House and Progressive House Top 100 Releases.


It's new release time! Check out 19box Recordings 19BOX237 ‘Dueling Weapons Vol.20’ featuring Ambrozia AKA DJ 19 + Ediso...

It's new release time! Check out 19box Recordings 19BOX237 ‘Dueling Weapons Vol.20’ featuring Ambrozia AKA DJ 19 + Edison Watanabe and Genuine Fakes with exclusive remixes from Elgone and DanSonic, which just came out today exclusively at beatport.


19BOX237がbeatportにて先行配信開始! 2025年の19BOX RECORDINGS幕開けとなるシングルは、秘密兵器として機能するフロア向け未発表リミックス・シリーズである「Dueling Weapons」の第20弾。 『80s & 90s Investigation』に初収録された2曲のカヴァーをピックアップし、新しい息吹を吹き込み収録。「Dueling Weapons Vol.20」は、AMBROZIA(DJ 19 + EDISON WATANABE)によるチルなPET SHOP BOYS「West End Girls」が、ELGONEによりディープ&メロディックへ。またGENUINE FAKESによるAFRIKA BAMBAATAA & THE SOULSONIC FORCEの「Planet Rock」を、DAN SONICがテックな様式にてアフロ・ハウスにトランスフォーム。

It's new release time! Check out 19box Recordings 19BOXAL084 "80s & 90s Investigation" which just came out today exclusi...

It's new release time! Check out 19box Recordings 19BOXAL084 "80s & 90s Investigation" which just came out today exclusively at beatport.


19BOXAL084がbeatportにて先行配信開始! 2014年リリースの『80s Investigation』は、80年代のカヴァー曲を収録したコンピレーションとして、traxsourceだけでなく、今は亡きHARD TO FIND RECORDS(HDFR)やwasabeatなどでも大ヒットを記録。今回、約10年の時を経て、新たに90年代のカヴァーも収録した『80s & 90s Investigation』のリリースを決定。19BOX RECORDINGSの総帥であるDJ 19は、AMBROZIA、VALID EVIDENCE、HOT STATIONといった名義を使用し、多くのカヴァー・ヒットを生み出してきたが、今回もその中から代表的な作品を収録。新たにAMBROZIAとして、PET SHOP BOYSの「West End Girls」をEDISON WATANABEによる篠笛を大々的にフィーチュアして再現。また、GENUINE FAKESによるAFRIKA BAMBAATAA & THE SOULSONIC FORCEの「Planet Rock」も初収録。

Pre-Order link of  19box Recordings 19BOX237 ‘Dueling Weapons Vol.20’ featuring Ambrozia and Genuine Fakes with exclusiv...

Pre-Order link of 19box Recordings 19BOX237 ‘Dueling Weapons Vol.20’ featuring Ambrozia and Genuine Fakes with exclusive remixes from Elgone and DanSonic.

"Ambrozia, Genuine Fakes - Dueling Weapons, Vol. 20 [19Box Recordings]" | Find the latest releases here | #1 source for DJ Sets and more

Grab your copy!!!

Grab your copy!!!

Park Limited Muzik PLM078 Sota S. aka Genuine Fakes from Tokyo’s ’Come With M3’ is out on general release today at all the usual download and streaming platforms.






https://amazon.co.jp/music/player/albums/B0DMCCZYBL?marketplaceId=A1VC38T7YXB528&musicTerritory=JP&ref=dm_sh_qEvEW5H5Tj5NNrlhJKZ4p3JCq etc

Still hot@beatport

PLM078が一斉発売開始! 19box Recordingsにて、GENUINE FAKES名義での稼働が多いベテランであり、TORTURE GARDEN JAPANのオーガナイザーとしての顔も持つSOTA S.が、前作「Cat Walkin’」から約2年振りとなる新作「Come With M3」をPark Limited Muzikに届けてくれた。リミキサーとしてPark Limited Muzikの「Parklife」シリーズで2作品に於いて仕事しつつ、前々作「Inconceivable」から3年のブランクがあったのを考慮すると、スパンは縮小。今回は自身のルーツのひとつであるレイヴ期の雰囲気を現代へ召喚し、ストロング・スタイルなテクノにて再現。また、ハードハウス由来なテック・ハウスなミックスも収録。

Pre-Order link of 19box Recordings 19BOX084 "80s & 90s Investigation"

Pre-Order link of 19box Recordings 19BOX084 "80s & 90s Investigation"

"Ambrozia, Alexander S. Karlov, Romeo Syrgi, Genuine Fakes, Valid Evidence - 80s & 90s Investigation [19Box Recordings]" | Find the latest releases here | #1 source for DJ Sets and more

Happy New Year everyone, wishing you all the best for 2025!

Happy New Year everyone, wishing you all the best for 2025!

Thank you for supporting 19box Recordings, Park Limited Muzik and DJ 19!!! We wish you all sincerely a peaceful holiday ...

Thank you for supporting 19box Recordings, Park Limited Muzik and DJ 19!!! We wish you all sincerely a peaceful holiday season and a wonderful, healthy and successful 2025 wherever you may be.

19BOX225 - 19OX236
PLM076 - PLM078
19BOXAL073 - 19BOXAL083

19box Recordings
https://www.junodownload.com/labels/19box+Recordings/ etc

Park Limited Muzik
https://www.junodownload.com/labels/Park+Limited+Muzik/ etc

It's time for our final release of 2024, 19box Recordings 19BOXAL083 "Essence - Nippy Sessions” which is out on general ...

It's time for our final release of 2024, 19box Recordings 19BOXAL083 "Essence - Nippy Sessions” which is out on general release today at all the usual download and streaming platforms..






https://amazon.co.jp/music/player/albums/B0DK9FSJKR?marketplaceId=A1VC38T7YXB528&musicTerritory=JP&ref=dm_sh_B7eLlBCJrO66KSs1zqfz5ujoC etc

Still hot@beatport

19BOXAL083が一斉発売開始! 『Essence - Solace Sessions』から約2年の時を経て、『Essence』シリーズが再び冬の装いとして『Essence - Nippy Sessions』にて登場。今回、Genuine Fakesによるオリエンタルな装いの「Stratosphere」を初収録しただけでなく、チルアウトは勿論のこと、ディープなドラムンベースからディープ・ハウスまで幅広くジャンルを横断する全11曲をピックアップ。寒い季節を乗り切るアイテムとして、冬の癒しをお気軽に。





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