What is a per workout meal? Is it necessary to have a per workout meal? What should we eat before working out?
A per workout meal is food which you eat before your workout session. This being said for general fitness you can even workout fasted and it is not necessary to have a per workout meal as your body can still use the stored glycogen and fats from the other meals you had but studies have shown that following group of people can benefit from having a pre workout meal:
•If you are someone who wants to maximise his strength and performance levels
•Preparing for sports or athletic performance
•Preparing for long duration events and performance.
Apart from these there is no day and night difference between training fasted or having a pre workout meal as Neither training fasted will burn more fat nor having pre workout meal will build more muscles. In the end all depends on the total calories you are consuming as per your goals.
#preworkoutmeal #musclebuilding #musclebuildingfoods #musclebuildingtips #fatlosstips #weightlosstips #weightlosstransformation #gymmotivation
Should you take Health Supplements or are they Harmful? Does these supplements even work or are they just a hype? Let’s discuss , so supplements as the name suggests are a substitute to whole foods so if you are unable to hit your nutrition requirements through whole foods because of your schedule or food choices then using a good supplement is a good option. Having these supplements can make it easier and feasible to hit your nutritional goal and can get you the desired results be it weight loss,muscle building or even just trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.Here are my top 3 supplements suggestions:
• Creatine : It will help you gain strength and stamina.
• Whey Protein: This will help you complete your protein requirements which aids in both muscle building and fat loss.
• Vitamins and Minerals: Things like Fish Oil,Magnesium,Zinc, Vitamins etc. will help you hit your micro nutrient requirements.
#supplements #fitnesssupplements #creatinemonohydrate #weightlosstransformation #weightlosstips #musclebuilding #gymworkouts
Is working hard at the gym killing your gains? More is always not good especially in your workout programming as excess of cardio or weight training can start giving you negative results as it can increase a lot of Central nervous system fatigue and inflammation in the body which will then slow down your metabolism and hamper recovery. This way you will neither build muscles or loose fat efficiently. Also doing a lot of exercises can make the workout session very long and boring. This can also make it hard for you to be consistent at the gym as fitting such long duration workout routine in your schedule is tough especially if it’s not giving you better results.
#gymmyths #transformation #weightlosstipsandtricks #musclebuilding
Benefits of Kettlebell Swings
Don't expect me to accompany this video with a random quote that has nothing to do with it whatsoever, as the trend is nowadays.
Here are the benefits of #Kettlebell Swings, one of the most searched #exercises on Google. If you never do this #exercise, I really think that you're missing a trick or two. Talk to your coach about adding it to your #workout, and if you don't have a #PersonalCoach, well… you know what to do! 😉
P.S. If you find this post helpful, consider sharing it on your timeline so that your #FitFam & #gym-going Facebook friends can discover it too! 💪
#FitnessManiaWithVaibhaw #FitnessCoaching #PersonalTrainer #Kettlebells #KettlebellWorkout #Fitness #Fit #FitnessMotivation #FatLoss #WeightLoss #MuscleGain
Deadlift Mania With Vaibhaw
When I move weights against gravity, time comes to a standstill. In these moments of exertion & breathlessness, I realise from every fibre of my being that nothing is impossible… that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to… and that I’m in charge of my own destiny. 🏋️🎯
Message me for personal coaching.
#FitnessManiaWithVaibhaw #PersonalCoach #PersonalTrainer #Motivation #Mindset #Deadlift #Deadlifts #Barbell #Powerlifting #WeightTraining #Exercise #Exercising #Workout #Gym #Fitness