It is a catalyst to bring about significant changes in the society and RAA Positive Media aims towards this positivity. The main goal of RAA Positive Media is to accomplish a proactive society. RAA Positive Media wishes to spread light across the society using Web, Electronic and Print Media. RAA Positive Media focuses on the positive realms of the society and its agenda is to report stories that
inspires positive attitude towards life and society. We will begin with a portal that daily features ten positive stories with a human touch from around the world and foster a motivational approach among the youth. The stories will be provided free to small dailies and district level magazines to promote such journalism. Apart from this we are a publisher of a bi-lingual newspaper “Gujarat Connection”, which is being published from Sydney, Australia. Gujarat Connection is one of the leading Gujarati Publications for non residential Gujaratis in Australia. Circulation of Gujarat Connection in Australia is 10,000 copies with a readership of approx 60,000. And as per our company policy we focus only on positive news and stories. Our other projects include, “Salute India” – A special guide for NRIs.In order to give comprehensive ready recknor to all NRIS when they visit India, we’ve planned a beautiful guide with this website for their reference. Salute India will be fervently published in multicolor hues with 50,000 copies of this guide and will be distributed free of cost to USA, UK, Australia and India as well. it will cater all their needs from boutique to banquette hall, from tourism to medical needs and from Investment to entertainment. Salute India humbly tries to connect such Indians with their native land through special publication “Salute India” NRI guide and a website ( RAA Positive Media wishes to bring different people to strata together in order to develop positivity in media and discuss reader’s and writer’s role in positive media to bring about a revolution of positivity in the society. Our step, Towards an optimistic attitude in life…