‘Wet Paint’ by Asha Nehemiah is an amusing tale around the building of a hospital in a small town in Nilgiris. A part of Duckbill’s hook books series, the story is ideal for children aged 5 and up and features beautiful and colourful illustrations by Chetan Sharma.
Dr. Nesamani decides to use all her award money to build a modern hospital, to fulfill her dream of providing “Healthcare for every person.” Sevana (Paru’s appa), the best mason in town is assigned the most important task – to plaster the wall “as smooth as glass” and provide a ready canvas for her artist nephew to paint a wall mural. Aman’s sketches for the mural are a glitzy mix of doctors with stethoscopes, machines, and gleamy syringes.
The whole town is abuzz about the city boy coming down to paint the wall mural. Be it young or old, herders, tradespeople, grazers, animals – all get together to watch Aman paint. However, just when he is about to start his artwork, he is horrified to find swishy lines and scratchy grooves on the newly plastered wall.
But Aman is quick to think on his feet. Together with Paru and Sevana, he incorporates all the grooves and dents in his mural and paints a lively picture that represents all the smiling townsfolk together. Narrated using simple vocabulary interspersed with gorgeous illustrations, the short story is ideal for kids who are progressing from picture books to short paragraph reading. In a subtle, yet endearing way, the book teaches young ones about the importance of inclusivity and teamwork.
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