The Journal of Public Space

The Journal of Public Space The Journal of Public Space is promoted by City Space Architecture in partnership with UN-Habitat.

The Journal of Public Space is the first, international, interdisciplinary, academic, open access journal entirely dedicated to public space. It speaks different languages and is open to embrace diversity, inconvenient dialogues and untold stories, from multidisciplinary fields and all countries, especially from those that usually do not have voice, overcoming the Western-oriented approach that is

leading the current discourse. As a proper public space, The Journal of Public Space is free, accessible and inclusive, providing a platform for emerging and consolidated researchers; it is intended to foster research, showcase best practices and inform discussion about the more and more important issues related to public spaces in our changing and evolving societies.

UN-HABITAT's flagship programme “Inclusive Communities, Thriving Cities” Programme invites professional and emerging art...

UN-HABITAT's flagship programme “Inclusive Communities, Thriving Cities” Programme invites professional and emerging artists worldwide to participate in a digital art competition on the theme “My Urban Vision”. Participants are invited to use their creativity to inspire change, leveraging their voices and vision for an inclusive and sustainable urban future.

The competition invites artists to submit digitally created artwork that reflect their vision for an inclusive and sustainable urban future.
Participants must choose one or more of the categories for the competition:
1. Inclusive and sustainable communities
2. Climate resilience in urban areas
3. Adequate housing and services for all
Participants are allowed to submit only one artwork per category.
Participants must be the authors of the artwork.

Submission deadline is 31 July 2024 and it is free of charge.
Read participation guide and key considerations:
Submit online:

Parklets, Temporary Uses and Co-creation of Public SpaceSpecial issue to be published in 2025CALL FOR ABSTRACTS / deadli...

Parklets, Temporary Uses and Co-creation of Public Space
Special issue to be published in 2025

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS / deadline 25 July 2024

The modern parklet was created in San Francisco in 2009, building upon a long legacy of temporary occupation of roadway space to create tiny public spaces. Initially conceived of as a temporary expansion of the sidewalk into the vehicular right of way, parklets have evolved into their own unique space typology. The City of San Francisco Parklet Program has been imitated and adopted globally and parklet-like spaces grew steadily in cities around the world from 2009 to 2019. 2020 witnessed a radical expansion of non-conventional use of the roadway as many communities sought to use outdoor public space in the streets as gathering places and for commercial outdoor dining and retail. While recent years have witnessed a contraction of these pandemic-era uses of streets, many communities are continuing to grapple with some fundamental questions about these spaces; such as: Are they public or private? How to balance commercial and community uses of the curb lane? Who administers these programs and how do municipalities manage a fee structure for public and commercial uses of the public right of way? How do cities balance this explosion of user generated uses of the public right of way while maintaining standards of accessibility, public safety, and design quality in the public realm?

We invite writings, reflections, research, case studies and photo essays related to parklets, temporary uses and co-creation of public space on a global scale. We invite scholars, designers, planners, urban practitioners, artists and community organisations to make critical and innovative contributions to the understanding of meanings and practices in plural and diverse contexts and climates. We welcome critical perspectives on challenges in policy-making, overbearing bureaucracies, reduced resources for implementation and lack of institutional support in improving conditions of everyday public space.

This issue will collect both full research articles (max 8.000 words), and shorter essays, case studies and photo essays (max 3.000 words).

The best abstract proposals will be selected to be presented at the International Parklet Symposium that will take place in Bologna on 19-20 September 2024, promoted by Museo Spazio Pubblico / Public Space Museum and co-organized by John Bela (Bela Urbanism), Luisa Bravo (City Space Architecture) and Ryan Smolar (Placemakingus), during the European Mobility Week and on the occasion of Park(ing) Day.

Submissions of abstracts are accepted ONLY through Oxford Abstracts.

Read the full announcement on our newsletter or on our website:

Picture: San Francisco (2005) the first-ever Park(ing) Day installation designed and implemented by Rebar.

A new issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 7 n. 1 (2022), is finally on line! This special issue on "Public Spac...

A new issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 7 n. 1 (2022), is finally on line!
This special issue on "Public Space and Placemaking in African Cities", developed in collaboration with CAPS - Centre on African Public Spaces, includes 15 academic articles and 9 case studies, from South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Mozambique, Zambia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia, Namibia, Sao Tomé and Principe, Sierra Leone, Sudan and Morocco, presented in over 400 pages after a double-blind peer review process that engaged more than 60 African scholars and public space experts from UN-Habitat for more than one year.

You can read the full issue here:
Managing Editor: Luisa Bravo
Convenor: Ayanda Roji-Adalima
Guest Editors: Tariq Toffa, Josephine M. Malonza

The Journal of Public Space is a diamond open access journal, contents are freely accessible under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).
City Space Architecture UN-HABITAT

Cover image: A public space in Johannesburg. Credit: GIZ VCP, Inclusive violence and crime prevention programme.

Great opportunity to join City Space Architecture and contribute to the development of   projects!Apply by 15 January 20...

Great opportunity to join City Space Architecture and contribute to the development of projects!
Apply by 15 January 2024:

Deadline 15 January 2024.

City Space Architecture will appoint both early career and senior academic scholars, researchers, professionals, community leaders, activists, artists with a clear background in public space, in relation to different areas of expertise, such as - but not limited to - architecture and urban design, art, environment, climate change, health and safety, geography, anthropology, ethnography, community empowerment, migrations, inclusions, economy, politics, law, public policies, developing countries, virtual world and media.

The position is without remuneration and requires a volunteer commitment.
Apply here:

CALL for young creatives and urban journalists!If you are passionate about making our cities a better place to live in -...

CALL for young creatives and urban journalists!

If you are passionate about making our cities a better place to live in - submit a photo, drawing or a poetry piece dedicated to your city. Your work could be included in our special issue on youth health and wellbeing.

Submission criteria: artists should be between 15-24 years old at the time of submission:

Submission deadline: November 27

For those creative minds and young urban journalists passionate about making our cities a better place to live in - submit a photo, drawing or a poetry piece dedicated to your city and become part of a scientific publication!

The selected submissions will be featured in the Journal of Public Space's upcoming issue on youth engagement in the design of public spaces, with a focus on health and well-being, as well as the application of digital technology.

Submission criteria: artists should be between 15-24 years old at the time of submission
Submission deadline: November 27


Our publisher City Space Architecture is organizing the first in-person workshop of the Public Space Academy promoted in...

Our publisher City Space Architecture is organizing the first in-person workshop of the Public Space Academy promoted in cooperation with Ove Arup Foundation. Deadline EXTENDED to August 8!
1-10 September with study trips to Milan and Venice and the opening of the exhibition of the 2022 edition of the European Prize for Urban Public Space curated by CCCB and hosted at Museo Spazio Pubblico / Public Space Museum.

Read the full program:

Who: Master and PhD students, academic and practice-based researchers, public space lovers and enthusiasts (from different disciplines), early career (under 30) and senior professionals, community leaders.

A new issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 7 n. 3 (2022), is on line! It is the fourth issue of our successful s...

A new issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 7 n. 3 (2022), is on line!
It is the fourth issue of our successful series 'Art and Activism in Public Space', developed in cooperation with RMIT University, presenting a spectrum of practices and theoretical reflections on creative practices in public space, across a diverse range of public environments including in the Sudan, China, Australia, United Kingdom, Mexico, Cuba, Italy and Colombia.

The issue is available here:
Editors: Luisa Bravo, Maggie McCormick, Fiona Hillary

The Journal of Public Space is a diamond open access journal, contents are freely accessible under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).
City Space Architecture UN-HABITAT

Cover image: Emma Anna, IMAG_NE in situ at Tascott foreshore, NSW Central Coast region (2020). Courtesy: Therese Elsey Photography

We have launched our special issue “Universally Accessible Public Spaces for All” - Vol 7 n. 2 (2022) - at the 11th Worl...

We have launched our special issue “Universally Accessible Public Spaces for All” - Vol 7 n. 2 (2022) - at the 11th World Urban Forum (WUF11) convened by UN-HABITAT, the premier global conference on sustainable urbanization, that took place on 26-30 June 2022 in .

The launch was promoted during a networking event organized in cooperation with World Blind Union, engaging our editors Hannes J. Lagrelius and Luisa Bravo, the editorial team and some of the authors, including Benjamin Dard, Marc Workman, Elizabeth Ombati, Sergi Morera, Vanesha Manuturi, Risnawati Utami, Iain McKinnon, Mikaela Patrick and Chiara Martinuzzi.

The special issue was also presented during a press conference, the recording is available on UN Web TV:

BACKGROUND STORY: At the 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi (2020), the World Blind Union and City Space Architecture (our publisher) committed to develop, publish, and launch an issue on universal design and accessible public spaces at WUF11. This was captured in the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions, the official outcome of WUF10. The aim of the special issue is to support sharing of learnings, evidence-based practices, innovative solutions, and measures taken by cities and practitioners to ensure inclusive and accessible public spaces for all and support implementation of the New Urban Agenda in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and other human rights instruments and core development and humanitarian frameworks.

The issue is already online and is fully accessible, with also html formats for each article, in open access format:

The contents of this issue are presenting:
- 8 academic articles, with research findings from Hong Kong, India, United Kingdom, Ecuador, Mongolia, Indonesia, Sweden, Kenya, United States;
- 7 non-academic articles, presenting case studies from New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Spain, Indonesia, and the Netherlands.
- 2 viewpoints sharing reflections, experiences, and recommendations from persons with disabilities and their representative organisations, from Kenya and Zimbabwe.

Join our Editor in Chief Luisa Bravo tomorrow March 1, 6pm CET, for the webinar "On the Park Bench—Architecture and the ...

Join our Editor in Chief Luisa Bravo tomorrow March 1, 6pm CET, for the webinar "On the Park Bench—Architecture and the Edges of Public Space: Tools and Strategies for a New Urban Agenda", promoted by Congress for the New Urbanism, with Michael West Mehaffy, Peter Elmlund and Dhiru Thadani.

Registration here:

We are extremely proud to be included in the UN-HABITAT Global   Programme Annual Report 2021 with our latest issues. Th...

We are extremely proud to be included in the UN-HABITAT Global Programme Annual Report 2021 with our latest issues. Thanks to our Founder and Editor in Chief Luisa Bravo for her tireless efforts and inspirational leadership.

Get a free copy of the report here 👉
More to come!

2021 has been a crucial year to rediscover the value of public spaces. Our Global Programme Annual Report 2021 shares a year's worth of an integrated and iterative approach for sustainable public space development and management.

Trends of rapid urbanization are constantly increasing, and public spaces are too often sacrificed on account of uncontrolled urban development. has proved to improve the well-being and health of our communities, while boosting social interaction and livelihoods.

Get your free copy today!

We have been included in DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, an independent database of more than 17.000 peer revi...

We have been included in DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, an independent database of more than 17.000 peer reviewed and journals in 80 languages -
We proudly produce public knowledge on public space using a model, which means that we do not require authors to pay any article processing charges (APCs) when submitting an article for possible publication. Nobody is paying, neither for publishing nor for reading. Our Editor in Chief and our Editorial Team are not paid, they all volunteer their time to accomplish our mission.

City Space Architecture UN-HABITAT

DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

CALL FOR PAPERS Public Space and Placemaking in African CitiesS P E C I A L   I S S U E to be launched at 11th World Urb...

Public Space and Placemaking in African Cities
S P E C I A L I S S U E to be launched at 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice, 26-30 June 2022

This special issue on 'Public Space and Placemaking in African Cities' of The Journal of Public Space invites writings, reflections, research, case studies and photo essays related to the cities and public spaces of the African continent. We invite scholars, designers, planners, city practitioners, historians and writers to offer critical and innovative contributions to understanding meanings and practices in plural and diverse African spaces, contexts, climates, regional and local scales, and histories.

This special issue collects both full research articles (max 8.000 words), and shorter essays, case studies and photo essays (max 3.000 words).

This issue will contribute to the establishment of the Centre on African Public Spaces (CAPS), a project initiated by the City of Johannesburg (South Africa) in collaboration with other African cities, universities and community advocacy groups. As a Pan-African urban lab for public space, CAPS will be a home and resource to a community of urban practitioners and thinkers, students, scholars and civil society activists dedicated to connect, exchange experiences, advance knowledge, share resources, grow expertise and mobilize on a wide range of relevant local, regional and global issues.

Read the full announcement and submit your full paper no later than March 1, 2022:

City Space Architecture UN-HABITAT City of Joburg

More information on the Centre on African Public Spaces here:

Dear public space lovers,our publisher City Space Architecture is looking for Advisors on Public Space! One week left to...

Dear public space lovers,
our publisher City Space Architecture is looking for Advisors on Public Space! One week left to apply, the deadline 15 January 2022.
Read the call:

City Space Architecture is interested to appoint both early career and senior academic scholars, researchers, professionals, community leaders, activists, artists with a clear background in public space, in relation to different areas of expertise, such as - but not limited to - architecture and urban design, art, environment, climate change, health and safety, geography, anthropology, ethnography, community empowerment, migrations, inclusion, economy, politics, law, public policies, developing countries, virtual world and media.
After the 2020 calls (2 rounds) and the 2021 call (first round) we appointed over 120 advisors, at the global level, enriching our community with insightful and transdisciplinary perspectives.
The position is without remuneration and requires a volunteer commitment.
Join our global community -

The 17th issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 6 n. 1 (2021), is on line! It is a themed issue on 'Re-visioning P...

The 17th issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 6 n. 1 (2021), is on line!

It is a themed issue on 'Re-visioning Places of Public Gathering in the Contemporary Arab Urbanism'.
From the editorial: "Over the past decades, contemporary urbanism in Arab cities has undergone a radical transformation under the influence of a variety of forces, such as globalization, with the influx of money, ideas, people, and development models. Consequently, development visions of cities in the Arab world have shifted from local to imported international models, generating new paradigms of Arab contemporary urbanism, which are strongly impacting on public places in particular. Imported international models in Arab cities have varied between establishing new urban typologies resembling Western urban imagery and icons, gated communities, themed cities, gigantic commercial centres and shopping malls, among other models."
The issue is available here:
Guest Editor: Mona Helmy
Managing Editor: Luisa Bravo
Assistant Editor: Merham Keleg

The Journal of Public Space is open access, contents are freely accessible under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).
City Space Architecture UN-HABITAT

Cover image: Public space in Dubai. Picture by Mona Helmy

Happy Holidays! Buone Feste! / Joyeuses Fêtes! / Felices Fiestas! / Forhe Feiertage! / Prettige Feestdagen! / Trevlig He...

Happy Holidays!

Buone Feste! / Joyeuses Fêtes! / Felices Fiestas! / Forhe Feiertage! / Prettige Feestdagen! / Trevlig Helg! / Boas Festas! / Καλές δικακοπές! (kales diakopes) / Bones Festes! / Mutlu Bayramlar! / Sarbatori Fericite! / Laethanta saoire sona! / Vanuinui vinaka Me Nomuni! / A Freylekhn Yontev! / Tanoshii kurisumasu wo! / Meri Kirihimete! / Sawadee P*e Mai! / Hạnh phúc ngày lễ! / 節日快樂! / Masaya pista opisyal! / 행복 휴일 / Vesele Praznike! / Selamat Hari Raya! / Sretni praznici! / Boldog Ünnepeket! / Glade feriedage! / Gëzuar Festat! / Jie Ri Yu Kuai! / Felix Feriarum! / Furaha likizo! / 幸せな休日 / חג שמח / Ii holide eximnandi! / Hau’oli Lanui! / Beannachtaí na Féile! / Feliz Navidad! / Chuttiyon ki Shubh Kaamnaayein! / إجازة سعيدة

See you all in 2022!

TODAY! Join the online Access City Award 2022 Ceremony at 14.00 (CET) to discover the winners of the 12th Access City Aw...

TODAY! Join the online Access City Award 2022 Ceremony at 14.00 (CET) to discover the winners of the 12th Access City Award. This prestigious EU award rewards cities who are making continuous efforts to become more accessible for persons with disabilities and older people. Six cities have a chance to win the 2022 award, in alphabetical order: Barcelona (Spain), Helsinki (Finland), Leuven (Belgium), Luxembourg City (Luxembourg), Palma (Spain) and Porto (Portugal).

Follow the event: -1

We are committed to open, inclusive and accessible public spaces for all and we are currently cooperating with World Blind Union for a special issue on 'Universally Accessible Public Spaces for All' to be launched at the 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice, 26-30 June 2022. Stay tuned!


Universally Accessible Public Spaces for All

S P E C I A L I S S U E of The Journal of Public Space
to be launched at 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice, 26-30 June 2022.

This issue, produced by City Space Architecture in partnership with the World Blind Union and UN-HABITAT, in line with the commitments in the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions, seeks to raise awareness and foster learning around universal design, accessibility, and inclusion in public spaces. The issue will collect research articles (academic / max 8.000 words), case studies and viewpoints (non-academic /max 3.000 words), from academia, city professionals, city managers and officials, urban planners and civil society, including organisations of persons with disabilities (OPD).

Deadline for abstract submission: EXTENDED to 7 November 2021
Deadline for expressions of interest for reviewer/assistant editor: EXTENDED to 1 November 2021

Read the full announcement:



Universally Accessible Public Spaces for All
S P E C I A L I S S U E of The Journal of Public Space
to be launched at 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice, 26-30 June 2022.

This issue, produced in partnership with the World Blind Union in line with the commitments in the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions, seeks to raise awareness and foster learning around universal design, accessibility, and inclusion in public spaces. The issue will collect research articles (academic / max 8.000 words), case studies and viewpoints (non-academic /max 3.000 words), from academia, city professionals, city managers and officials, urban planners and civil society, including organisations of persons with disabilities (OPD).

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October 2021
Deadline for expressions of interest for reviewer/assistant editor: 1 October 2021

Read the full announcement:

The 16th issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 5 n. 4 (2020), is on line! This issue, from the special series Art...

The 16th issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 5 n. 4 (2020), is on line!

This issue, from the special series Art and Activism in Public Space, presents a collection of projects from across Estonia, Finland, Italy, China, United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Mexico, United States of America, Colombia, Japan, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Poland, Egypt. The portfolios and articles assert the important role of multidisciplinary inquiry and the integration of practice and theory in the investigation into and the active creation of, the complex and changing state of public space. The experience of a global pandemic and the increase in digital networks has led to a reviewing of the role of public space and fostered speculation on new approaches to public space culture.
Editors: Luisa Bravo, Maggie McCormick and Fiona Hillary

The issue is available here:

The Journal of Public Space is open access, contents are freely accessible under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).

The cover image is an art work of Ryoko Kose, Just Keep Going_Sanctuary (2018).

The 15th issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 5 n. 3 (2020), is on line! This is a special issue as part of our ...

The 15th issue of 'The Journal of Public Space', Vol. 5 n. 3 (2020), is on line!

This is a special issue as part of our global online initiative '2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic', jointly promoted by our publisher City Space Architecture and the School of Architecture - CUHK developed throughout 2020 from May to November, with 20 webinars and a final two-day symposium, engaging 100+ speakers, 2700+ attendees from over 80 countries, edited by our Editor in Chief Luisa Bravo and Hendrik Tieben.
Read more about our initiative:

The issue includes a variety of perspectives on public space, combining academic research with observations during confinement from different geographical locations, and a viewpoint from UN-HABITAT.
It is available here:
The Journal of Public Space is open access, contents are freely accessible under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).

The cover image is a mural by Anne Siems, titled 'Beauty + Terror', on a boarded building in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighbourhood.

Dear public space lovers,our publisher City Space Architecture is interested to appoint both early career and senior aca...

Dear public space lovers,

our publisher City Space Architecture is interested to appoint both early career and senior academic scholars, researchers, professionals, community leaders, activists, artists with a clear background in public space, in relation to different areas of expertise, such as - but not limited to - architecture and urban design, art, environment, climate change, health and safety, geography, anthropology, ethnography, community empowerment, migrations, inclusions, economy, politics, law, public policies, developing countries, virtual world and media.

After the 2020 calls (2 rounds) City Space Architecture appointed over 70 advisors, at the global level, enriching the public space community with insightful and transdisciplinary perspectives.

Read the call:
The position is without remuneration and requires a volunteer commitment.
Deadline July 31, 2021.

We are super excited to announce the participation of our publisher City Space Architecture to the 17th International Ar...

We are super excited to announce the participation of our publisher City Space Architecture to the 17th International Architecture Exhibition titled 'How will we live together?', curated by Hashim Sarkis and organized by La Biennale di Venezia.
Our contribution is included in the Italian Pavilion curated by Alessandro Melis on Resilient Communities -

We are developing the research project 'Mapping Resilient Communities', curated by our Founder and Editor in Chief Luisa Bravo with Roberta Franceschinelli and Simone d'Antonio and developed in cooperation with UN-HABITAT.
'Mapping Resilient Communities' will be announced on May 26 during an event at the Italian Pavilion where we will also launch a Global Call for Good Practices to be included in our mapping.

The 17th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice will open to the public tomorrow May 22, 2021.

Statement from the curator Hashim Sarkis.
“The current global pandemic has no doubt made the question that this Biennale Architettura is asking all the more relevant and timely, even if somehow ironic, given the imposed isolation. It may indeed be a coincidence that the theme was proposed a few months before the pandemic. However, many of the reasons that initially led us to ask this question – the intensifying climate crisis, massive population displacements, political instabilities around the world, and growing racial, social, and economic inequalities, among others – have led us to this pandemic and have become all the more relevant.
We can no longer wait for politicians to propose a path towards a better future. As politics continue to divide and isolate, we can offer alternative ways of living together through architecture. The Biennale Architettura 2021 is motivated by new kinds of problems that the world is putting in front of architecture, but it is also inspired by the emerging activism of young architects and the radical revisions being proposed by the profession of architecture to take on these challenges.”

Credit: Hero image from the Italian Pavilion 'Resilient Communities'.


We are proud to be included in the #𝑨𝒃𝒖𝑫𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒊𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅𝑨𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 with our partner World Blind Union and our publisher City Space Architecture for a special issue on universally accessible public spaces for all. Thanks Hannes J. Lagrelius and our Founder and Editor in Chief Luisa Bravo.

Download the report here 👉
and read more here:

Our publisher City Space Architecture is launching a brand new project, the Film Festival Visioni Urbane / Urban Visions...

Our publisher City Space Architecture is launching a brand new project, the Film Festival Visioni Urbane / Urban Visions. Beyond the Ideal City, starting TODAY April 22.
More than 100 films in FREE live streaming on a dedicated platform developed in cooperation with OpenDDB (Distribuzioni dal Basso).
The live streaming will start today April 22 at 5.00pm CEST and will end at midnight CEST on April 25 -

Visioni Urbane / Urban Visions. Beyond the Ideal City is the first Italian-based international film festival entirely dedicated to the contemporary city and to urban public life, aimed at exploring urban humanities through an interdisciplinary approach.
The Festival is part of A-Place. Linking places through networked artistic practices, dedicated to strengthening the bonds between people and places, co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union.

Cover image from Panorama, by Gianluca Abbate (2014).

THE VALUE OF OPEN ACCESSOn March 31, 2021 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) launched MIT Press Open Architectu...

On March 31, 2021 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) launched MIT Press Open Architecture and Urban Studies, a robust digital collection of classic and previously out-of-print architecture and urban studies books, on the digital book platform, MIT Press Direct. The collection was funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of the Humanities Open Book Program, which they co-sponsored with the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Representing the breadth and depth of the MIT Press’s architecture and urban studies publishing program, the collection is a quintessential blend of theory, practice, history, and technology.

“The MIT Press is committed to reimagining daily what academic publishing can be,” says MIT Press director Amy Brand. “This partnership with the Humanities Open Book Program not only gives these important works a second-life and introduces them to new generations of scholars and readers, it also reaffirms our commitment to making scholarship available as widely and openly as possible.”

An unprecedented digitization program:


Via Paolo G. Martini 26/d

Orario di apertura

Martedì 10:00 - 17:00
Giovedì 09:00 - 17:00




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The Journal of Public Space

The Journal of Public Space is a research project promoted by City Space Architecture, a non-profit organization based in Italy, in partnership with UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, based in Kenya.

“Public space in cities is a common good, meant to be open, inclusive and democratic, a fundamental human right for everybody.” Dr Luisa Bravo The Journal of Public Space, Founder and Editor in Chief City Space Architecture, Founding Member and President (from the statement submitted at the 26th UN-Habitat Governing Council held in Nairobi, Kenya, 8-12 May 2017) Stand up for Public Space! | UN-Habitat Global Urban Lecture by Dr Luisa Bravo (click here) | A global campaign launched at the Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador, 2016 (click here).

Follow The Journal of Public Space also on Twitter.

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