My dear man. How is this even a reality. The time has come way too soon to say goodbye. Thank you for the endless fun nights, the sage advice, the many decisions to live for the night and not worry about tomorrow, picking me up and dusting me off when I was down, telling me it was ok to make mistakes, telling me it was ok to face my mistakes, supporting in silence when I deserved a proper talking to, showing so much joy when I told you I fell in love, telling me to take that love with both hands and leave this all for something better, always just being such a fantastic and caring human being, taking me under your wing when you didn’t have to. I know this is a similar story for many of us feeling sad about you right now. This is how we will all remember you. Go well my friend. You will be so much more than missed. As JPY so rightfully said. Red in Peace. We shall all look forward to that next warm hug. Love always brother. Benny xx