Routine Of Japan Banda

Routine Of Japan Banda ROJB

Deep touching words expressing the love, support and responsibility a father has towards his family. ❤️By. Arjun Parajul...

Deep touching words expressing the love, support and responsibility a father has towards his family. ❤️

By. Arjun Parajuli

Important Highway Update: Narayangarh - Mugling landslide has not stopped yet and the highway is completely closed for 2...

Important Highway Update: Narayangarh - Mugling landslide has not stopped yet and the highway is completely closed for 2 ways from yesterday. The time for the highway to open is still unknown.

Pic. Rohit Giri

Inspiring, निगुरो बिक्री गरेर छोरा पढाउँदै चन्द्रकुमारी: कोशी राजमार्गको चारकोशे जंगलबाट निगुरो ल्याएर बिक्री गर्दै इटहर...

Inspiring, निगुरो बिक्री गरेर छोरा पढाउँदै चन्द्रकुमारी: कोशी राजमार्गको चारकोशे जंगलबाट निगुरो ल्याएर बिक्री गर्दै इटहरी उपमहानगरपालिका २० की एकल महिला चन्द्रकुमारी तामाङ । दुई दशकदेखि वैशाख- असार उनको बिहानी समय जंगलमा बित्‍ने गरेको छ । स्थानीय बजारमा उनले प्रति मुठ्ठा २० देखि ३० रुपैयाँमा बिक्री गर्छिन् । निगुरो बेचेर छोरालाई कक्षा ११ मा पढाउँछिन् ।

तस्विरः ध्रुव भण्डारी


Nagoya-shi, Aichi



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