Dal 2001 operiamo a livello nazionale e internazionale per promuovere pratiche di confronto e di studio sui temi dell’intercultura e media. Cantiere di Critica Culturale (CCC) is a cultural not-for-profit organization that works both with local groups and institutions in Italy and in partnership with international associations and agencies in Europe, Africa and Cuba. Funded in 2001 in Florence, CC
C is a group of women anthropologists that has a twofold objective. First, it works towards educating youth and adult audiences on the social role of media in order to critically understand media languages and practices. Second, CCC works with participants from disadvantaged groups to empower their skills in media communication through the creation of their own media (such as radio, videodocumentary and newspapers). CCC is also involved in educational projects to foster intercultural awareness. CCC members are university researchers, certified teachers, filmmakers, radio and cultural producers. CCC members have published different scholarly articles on media
and colonialism. CCC is member of the European network Youth Express Network (YEN) and of the European Action on Drugs (EAD).