
FM512 Our vision is to see a world inspired by the personality of HUSSAINع : his MESSAGE & his SACRIFICE

Useful info – Iraq ziyarat guide mapsMap of the area around the Haramain.عجل الله فرجك ❤️

Useful info – Iraq ziyarat guide maps

Map of the area around the Haramain.
عجل الله فرجك ❤️

السلام علیکم یا علیؑ مدد _!!🌷۵ رجب المرجب🌷جشنِ آمد حضرت امام علی نقی الھادی علیہ الصلواة والسلام کے پُر مسرت موقع پر تما...

السلام علیکم یا علیؑ مدد _!!
🌷۵ رجب المرجب🌷
جشنِ آمد حضرت امام علی نقی الھادی علیہ الصلواة والسلام کے پُر مسرت موقع پر تمام مومنین و مومنات بالخصوص سادات عظام کے حضور ھدیہِ تبریک و تہنیت پیش کرتے ھیں_!!

Imam Ali un Naqi (a.s.)'s mother was a very pious lady who spent her whole life fasting. The 10th Imam has said that his...

Imam Ali un Naqi (a.s.)'s mother was a very pious lady who spent her whole life fasting. The 10th Imam has said that his mother was one of the ladies of paradise and one of those from 'Ahlul Haqq' (people of truth).

His mother was Samana al-Maghribiya, who was definitely from non-Arab descent. However from the aspect of character, she was superior to all the ladies of her time and that is why the Holy Imams (a.s.), inspite of being from the most noble stock of Arabs married non-Arabs to defeat Arab pride in descent and to end the difference between Arabs and non-Arabs. And the importance of faith and character in Islam should also become clear. The least praise of Lady Sumana is that she used to observe fasts the whole year and there is great excellence of this in traditional reports.

• Muhammad Ibne F***j says that Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.) wrote to me that I should pack my belongings and prepare the arms I was confused what the Imam could mean. After some days, the Egyptian police apprehended and placed me under arrest and confiscated all my property. I remained in prison for eight years. One day, I received a letter from the Holy Imam (a.s.): Beware, do not go to the West. I was bewildered that I was in jail; how can I go to west or east? After some days, I was released from the prison and I wrote to the Imam to pray that my property is restored to me and it happened thus.
• Ali Ibnul Hasib says: I was walking along with the Holy Imam (a.s.) and by chance I overtook the Imam and asked him also to increase the pace. He said: You have to go ahead of me. Thus it happened that he died after some days.
• Abu Ayyub wrote to Imam (a.s.) that his wife was pregnant and requested him to pray that he may get a son. Imam as said: A son would be born to you, but you should name him Muhammad; he did as advised. In this way became clear the aim of Aale Muhammad (a.s.) to keep alive the name of the Prophet.
• Yahya Ibne Zakariya wrote that his wife was also expecting and that the Imam should pray similarly for him. Imam (a.s.) said: Many girls are better than boys. Thus Imam (a.s.) revealed the s*x of the unborn child and rejected the un-Islamic belief that boys are superior. If it had been so, Almighty Allah would have given only sons to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and would have multiplied his generations through males. It was the same reply that Almighty Allah had given to the mother of Lady Maryam.
• Abu Hashim said: I mentioned my precarious economical condition and requested him for monetary assistance. Imam (a.s.) gave me a handful of sand and said: Sell it and use the money. When he looked at the sand it had turned to gold and a miracle like that of Imam Ali (a.s.) was again displayed.
• Abu Hashim says: When Imam (a.s.) came to Samarrah I said to him with utmost respect: I live in Baghdad, I cannot visit you everyday. My beast of burden is also weak. Imam (a.s.) said: Almighty Allah would make your beast strong. As a result of this I used to pray the Morning Prayer in Baghdad, Noon Prayer in Samarrah and Maghrib and Isha Prayer in Baghdad, whereas there is a distance of more than a hundred miles between these two places.

يا فاطمة ننادي ويلي على الهاديويلي على الهادي يا مسموم..يا مسموم❤️        ِي

يا فاطمة ننادي ويلي على الهادي
ويلي على الهادي يا مسموم..يا مسموم


نبارك لصاحب العصر والزمان اﻹمام المهدي ( عجل الله فرجه الشريف ) واﻷمة الاسلامية جمعاء ومراجعنا العظام وجميع متابعي شبكة ...

نبارك لصاحب العصر والزمان اﻹمام المهدي ( عجل الله فرجه الشريف ) واﻷمة الاسلامية جمعاء ومراجعنا العظام وجميع متابعي شبكة الثقلين بمناسبة ذكرى مولد اﻹمام محمد بن علي الباقر ( عليه السلام )
💐🎈🎉 كل عام وأنتم بخير ومتباركين بالمولد 🎉🎈💐

امام باقر علیہ السلام نے فرمایا: تین چیزیں بہترین اعمال میں سے ہیں: مسلمان کی بھوک مٹانا، مسلمان کے غم کو دور کرنا، اور ...

امام باقر علیہ السلام نے فرمایا: تین چیزیں بہترین اعمال میں سے ہیں: مسلمان کی بھوک مٹانا، مسلمان کے غم کو دور کرنا، اور اس کی بدصورتی اور عیبوں پر پردہ ڈالنا۔🙏💐


'Imam Baqir'
'Ocean Of Knowledge'

Imam al-Baqir (a) was born on Friday Rajab 1, in Medina. He was a small child and present in the Battle of Karbala. Bāqi...

Imam al-Baqir (a) was born on Friday Rajab 1, in Medina. He was a small child and present in the Battle of Karbala. Bāqir al-‘Ulūm or al-Bāqir is the most famous epithet of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a). In the book Ilal al-sharayi', it is narrated from Jabir b. Yazid al-Ju'fi that in answering the question why the fifth Imam (a) was called “al-Baqir”? He said, “Because, he (a) really split sciences.”
His imamate was contemporary with five Umayyad caliphs:
Al-Walid b. 'Abd al-Malik (86/705 – 96/714-5)
Sulayman b. 'Abd al-Malik (96/714-5 - 99/717-8)
'Umar b. 'Abd al-'Aziz (99/717-8 - 101/719-20)
Yazid b. 'Abd al-Malik (101/719-20 -105/723-4)
Hisham b. 'Abd al-Malik (105/723-4 - 125/742-3)
Imam al-Baqir's (a) debates with different people over different issues were among his scientific activities. Some of his debates are as listed below:
Debate with Christians' bishop
Debate with Hasan al-Basri
Debate with Hisham b. 'Abd al-Malik
Debate with Muhammad b. al-Munkadir
Debate with Nafi' b. al-Azraq
Debate with 'Abd Allah b. Mu'ammir al-Laythi
Debate with Qatada b. Di'ama
Some miracles are attributed to al-Baqir. He is reported to have conversed with animals, returned sight to the blind, and foretold future events, such as the death in the battle of his brother, Zayd, defeat of the Umaayads and the accession of the Abbasid Caliph, al-Mansur.

Rajab ul Murajjab is one of the sacred months in the Islamic calendar. It holds great significance for Muslims as it is ...

Rajab ul Murajjab is one of the sacred months in the Islamic calendar. It holds great significance for Muslims as it is a time for spiritual reflection and preparation for the holy month of Ramadan. During this month, Muslims engage in acts of worship, seek forgiveness, and increase their devotion to Allah. It's a special time for spiritual growth and drawing closer to the Creator. 🌙✨


The Inspiring Story of Adi b. Hatam al-Ta'i:Transformative Meeting: Upon meeting Prophet Muhammad (s), Adi was struck by...

The Inspiring Story of Adi b. Hatam al-Ta'i:
Transformative Meeting: Upon meeting Prophet Muhammad (s), Adi was struck by his wisdom, kindness, and unwavering faith. Inspired by the Imam's teachings, he renounced his past life and became a loyal companion.
Devotion and Sacrifice: Adi fiercely defended Imam 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a) during difficult times, even offering his own life for the Imam's protection. His unwavering loyalty earned him the trust and respect of the entire community.
Legacy of Generosity: Despite his humble origins, Adi became known for his extraordinary generosity. He donated his wealth to the needy and championed the cause of social justice, following the path of Imam Hassan's teachings.

Imam Ali al-Hadi remained under close surveillance and political pressure, but he continued to reject injustice with ste...

Imam Ali al-Hadi remained under close surveillance and political pressure, but he continued to reject injustice with steadfast resistance and never submitted to corruption. During Mu’tazz’s reign, Imam al-Hadi was poisoned… The holy tenth Imam was buried at his residence in Samarra’, Iraq.
Imam al-Hadi’s following words call for insightful contemplation on the topic of death. They specifically discuss the way to think of this world and the next. “Indeed, God has made this world an abode of trials, and the Hereafter an abode of outcome. He made the trials of this world to be a cause for the reward of the Hereafter, and the reward of the Hereafter to be a compensation for the trials in this world…”
“…Think of your death, in the arms of your family (members), while no doctor can stop you (from dying), and no loved one can do you any good…”
The corrupt ruler accepted. Then he demanded, “Recite poetry for me.” Imam al-Hadi replied, “I narrate little (when it comes to) poetry.” But Mutawakkil insisted. Therefore, the Holy Imam recited the following lines of poetry, as a reminder for those who would wish to be reminded:

“They stayed on the beds of mountains, while guarded –
– by the overpowering (ones) among men. Yet these beds did not save them
And they were brought down – after glory – from their fortresses…
Then they were deposited into holes. What terrible (places to) stay!
A screaming caller yelled out to them after they were buried:
‘Where are the beds, the crowns, and the wardrobes?’
‘Where are those faces that used to be pampered –
– before them, veils and wreaths were drawn down?’
The grave then spoke out on their behalf as (the screaming caller) asked them:
‘Those faces…are what worms fight over (now)’
So long did they eat – for a time – and (for) so (long) they did drink…
But – after having eaten for so long – they are now being eaten
And for so long, they built houses to guard them…
But they departed the houses, the families, and moved on
And for so long, they treasured wealth and saved it…
But they left it behind for their enemies, and traveled on
Their homes have become neglected wasteland…
As the (original) inhabitants have gone to the graves”
Historians note that Mutawakkil was touched by this poem and started to cry, as did those present. But even so, the corrupt ruler failed to mend his ways.


La Ilah ki lazawal dars gaah Hussain a.s hai - Babar Ali Bela
انا للّٰہ وانا الیہ راجعون
جو کہ مصروف سلامِ شہدا رہتا ہے
گو وہ رہتا نہیں پر نام صدا رہتا ہے 😭💔

The twin brother of Yaqub (Peace be upon Him), Al Eis disliked the fact that Yaqub (Peace be upon Him) was favored by hi...

The twin brother of Yaqub (Peace be upon Him), Al Eis disliked the fact that Yaqub (Peace be upon Him) was favored by his father and by Allah (Glory be to Him) with prophethood. This ill feeling became so serious that Al Eis threatened to kill his brother. When their mother knew that Al Eis threatened his brother Yaqub (peace be upon Him), she commanded her son Yaqub (Peace be upon Him) to go to her brother Laban in the land of Haran and abide with him for a time until his brother's anger had abated, and to marry one of the Laban's daughters. She told her husband Ishaq (peace be upon Him) to command him with that advice and pray for him, and he did. Yaqub (Peace be upon Him) left his family, when night came he found a place to rest. He dreamed of a ladder from heaven to earth. Angels were ascending and descending and the Lord addressed him and said to him; "I will bless you and your offspring and make this land for you and for those who come after you."

Jacob's last advice to his people:
And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; "Oh my sons! God hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam."
Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: "What will ye worship after me?" They said: "We shall worship thy God and the God of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma'il and Isaac,- the one (True) God: To Him we bow (in Islam)."

— Quran, surah 2 (Al-Baqara),

The legacy of Jacob:
Ali ibn Abi Talib, when asked about the prophets who were bestowed special names, narrates in Hadith that Ya'qub ibn Ishaq was known by his people as Isra'il.
Instances in the Bible involving Jacob wrestling with an angel are not mentioned in the Quran, but are discussed in Muslim commentaries, as is the vision of Jacob's Ladder.
Jacob tricking Isaac into blessing him by impersonating his twin, Esau, is also not in the Quran, but is in Muslim commentaries.
Jacob is very special in Islam for carrying on the legacy left by his forefathers. Muslims believe God bestowed His utmost grace upon Jacob and chose him to be among the most exalted men. The Quran frequently mentions Jacob as a man of might and vision and stresses he was of the company of the good and elect.

The Tablespread / Dastarkhwan e Imam Hasan (a) :Imam Hasan (a) was extremely generous and gave away all his funds in the...

The Tablespread / Dastarkhwan e Imam Hasan (a) :

Imam Hasan (a) was extremely generous and gave away all his funds in the way of Allah. No one went away from his door empty handed. He sat down with the poorest of poor when they invited him to share food with them. One day a stranger came to Madina and when he was offered the same dried bread that Imam Ali (a) was eating, found it too hard to chew. When he went to the tablespread/Dastarkhwan of Imam Hasan (a), he started collecting morsels in a bag as he ate his food. Imam Hasan (a) enquired "Brother you can eat as much as you like. Why are you collecting more?" The man said he had just seen someone who was breaking
bread that was very hard and dry and wanted to take it to him. Imam Hasan (a) smiled and said "Don’t you know that he is my father who has always eaten so. He provides all this for others."

Even today, visitors still eat at the "Dastarkhwan" of Imam Hasan (a)
in Madina.

فاطمة مهجة قلبي ، وابناها ثمرة فؤادي ، وبعلها نور بصري ، والأئمة من ولدها أمناء ربي..🍃🤍الرسول الأكرم🌸من اعتصم بهم نجا ، ...

فاطمة مهجة قلبي ، وابناها ثمرة فؤادي ، وبعلها نور بصري ، والأئمة من ولدها أمناء ربي..🍃🤍
الرسول الأكرم🌸
من اعتصم بهم نجا ، ومن تخلف عنهم هوى🤍

#الزهراء #فاطمه #فاطمیه #خوشنویسی #گلزار #الخطاط #فن #کالیگرافی #رقاع

Some Maqtal books (narrative accounts of the Battle of Karbala) have reported the attendance of Umm Kulthum in the Battl...

Some Maqtal books (narrative accounts of the Battle of Karbala) have reported the attendance of Umm Kulthum in the Battle of Karbala. In these books, she has been frequently mentioned beside Zaynab (a) and her sufferings have been quoted. Majlisi says, "After Imam's martyrdom, when the tents were burned, the earrings of Umm Kulthum, Husayn's (a) sister, were taken out forcibly". She was a narrator of the Battle of 'Ashura and delivered a sermon in the meeting held by Ibn Ziyad in Kufa. In his book, Ibn Tayfur has quoted a sermon from Umm Kulthum which was delivered in Kufa when the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet (s) were held captive. Also 'Allama Majlisi has quoted poems and speeches of Umm Kulthum in the meeting held by Ibn Ziyad.
Um-kalthum also had a stong stance at Karbalah with Imam Hussein a.s. Sayeda Zeinab and Sayeda Um-kalthum were like rocks by Imam Hussein a.s side at karbalah. Sayeda Um-kalthum gave a sermon at Kufa after Karbalah, when she gave her sermon people where saying is this Ali ibn abu Talib speaking, because of the quality and the power of her sermon, her worlds are amazing , this sermon should be read and memoriesed, this sermon should be and implemented in the lives of our sisters that strive to live lives like this great lady. when she spoken these words narrations state the people started crying.

Sayeda Um-kalthum in her sermon at Kufa said:
Oh people of Kufa may evil touch you. Why did you leave al Hussein alone without any assistance? Why did you slay him? and why did you ransack his property as if they were you own inheritance? Having held his women as captives you hert them and you harmed them. Woe be to you and may perdition over take you. Do you know what you have bought onto yourself? Do you know the burden you have put onto your backs? Do you know whoes blood you have shed? Do you know which great ladies you have greived? Do you know wich duaghters you have ransacked? and Do you know whoes properties you have plundered. You have killed the best of men after Rasullah Muhammad pbuh&hpp and have not shown any affection or any love. But we'll be patient in soon the army of Allah swt will be triumphent and the army of the shiatan will be the losers.

Um-kalthum married the son of Jaffar ibn abu Talib, S/F (J.I.A.T) the husband of Um-kalthum died at karbalah, through his life he was along side our Imams in many battles and he was present in karbalah with Imam Hussein a.s and died at karbalah. S/F (J.I.A.T) and Um-kalthum did not have any children.

'Imad al-Din Tabari says,
"It has been narrated that Umm Kulthum, Imam Husayn's (a) sister, passed away in Syria.
In his travel book, Ibn Battuta has written,
"About one parasang to Syria, there is the tomb of Umm Kulthum, the daughter of 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a) and Lady Fatima (a)".
Yaqut Hamawi writes,
"Umm Kulthum's tomb is in Rawiya (Damascus)".
Ibn 'Asakir says,
"The tomb which is in Rawiya (Damascus) is not Umm Kulthum's, the daughter of Lady Fatima (a) … she passed away in Medina and was buried in Baqi' cemetery".
Also some others believe that this tomb belongs to Zaynab (a), the daughter of 'Ali (a) and Fatima (a), whose teknonym was Umm Kulthum.

Some Qur'anic verses, such as al-Tathir Verse (the Purification Verse), al-Mawadda Verse (the Love Verse) and al-It'am V...

Some Qur'anic verses, such as al-Tathir Verse (the Purification Verse), al-Mawadda Verse (the Love Verse) and al-It'am Verse (the Feeding Verse), and many traditions, such as "Fatima is a part of me", were stated about Lady Fatima (a) and her virtues. According to some of these traditions, the Prophet (s) introduced Lady Fatima (a) as the most superior of the women of all Worlds and equated her anger with that of Allah. It was to her that the Prophet (s) taught the dhikr (litany) that came to be known as the Tasbih of Lady Fatima (a).

Fatima (ع) Daughter of Muhammad (ص): Fatima (615 – 632 A.D.), mother of the Imams (ع), is the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (ص) by his first wife, Khadija daughter of Khuwaylid, may the Almighty be pleased with her. Fatima was born in Mecca on a Friday, the 20th of Jumada II in the fifth year after the declaration of the Prophetic message which corresponds, according to the Christian calendar, to the year 615. Fatima inherited the genius and wisdom, the determination and will power, piety and sanctity, generosity and benevolence, devotion and worship of Allah, self-sacrifice and hospitality, forbearance and patience, knowledge and nobility of disposition of her illustrious father, both in words and in actions. “I often witnessed my mother,” says Imam Husain, "absorbed in prayer from dusk to dawn." Her generosity and compassion for the poor was such that no destitute or beggar ever returned from her door empty-handed. She (ع) worked, dressed, ate and lived very simply. She was very generous; and none who came to her door ever went away empty handed. Many times she gave away all the food she had had, staying without any food at all. As a daughter, she loved her parents so much that she won their love and regard to such an extent that the Holy Prophet (ص) used to stand up whenever she came to him.

Fatima has nine names/titles: Fatima فاطمة, al-Siddiqa الصديقة (the truthful one), al-Mubaraka المباركة (the blessed one), al-Tahira الطاهرة (the pure one), al-Zakiyya الزكية (the chaste one), al-Radhiayya الرضية (the grateful one), al-Mardhiyya المرضية (the one who shall be pleased [on Judgment Day]), al-Muhaddatha المحدثة (the one, other than the Prophet, to whom an angel speaks) and al-Zahra الزهراء (the splendid one).

When Abd al-Muttalib was digging for the Zamzam well, he had only one son; after he discovered the Zamzam well, Quraysh ...

When Abd al-Muttalib was digging for the Zamzam well, he had only one son; after he discovered the Zamzam well, Quraysh opposed his ownership of the well and stated that they must have a share of the well. When he saw that he had only one son to defend himself, he made a vow that if Allah will give him ten sons, he will sacrifice one of them in the way of Allah, by Ka'ba. When his son's count reached 10, he cast lots to choose one of his sons to be sacrificed, and the name of Abd Allah became drawn. But people opposed the slaughter. So they decided to draw between 10 camels and Abd Allah. If the ten camels became drawn, they would be slaughtered in place of him, if Abd Allah became drawn, ten more camels are added, and the draw is repeated. At last, when the count of camels reached a hundred, the camels were drawn, Abd al-Muttalib repeated the lots three times, and in all of them, the camels were drawn; after Abd al-Muttalib became sure that Allah had accepted the camels in place of Abd Allah, 100 camels slaughtered in place of Abd Allah and given to the needy. The Prophet (s) mentioned the story in a hadith: "I am the son of the two sacrifices". Imam al-Rida (a) says about the hadith: "the two sacrifices are Isma'il (a) and Abd Allah".

On the day of sacrifice, after the camels' sacrifice, Abd al-Muttalib went straight to Wahb b. Abd Manaf, who was the head of the Banu Zuhra tribe, and married his daughter, Amina bt. Wahb, to Abd Allah. She was one of the greatest women of Quraysh. According to some, the marriage took place after a year from the sacrifice.

According to other books; His father chose for him Āminah daughter of Wahb ibn 'Abd Munāf who was the grandson of Zuhrah ibn Kilab, the brother of his great-great-grandfather Qusayy ibn Kilāb. Wahb had been the chief of Banu Zuhrah as well as its eldest and noblest member but had died some time previously and Āminah became a ward of his brother Wuhaib, who had succeeded him as chief of the clan. His father went with him to the quarter of Banū Zuhrah. There, he sought the residence of Wuhayb and went in to ask for the hand of Wahb's daughter for his son. 'Abdullāh's father fixed his marriage with Aminah. It was said that a light shone out of his forehead and that this light was the promise of a Prophet as offspring. Many women approached 'Abdullāh, who is reported to have been a handsome man, so that they might gain the honor of producing his offspring. However it is believed that, as decided by God, the light was destined to be transferred to Āminah through 'Abdullāh after consummating the marriage. 'Abdullāh's father was the custodian of the Kaaba in Mecca. 'Abdullāh lived with Āminah among her relatives the first three days of the marriage. Afterwards, they moved together to the quarter of 'Abdul-Muttalib.


Naye Saal Ki Hai Ye Pehli Dua ILahi Dikha Karbala

Sacrifice and bravery, a story that continues to inspire hearts with awe. 🙏🏽✨

Bibi Fatima binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi'e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi belonged to the clan of Banu Kilab, which was one the n...

Bibi Fatima binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi'e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi belonged to the clan of Banu Kilab, which was one the noblest families amongst the Hashimites and famous for the bravery and valor of its warriors. Some years after the martyrdom of Bibi Zahra (s.a.), Imam Ali (a.s.) expressed his desire to his brother Aqil bin Abu Talib (a.s.) to marry a women of a brave tribe. Hazrat Aqeel was a very knowledgeable in tribe genealogy and he immediately proposed the name of Bibi Fatima binte Hazam and the marriage took place soon after. Bibi Umm-ul-Baneen came to the house of Imam Ali (a.s.) knowing very well that before her the chief of the women of paradise, Bibi Fatima Zahra(s.a.) was living in that
house. She served Imam Ali (a.s.) in the same manner as Hazrat Umm-e-Salma had served the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hf) after the demise of Bibi Khadija (a.s.). Immediately stepping in the house, she vowed herself to act as a slave of the children of Bibi Zahra (s.a.). Her sincerity was much respected by the children of Bibi Fatima (s.a.) that they always gave her a high status and respect. Bibi Ummul Baneen was a great poetess and she is considered as the first Noha (lamentation poetry) reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.).She used to visit regularly the famous Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery in Madinah and recite her Nohas in a very sad and pathetic voice that everybody present there used to weep bitterly. She transformed the Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery in Madinah as "the Centre of Azadari of Imam Husain (a.s.)". The Nohas recited by Hadrat Ummul Baneen for the martyrdom of Imam Husian (a.s.) are recorded in history and are considered as masterpieces in Arabic literature. Then Ummul Baneen gathered women of Madinah in her house and all cried for the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.).This was the first ever Majlis conducted after the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.). Ummul Baneen had such sincerity toward the Holy Prophet's progeny that she loved Imam Hussain (a.s.) more than her own children. A feeling which was from the bottom of her heart - It was to the extent that when she received the news stating the martyrdom of her four children, she said: "Tell me about Hussain (A.S.)" and when she received the news of Imam Hussain (A.S.)'s martyrdom she said: "All of the arteries of my heart are torn. May all of my children and what ever that exists under this azure heaven be sacrificed for the sake of Imam Hussain (a.s.).

‏Jesus «عیسی»‏Christ-Messiah «مسیح»‏- "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will b...

‏Jesus «عیسی»
‏Christ-Messiah «مسیح»

‏- "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah
‏Quran 3:45

يَا مَرْيَمُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُبَشِّرُكِ بِكَلِمَةٍ مِنْهُ اسْمُهُ الْمَسِيحُ
اى مريم خداوند تو را به كلمه‏‌اى از جانب خود كه نامش مسيح است مژده مى‏‌دهد.
«بخشی از آیۀ 45 سورۀ آل عمران»


کتیبه حضرت مسیح علیه السلام
ابعاد: ۱۵۰*۴۸ سانتی متر
تکنیک چاپ: سیلک
جنس پارچه: ترگال کجراه
بااحترام ۲۶۵ تومان

برای خرید کتیبه حضرت مسیح به سایت موکب آرت قسمت کتیبه و پرچم- ائمه و صالحین مراجعه نمایید.
آدرس سایت در بیوی پیج موجود می باشد.


Heartfelt condolences to whole ummah especially to imam e zamanaعج on this sorrowful occasion the martyrdom anniversary ...

Heartfelt condolences to whole ummah especially to imam e zamanaعج on this sorrowful occasion the martyrdom anniversary of queen of paradise beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammadﷺ💔


Facing Challenges with Faith: Your Guide to Strength and Resilience

Rule Number #4. Trust in Allah: Ultimately, our faith in Allah is our greatest source of strength. By trusting in His plan and believing that He is always with us, we can face any challenge with courage and optimism. Remember, even when things seem impossible, InshaAllah, Allah will make a way.


Add audio of calming recitation of Quran verses or instrumental music.
Use text overlays to highlight key points and quotes.
Encourage viewers to share their own experiences of facing challenges with faith in the comments section.
By sharing this message of faith, strength, and resilience, you can inspire others to face their challenges with grace and courage.


"Spreading love and understanding to overcome the darkness of hatred. ❤️"
"In a world filled with darkness, we can be the light. Let's choose love over hatred, kindness over cruelty. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a difference. Spread love, not hatred. The world needs it more than ever. ❤️"


👿 The Enemy Within: Conquering Your Nafs
We all have an enemy within - our Nafs, the voice of our lower desires that can lead us astray. It whispers temptations, fuels anger, and feeds our insecurities. 😈
But we don't have to be prisoners to our Nafs. We can learn to recognize its tricks, control its urges, and choose the path of righteousness. 💪
This battle within is the core of our spiritual journey. It's where we truly test our faith, discipline, and strength. ⚔️
So today, ask yourself: who's in control? Will you let your Nafs rule, or will you rise above and conquer it? 🤔
Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! 👇
Include a quote from the Quran or a Hadith about overcoming the Nafs.
Share a personal anecdote or story about your own struggles with the Nafs.
Offer practical tips on how to control the Nafs, like mindfulness exercises or dua.


🤫 Silence Speaks Volumes: Find Peace in the Quiet ✨
In a world that screams for our attention, have you forgotten the power of silence? 🤫
It's in the quiet moments where we truly hear ourselves, where our thoughts unfurl like a blooming flower. 🌸
Listen to the whispers of the wind, the rhythm of your breath, the symphony of nature unfolding around you. 👂
Let go of the noise, the distractions, the constant need to be "on." Disconnect to reconnect, with yourself, with the world around you. 📵
Find peace in the simple act of being, just breathing, just existing. ✨
Today, carve out a space for silence. Take a walk in nature, sip your tea mindfully, sit in meditation. Let the noise fade, and listen to the volumes your silence speaks. 🙏
Share a personal experience of finding peace in silence.
Include a quote about the power of silence from a philosopher or spiritual leader.
Ask a question in your stories: "What brings you inner peace?" and encourage engagement.
Remember, silence isn't empty. It's a canvas for the most beautiful stories, the ones whispered within ourselves. Let's listen. 😌


🪞 You Are Worthy: Look in the Mirror and Believe It
Stop scrolling, stop comparing, stop doubting. You are right there, in the reflection, worthy of every dream, every love, every success. ✨
You are worthy of kindness, of forgiveness, of joy. You are worthy of taking up space in this world, of shining your light. 💡
The voice inside that whispers negativity? It's not you. It's the echo of doubts and hurts, not your true worth. Silence it with self-love, with positive affirmations, with the knowledge that you are enough. 🤫
Today, look in the mirror and say it aloud: "I am worthy." Repeat it until you believe it, until it becomes a mantra for your soul. 🙏
Tag someone who needs to hear this, needs to feel their own worth. Let's lift each other up, one reflection at a time. 💖
Share a personal story of overcoming self-doubt or feeling unworthy.
Include a quote about self-worth from a trusted source.
Offer a guided meditation or self-love exercise in your stories.
Remember, everyone deserves to feel worthy. Let's spread this message of love and acceptance one post at a time.




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