Paraspar sets forth with the aim of celebrating the spirit of literature beyond the boundaries of language and culture. The aim of the forum is to discover together the beauty and spirit of the most celebrated literary works from India and abroad, across time and engage in dialogues to understand and appreciate the same. The event will be conducted in an interactive baithak format allowing interes
ted participants to either participate actively in the dialogues and discussions or benefit passively with equal levels of comfort. An invited speaker with his team, in keeping with our aim, will specially conceptualise the presentation of the work and will try to introduce the work and bring out its specialities in a manner that is interesting and appreciable – both by the first-timer or the informed rasika. The offerings visualised at the moment include Classics in the Indian Languages, Classics in European and English Literature, Indian Literature of the Middle Ages, Indian Literary Masters, and Modern and Contemporary World Literature. We hope to document the proceedings as text and/or audio and video recordings which will be made available to all through a website which will be further enriched with articles and critiques by participants. We hope the presence on the web to become a community resource for interested persons allowing for the dialogues and discussions to continue even after the event itself is over and to share further references and links. The event is open to all and will take place on Friday, once every month at 6:00 pm at the CEPT University campus with a duration of 60 to 90 minutes. To further enrich the event, additional relevant material like books and photocopies of articles will be made available at the venue for purchase. As we progress, we look forward to incorporating valuable suggestions of works, themes and speakers from our participants. Over time, Paraspar aims to move beyond literature to cover interdisciplinary topics and all the other arts and creative pursuits of mankind. CORE COMMITTEE
Sharmila Sagara, CEPT University
Rajendra Patel, Gujarati Sahitya Parishad
Pavni Pandya,CEPT University
Mona Khakkar, CEPT University
Bhakti Vaishnav,CEPT University
Asha Joshi, CEPT University
Anand Ramakrishnan, CEPT University
Mithun Khandwala, English Language Teachers’
Association of India
Please e-mail us at [email protected] or call us at
the numbers provided below for more information or any other queries you may have.