That's because I'm an emotional writer!
I drop my heart into the paper and then think of grammar.
I'm grateful to have tools like Grammarly that constantly have my back, but still, the fear of writing something absurd still sticks in my head because of the number of times I have published things with a basic grammatical mistake!
However, I heard recently that writing emotionally can be a huge plus for a marketer.
People buy emotions and solutions, not products and hence, when you put your brain into the heads of the consumer and let words flow, it can be a win.
Just make sure you proofread what you've written.
And remember to use the language a layman can understand. You can use Hemingway editor to check how simple your copy is and edit the sentences that are complex!
Double-tap if you too proofread your copy like that! 😂
Relief!!!! That's the feeling.
A Social Media Manager is going to be one of the best hires you will be doing for your coaching business.
But why, you ask?
A Social Media Manager
✔ Frees off at least 10-20 hours a month for you to focus on the other things in your business and have a better work-life balance. Imagine being able to have so much time to support your students, work on the content of your coaching program and even your own family and some me-time.
✔ Helps you decode what your target audience and ideal clients really want from your account. This will make it easy for your marketing, because you are not just putting in efforts, but are actually heading smart on your social media.
✔ Helps you talk to your ideal clients. And touch certain aspects of the emotions of your ideal clients to help you make that sale and serve your ideal clients.
Social Media is a long-term game. It is like a serious relationship, it needs time and effort to grow, but when it grows, you will see immense result of everything you invested. Social Media is not a one-night stand, so don't expect anything to happen overnight! 😜
The right Social Media Manager is a great investment, and not an expense in your business.
Share it on your stories and tag me, if you agree with what I have said here!
Jitters of showing up for the first time!!! 😵
Overcoming the fear of showing up happens with several baby steps and then one BIG step of clicking that "post" button itself.
Several things that hold us back are:
❌ What will my friends and family say/think about me?
❌ I'm not good looking.
❌ I can't talk well.
❌ Her stories are so good, mine won't be that nice.
❌ What will I even talk about?
And sharing my 2 cents with respect to each of these issues:
✔️ The good ones will understand. The ones who judge you or laugh at you for doing what you aspire to become, you don't need such people's opinions in your life. After a while, when you are successful, they'll come back to you, congratulating!
✔️ Nobody is beautiful, nobody is ugly. Somebody rightfully said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To feel better about yourself, get dressed, put on some make-up, add a filter, try different angles. I'm not saying hating your real self, but these tips are just to make you feel slightly more confident to show up. You'll eventually get to a stage where you will be able to show your #nofilterface just like I did today.
✔️ Have a script handy, pre-plan what you'll talk about. Practice it once or twice to get a hang of it.
✔️ You haven't seen a lot of people at their Level 1. You can't get to Level 10 without passing level 1. Almost no game allows that.
✔️ Read next for 3 story prompts for you that you can use over the next week. Showing up at least thrice a week is recommended.
1. Introduce yourself - Who are you, what you do, little about your past, little bit about your future.
2. What you plan to do today - Explain your to-do list.
3. Your recommendations and why - movie, book, influencer to follow and so on
The major thing that happens when you show up regularly is your audience starts trusting you. And in your audience is your ideal client too, who slowly gets eager to buy from you.
If you want to grow as a personal brand and a business