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आशा पांडे.....

आशा पांडे.....


Ordinary people with extraordinary stories of struggle and overcoming adversities & trauma..!
Friday 5th Feb | 7.00pm | FaceBook Live
Search FB page : The Counsellor


Emotions Unplugged
Now a 'hesitation free' access to your emotional issues in a just '100 minute' online class without entering into 'Counsellor's door' and even if you remain 'unwilling to express'.

Hi !
I am Dr. Chetan Rewatkar, Counsellor & Psychotherapist, Coach and Life skills trainer.

I will be sharing the Common Psychological Errors behind your worries, disappointments, anxieties & more, based on my counselling case studies.

I am looking for 50 people who are interested in learning 'self & psychology'

Here’s what you’re going to discover:-

• Understanding the Matrix of Emotions.
• In-appropriations in levels of thinking.
• Unforced illogical Compulsions leading to emotional discomforts.

Date : Thursday 21st Jan 2021 at 6.00pm.


Fees : ₹ 199/-

All you need to do is to click this WhatsApp Group link and *if you are among the first 10, you get it FREE* -


Crowd of personalities out there...apparently look similar, but differs in behaviour..

Behaviour is a function of Psychological Personality...& you are one such Personality among others...

Your mind is chatter box with around 70,000 thoughts appearing in a day which are mostly evaluative, judgmental or making inferences... creating an 'emotional interplay' that leads to worries, anxiety, stress, frustration, depression & what not..

& imagine what would happen when, such 'emotionally influenced' personalities transacting with each other trying to make their deals effective..?..

Get the answers & learn more at workshop,
*'मै ऐसा क्यों हूँ ?* :
A Journey to your Psyche'

Dr Chetan Rewatkar
(Counsellor & Psychotherapist)

a 2 days Workshop
on Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th November 2020
at 4 pm to 6 pm

Take away :

• Insights about your Psychological

• Learn to manage your emotional interplay,

• Tools of effective interpersonal

• Workshop manual e-book.

• Participation Certificate.

Fees : ₹ 750/- LIMITED SEATS

Click the link below for Registration


will be LIVE here with another episode of coffeetime with the counsellor on Sunday 18th Oct @ 4 pm.... be present :)

Excerpt from CoffeTime with The Counsellor..'are you trapped in emotions ?'

Excerpt from CoffeTime with The Counsellor..'are you trapped in emotions ?'

फिल्म '3 Idiots' के पात्रों में विशिष्ट भावनात्मक व्यक्तित्व शैलियों को दर्शाया गया है। भावनात्मक व्यक्तित्व शैली आपक....

Worries...Disappointments...Anxieties...Explore the root cause to emotional distress           'UNHAPPINESS DECODED'    ...

Explore the root cause to emotional distress
Based on Counseling Case Studies

On Sunday 11th OCT 4 - 6 pm

On ZOOM Meet

Fees : ₹ 200/-

Limited Seats

Register your participation at : 👇🏻

Contact us @ 9422111424👆My new upload on recently conducted Music Therapy session...Pls visit & comment and subscri...
My new upload on recently conducted Music Therapy session...Pls visit & comment and subscribe the channel, if you feel like !

मन और संगीत के बीच कार्यात्मक समानता को समझें, संगीत के अच्छे तत्वों और संगीत के चिकित्सीय और उपचार संबंध को महसूस ....

Will be streaming live TODAY @ 4.00pm with another episode of CoffeeTime with the counsellor.... Be there ! :)Search FB ...

Will be streaming live TODAY @ 4.00pm with another episode of CoffeeTime with the counsellor.... Be there ! :)
Search FB page: The Counsellor


What makes us to do the things which we don't want to do ? Why our own decisions put us in emotional discomforts ?.... This psychological phenomenon is known...


Our mind is a chatter box with thousands of thoughts appearing throughout the day. They prompt us to take actions. Some times we give different responses to ...


Our distresses weren't our choices​..(though they are the bi-products of our own subconscious choices).
Our sufferings, emotional pains keeps on silently entering in our life without our consent and out of our awareness, we allow them to enter.

Luckily, we have been endowed with so many beautiful things around which can make you forget your distresses.

These are all those little things which we come across in routine (but ignore easily).
It is as little as noticing blooming of flowers in your garden or feeling the freshness of your own home after you clear all the clutters or the aroma of freshly cooked food, the pleasant touch of warm water while you bath, observing the clean & sincere laugh of children or even cherishing your own beauty in the mirror (non-judgmentally..this one might be difficult)...and apart from these, there are the things which are exclusive with you, it may be singing, dancing, writing, cooking, painting and so on..(and these don't have to be exclusive always..Just do it, if you feel Cherished with it).
But though these things are there around, we took them granted and disallow them to be a 'healer'...
So while you are waiting for something or someone to heal your distresses, just 'consciously' allow these little therapies around to do the 'unconscious' healing for you.

Comment, Discuss, Ask..?

@ Dr. Chetan Rewatkar
The Counsellor
94 22 111 424


COFFEE TIME with The Counsellor

🔸'To be or not to be'..Why we are often in dual mind ?
🔸Why do we do the things which we actually don't want to do..?
🔸Does the perceived feelings dominate your genuine feelings..?

Find the answers in FB live streaming on Sunday 20th September at 4.00pm

Streaming ID : The Counsellor

Do share further if you feel like 🌸😊


Passing time doesn't heal always..Carrying pains silently will only aggrieve and not heal...

Expressing can help to fix it.

Online / Offline Counselling Services available.
Call / what's app to fix an appointment with Dr. Chetan Rewatkar @ 94 22 111 424

Interested in 'Self & Psychology', follow my page ' The Counsellor' at
Comment.. Discuss...Ask ?


Magic of a 'Half-Smile'
A stranger knocks at your door..
Your phone rings, displaying unknown number..
A policeman signals you to stop aside on cross road…
Or you are about to visit a person whom you have heard to be rude…
in all such scenarios, have you notice your facial expression. Well, if you are like most of the others, your facial expressions would reflect Fear, Anxiety, Sadness or Anger…isn’t it ?

so why does this happens?.. well, this is the phenomenon of your emotional brain as it reads, interprets the circumstances mentioned above as ‘danger’, ‘not good’, ‘uncomfortable’, ‘unacceptable’ & thus the Anger, Fear, Sadness or anxiety pop’s up instantly and could be clearly seen through your (negative) facial expressions.. So, its involuntary..its a reflex reaction..its conditioned.

Now suppose you found the stranger who knocked the door is wearing a smile on his face or the(unknown) person on the other side of the phone greets you very long your negative facial expressions would stand ?..of-course, they would disappear soon. why ?..because your brain (mind) got assurance that there isn’t any danger or reason to be in discomfort.

We become so habitual to react to any unexpected, unpredicted situations in a manner that recall your Fear, Anger, Sadness and Anxiety and you found them standing by you every now & then. off course, its not always wrong, if they warn you against the probable threat, but the more of it would overpower your intellect and you could probably be reactive or impulsive (under emotional influences) than being responsive(rational) to the situation.

Now imagine, if you could habitually wear a half smile to any impulse, at any circumstances..You will be subtly giving a message to your emotional mind that its just an another door knock or just an another phone call. Its Okay...It's fine..need not be worried. It would magically change the perception about the situation and you would get released of panicking every now and then and those fears, anger, sadness or anxiety would not interfere with your very apt intellect to deal with the situation.

Now, if you carefully observe people around you.. those whom we call successful, influential, significant or emotionally will notice that these people usually wear a half smile on their face. These are the people, we always find ourselves comfortable in their company.

So, try & make a habit to wear a 'Half-Smile'. It may pave a way for you towards positivity and look the world around with different perspective than usual. Your half-smile will not only make your fears and anxiety at ease but of the people around you too. Collectively it would strengthen the hope & positivity.

Hope you like it !

- Dr Chetan Rewatkar

Your opinions / comments are welcome :)

Counselling sessions are on.
Online Counselling Services available.
DM or What's app for appointment @ 9422111424

Watch Glimpses of FB live Show : *'सांझवारा'*  🎤🎼🎹*-जुन्या/नव्या अप्रतिम मराठी गीतांची रम्य संध्याकाळ !*

Watch Glimpses of FB live Show :
*'सांझवारा'* 🎤🎼🎹
*-जुन्या/नव्या अप्रतिम मराठी गीतांची रम्य संध्याकाळ !*

Subscribe / Share further, if you feel like 😊

Saanzwara is a musical event of Positive Vibes Events of evergreen old & new Marathi Songs that will enthrall the hearts of music lovers. This video is an ex...


आपने 3 Idiots मूवी तो जरूर देखी होगी..तो इस फिल्म के चार मशहूर किरदार भी आपको जरूर याद होंगे...
Virus(the principal), Raju, Farhan & Rancho !

अगर हम इन चारों किरदारों को Emotions के साथ जोडे तो...
Very clearly.. 'Anger' is dominant with Virus, 'Fear' is dominant in Raju, :Sadness' is dominant in Farhan and the evergreen character Rancho...represents the 'Joy' !

And if I ask you...which character would you like to live..?
आप कौन सा किरदार निभाना या जीना चाहेंगे…?
तो बेशक जवाब होगा रेंचो.. है ना !

तो ऐसा क्यों है..? सीधी सी बात है की रेंचो की खुशनुमा, बेखौफ और सदाबहार ज़िंदादिली हमें लुभाती है….
Yes..We always want to be happy, Joyful and we always try to control our anger, win our fears and overcome our sadness.
Infact we never want these 'negative' or 'bad' Emotions in our life… और सिर्फ खुद को ही नहीं, पर हमारे इर्दगिर्द के लोगों में भी हम ये नकारात्मक भावनायें नहीं देखना चाहते.

So, do we mean JOY is 'good' & ANGER, FEAR & SADNESS are 'bad'..? is it ?..No it isn't...
ऐसा नहीं है...सभी भावनाये हमारी जिंदगी के ज़रूरी हिस्से है...इसलिए कोई इमोशन 'अच्छा' या 'बुरा' नहीं होता.

Though they are often (& can be) termed as Positive or Negative emotions..but they are not just good or bad. Infact, we may term them as 'Healthy' or 'Unhealthy' Emotions...

तो फिर क्या ANGER, FEAR और SADNESS को हम Unhealthy और JOY को Healthy emotion कहें..?

Well..It isn't that way also..the so called negative emotions (Anger, Fear & Sadness) can be Healthy and Joy can be unhealthy too.
How .? Just think..

When a father angers to maintain discipline at home या किसी माँ का अपने बच्चों पे अच्छी आदतों के लिए गुस्सा होना or a coach getting angry on its disciple to improve performance या किसी टीचर का स्टूडेंट्स पे गुस्सा होना यह सब HEALTHY ANGER है क्योंकि इस गुस्से में अच्छी आदतों या performance improvement का motive है.
और इसके आलावा हर वो गुस्सा जो आपको या औरो को हर्ट करता है..चोट पहुँचता है वो Unhealthy या Negative है. The anger is always unhealthy when it is tagged as your trait ( Like VIRUS of three idiots​).

अब बात करते है FEAR याने डर की, तो हमारे parents की डाट का डर ,या टीचर की punishment का डर, या Law कानून का डर, ये सब भी HEALTHY FEARS है क्यों की इसमें भी कही कुछ बेहतर होने का प्रयास है. (For that matter, Fear of dogs, or Corona virus is born of survival instinct and acceptable) लेकिन Fear जब Phobia बन जाता है तो ये Unhealthy ही होगा. because when your in phobia, you are in consistent & unjustified fear(like Raju) and it hampers your normal living and leads to some disorders.

Now, talking about Sadness...So when you are sad about your underperformance… or not meeting the expectations of your near ones(of course,knowing that you are competent)...or missing some opportunity worth your potential..then this sadness is a 'healthy' one as it subtly motivates you to come over and prove yourself again.
But if you dwell in to the sadness..यदि आपका दुख गहरी ख़ामोशी में बदल जाये start suppressing your feelings (like Farhan) and further, you might enter in to depression, and that is undoubtedly Unhealthy for you…

Now last but not least..What about JOY..
well, no doubts​ that it's always been considered as Healthy Emotion. But can it be unhealthy too..? क्या JOY Unhealthy भी हो सकता है ?...
Of course yes.. How..?

When you are proud about something, it's a healthy joy..
but when your pride becomes arrogance, it's still a Joy but unhealthy one because it hurts others.
Similarly, when your desires become greed, when your affections become addiction..Or when your cravings become lust.. these all are unhealthy it negatively affect you or the people in your surroundings..Isn't it ?
(By the way, one character of 3 Idiots represents unhealthy Joy...Guess who ?... Yes..It's 'Chatur, the silencer')

Fortunately, Rancho represents a pure, cherishable and Healthy Joy without arrogance of his intelligence, without any Greed about name & fame, simply admiring the things without any addiction or lust... that's how it attracts us and will keep attracting always.

Hope you like it !
-Dr. Chetan Rewatkar

Your comments are solicited.

Follow my FB page

Find me on Instagram chetan.thecounsellor

Subscribe my YouTube channel Dr Chetan Rewatkar The Counsellor

Counselling sessions are on.
Online Counselling Services available.
DM or What's app for appointment @ 9422111424

Watch my new upload on my YouTube channel, 'Parenting in Nuclear Vs Joint Family'.Like, Subscribe and share forward, if ...

Watch my new upload on my YouTube channel, 'Parenting in Nuclear Vs Joint Family'.
Like, Subscribe and share forward, if you like it..

Parenting in and joint family has different approach. Communication with other family members in joint family is essential to convey your pare...


Rotary Club OF Nagpur Downtown and Persistent Systems Ltd handed over a Hi-Tech Hi-Speed Hi-Volume RNA-DNA EXTRACTION Unit of globally recognised ThermoFisher brand on Friday 24th in a low-profile function at VRDL Lab, IGMCH, Nagpur.T


Doing FB live Session Tomorrow Friday 31st July @ 6-7pm on PARENTING issues..


Positive Vibes Events
*सांजवारा* 🌲🌈
भावस्पर्शी मराठी गीतांची मैफल 🎤🎹
*आज* रविवार २६ जुलै सायं. ६.०० वा.

सादरकर्ते :
डॉ. चेतन रेवतकर

संकेतस्थळ :
*Facebook​ Live* ID:

अवश्य या.. स्नेहीजनांना संदेश *फॉरवर्ड* करा ! 🙏🏻😊🌹

I should be competent..I should be worthful..I should be successful..I shall always be loved & accepted by others..Peopl...

I should be competent..
I should be worthful..
I should be successful..
I shall always be loved & accepted by others..
People should be honest & ethical..
Things shall always be easy and fair for me....and so on…
Aren't we carry so many expectations all the time..?
So what's wrong with having expectations..?
No..there isn't anything wrong with it..
but the word 'should' is a misfit with expectations..

So when you say, I 'should' be competent, worthy or Successfull, this 'Should' creates mental pressure on you. The fact is, one can not be competent, worthy or successful always in 'all the ways'.

When you expect that you 'should' always be loved & accepted by others
this 'should' creates a sense of 'compulsion' for others and practically one can not compel others to love you or accept you..

When you expect people 'should' be honest & ethical or the things 'should' be easy & fair for you..again this 'Should' paves the way for frustrations​ because honesty, ethics are subjective...and things aren't easy or fair but they are objective and neutral.

Thus, this 'should' often brings the pains after you exposed to disbeliefs you have with the expectations from yourself, people and the world..

Want to save yourself from the pain of these disbeliefs…?..

Because when you say 'I want to', it's a pure desire without creating mental pressure or compulsions..
It brings you out of stubbornity about yourself, people and the world and makes you agreeable..
It makes you open to accept different perspectives and to give space for self and others..

So, if this article makes some sense, I can say that… I 'want' this article to be helpful and not that it 'should' be helpful!
Hope that helps you !

-Dr. Chetan Rewatkar

Counselling sessions are on.
Online Counselling Services available.
DM or What's app for appointment @ 9422111424

I should be competent..
I should be worthful..
I should be successful..
I shall always be loved & accepted by others..
People should be honest & ethical..
Things shall always be easy and fair for me....and so on…
Aren't we carry so many expectations all the time..?
So what's wrong with having expectations..?
No..there isn't anything wrong with it..
but the word 'should' is a misfit with expectations..

So when you say, I 'should' be competent, worthy or Successfull, this 'Should' creates mental pressure on you. The fact is, one can not be competent, worthy or successful always in 'all the ways'.

When you expect that you 'should' always be loved & accepted by others
this 'should' creates a sense of 'compulsion' for others and practically one can not compel others to love you or accept you..

When you expect people 'should' be honest & ethical or the things 'should' be easy & fair for you..again this 'Should' paves the way for frustrations​ because honesty, ethics are subjective...and things aren't easy or fair but they are objective and neutral.

Thus, this 'should' often brings the pains after you exposed to disbeliefs you have with the expectations from yourself, people and the world..

Want to save yourself from the pain of these disbeliefs…?..

Because when you say 'I want to', it's a pure desire without creating mental pressure or compulsions..
It brings you out of stubbornity about yourself, people and the world and makes you agreeable..
It makes you open to accept different perspectives and to give space for self and others..

So, if this article makes some sense, I can say that… I 'want' this article to be helpful and not that it 'should' be helpful!
Hope that helps you !

-Dr. Chetan Rewatkar

Follow my FB page

Find me on Instagram chetan.thecounsellor

Subscribe my YouTube channel Dr Chetan Rewatkar The Counsellor

Counselling sessions are on.
Online Counselling Services available.
DM or What's app for appointment @ 9422111424


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