Dr.HCH Hi, I am Hamza Chammem and this is my official page.


The messenger (RNA)
Scientific slam poetry: second presentation at the Famelab competition (Trieste, 2021)
Sorry for the horrendous singing performance.. but I couldn't resist saluting my country (Tunisia) when I found the opportunity.

Check out my new video on YouTube. If you like the video please share it and subscribe to my YouTube channel.https://you...

Check out my new video on YouTube. If you like the video please share it and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
It's a poem that I wrote in 2015. I was a fresh graduate at the time and it was confusing to search for a decent job in my country. I wrote this before even deciding to leave the country.. That's why I consider it a note of optimism for all those who feel the same right now. I hope you will enjoy it!


Je viens de finir mes études, je me sens plein de joie plein de bonheur Je viens de finir mes études, que tout le monde m'appelle monsieur l'ingénieur Au déb...

Many of you have requested the full speech of my participation at the FameLab competition in Trieste, Italy. Here it is!...

Many of you have requested the full speech of my participation at the FameLab competition in Trieste, Italy. Here it is!
Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel on YouTube.

3 minutes of microbiology and Game of thrones handed me a third place at the regional scientific divulgation contest Famelab Trieste. ...




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