Voice Of Youth Ramsoo

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Voice Of Youth Ramsoo i am iftayaz Sohil Young panthers District President Ramban
i live in Ramban village sujmatna

Congratulations Manzar muneer from banihal qualified j&k Prosecuting (G)officer Examination 2022Rank 29


Manzar muneer from banihal qualified j&k Prosecuting (G)officer Examination 2022
Rank 29

President J&K National Panthers Party Mr Harsh Dev Singh ji meet Dr Farooq Abdullah in Mumbai Before the Meeting of INDI...

President J&K National Panthers Party Mr Harsh Dev Singh ji meet
Dr Farooq Abdullah in Mumbai Before the Meeting of INDIA
Along with the Parliament Elections, also Discuss about the Assembly Elections in Jammu and Kashmir.
Tomorrow Harsh Dev Singh ji will attend the meeting of Position's INDIA Alliance at Mombai

درداہی اہمہ درگلی کھوڑا کی عوام کو ہر وقت نظرانداز کرنا باعث تشویشینگ پنتھرس ضلح صدر رامبن :افتیاز سوھل

درداہی اہمہ درگلی کھوڑا کی عوام کو ہر وقت نظرانداز کرنا باعث تشویش
ینگ پنتھرس ضلح صدر رامبن :افتیاز سوھل


Haq E Insaf zindabad



JKNPP deputation led by Mr. Harsh Dev Singh met Lt. Governor Manoj Sinha today to discuss burning issues of Jammu region...

JKNPP deputation led by Mr. Harsh Dev Singh met Lt. Governor Manoj Sinha today to discuss burning issues of Jammu region.


Young Panthers Party District President Ramban Iftayaz Sohil addressing Public Gathering at Ramban


Young panthers Party Ramban protest against Bad Condition Chamalwas Neel Road


Over 40 Jammu youth join NPP

BJP failed to respect the mandate of Jammu: Harsh

Jammu, 19.09.2020: Accusing the BJP of betraying the sentiment of people of Jammu over a host of issues, Mr. Harsh Dev Singh, Chairman-JKNPP & former Minister today said that by declining holiday on birthday of Maharaja Hari Singh, it had caused the greatest disillusionment to its own electorates. He said that despite repeated assurances and re-assurances of reviewing and revising the holidays Calendar and including 23rd September in the list of gazette holidays, it failed to keep its word thereby causing huge disappointment to the very people who gave it 25 seats in Assembly besides both seats of Parliament. He was addressing a press conference after admitting around 40 youth in NPP introduced by Ravind Raina Vice President of District Jammu.

“BJP has persistently belied the aspirations of Jammu people ever since its ascendance to power. Its cowardly surrenders before PDP are still a fresh in the minds of people. It was the BJP-PDP govt. which had refused to revive the practice of issuance of Dogra Certificate to Youth of Jammu. Again it was the BJP which followed the Kashmiri leaders dictations over Rassana issue and refused to hand over the case to CBI thereby causing huge public outrage in its own core constituency. Yet again, it’s the BJP govt. which has refused to listen to the shrill cries of the nationalist people of Jammu region seeking restoration of 4G mobile internet services. Not only that the BJP made haughty claims of extension of Article 371 to J&K so as to save the lands and jobs of locals which too turned out to be a treacherous move to cheat people. And latest of its betrayals include opening of multiple Toll Plazas in and around the city of temples besides the denial of holiday on 23rd September, the birthday of legendary Dogra Ruler who is considered a symbol of Dogra pride and honour” asserted Mr. Singh.

Maintaining that BJP had dishonoured the massive mandate given to it by Jammu region, Mr. Singh said that its power intoxicated leadership invariably caused a huge dent upon Dogra pride and honour. “Our development had been relegated to the back ground with entire focus on Kashmir even after Reorganization of the State. Jammu youth appointed under SRO-24 in Health Department were all terminated while allowing their Kashmir counterparts to continue. The daily rated workers of PHE, PDD, R&B are without wages for months together with none to listen to their tale of woes. The orchardists of Kashmir were compensated though a special package for the alleged loss of apples, walnuts and saffron while ignoring the Jammu farmers for the loss of their successive crops”, rued Singh.

Seeking the support of the people in the party’s fight against injustice, and bias against Jammu region, Mr. Singh said that NPP would persist with its campaign to oppose, expose and to finally depose the BJP for its politics of subterfuge and deception.

Prominent among those who joined Panthers Party included Akash, Shubham, Raman, Sandeep, Lucky, Sachin, Abhi, Ansh, Gautam, Ram Babu, Baljeet, Surinder, Manjeet, Vinay, Sahil, Ajeet Raj, Balwinder, Dinesh, Sahil besides others.

Surinder Chouhan, District President, Jammu Rural & Gurdeep Singh@Raju, District Secretary Jammu Rural were also present on the occasion.



Young panthers party Leaders Two days visiting pyt Sujmatna A including Brargadi Iftyaz Ahmed Sohil young panthers party Dist President Ramban Adressing Yout...


Memorandum No. 6

8th September, 2020
Jammu Tawi (J&K)

H.E. Shri Manoj Sinha
Hon’ble Lt. Governor
UT of J&K

Sub:- Settlement of issues of educated unemployed youth and other under employed youth.

The educated unemployed youth of the State has been treated most shabbily by the State as well as central government. Though assurances are doled out time and again but nothing is done to absorb them in gainful employment. The latest assurances of government of filling up 50,000 existing vacancies besides creation of 50,000 new posts as assured in Budget Session of Parliament in February 2020 have also proved to be hoax. And despite promises of one lac jobs, the government has failed to provide any relief to the educated unemployed during the past around six years.

The simmering discontent amongst the youth could prove highly counter-productive and lead to earth shaking consequences if the government failed to act. The government should therefore immediately advertize the promised one lac jobs in J&K at the earliest so as to avoid any adverse reactions from the highly disappointed youth.

The issues of following categories of unemployed and underemployed youth also deserve your immediate attention with regard to their absorption and regularization in government jobs.

i. Contractual lecturers of schools and colleges. Job security and regularization.

ii. MGNREGA employees agitating on the roads for their genuine concerns. Regularization of their services.

iii. NHM employees. Regularization of services.

iv. Anganwari and Asha workers. Enhancement of honorarium and jobs security.

v. Daily rated, casual, need based workers be regularized as per the promises made to them.

vi. Re-engagement of terminated Health Department employees appointed under SRO-24.

vii. Re-engagement of SMAGRA subject specific teachers and contractual teachers.

viii. Settlement of issue of NYCs and NYVs.

ix. Absorption of unemployed youth trained in Physical Education as B.PED, MP ED.

x. SPOs need to be regularized and their salaries enhanced.

xi. Self Help Groups need to be revived. Disbanding such groups has rendered more than 15,000 Engineers jobless.

xii. Registration and licenses be given to all Medical Assistants, Pharmacists and other Para-medicos who have successfully completed their courses in J&K before State’s Reorganization. Non recognition of their courses/diplomas by UT government has jeopardized the careers of more than 20,000 youth.

xiii. Settlement of issues of Tractor, Trolley Operators, Dumper and Stone Crusher Units regarding permission for manual mining.

Hope this is given priority consideration.

Harsh Dev Singh

Shabir Ahmed is no moreShabir Ahmed, ASI, PSO with Bhim Singh for 30 years expired in Ranjeet Hospital Amritsar ASI, Sha...

Shabir Ahmed is no more

Shabir Ahmed, ASI, PSO with Bhim Singh for 30 years expired in Ranjeet Hospital Amritsar

ASI, Shabir Ahmed (Mirza) who has been serving as PSO with Prof. Bhim Singh for over 30 years expired in Ranjeet Hospital Amritsar this morning. He was admitted in Government Medical College, Jammu on 28th August, 2020 after he developed lung problem. The Hospital Jammu examined and found that Shabir Ahmed had no Covid problem. The Hospital shifted him to Emergency Ward for further treatment. On 30th August, Mr. Shabir Ahmed was shifted on Emergency basis on the advice of the Doctors. He was admitted in the Ranjeet Hospital, Amritsar. It was noted by doctors that Shabir Ahmed was suffering from lung Pneumonia and put him on Ventilator. Prof. Bhim Singh and other senior Panthers Party leaders including Ms. Anita Thakur, Yaspaul Kundal, Mr. Bansi Lal Sharma (Adv), Mr. Faqir Nath and others kept one to one contact with Doctor attending Shabir Ahmed. According to the information attending doctors left no effort to cure Shabir Ahmed. Doctors informed Ms. Anita Thakur yesterday evening that the patient was passing through difficult situation but doctors shall not spare any effort to save the patient.
Anita got the information from her own Cousin in this morning from Nowshera (Rajouri) at 10.00 am that Shabir Sahaib was no more. This sad news was confirmed from the relatives of Mr. Shabir Ahmed that Shabir Sahib had expired.
The information came from the elder son of Shabir Ahmed that they were arranging an Ambulance and proceeding to Badhoon, Rajouri.
The Panthers Party senior leaders have conveyed heartfelt condolences to the family of Mr. Shabir Ahmed, PSO with Prof. Bhim Singh. Shabir Ahmed had a large family Mrs. Gulzar Begum (Wife), Mrs. Shamila Shabir (Daughter), Anies Ahmed & Saqib Jaral (Sons), Lal Hussian, Shabir Hussian, Mohd. Sayeed (Brothers) & Mrs. Aziz Fathima, Mrs. Nagina Fathima & Pervaiz Akhtar (Sisters). The latest information that was received by the Panthers Party office of Prof. Bhim Singh that Shabir Ahmed was given burial by the family, friends and relatives this evening.
The senior leadership of the Panthers Party, the PSO-colleagues of Shabir Ahmed, office bearers conveyed heartfelt condolences to all relatives and family members of Shabir Ahmed Mirza. Prof. Bhim Singh who lost his 30 years old PSO who had literally saved/rescued Prof. Bhim Singh during Bhim Singh’s most difficult interactions in Kashmir, Ladakh & other militancy prone areas of Jammu & Kashmir for more than 3 decades.

Sd/- Bansi Lal Sharma, Adv.
Legal Advisor-JKNPP


ضلع رام بن کے سبھی لوگوں کو ایشمان بھارت اسکیم کے کارڈ مہیا کروائے جائے ۔افتیاز سوھل۔

رامبن/ ینگ پینتھرس پارٹی کے ضلع صدر رامبن افتیاز سوھل نے ضلع انتظامیہ رامبن پر زور دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ مرکزی سرکار کی طرف سے وگازار کی گئی اشمان بھارت اسکیم جس میں ہر پریوار کے ایک کو شخص کو پانچ لاکھ تک کا علاج مفت میں کروائے جانےکی یوجنا ہے لیکن بدقسمتی کا مقام یہ ہے کہ ضلع رامبن کے اندر محض پانچ فیصد ہی لوگوں کو ایشمان بھارت اسکیم کے کارڈ بنوائے ہیں اور پانچ فیصد ہی لوگوں کو ایشمان بھارت سکیم کا فائدہ حاصل ہوا ینگ پنتھرس پارٹی کے صدر رامبن افتیاز سوھل نے کہا کہ مرکزی کی بہت ساری یوجنایں ہے جس سے ضلح رامبن کے تمام غریبوں کو فاہدہ حاصل ہو
سکتا ہے لیکن ان یوجناوں کو ابھی تک ضلح رامبن میں لاگو نہیں کی گئ جس سے یہ ثابت ہوتا ہے کہ ضلع انتظامیہ رامبن مکمل طور پر کام کرنے میں فیل ہو چکا ہے انہوں نے کہا ایشمان بھارت اسکیم ضلح رامبن کے علاوہ جموں کشمیر کے تمام سبھی اضلاع میں 90 فیصد کے قریب لوگوں کو کارڈ فرہم ہو چکے ہے جس سے ان سبھی لوگوں اس یوجنا سے بہت فاہدہ حاصل ہوا ہے
افتیاز سوھل نے ضلع انتظامیہ رامبن پر زور دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ انتظامیہ رامبن جلد از جلد غریب پرور و کو ایشمان بھارت کے کارڈ فراہم کروائے
انہوں نے ضلع انتظامیہ اور لیفٹننٹ گورنر انتظامیہ سے مطالبہ کرتے ہوئے کہا انتظامیہ ضلع رامبن تحصیل بانیہال کے مختلف علاقوں میں نیل۔ باٹو۔ پریندر۔ بوہردار۔ سنگام۔ لدنیہال۔ژیدوس۔ مہومنگت۔ کرچیہال۔ چملواس۔ کھڑی۔ اہمہ۔ ترگام۔آڑپنچلا۔ تھنہ۔ پنلہ۔ باس۔ پوگل۔ سینابتی۔ پریستان۔ ملگام۔ شالگڈی۔ النباس۔ اکھڑہال۔ بٹرو۔ دھنمستہ۔ رامسو۔سمبڑ۔ ناچلانہ۔ مگرکوٹ۔ گوگونی۔ تلیہال۔ سوجمتنہ۔ جوہری۔ ڈوگیاں۔ ہڑوگ۔ وغیرہ میں ایک ایک ٹیم ورد کرکے ایک ایک دن کا کیمپ کا اہتمام کرکے سبھی غریب لوگوں کو ایشمان بھارت کے کارڈ بناکر دے تاکہ ہمارے غریب لوگوں کو اس مفت یوجنا کا لاب مل سکے

Ghulam Qadir Sohil, the block president of the National Panther's Party'Block Banihal assembly, constituency banihal has...

Ghulam Qadir Sohil, the block president of the National Panther's Party'Block Banihal assembly, constituency banihal has demanded that the road chamalwas to ganga be completed work as soon as possible. At the same time, he demanded from the central government that a PDD receiving station chamalwas be built in it and the national highway be completed as soon as possible.

[8/12, 12:40 AM] Iftayaz Sohil JKNPP Rambn: آج تحصیل بانیہال سے پنتھرس پارٹی کو ملی اور بڑی کامیابی وادی نیل سے تعلق رکھ...

[8/12, 12:40 AM] Iftayaz Sohil JKNPP Rambn: آج تحصیل بانیہال سے پنتھرس پارٹی کو ملی اور بڑی کامیابی
وادی نیل سے تعلق رکھنے والے نوجوان لیڈر اور سماجی کارکن عبدل حق سوھل نے کی پنتھرز پارٹی میں شمولیت اختیار
انکے ساتھ نیشنل کانفرنس کے ورکر اور سماجی کارکن مدثر افتاب میر رامسو آزاد اتحتاد کے سنیر ورکر محمد الیاس ڈینگ نے بھی پارٹی جوین کی
عبدل حق سوھل ۔مدثر افتاب میر۔محمد الیاس ڈینگ۔نے پنتھرس پارٹی کے چیرمین اور سابقہ وزہر تعلیم جناب ہرش دیو سنگھ جی کی موجودگی میں پارٹی میں شمولیت اختیار کی ۔پارٹی میں جوین ہونے والے وفد کی قیادت ینگ پنتھرس پارٹی کے ضلح صدر رامبن افتیاز سوھل نے کی۔۔
افتیاز سوھل نے پارٹی میں جوین ہونے والوں شکریہ ادا کیا اور کہا انکے انے سے پنتھرس پارٹی کو اور زیادہ مضبوطی ملگی۔
[8/12, 12:42 AM] Iftayaz Sohil JKNPP Rambn: Some National Conference workers and social workers joined the panther party at the Party headquarters.jammu
jammu :-11 /8/2020 Today the Panthers Party got a great victory from assembly constituency Banihal
Abdul Haq Sohil, a young leader and social activist from the Neel Valley, join Panthers Party
He was joined by National Conference worker and social activist Mudassar Aftab Mir Ramsoo and senior social activist Mohammad alyas Daing.
Abdul Haq Sohil, Mudassar Aftab Mir, Mohammad alyas Daing joined the party in the presence of Panthers Party Chairman and former Education Minister Mr. Harish Dev Singh Ji. Iftayaz Sohil did ...
iftayaz Sohil thanked those who joined the party and said that their arrival would further strengthen the Panthers party.



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