The beginning of a new adventure
●急流に直面して – セティ川の冒険と予期せぬ成長
私の目の前にはクラス3+の急流があり、轟音と波が私の全身を飲み込むようでした。不安と興奮が私の中で衝突しました。 「本当にこんなことができるの?」疑問に思いましたが、心の奥底で、思い切って挑戦してみようと促す声がありました。
まさにマルディ川とセティ川の合流点のような感じでした。色も温度も異なる 2 つの川は、流れが目に見えて分離したままの地点で合流し、1 つになる前に 2 つの異なる層を形成します。
その後、ネパールのミュージシャンとコラボレーションして「RAFTING」という曲を作り、そのミュージックビデオもネパールで撮影しました。 2024年、私は日本中の川を旅しながら自分の曲をセルフプロデュースし、その途中でTikTokビデオを作成しました。
●Facing the Rapids – Adventure and Unexpected Growth on the Seti River
During December in Nepal, the days are warm with sunlight, but mornings and evenings chill to around 10 degrees Celsius, and the river water grows noticeably colder.
It was during this time, as river activities were nearing their off-season, that I decided to take on the challenge of white-water rafting on the Seti River.
My passion for rafting, which started as a hobby, led me to try something new: navigating a small inflatable boat called a “ducky,” designed for two people, all on my own for the first time.
In front of me lay a Class 3+ rapid, with roaring currents and waves that seemed to engulf my entire being. Anxiety and excitement clashed within me. “Can I really do this?” I wondered, but deep inside, a voice urged me to take the plunge and embrace the challenge.
●Capsizing, Rescues, and Moments of Growth
Despite my determination, I lost control of the boat midway and capsized—three times during the tour!
Engulfed by the rapids and struggling underwater, two thoughts raced through my mind: the fear of “Can I make it out alive?” and the sheer willpower of “I can’t give up here.”
Though it was likely just seconds, it felt like minutes as I was tossed around by the waves. When the guide in a kayak rushed to my rescue and I managed to grab onto his kayak, he became nothing less than a hero to me. In that moment, I felt like a heroine narrowly escaping peril.
After passing through the rapids and catching my breath in a calm stretch of the river, I gazed up at the sky. Birds soared gracefully across the clear blue expanse, and the sheer beauty of the scene moved me deeply. For the first time, I thought, “I’m so glad to be alive.” That intense feeling of gratitude was only amplified by the fear I had just overcome.
●A River Confluence and an Unexpected Reunion
At the end of the first day, we approached the riverside campsite. Another group, which had already arrived and set up their tents, was preparing dinner.
Among their crew, I recognized a familiar face—a guide I had met the previous year in Japan while rafting. The surprise of this unexpected reunion left me speechless.
It felt just like the confluence of the Mardi and Seti Rivers. The two rivers, distinct in color and temperature, merge at a point where their flows remain visibly separate, forming two distinct layers before becoming one.
Our chance encounter felt like a spiritual confluence—where my rafting experiences in Japan and Nepal came together in a single moment.
We continued our journey with this group the next day, navigating the rapids and sharing stories. After reaching the final goal, we shared a meal and parted ways with smiles and waves, leaving behind a sense of connection that hinted at future reunions.
I have no doubt we’ll meet again—perhaps next year on a river in Japan, just like the Mardi and Seti Rivers meeting once more.
●A New Phase Guided by Passion
My interest in rafting began when I met a rafting guide through my work as a Nepali language interpreter. That encounter profoundly impacted my life.
Later, I collaborated with Nepali musicians to create a song called “RAFTING” and even shot a music video for it in Nepal. In 2024, I self-produced my own songs while traveling to rivers across Japan, creating TikTok videos along the way.
More people started recognizing me on the street, saying, “I’ve seen your TikTok!” This passion for rafting has become a bridge connecting me with so many others. It’s also transformed my 30-year relationship with Nepal into something entirely new—a phase I might even describe as a “spiritual awakening.”
●The Power of Taking on New Challenges
If there’s something you think is beyond your abilities, I encourage you to take that first step. That single step may lead you to an entirely new world you’ve never imagined.
Age doesn’t matter when it comes to trying something new. Whether it’s a hobby or work, stepping into unfamiliar territory brings discoveries, surprises, and opportunities to expand your own potential.
For me, it was the ducky tour on the Seti River. For you, it might be opening a book, embarking on a journey, or learning a new skill. Each of these could be the key to unlocking the doors to the unknown.
So, what kind of new world do you want to explore? I hope your passion will guide you to the next stage of your life, illuminating a future full of endless possibilities.
Check out this review of Ultimate Descents Nepal on TripAdvisor!
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