D6 モーション・ピクチャーズ Motion Pictures

D6 モーション・ピクチャーズ Motion Pictures Movie distribution

1930 年代のソビエト連邦カザフスタン。それはスターリンによる農場の急速な集団化と、近代世界が経験したことがないほどの飢餓が特徴的な時代だった。地元の墓掘り人イサタイは難しい選択に直面する。Soviet Kazakhstan, 1930s...

1930 年代のソビエト連邦カザフスタン。それはスターリンによる農場の急速な集団化と、近代世界が経験したことがないほどの飢餓が特徴的な時代だった。地元の墓掘り人イサタイは難しい選択に直面する。Soviet Kazakhstan, 1930s, a time marked by Stalin's rapid collectivization of farms and the most brutal famine the modern world had ever seen. Local gravedigger, Isatay, must face a difficult choice.


📢チョコレートが平和を届ける!?映画『​ピース・バイ・チョコレート』上映トーク|12/24福岡 ★お申込みはPeatixへ★

12月24日(火)に、映画『ピース・バイ・チョコレート』上映トークイベントを福岡市美術館で開催します。シリア内戦で難民となるも、移住先のカナダで起業に成功した一家のサクセスストーリーです。当日は本作配給会社D6 モーション・ピクチャーズ代表のMJ Di Roccoさんにもご登壇いただきます。上映後はユナイテッドピープル代表の関根健次とゲストがアフタートークを行います。ぜひご家族、ご友人をお誘い合わせのご参加いただけますと幸いです。


日時:2024年12月24日(火)18:30-20:45 (18:20開場)
会場:福岡市美術館 ミュージアムホール(福岡市中央区大濠公園1-6)

18:30-18:35 ご挨拶 MJ Di Rocco(本作配給会社D6 モーション・ピクチャーズ代表)
18:35-20:11 映画上映(96分)
20:11-20:45 ゲスト×関根 健次(ユナイテッドピープル代表)





シリア内戦により難民となったテレクは家族と共にカナダへ移住する。一家の受け入れ先であるアンティゴニッシュは、故郷のダマスカスに比べてはるかに小さな街だったが、内戦で宙ぶらりんになった医学部卒業を目指すテレクは方法を模索する。 一方、ダマスカスで一流のチョコレート職人だった父親のイッサムは、移住先の人々の支援を得てチョコレート販売を再開し、成功の道が開けるが___。 家族と平和、そして人々に幸せを運ぶチョコレートを描いた、実在するチョコレート店の心温まるサクセスストーリー。

原題『Peace by Chocolate』(2021)


製作国:カナダ 言語:英語、アラビア語






D6 is  excited to be working with the great folks at United People, who work hard to promote peace and cultural understa...

D6 is excited to be working with the great folks at United People, who work hard to promote peace and cultural understanding through cinema. Peace By Chocolate will screen at the Fukuoka Art Musuem at Ohori Park on December 24 and MJ was asked to speak before the film and there will be a talk with some special guests after the screening as well. United People events are always very thought provoking and meaningful, here is your chance to see the incredible Peace By Chocolate film (which is based on a true story) that’s been getting quite a bit of attention in Japan and also to participate in the talk after the film. Tickets are available now, click the link below! See you there!

チョコレートが平和を届ける!?  シリアからカナダへ、そして世界へと広がる感動の実話! さぁ、はじめよう。甘くて苦い再出発の物語を。 12月24日(火)に、映画『ピース... powered by Peatix : More than a ticket.

We are honoured to be working with UNHCR (The United Nations Refugee Agency) for a special screening of Peace By Chocola...

We are honoured to be working with UNHCR (The United Nations Refugee Agency) for a special screening of Peace By Chocolate followed by a symposium on refugees at Shimane University. The folks at the UNHCR work very hard to help refugees world wide and D6, representing this wonderful film in Japan, is proud to have Peace By Chocolate, a film that shows the benefits of opening your country to refugees, showing at this important event. We will work with the UNHCR again for another event soon.

Thank you to the Aichi Women’s International Film Festival for hosting a great screening of Peace By Chocolate followed ...

Thank you to the Aichi Women’s International Film Festival for hosting a great screening of Peace By Chocolate followed by a very poignant symposium. Thanks to all the kind folks on Nagayo for welcoming the film and D6 staff.

Thank you to the Aichi International Women’s Film Festival for featuring Peace By Chocolate. After the screening there  ...

Thank you to the Aichi International Women’s Film Festival for featuring Peace By Chocolate. After the screening there will be a symposium: "Learning from Canada about Multiculturalism and Immigration/Refugee Policies" with
David Purdue (Consul at the Canadian Consulate in Nagoya) and Hada Maho (Coordinator of the Nagoya Refugee Support Office).

Canada has multiculturalism as its identity. Consul Purdue, who has a deep knowledge of Japanese culture, and Hada, who supports refugees living in the Nagoya area, will talk about multiculturalism, refugees, and immigration.

Daihachidenei is a small cinema in Saitama with a big name. A wonderful concept started by a group to guys who owned a b...

Daihachidenei is a small cinema in Saitama with a big name. A wonderful concept started by a group to guys who owned a bar and love movies. They decided to build a movie theater adjacent to their bar and invite the audience to talk about the film over drinks after each screening. D6 is proud to begin what e hope is a long relarionship with a place that truly believes in the audience experience. It’s places like this that will save cinema.

Peace By Chocolate opens at Daihachidenei today and runs twice per day (at 16:00 and 19:00) through to next week. Friends in the Kanto region this is a good chance to see this incredible that’s (finally) been gaining momentum in Japan and to also a local cinema that cares about audiences and about film.




埼玉 Saitama 8/19~26.
名古屋 Nagoya 9/5~7.

シリア内戦により難民となったテレクは家族と共にカナダへ移住する。一家の受け入れ先であるアンティゴニッシュは、故郷のダマスカスに比べてはるかに小さな街だったが、内戦で宙ぶらりんになった医学部卒業を目指すテレクは方法を模索する。 一方、ダマスカスで一流のチョコレート職人だった父親のイッサムは、移住先の人々の支援を得てチョコレート販売を再開し、成功の道が開けるが___。家族と平和、そして人々に幸せを運ぶチョコレートを描いた、実在するチョコレート店の心温まるサクセスストーリー。
After the bombing of his father's chocolate factory, a charming young Syrian refugee struggles to settle into his new small-town life, caught between following his dream and preserving his family's legacy.


Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka



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