Right Wing News Network

Right Wing News Network Right Wing News Network, is a European based site founded in 2018, our goal is to combine Right-Wingers/Conservative around the globe together.



Whoopi Goldberg facing the consequences of her own actions was too much to bear for poor Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC.



Text messages obtained by the Daily Mail from Hunter Biden’s laptop have revealed the U.S. president’s son using the n-word multiple times in apparent banter with his white attorney.
The president’s son would address his lawyer, George Mesires, with phrases like: ‘true dat n***a’ and ‘I only love you because you’re black,’ despite the attorney being white. He also appeared to have sent him a sexually explicit photo by accident, to which the lawyer replied with an unstartled remark about his tan line.
However, while most people would’ve been ‘canceled’ as soon as the radically woke Twitter mob caught wind of their ‘past sins’, Hunter will most likely be given a free pass, since he’s the ‘golden boy’ of the Democrats’ beloved ‘golden president’.

Well Well Well

Well Well Well

Residents of New Jersey were given a deadline to turn in their gun magazines or become felons overnight, and so far, no one is complying.



"Dixie" may have been acceptable in the past, but it’s time to look toward the future. It’s time to give our university a name that truly expresses its promise.


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Joe Biden's VP choice is even more popular than he is among certain demographics.


Two violent incidents broke out at Black Lives Matter events in Aurora, Colorado and Austin, Texas over the weekend that involved shooting at vehicles on the road. In Colorado, a Jeep that was allegedly fleeing a violent incident drove through a Black Lives Matter event where one of the protesters o...


Nearly four dozen people were arrested, and more than 55 officers were injured Saturday after protests turned violent with trailers set on fire, windows at businesses smashed, cars damaged, and explosive devices thrown at police.


Russia’s parliament has approved a bill to boost ‘patriotism’ education in the school curriculum, designed to instill children with respect for the memory of those who fought to defend the country, its laws and traditions.




On Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal released the results of a poll performed in conjunction with NBC News. The poll found that 56 percent of Americans believe American society is racist. Seventy-one percent believe race relations are either very or fairly bad. Most troubling, 65 percent of black Ame...

Funny I thought she wanted to defund the police.

Funny I thought she wanted to defund the police.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot has urged Chicagoans to literally call the police over any “unconstitutional” actions by federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to help with a crackdown on skyrocketing violent crime.


Offense isn't a substitute for facts or the truth.


America is a great country!


  In the coming days many will try to equate the killing of George Floyd to Rayshard Brooks, but you shouldn’t fall for it. George Floyd did not put any police in danger and begged for h…

Well well well

Well well well

As statues everywhere get redesigned with graffiti and re-homed in rivers, one opportunist UK politician has made a personal request for a particular statue to be torn down. Except said statue is Karl Marx's grave...

Henry Smith tweeted a 'Mayor of London Monument Removal Application,' featuring an image of a Karl Marx monument, which is actually Karl Marx's headstone.

Smith’s reason for wanting the grave desecrated: 'Promotion of an ideology leading to mass oppression and the death of over 100 million people last century; anti-Semite.'

Smith appears to be attempting to make a point. Seeing as woke activists have earmarked a load of slave-traders, racists and colonists for demolition, why not take aim at some of the historical figures conservatives have had on their s**t list for years?!?


R.I.P. Constable Heidi Stevenson.

Damn right

Damn right

You thing the mainstream media on america is awful, just thing how they are in Germany and how they treat our conservati...

You thing the mainstream media on america is awful, just thing how they are in Germany and how they treat our conservative friends in AfD, always labaled as racist and extremists, while the true extremists are those who current controle German politics.


➡️ Abstimmungen in der Hamburger Bürgerschaft auch weiterhin mit dem demokratischen Votum der AfD!

Was haben sie sich nicht alle gefreut: Politiker der Altparteien und Mainstream-Medien konnten nach der ersten Hochrechnung zur Hamburg-Wahl gestern Abend kaum an sich halten. Kurz sah es tatsächlich so aus, als wäre ihr Plan aufgegangen. Der Plan, die Taten von Extremisten und Wahnsinnigen in den vergangenen Monaten einzig und allein der AfD anzulasten und so dafür zu sorgen, dass wir bei der einzigen regulären Landtagswahl in diesem Jahr scheitern.

Zu einem echten Skandal kam es dabei im ARD-Wahlstudio: Als der Moderator verkündet, die AfD hätte es wahrscheinlich nicht geschafft, bricht Jubel aus. Nur sitzt im Studio kein Publikum – da sitzen aus GEZ-Gebühren fürstlich alimentierte ARD-Obere, Senderchefs, Redakteure und Reporter und zeigen ganz unverhohlen, was sie von politischer Neutralität in der Berichterstattung halten: Nichts!

Die gesamte mediale und politische Kampagne gegen uns hat nicht funktioniert! Und dafür bedanken wir uns bei den vielen Bürgern Hamburgs, die sich nicht in ihrer klaren demokratischen Wahlentscheidung haben beeinflussen lassen. Bei den vielen Menschen, die erkannt haben, wie durchschaubar beispielsweise eine Linke ist, die sich weniger um das eigene Wahlergebnis schert und lieber sofort die unendliche Schadenfreude darüber in die Welt twittert, dass die AfD es wohl nicht wieder in die Bürgerschaft geschafft hätte. Das sagt viel über das vermeintliche „Demokratieverständnis“ der SED-Erben aus.

Fest steht: Auch künftig wird die AfD in Hamburg eine deutlich hörbare und konstruktive Opposition sein. Die engagierte Mannschaft um Spitzenkandidat Dirk Nockemann hat – trotz aller Anfeindungen und unvorstellbarer Bedrohungen – einen tollen Wahlkampf gemacht und kann sich nun über das Ergebnis mit marginalen Verlusten gegenüber der letzten Wahl freuen. Danke Hamburg!





Numerous Democrats appeared to not celebrate a fourth-grade black girl who received a scholarship on Tuesday night from President Donald Trump during the State of the Union Address. “The next step forward in building an inclusive society is making sure that every young American gets a great ed...


The best thing about Mr. Trump's speech last night was Trump refusing to shake the hand of Nancy 'the devil' Pelosi's hand. Priceless. 😁


Who will Democrats blame now for theyr own corruption and stupidity: Russia, China or Trump. Can't wait to find out, and will they once again throw Sanders to the dogs.



California Democrat Adam Schiff painted a doomsday scenario if President Donald Trump is not impeached, including an all-powerful dictator ruling from Mar-a-Lago, letting his son-in-law run America, and trading Alaska to Russia.





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