Above the cloud

Above the cloud Here is where you can find Travel, Outdoor, Festival and many others videos.

Last Autumn Hiking of 2019: Mt.Konara 小楢山

Mt.Konara 小楢山 is located in Yamanashi prefecture of Japan, took around 2.5hrs driving from Tokyo. You can take the public transportation also (check Japanese information from https://www.yamanashishi-kankou.com/n...). It's another mountain hiking trail that you can expect to see Fuji-san on the top of the mountain. Unfortunately, the weather was not so clear so we missed Fuji-san.

Kamikochi in late Autumn. คามิโกจิใบไม้ร่วง... ไปหน่อยแล้ว 秋快晴の上高地

Kamikochi is a wonderful nature hidden in Japan Alps. Beauty of the river and mountains. It was a bit late autumn when I arrived. Most of the leaves already dropped. Fortunately, as you will see in the video, there are still a lot of autumn vibe in it.

I drove from Tokyo to Kamikochi during 3 days weekend. It took 5.5 hrs instead of 4hrs to arrive there. From the parking lot, since we were a group of 4, taxi is the best option with the cheapest round trip. 3,500 yen to Kamikochi and 4,200 yen back to the parking lot. If you travel alone or a couple, taking a bus may be a better option but a taxi will save you a lot of time.

If you use public transport, the direct bus from Shinjuku might be the most convenient option but a bit high cost. There are a lot of option to travel to Kamikochi, you can check it from http://www.kamikochi.org/plan/access.

One important note is Kamikochi is not opening throughout a year. As this year, it will close on Nov 15. So please check the official website before your visit.

watch on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5twKIL0wHaI&feature=youtu.be

Dalian 大连 China - Reasons to visit

Dalian, located next to the sea in the northeast of China is a very interesting city for traveling and perhaps living.

I and my family visited Dalian, China to visit our new family! It was a great trip. I hoped I had more chances to fly a drone over the city but unluckily they did not allow me due to someone used to drop drones on other people's head! I am sorry for them.

However, I am looking forward to the next visit. It will never be enough to visit a great place with great food and share with all of you!!

watch this on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Jhd0_WZtI


This is my last year video when I went to visit Nishizawa Gorge, It's not too far from Tokyo and not considered as hiking but just trekking. I was fun with impressive red leaves forest. Let's prepare for this year Autumn!

The most awesome autumn experience so far in Japan!!!

Nishizawa Gorge, Koshu, Yamanashi
2.5hrs from Tokyo
3 - 4.5hrs of Hiking

00:25 - 800M - ナレイ沢
00:35 - 1.3KM - KOBUNSHINDAKE 甲武信々岳
00:55 - 1.85KM - NIMATATSURIBASHI ニ俣吊り橋
01:25 - 2.1KM - MIKASANENOTAKI 三重の滝
01:34 - 2.3KM - RYUJIN FALL 竜神の滝
02:16 - 2.7KM - KOIKEI WATERFALL 恋系の滝


I finally finished the first video for this channel. It took me more than a month to finish this video because I have tons of footage and actually loss a lot of them!. I hope I can just put whatever videos I want into this space and hope some of you enjoy wathcing them!

9 Days 9 Spots Road Trip
Taipei, Yehliu, Jiufen, Qingshui Cliff, Hualien City, Taroko National Park, Qingjing Farm, Sun Moon Lake and Taichung City

It was a crazy hot summer in Taiwan for our 7 days trip for the north half of this island. Temperature was around 30-35 in the day time with crazy sunlight. We were in Taipei for 2 days, traveled around popular places like Chieng Kai Chek Memorial hall, Taipei 101 and went up to Xiangshan Trail (we were even been cheated by Taxi driver).

I highly recommend to go a bit further from Taipei to Guandu Temple. It's around 45 minutes from Taipei but really worth the beauty of the temple.

After we left Taipei, we took a road trip and first stop was Yuhliu geopark before going to Jiufen. Suggestion is better to find other places to go because there were too many tourists and you will not get any pictures anyway. Jiufen was also crazy at the time we went, we stucked in the street by human traffic and delivery truck.

From Jiufen, we headed to Taroko National Park. On the way, we stopped by the most stunning view of all in Taiwan till now. Qingshui Cliff, the bright blue color and the landscape was perfect. I hope I can put more drone video than this. The next day we started the Taroko trip in a hurry because rain was catching up. Driving was not too hard since it was not a holiday but not too easy also. Along the way, another stunning landscape slightly showed up bit by bit with the small flowers along the road.

We arrived at the highland area at 3,158m above sea level at Hehuashan Peak. From here to Qingjing farm, it was another impressive landscape of Taiwan that no one should miss. I made a mistake, planed to save some drone battery for later stops but the rain was catching us up too fast.

Qingjing... It was raining for the whole 2 days.... so nothing much. Like nothing much... Qingjing farm is well known for highland with cute sheep and mountain view, we saw non of those, except fog, part of mountain and rain from our room.

Then we left Qingjing and took a quick break at Sun Moon Lake, one of the most popular tourist spot in Taiwan. We did not expect much due to the rain and what we heard about the place but it is still beautiful place anyway. As when the rain stopped, the beauty of nature obviously shined.

Trip route
- Taipei -> Jiufen -> Hualien -> Taroko National Park -> Qingjing Farm -> Sun Moon Lake -> Taichung



Above the cloud


Above the cloud's cover photo


Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa


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