Tanmay Timir Films Intro
Tanmay Timir Films
We welcome you to a unique Film Company Tanmay Timir Films LLP. Entertainment is the cornerstone of films obviously. For us, Entertainment is the main ingredient, but not the cornerstone. Cornerstone is Education. Yet, we are not for producing Dry Educational videos. We wish to entertain the people in such a manner that they get educated; we wish to educate people in such a manner that they feel entertained. We wish to enrich knowledge of the people; we wish to bring proper history to the people; we wish to bring about dynamicity of subjects like Science, Society, Culture, Romance, Fiction, Information, News, etc. We wish to put the stark realities of the society as it is. We wish to put forward speech of the speechless; bring in Focus those who are neglected. And yet, we do not want to promote pedagogy. Be it lockdown, holidays, sickness or anything, you neither miss Education nor Entertainment. This is our motto.
• Animation Films
• Television Commercial with Social Message
• Children Films
• Documentaries
• Social Films
• Web Series
• Telefilms
• Art Films
For the people, Of the people, By the people.
તન્મય તિમિર ફિલ્મ્સ
તન્મય તિમિર ફિલ્મ્સની અનન્ય દુનિયામાં તમારું સ્વાગત છે. ફિલ્મી દુનિયામાં મનોરંજન એ પાયાનો પથ્થર છે. અમારા માટે જોકે મનોરંજન એ મુખ્ય વ્યંજન હોવા છતાં પાયાનો પથ્થર તો શિક્ષણ જ છે. અલબત્ત, ચિલાચાલુ શૈક્ષણિક વીડિયો બનાવવાનો પણ અમારો કોઈ ઈરાદો નથી. લોકોને જ્ઞાન મળે તે રીતે મનોરંજન અ