
t-mag Independent italian paper and digital magazine. Where electronic music, fashion and art collide.

 is certainly one of the Italian artists to keep an eye on. His practice explores alternative approaches to deconstruct ...

is certainly one of the Italian artists to keep an eye on. His practice explores alternative approaches to deconstruct the relationship between sign and symbol, language and gesture, in different narrative contexts. NO FENCE, the system installed in his studio since April 17th, is nothing more than an extemporaneous investigation between crowd management and the need to distance oneself from it.

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Read the full interview on t-mag blog 🔗


è certamente uno degli artisti italiani da tenere d’occhio. La sua pratica esplora approcci alternativi per destrutturare la relazione tra segno e simbolo, linguaggio e gesto, in contesti narrativi diversi. NO FENCE, il sistema installato dal 17 aprile, presso il suo studio, altro non è che un’indagine estemporanea tra la gestione della folla e la necessità di estraniarsi da essa.

Leggi l’intervista sul blog di t-mag 🔗

 for Dior: on the stage of the “couturier of the possible” reality and imagination blend into a theatrical game whose ru...

for Dior: on the stage of the “couturier of the possible” reality and imagination blend into a theatrical game whose rules we ignore; just like an epic film, we can only observe and marvel at that amazing dress-shaped spectacle.

An undisputed interpreter of excess, Galliano’s return has awakened that adoring audience that still cannot forget one of the most important partnerships in the world of fashion.

Together with , we retrace the most iconic fashion shows elevated by .healy ‘s perfect soundscape: an incredible journey back through ancient sphinxes and royal jewels, in a generational duet between classic and modern, where time is a juggler and space is a theatrical stage. Directed by: Galliano

Hit the link in bio to read the article.

per Dior: nel palcoscenico del “couturier del possibile” realtà e immaginazione si fondono in un gioco teatrale di cui ignoriamo le regole; proprio come davanti a un kolossal cinematografico, non possiamo partecipare ma soltanto osservare e meravigliarci di quell’incredibile spettacolo a forma d’abito.

Indiscusso interprete degli eccessi, il ritorno di Galliano a Parigi ha risvegliato quella platea adorante che ancora oggi non può fare a meno di ricordare uno dei sodalizi più importanti del mondo della moda.

Insieme a ripercorriamo le sfilate più iconiche sublimate dal perfetto soundscape di Jeremy Healy: un incredibile viaggio a ritroso tra antiche sfingi e gioielli reali, in un duetto generazionale tra classico e moderno, dove il tempo è un saltimbanco e lo spazio un palco teatrale. Dirige: Galliano.

Clicca sul link in bio per leggere l’articolo.


With the recent rediscovery and renewed interest in faster rhythms, today, on the 10th anniversary of DJ Rashad’s death,...

With the recent rediscovery and renewed interest in faster rhythms, today, on the 10th anniversary of DJ Rashad’s death, it is necessary to reflect on the legacy he left us.

was from Chicago, a city that gifted the world with new sounds. Indeed, the evolution of Chicago dance music did not end with house, but continued to evolve into acid, deep house, ghetto house. The last ring in this great continuum was footwork, which first emerged in the mid to late 1990s. As always in this city, music and dance were mutually dependent and as DJs started to push the pace of footwork or ‘juke music’ into 160+ BPM territory, dance moves became faster and more complex. 

The frenetic specificity of the genre - the double-time claves, the syncopated drums - created an air of exoticism around its producers. .mu and helped turn this cross-section of society into a real link between Chicago and the world, also creating a direct bridge to the UK. DJ Tre, DJ Manny, Gant-Man, Spinn and Rashad were all original members of Ghettoteknitianz, the footwork crew that would later dissolve into Teklife in 2010 and still keep the memory alive today.

Dying at the age of 35, DJ Rashad was an incredibly prolific producer, and left behind a music that hits hard and fast, complex and relentless at the same time, capable of telling a precise event - historical, social - that occurred in that specific latitude and longitude and nowhere else in the world.

TerraformaExo becomes a stage for the values that make Italy’s cultural heritage unique. Through contemporary music and ...

TerraformaExo becomes a stage for the values that make Italy’s cultural heritage unique. Through contemporary music and culture, the festival aims to promote an engaging and inclusive experience that encourages intercultural dialogue and social engagement.

In this context of enhancement and innovation, we feel honored to be media partner of TerraformaExo, sharing its vision and goals.

Read the full interview with .pietromarchi, artistic director of TerraformaExo on our blog www.t-magazine.it


TerraformaExo diventa il palcoscenico dei valori che rendono unico il patrimonio culturale italiano. Attraverso la musica e la cultura contemporanea, il festival si propone di promuovere un’esperienza coinvolgente ed inclusiva, che incoraggia il dialogo interculturale e l’engagement sociale.

In questo contesto di valorizzazione e innovazione, ci sentiamo onorati di essere media partner di TerraformaExo, condividendo la sua visione ed i suoi obiettivi.

Leggi l’intervista completa a .pietromarchi, direttore artistico di TerraformaExo sul nostro blog www.t-magazine.it

In the Far West of digital evolution, creative industries never sleep. The landscape is constantly moving and undergoing...

In the Far West of digital evolution, creative industries never sleep. The landscape is constantly moving and undergoing radical transformation.

In this scenario we find Sónar+D, both forum and laboratory, a forge of ideas and inspiration for industries and creatives alike.

The goal is to explore the complex interaction between the digital and physical world of audio-visual arts, aiming to provide the necessary tools to engage with new technologies.

Artificial intelligence and music, immersive entertainment, and augmented reality are among the most important topics that will be addressed in the context of .

Project Area returns too, a concept debuted during the last edition: a laboratory involving technology and creative projects from all around the world that will explore creative AI, gaming, audio technology, and much more.


Nel Far West dell’evoluzione digitale, le industrie creative non dormono mai. Il panorama è in costante movimento e la trasformazione radicale.

In questo scenario si muove Sónar+D, forum e insieme laboratorio, fucina di idee e di ispirazione per industrie e creativi.

L’obiettivo è quello di esplorare la complessa interazione tra il mondo digitale e quello fisico delle arti audio-visive, trattando di fornire gli strumenti necessari per dialogare con le nuove tecnologie.

Intelligenza artificiale e musica, intrattenimento immersivo e realtà aumentata sono alcune tra le più importanti tematiche che verranno trattate nel contesto del .

Torna anche Project Area, concept che ha debuttato durante la scorsa edizione: un laboratorio che coinvolge tecnologia e progetti creativi da tutto il mondo che esploreranno l’IA creativa, il gaming, la tecnologia audio e molto altro ancora.

Amidst angular couture, laminates and latex, as well as warm hues, wool, and softness, the rising stars of tomorrow’s fa...

Amidst angular couture, laminates and latex, as well as warm hues, wool, and softness, the rising stars of tomorrow’s fashion move firmly: fresh and innovative designers who are poised to change the narrative of the contemporary landscape. Directly from the latest FW24 runways, we have selected five new emerging brands that we will definitely hear about.

introduces them, providing the necessary guidelines to understand the vision and inspiration behind their creations.


Tra couture angolari, laminati e latex ma anche nuance calde, lane e morbidezze si muovono decisi gli astri nascenti della moda di domani: designer freschi e innovativi che si preparano a cambiare la narrativa del panorama contemporaneo. Direttamente dalle ultime sfilate FW24 abbiamo selezionato cinque nuovi brand emergenti di cui sentiremo sicuramente parlare.

ce li presenta, fornendoci le linee guida necessarie per comprendere la visione e l’ispirazione alla base delle loro creazioni.

Amidst angular couture, laminates and latex, as well as warm hues, wool, and softness, the rising stars of tomorrow’s fa...

Amidst angular couture, laminates and latex, as well as warm hues, wool, and softness, the rising stars of tomorrow’s fashion move firmly: fresh and innovative designers who are poised to change the narrative of the contemporary landscape. Directly from the latest FW24 runways, we have selected five new emerging brands that we will definitely hear about.

introduces them, providing the necessary guidelines to understand the vision and inspiration behind their creations.

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Tra couture angolari, laminati e latex ma anche nuance calde, lane e morbidezze si muovono decisi gli astri nascenti della moda di domani: designer freschi e innovativi che si preparano a cambiare la narrativa del panorama contemporaneo. Direttamente dalle ultime sfilate FW24 abbiamo selezionato cinque nuovi brand emergenti di cui sentiremo sicuramente parlare.

ce li presenta, fornendoci le linee guida necessarie per comprendere la visione e l’ispirazione alla base delle loro creazioni.

Diktatorship and deception combined, the patriarchal society continues to make us believe that beauty, conceived as an i...

Diktatorship and deception combined, the patriarchal society continues to make us believe that beauty, conceived as an ideal, equates to well-being. The standards associated with it are in reality a powerful tool in the hands of a society that exercises control over bodies deemed non-conforming, to trap them and lead them back to unrealistic standards often tied to the concept of morality. Nothing to do with well-being, everything to do with oppression: the lie of beauty deprives us of our freedom and authenticity. With ‘The Myth of Beauty,’ guides us through this insightful analysis of one of the most insidious dogmas of our times, helping us understand and recognize those patterns. The first step toward resistance, the first step toward freedom.


Dittatura e menzogna insieme, la società patriarcale continua a farci credere che la bellezza, intesa come ideale, significhi benessere. I canoni ad essa associati sono in realtà uno strumento potentissimo in mano ad una società che esercita controllo sui corpi considerati non conformi, per intrappolarli e ricondurli a degli standard irrealistici spesso legati anche al concetto di moralità. Nulla a che vedere con il benessere, tutto a che vedere con l’oppressione: la menzogna della bellezza ci priva della nostra libertà e della nostra autenticità. Con “Il mito della bellezza”, ci guida in questa analisi lucidissima su uno dei dogmi più subdoli dei nostri tempi, per aiutarci a capire e a riconoscere quegli schemi, primo passo per la resistenza, primo passo per la libertà.

Turin! Are you ready to dance?The  returns to the city this July: 80 artists will perform on five stages for 36 hours of...

Turin! Are you ready to dance?

The returns to the city this July: 80 artists will perform on five stages for 36 hours of music over three days.

was born in 2008 inspired by the centenary of the Futurist movement, whose manifesto of speed, evolution, dynamism influenced its creation.


Torino! Siete pronti a ballare?

Il torna in città questo Luglio: 80 artisti si esibiranno su 5 palchi per 36 ore di musica in tre giorni.

è nato nel 2008 ispirandosi al centenario del movimento futurista, il cui manifesto di velocità, evoluzione, dinamismo ne ha influenzato la creazione.

How could you tell about an artist who, over the past 30 years, has influenced and keeps influencing generations of musi...

How could you tell about an artist who, over the past 30 years, has influenced and keeps influencing generations of musicians and producers, embracing an incredible variety of genres?

His production, as multifaceted as his personality, speaks for himself.

At the dawn of the release of ‘Veneer of Tolerance Remixes,’ we met JK Flesh, aka . Passing through the intimate spaces of his creativity, he spoke about his collaboration with the Italian label and how the tracks of the new remix came to life.

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Come si racconta un artista che negli ultimi 30 anni ha influenzato e continua ad influenzare generazioni di musicisti e produttori, abbracciando un incredibile varietà di generi musicali?

La sua produzione, poliedrica quasi quanto la sua personalità, parla per lui.

All’alba della pubblicazione di Veneer of Tolerance Remixes, abbiamo incontrato JK Flesh, al secolo . Passando attraverso i luoghi intimi della sua creatività , ci ha raccontato della collaborazione con l’etichetta italiana e di come hanno preso vita le tracce del nuovo remix.

Come un’araba fenice, il  nasce dalle macerie del muro di Berlino e diventa punto di riferimento per una generazione int...

Come un’araba fenice, il nasce dalle macerie del muro di Berlino e diventa punto di riferimento per una generazione intera. Oggi come allora, continua ad incarnare quello spirito e quella necessità di manifestare l’espressione artistica di ognuno di noi senza discriminazione ma sotto un unico segno, quello della Detroit Techno.

A distanza di 10 anni, grazie ad una collaborazione con il collettivo Resistance is Techno, il Tresor torna al Rashõmon Club, pronto ad ospitarlo in occasione del suo venticinquesimo anno di attività .

Tre i nomi italiani che il 12 aprile creeranno una connessione con Berlino: Fireground, duo napoletano resident al Tresor dal 2022 che si esibirà  live; Z.I.P.P.O, resident sia Resistance che del Tresor e infine gli Asymptote, duo fondatore di Resistance. 


Just like an Arabian phoenix, arose from the ruins of the Berlin Wall and became a reference point for an entire generation. Now as then, it continues to embody that spirit and the necessity to manifest our artistic expressions without discrimination but under one sign, that of Detroit Techno.

After ten years, thanks to a collaboration with Resistance is Techno collective, Tresor returns to Rashõmon Club, ready to host it on the occasion of its twenty-fifth year of activity.

On April 12th, three are the Italian names who will create a connection with Berlin: Fireground, a Neapolitan duo resident at Tresor since 2022 who will perform live; Z.I.P.P.O, resident of both Resistance and Tresor, and finally Asymptote, the founding duo of Resistance.

The programme of Rewire 2024 aims to provide a space for reflection and dialogue between artists’ practices, blurring bo...

The programme of Rewire 2024 aims to provide a space for reflection and dialogue between artists’ practices, blurring boundaries across multiple dimensions through unconventional sounds.

The festival consists of several thematic and contextual programmes that create connections between musical, cultural and social themes.

From 4 to 7 April 2024, Rewire will once again take place at various cultural hubs in the city center of The Hague, presenting its most extensive programme to date, including concerts, interdisciplinary performances, installations, film screenings, workshops, lectures, audio walks and more.

Ph. from Rewire Festival 2022-23 

Il programma di Rewire 2024 mira a fornire uno spazio di riflessione e di dialogo tra le pratiche degli artisti, sfumando i confini attraverso molteplici dimensioni attraverso suoni non convenzionali.

Il festival si compone infatti di diversi programmi tematici e contestuali che creano connessioni tra temi musicali, culturali e sociali.

Dal 4 al 7 aprile 2024, il festival si svolgerà ancora una volta in diversi punti nevralgici della cultura nel centro della città dell’Aia, presentando il suo programma più ampio finora, che comprende concerti, performance interdisciplinari, installazioni, proiezioni di film, workshop, conferenze, passeggiate audio e altro ancora.


These days everyone is talking about the latest news: Berlin Techno has been recognized as a UNESCO heritage site for it...

These days everyone is talking about the latest news: Berlin Techno has been recognized as a UNESCO heritage site for its contribution to the city’s cultural identity. The Berlin Clubcommission, a network of Berlin techno clubs and musicians, together with Rave The Planet pioneered this victory, which will help ensure that club culture is recognised as a valuable sector that deserves protection and support.

This is certainly a great acknowledgement, a precious cockade that we will hold on to. But what is Berlin Techno? What is its history and how can it be identified?

What differentiates it from Detroit Techno are its roots, as well as a different general attitude. We can say that techno arrived in Berlin and that Berlin and the people there shaped it, but not that it was born in Berlin.

Detroit techno, which grew up alongside disco, has inspired most of the world’s techno DJs and has shaped the sound of clubs all over the world.
In some ways, Detroit techno had funk. Detroit producers had a very musical approach to techno, playing their equipment like real instruments and drawing on the rich history of black music in America.

On the other hand, Berlin has a punk past. A past of riots during the fall of the wall, of illegal warehouse parties. DJs played Detroit techno and, to a large extent, the city was developing into a place that anarchists ‘without a future’ called their own city and never allowed outside pressures to waiver. Berlin positioned itself as a space for free expression and is still recognised as a leader in all types of techno, but has evolved to include darker versions of techno that have defined it over the last 25 years or so.

Where to go techno dancing in Berlin? Find out in our post

 has once again welcomed all strains of electronic music from the established veterans to the next-generation risers. We...

has once again welcomed all strains of electronic music from the established veterans to the next-generation risers. We’ve been storytelling this journey through the lens of Belfast-born, Berlin-based artist

The two day city-center festival remains the west coast’s most celebrated house and techno festival, offering fans a taste of the global electronic music scene in a picturesque and convenient location.

As comes to a close, let’s cherish the memories made by and the music played - getting ready for next editions!

Il ha accolto ancora una volta tantissimi generi di musica elettronica, dai veterani affermati agli artisti di nuova generazione. Abbiamo raccontato questo viaggio attraverso l’obiettivo dell’artista , nata a Belfast e residente a Berlino.
Il festival di due giorni nel centro della città rimane il più celebre festival house e techno, che offre una visione della scena musicale elettronica mondiale in una location pittoresca della west coast americana.
Mentre il volge al termine, preserviamo i ricordi con gli scatti di e la tantissima musica suonata. Pronti per la prossima edizione!

THE SOUND SYSTEM IS FOR THE PEOPLE. IN CONVERSATION WITH: BASSI GRADASSI’s sound system stands out for its vision: it’s ...


’s sound system stands out for its vision: it’s about going back to the roots but with a forward-thinking attitude, when music was accessible and, by tradition, for people. It is about bringing amplification forward and keeping the sound system culture alive between beats that connect, crowds that emerge, and energies that spill over into each other.

An approach that continues to fascinate a wide audience as it is all about us!

Through the collaboration with , aims to communicate with a very young audience to pass along the importance of bass in society: not just a piece of music, but a social bonding force that unites through sonic vibrations.

Check out more on how to participate at the link in bio 👆👆👆

Interview by



Il sound system di si distingue per la sua visione: ritornare alle radici ma con un occhio sempre posto verso il futuro, quando la musica era accessibile e, tradizionalmente, era per la gente. Si tratta di portare avanti l’amplificazione e di mantenere viva la cultura del sound system tra battiti che si connettono, f***e che emergono, ed energie che si riversano l’una sull’altra.

Un approccio che continua ad affascinare un vasto pubblico, perché riguarda noi!

Attraverso la collaborazione con , mira a comunicare con un pubblico giovanissimo per trasmettere l’importanza dei bassi nella società: non solo una componente musicale, ma anche un collante sociale che unisce attraverso le vibrazioni sonore.

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Al tempo del medioevo digitale - dove tutto c'è ma niente rimane -

T-mag va contro-tendenza diventando qualcosa di tangibile, di reale.

La musica sarà il filo conduttore della rivista, la fonte e il mezzo più potente di condivisione.

Musica come espressione di sentimento.