I cannot guarantee the same results for anyone who tries this, because we all have different hair textures , types and needs.
🍃Soap nuts or Reetha -natural cleansing, dandruff control, promoting hair growth by improving scalp health, adding natural shine, conditioning hair, reducing hair breakage, and strengthening hair follicles.
🍃Amla - prevents hair-loss, promotes hair growth deep at the cellular level of the hair follicles.Amla is rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
🍃 Shakiaki Pods- act as a natural cleanser, promote hair growth, combat dandruff, add shine and softness, strengthen hair roots, reduce hair loss.
✨place all (3) in a pot bring to a slow boil and once soft crush to extract the saponins mineral from the herbs and strain.
💖The shampoo will last in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. You can freeze them in an ice tray for up to six months. Shampoo burn eyes make sure you are careful.
*The shampoo will not create sudds and will be on the watery side. It works the same pour over head and hair massage in as usual and rinse.
I use PH strips ( can purchase on Amazon) to ensure it’s at 4.5-5.5 ph which is safe for hair.
✨Hair Tea - after shampoo
Add moisture vitamins you can leave it in or rinse it out.
I boil or steep in distilled water
- lavender, marshmallow root, burdock root, calendula flowers, Rosemary.
(Again using ph strips to ensure it’s balanced for hair)
✨Pure Aloe Vera leaf 🍃 to create a mask focused on scalp (2X a week)
Organic Extra Virgin Coconut oil hot oil treatment 1X a week
(Do this this BEFORE shampoo)
* I am not haircare professional, please seek advice from these professionals.
I’ve noticed less friz, less hair-loss, faster hair growth and less dryness.
✨Best Natural Leave-in conditioner (By All Things O’Natural) Google for website
✨Protect ends with organic Jojoba oil placed on hair when damp for best absorption.
✨I infuse each mixture with loving energy for the very best overall healing benefits.✨