Lavesh Vaswani

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Lavesh Vaswani 📢 Speaker, Life & Soft Skills Trainer
🧑‍🎓 Digital Influencer l Changing Lives


Trusting yourself is the biggest gift you can give to yourself. You know we are bounded by a society where every person is having its own thought process. And with such a situation, you cannot satisfy each and every person.
Trust me, it is absolutely normal and you don’t have to put extra effort to keep everyone happy. Just do your work, give your best and move ahead in life.
Your responsibility is to make yourself happy, not anyone else.


Babies are always fun in the house. But, who brings that baby? Mother!!
and in a situation where there is a new born baby in the house, we often give all our love and support to the baby, and hardly take care about the mother.
We need to understand that, the mother goes through billions of phases while being pregnant, while delivering the baby and at the postpartum time.
A big shout out to all the people, specially to all the husbands, who really should give that same love, same affection, same support to their partner as much as they give to their new baby.


You know, what is the biggest reason for all the hurdles in our life?
It's our own ability to handle the various situations in our life.
We really need to understand that nothing is constant in our life.
Good and Bad cannot be on the same table.
Once we are mentally prepared for both good and bad in our lives, most of our problems will get solved automatically.

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Have you ever wondered why we always have so many problems in our lives?
One thing is clear, most of our problems are caused by someone else.
Someone else is responsible for those problems, whether it is a member of the family or someone else.
Often, we ourselves are responsible for problems because we tend to take things personally.
We expect another person to live like us, we expect another person to do the things which we like.
Unfortunately, that's not always possible.
Whenever such a situation arises, we automatically have problems with others.
This video will definitely make your life easier and wonderful if you watch it and understand it.


Every person here is working for 2 things, i.e.; respect and goodwill. And you know, your commitments and can make your work easy.
There are mostly 2 kinds of people. First, a calculated one, who always keeps its words and commitments and another one is an uncalculated person, who speaks a lot and gives unbiased commitments.
Now, you need to understand that when you commit something, that other person starts keeping expectations from you.
When those expectations are fulfilled, you will gain more respect and goodwill.., and if you break those expectations, it will be your loss only.
So, understand the value of commitments in life.


Life is always full of ups and downs and all we crave is perfection and happiness.
Sometimes it also gets difficult to manage various moments in our daily life, which ultimately drains our energy and affects our productivity, yet we have to keep ourselves positive anyway. I am here to share 4 important life hacks, which are going to help you to stay happy, peaceful, and energetic in the long run.


Appreciation is one of the biggest gift and compliment you can give to someone.
This appreciation is so powerful that it can change life of someone.
But unfortunately, we have a tendency of demotivating others by not appreciating them when required.
Our one single action can bring lot of change in another person’s life.
Learn to appreciate others and spread happiness and motivation in their life, because what you will do to others will automatically come back to you. đź’Żđź’Ż


We all are suffering from decision paralysis due to the huge availability of resources we need in our daily life.
This technology and mobile phone have hacked our minds to take rapid decisions and it is affecting our productivity badly.
It is absolutely our decision and choice to set our priorities, where we have to give our time, and how rapidly we have to take decisions.
Definitely tech companies and big giants have made such an atmosphere, where they keep on attracting us with new and lucrative offers to mold our minds, but we have to focus on our productivity instead of all the alternatives available around us.

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.

Be yourself.
Everyone else is already taken.


Discount is something everyone likes, but nowadays we are fascinated by it.
Online shopping platforms are free to access and they have made such an atmosphere in our life, where we are wasting the big time of our day on them, exploring nothing.
We are somehow being played with our minds by big companies, and we don’t even realize this thing.
It's high time to get aware and focus our time and energy on doing something productive and useful.
Earning s is always the first priority in this sense, but some people get confused that earnings are only money. But it’s not.
Earnings are also made of knowledge and skills as well.
Realize that wasting time on retailers looking for discounts is not going to help us in the long run.


We all are mostly bound by one such human tendency called EXPECTATIONS.
These expectations are so powerful that it can build our relationships and even destroy them. In our daily life, we are so used to keeping on expectations from our friends, family or our partner that when they are not fulfilled; we make serious trouble with our partners.
We have bounded ourselves to talk with the person, to share our problems, to share our emotions. We just tend to keep expectations from another person that they will automatically understand our problems, our emotions, and all, and all.
Unfortunately, this is not how it works.
These expectations can cause some serious troubles in our life.


elationships are an essential part of our lives and so are the problems which come with them.
Many of us sometimes get a hard time managing our relationship due to nonunderstanding with each other, and we keep on fighting with our partner.
Most of the time we are unable to discover the reason for having problems in our relationship and it leads to creating a toxic environment.
I am here to share 2 Big reasons behind the problems of any relationship, and it will help you to take a good step to sort things out with your partner now and in the future.

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Relationships are the most essential part of our lives, and we sometimes have a hard time maintaining them.
We need to understand that relationship requires a huge contribution and it requires some serious efforts from each partner to make it successful.
Sometimes it takes moments to develop perfect chemistry to build a beautiful relationship and sometimes it takes years to understand each other.
Blame game in any kind of relationship is also very common.
Watch this video and understand how these 3 secret keys can help you to maintain any kind of relationship in your practical life.
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We all want to live a better life and yet we struggle with lots of problems in our daily life. Intentionally or maybe unintentionally we do such things which create problems for us only, and the irony is that we don’t even realize that we are doing something wrong.
It's not only about our problems, but it’s also about our personality, about our character.
I am sharing 3 big things which we need to do immediately to live a better life and make a better society around us.
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Big-commerce giants have made such an atmosphere in front of us that, we are doing emotional shopping most of the time.
We are not even aware that we are being played very smartly and we are just losing our money on the stuff which we might not even need.
Watch this video and share it with your friends & family.
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Emotions are the most essential part of human life. Without these emotions, our life is without salt and without taste. Just like you need appropriate salt in your food, similarly, you should be having the appropriate amount of emotions in your life. Too much of emotions, or getting attached to something or anything is going to hurt us for sure. Learn to control your emotions, and lead a wonderful and beautiful life.

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You know, we all are now busy creating wealth that we are not focusing on our health. We are just focused on earning money, spending money, and saving money. Our world is surrounded by these three things only.
It is high time to realize and understand that giving a few minutes a day to our health is going to benefit us only.
And the bitter part is, only we can dedicate this time to our health and no one else can.
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We all look forward to grow in life, but it’s not the first priority for most of us. We are mostly messed up with our daily life chorus that we prefer the peace of mind, we prefer entertainment, we prefer time pass and we are mostly happy in our comfort zone. We forget that our growth needs some extra effort, some extra energy and it is just outside our comfort zone. To achieve our life growth, we first have to make it our biggest priority. We have to stay focused; we have to pour all our energy in the right direction for the best positive results. If you are unable to do so, please don’t blame others, it's just because of you and your priorities.

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Judging has always been a favorite time pass for almost every one of us. It doesn’t matter to us whether a person is strong or weak in their life. It even doesn’t matter what kind of situation a person is having in their life.
It also doesn’t matter that a person is enjoying or facing a hard time in their current situation, because all we enjoy is judging people, and defiantly it doesn’t cost us any money.
We need to understand that judging someone is wasting our own time.
We should rather focus on ourselves and work on our own development.
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We all want a luxurious life, and that’s why we are working so hard day and night. We have a myth that once we have all the luxuries, all our problems will go away. But have you ever wondered what brings us the best luxury of life? We are running for the big fish. We want a big house, big car, big job, big business, more money, and whatnot? But does this gives us the luxury we really want? Does this luxury remove all our life problems? Well, a big NO!! Problems are always going to be there in our life. Most probably, all the luxury we are looking for will also bring more problems as well. So now the question arises what is the real luxury of life? I would rather say, it's PEACE OF MIND!! Watch this video and understand what actually is the meaning of luxury. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram by clicking the link below:

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Many of us believe that partying, using expensive phones, big cars, kitty parties, luxury or anything big will bring us the best life, then it’s absolutely wrong.
All these things are highly materialistic and we need to realize that fulfillment of life, peace, and integrity, is way bigger than anything. When we are having friends and family, who are standing by our side in our good and bad times, then we definitely are living the best life.
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Social media and memes have become an important part in our life. We don't even realize that we are addicted to social media and memes on social media platforms have become the most vital source of entertainment for all of us. But, hold on, have you ever realized that how these memes are effecting our mind? Watch this video and understand that how badly these memes on social platforms are effecting our subconscious mind and is effecting our growth. If you agree, don't forget to like - share - subscribe me on various platforms by clicking the link below Instagram:


We all are involved in a relationship at some or the other point in our life, but unfortunately, most of us don’t know the foundation tip of a healthy relationship.
We mainly focus on dating, intimacy, s*x, and all, and we hardly give an effort to make mutual understanding with our partner. Obviously making this understanding is not easy and we always prefer an easy way, but one day or the other day, we have to give efforts to make this mutual understanding.
With this, every other thing in a relationship will be materialistic and you won’t be able to make your relationship last longer.
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Pampering has always been an important part of our relationship.
In any kind of new relationship, pampering plays a big role, but as soon as relation gets old with time, this pampering gets faded away, and this is also one of the major reasons why relationships don't work the same way all the time.
Pampering is important because it brings taste to our relationship.
Pampering is important because it keeps our relationship lively.


Fear is always harmful. It stops us. It creates problems for us. It doesn't let us grow.
You need to understand that whenever we are going to do something new, something different, this fear inside us is not going to allow us at all.
This fear is not going to let us out of our comfort zone, and it will never allow us to grow in life.
For this, we just need to face our fear, instead of sitting and doing nothing.
This fear is blocking upcoming opportunities in our life, and without these opportunities, we won't be able to move ahead.
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Life is full of uncertainties and we end up having lot of problems and troubles.
Have you ever imagined that how bad a life can be?
We try to stay away from the negativity, but lets face some hard truth with this post.
There are millions of problems which a person face at a different stage of its life and most of the time we struggle to cope up with them, but there is also a universal gateway to solve all our problems in our life and that is to do three things.
1-Having an attitude of gratitude
2- Having honesty in our life
3-Giving back to the society.
Our living ecosystem works in such a way that we will get what we will give.
So, no matter how bad a life can be, do your good deeds and you will defiantly see how good a life can be.
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Appreciation is powerful, and it can change a person's life forever.

Appreciation is powerful, and it can change a person's life forever.

The best way to solve your problems is to face them.

The best way to solve your problems is to face them.

We are mostly living in our comfort zone and when something bad happens to us, all we do is getting messed up.Have patie...

We are mostly living in our comfort zone and when something bad happens to us, all we do is getting messed up.
Have patience, because something bad happens, then something better is waiting for us.
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Define Yourself Official]]
Define Yourself Official]]

We often wonder about the results in our life, we try to blame a lot of things for that, but we never give light on our ...

We often wonder about the results in our life, we try to blame a lot of things for that, but we never give light on our own commitments.
It's easy to make commitments and more easy to break them for our comfort.
Learn to stick to your commitments and see the magic happen.
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Define Yourself Official]]
Define Yourself Official]]

Having an attitude of gratitude is really important to grow in life.Share & Follow .yourself.official

Having an attitude of gratitude is really important to grow in life.
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Personal, professional & financial growth is something we all are living up for.All of them are important and we cannot ...

Personal, professional & financial growth is something we all are living up for.
All of them are important and we cannot live without any one of them.
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Your thinking should be big enough to help you stand out from the crowd.Until and unless you will not think BIG, you won...

Your thinking should be big enough to help you stand out from the crowd.
Until and unless you will not think BIG, you won't be able to grow in life.
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Happiness is all about your choice & mindset.Share & Follow .yourself.official

Happiness is all about your choice & mindset.
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Our life is all about having different moments at the different pases.Sometimes they are red, or yellow or green.Share &...

Our life is all about having different moments at the different pases.
Sometimes they are red, or yellow or green.
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Thoughts become things in life, and so is our future.For a better life, we need to improve our thoughts and vision to se...

Thoughts become things in life, and so is our future.
For a better life, we need to improve our thoughts and vision to see the things around us.
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Your thoug decisions will help you to achieve your goals.We are surrounded by lot of emotional & sentimental values whic...

Your thoug decisions will help you to achieve your goals.
We are surrounded by lot of emotional & sentimental values which lags us to stick to our decisions.
Just make your decisions strong & tough, and see the miracle happen.
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Self confidence & self belief are two initial elements you need before starting your journey towards your goals. đź’Żđź’ŻFollo...

Self confidence & self belief are two initial elements you need before starting your journey towards your goals. đź’Żđź’Ż
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