#बार एसोसिएशन को (कोका-कोला) के 100 डिब्बे वितरित करें या अनुशासनात्मक कार्रवाई का सामना करें | TNB News
#बार एसोसिएशन को (कोका-कोला) के 100 डिब्बे वितरित करें या अनुशासनात्मक कार्रवाई का सामना करें | TNB Media News
The Gujarat High Court on Tuesday directed a police officer who was sipping a drink during a VC Hearing to distribute 100 cans of a cold drink (coca-cola) to the Bar Association or face disciplinary action.
Essentially, Inspector A.M. Rathod was found sipping a beverage during the VC hearing when mentioning was going on before the bench of Chief Justice Aravind Kumar and Justice Ashutosh J. Shastri.
"Infact one advocate was eating a samosa. We said that we have no objections if you eat samosa. But the only ground is, you cannot eat it in front of us, because others are also tempted. Either he should give it to everybody or he should not eat."
Further, the Court directed Inspector A.M. Rathod to distribute 100 cans of coca-cola to the bar association, otherwise, the court added, the Chief Secretary would be asked to initiate disciplinary proceedings against him.
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#बार एसोसिएशन को (कोका-कोला) के 100 डिब्बे वितरित करें या अनुशासनात्मक कार्रवाई का सामना करें | TNB News
#बार एसोसिएशन को (कोका-कोला) के 100 डिब्बे वितरित करें या अनुशासनात्मक कार्रवाई का सामना करें | TNB Media News
The Gujarat High Court on Tuesday directed a police officer who was sipping a drink during a VC Hearing to distribute 100 cans of a cold drink (coca-cola) to the Bar Association or face disciplinary action.
Essentially, Inspector A.M. Rathod was found sipping a beverage during the VC hearing when mentioning was going on before the bench of Chief Justice Aravind Kumar and Justice Ashutosh J. Shastri.
"Infact one advocate was eating a samosa. We said that we have no objections if you eat samosa. But the only ground is, you cannot eat it in front of us, because others are also tempted. Either he should give it to everybody or he should not eat."
Further, the Court directed Inspector A.M. Rathod to distribute 100 cans of coca-cola to the bar association, otherwise, the court added, the Chief Secretary would be asked to initiate disciplinary proceedings against him.
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#Rubina Dilaik - Bigg Boss-14 Winner
#Rubina Dilaik - Bigg Boss-14 Winner
Rubina Dilaik was the only contestant inside the Bigg Boss 14 house, who never stepped out even once from the house. She received immense support from her friends and fans outside. Rubina's journey is known for standing for righteousness, her evolving bond with husband Abhinav, sisterly and brotherly equation with Nikki Tamboli and Aly Goni respectively.
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#Jeet Ki Zid | A Zee Original | Review & Analysis | Amit Sadh , Sushant Singh & Amrita Puri |
#Jeet Ki Zid | A Zee Original | Review & Analysis | Amit Sadh , Sushant Singh & Amrita Puri Rating - *** (3 Star)
A another inspirational story of a former Indian Army officer. Jeet Ki Zid starring Amit Sadh, Sushant Singh, Amrita Puri, and Mrinul Kulkarni releases on Zee5 on January 22.
Jeet Ki Zid is the story of Major Deependra Singh Sengar, a highly decorated war hero of the Special Forces, who was commissioned as an officer in 1991. National Defence Academy alumni Senger was the recipient of the prestigious ‘Commando Dagger’ in his eighth year of service.
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