Monthly Forecast January– 2025
This transit result is based on the Moon sign. The zodiac sign in which the Moon was positioned at the time of a person’s birth is considered their Moon sign. If your Dasha and Antardasha (the period of the ruling planet) are auspicious, this transit will become even more favorable for you. However, if the Dasha-Antardasha pertains to an inauspicious planet, the auspicious effects may be slightly reduced. If you do not know your Moon sign, you can refer to the horoscope based on the first letter of your name.
Note: The year 2025 will be very significant for every zodiac sign. Major planets will change their positions, bringing substantial impacts right from the first quarter of the year. The months of April and May, in particular, are crucial and will bring significant changes.
ARIES: (Ch, Che, Cho, La, Li, Le, Lo and A)
The month begins with some irritation as certain comforts may be disturbed, and work will require a lot of brainstorming to achieve results. The second quarter will put you in control, keeping you in the driver’s seat. Finances will not be a major concern, and unexpected gains are likely. The 14th and 21st of January will be significant and may bring important changes.
Health needs your attention in the first quarter, particularly your mental health and managing irritation. Your relationship with your mother or a mother-like figure may be challenging in the first half of the month. However, your spouse or partner will be exceptionally supportive in the second quarter.
TA**US: (Ei, U, O, Li, Vi, Ve, Va and Vo)
The month begins with joy and a sense of control over every situation, whether in your job or business. Strong support from superiors will boost your confidence. In business, the previous period of comfort and support will continue. The second half of the month requires soft and tactful communication with everyone. Finances will need systematic planning and investment, as there may be unnecessary expenses. You might also plan a family trip or spend money on additional comforts.
Health is an area that requires attention. Personal life may present challenges, and some clarifications might be necessary, whether you are married or unmarried.
GEMINI: (K, Ki, Kee, Gh, Ch, Ke, KO)
This is an important month for you, requiring a great deal of patience and soft communication in every situation to avoid discomfort. The planets are not in your favor at the moment. Relocation may be possible if you are employed. In business, it is essential to avoid baseless arguments with those around you.
Finances may present challenges, but you can also expect some gains to balance the situation. The second quarter requires extra attention to financial planning. Increase your liquid intake and consider spending time in the west-facing direction to channel your excess energy. Your relationship with your spouse will be stable, with additional support likely.
CANCER: (He, Hu, He, Ho, Da, De, Dee, Do)
If you are planning a job change, this is a good time to execute it. If you receive an offer, you should consider moving forward without hesitation. In the case of business, there may be a need to compromise with government authorities. Ensure that your financial liabilities and documents are up-to-date if you are running a business. For those in a job, the second half of the month will require careful monitoring of expenditures. Medical expenses may increase, so plan accordingly. Pay attention to your health by increasing your liquid intake and eating nutritious food. Managing your temperament is also crucial.
Personal life may not meet your expectations this month, but support from your family will provide some satisfaction. The second half of the month will require you to pay closer attention to your spouse’s emotions.
LEO: (M, Me, Mi, Ma, Mo, T, Ti, Tee, Ta)
The first half of the month may not meet your expectations, and you may have to travel unexpectedly. In business, exercise caution when dealing with old associates. Finances will require your attention as you focus on enhancing your comforts. In business, a steady inflow of income will keep you motivated to work harder. Health, however, is an area that needs particular care. Make physical exercise a priority and avoid oily foods as much as possible.
Personal life will require some compromises. Avoid letting ego issues arise under any circumstances. Ensure that your communication remains soft and considerate in all relationships.
VIRGO: (To, P, Pe, Pi, Th, Pe, P*e, Po)
This month brings extraordinary energy that will keep you occupied and accelerate your professional growth. Those seeking a job change can move forward confidently, and a promotion in your current position may give you a reason to celebrate. In the second half, finances will bring satisfaction with a steady inflow of income. For business owners, stuck payments may be recovered, although challenges might arise in the process.
When it comes to health, it is important to channel your excess energy positively to avoid anxiety issues. Relationships will require careful attention, whether with your spouse or family members, as they may present challenges to address.
LIBRA: (R, Ri, Ro, Ho, Ta, Ti, Tu, Ta)
This is a very important month for you, bringing professional acceleration. It may serve as a motivating factor, boosting your morale and energy. In business, you are likely to witness change and growth. However, the second half of the month may bring some stress and challenges that need to be resolved. While finances may not pose a major issue, it will be necessary to monitor your expenditures.
Both health and relationships will require attention throughout January. Be diligent about maintaining a regular physical exercise routine. When it comes to relationships, approach situations with a calm temperament to avoid discomfort or conflicts.
SCORPIO: (To, N, Ne, Ni, No, Ya, Yee, Yu)
The month will feel similar to the previous one, but you will have support in major areas. Superiors are likely to be more supportive now. In business, bold decisions can be made, and expansion plans may be initiated. Finances will keep you occupied as you focus on increasing your comfort, and you may also spend money on exchanging gifts. For business owners, the second half of the month may require some additional arrangements.
Pay attention to your health, especially by keeping a check on your vehicle’s speed, as it is an essential precaution this month. Personal life will be a source of satisfaction and will continue to boost your morale during challenging times.
SAGITTARIUS: (Ya, Yo, B, Bhi, Bhee, Bhu, Dha, Fa/Pha, Dha)
This month is about accepting challenges and gives you the opportunity to excel in every competition on the work front. A promotion may also be on the horizon. In business, significant decisions can be made and implemented in the second half of the month. Finances will be average, requiring extra effort to create plans or set a budget.
Health should be taken seriously. If you have blood pressure issues, ensure regular monitoring and do not neglect prescribed medications. Personal life will require attention in the second half of the month, while the first half is likely to be pleasant and enjoyable.
CAPRICORN: (Bho, J, Ji/Jee, Khi/Khee, Khe, Kho, G, Gi/Gee)
The month begins with some challenges at work, and receiving support from superiors may be difficult. Avoid engaging in harsh communication in the workplace. In business, it is important to maintain proper dealings with associates and fulfill all formalities to prevent false allegations. Finances will bring contentment in the first half of the month, and the second half will provide further relief in this area.
Health requires attention, and any issues should not be ignored, as negligence could lead to consequences. The first half of the month may involve differing opinions with partners and family members. However, the second half is likely to bring some relief in these matters.
AQUARIUS: (Gu, G*e, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Sai, So, D)
This month will be full of challenges, and your energy may be drained as you work through them while maintaining your pace. However, in the second half, you may find some shortcuts to overcome these challenges. Finances will be a major concern as your pre-set budget may be disrupted by unexpected expenses. Business owners may focus on cutting costs to manage their finances.
Health is another area that requires your attention. Excessive travel could make you feel uneasy or lead to health issues. Relationships will be the one area that provides stability and helps you avoid unnecessary stress.
PISCES: (Dee, Du, Th, Jh, Da, Dai, Cha, Chee)
The month starts on a mixed note, with some confusion about what to do or not to do. However, support from someone at work will help you stay optimistic. In business, an old associate may be annoyed, and you will need to handle the situation with care, ensuring that your communication remains soft and tactful.
Finances will be a source of comfort, as you are likely to see better results than expected. Emotional health will require more attention than physical fitness. Relationships will also demand significant focus and effort throughout the month.