Chiaramente non poteva mancare il blooper di questa scena 😁
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #towmacandcheese #friendsgagreel #gagreel #bloopers #friendsbloopers #friendsgag
A proposito di adattamento in italiano...
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #towmacandcheese #doppiaggio
JD, non il Dottor Testa Volante...
Troppo tardi, sono partito 😄😄😄
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #towjoeysfridge #scrubs #dottortestavolante
Joey: Well, if she's got enough money for that, she can certainly pay for the fridge she broke.
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #towjoeysfridge #friendsextended #friendsuncut
Joey: Give me $400!
Chandler: Thank God you're pretty!
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #towjoeysfridge #friendsextended #friendsuncut
Questo è davvero divertente 🤣🤣🤣
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #TOWRossDatesaStudent #friendsgagreel #gagreel #bloopers #friendsbloopers #friendsgag
Rachel: What is that? Is that old shrimp?
Joey: I think it is!
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #TOWRossDatesaStudent #friendsextended #friendsuncut
Piccolo blooper 💜
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #TOWRossDatesaStudent #friendsgagreel #gagreel #bloopers #friendsbloopers #friendsgag
Ross: All I’m saying is, it’s one thing being prepared for an attack against like each other; whole another story being prepared for an attack, I don’t know, like a surprise!!
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #towunagi #friendsgagreel #gagreel #bloopers #friendsbloopers #friendsgag
Joey: Ohh, hey! Why don’t you book a date for both of you at one of those romantic spas?
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #towunagi
#friendsgagreel #gagreel #bloopers #friendsbloopers #friendsgag
"Ho fatto male la canzone. E' difficile da capire, ma IO lo so 😁"
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #TheOneThatCouldHaveBeen #TheOneThatCouldHaveBeenPart2 #Part2 #friendsgagreel #gagreel #bloopers #friendsbloopers #friendsgag
"Ho sbagliato a fare la canzone. E' difficile da capire, ma io lo so 😁"
#podcasting #podcastitalia #friendstvshow #rossystupandfriends #podcast #friendspodcast #podcastitaliani #friends #TheOneThatCouldHaveBeen #TheOneThatCouldHaveBeenPart2 #Part2 #friendsgagreel #gagreel #bloopers #friendsbloopers #friendsgag