My entire life has been spent offending low IQ academic thugs, corrupt journalists, religious frauds & scammers and illiterate politicians. How can I mind anyone offending me? In a democracy, RIGHT TO OFFEND, is one of the most important FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS (and it is so even in India). Without offending the existing system there can be no change. Everytime you say something rational, the religious scammers will get offended because religion thrives on illiteracy. Everytime you want to spread great education, academicians will be offended because limiting education keeps the value of education high. Everytime you question the system, corrupt journalists will get offended because they are in bed with the system. Everytime you talk about the marginalised, the politicians will get offended because the rich run their kitchen.
So if you want change. YOU MUST OFFEND OTHERS.
So, I never get offended my the defenders of thugs, frauds, scammers and corrupt. Because their abuses only show how right I am, apart from showing their level of intellect. And by repeating daily what offends them, I see many of them realising truth and becoming rational & educated.
Teaching people is not for the impatient.
The ones who abuse you today are the ones who will spread your word tomorrow.
NB. God doesn’t exist. BJP is a divisive party. Godi media sucks. And, IIPM will remain India’s greatest academic movement.
Arindam Chaudhuri Arindam Chaudhuri