Fun Kids Productions

Fun Kids Productions Recording, mixing and mastering audio for music in the classroom, audio for textbooks, narrations, voice overs and music for YouTube is a specialized field.

Fun Kids Production is 100% focused on audio for educational purposes. Fun Kids Productions is a recording studio and post production studio 100% focused on audio for educational purposes. Bj Bulmer, teacher, recording, mixing and mastering engineer has worked with many publishers, educators, authors, writers and musicians in the education industry. It is a specialized market that requires a knowl

edge of how the materials are used in the classroom as well as having the skill set of audio engineering to make it happen quickly and on budget.


The third and final book from Little Monsters English course for kindergarten children, the Green Book will be back from the printer next week! If you'd like to learn more about our new series for kindergarten children, we'll be presenting about the books at the Tokyo English Language Teaching Convention this Sunday, 9th of February. Come along, we'd love to see you there! More info from the link below.


Working on new songs😀🎸🥁🎹🎵

Fun Kids English working on new music. Greg Crawford / BJ Bulmer.

Fun Kids English working on new music. Greg Crawford / BJ Bulmer.

Not again...

Not again...

Today Avid issued a notification via email informing customers of price “adjustments” on software and maintenance products planned for May 1st. See the text of the mail here.


Hidaka Gun
Hidaka, Wakayama




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Our Story

Fun Kids Productions is a recording studio and post production studio 100% focused on audio for educational purposes. Bj Bulmer, teacher, recording, mixing and mastering engineer has worked with many publishers, educators, authors, writers and musicians in the education industry. It is a specialized market that requires a knowledge of how the materials are used in the classroom as well as having the skill set of audio engineering to make it happen quickly and on budget.