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Happy Birthday Lucy Wills and Thank You for all that you did for Women and their Babies !

Lucy Wills, the pioneering medical researcher whose analysis of prenatal anemia changed the face of PREVENTIVE PRENATAL CARE for women everywhere.

The excellence of her work on tropical MEGALOBLASTIC ANAEMIA has long been recognized by nutritionists and haematologists. Every medical student has heard of its cure by her discovery of the Wills factor in yeast extract, which paved the way for the subsequent work on folic acid. It was one of the simple but great observations which are landmarks in the history and treatment of the nutritional anaemias.

Today, pregnant women around the world thank Lucy Wills, on her 135th birthday for the crucial research that PREVENTED BIRTH DEFECTS.


More than 7 million metric tonnes of TUNA and Tuna-like Species are harvested every year.

Tuna species account for 20% of the value of all fishery items captured from the seas, and over 8% of all globally traded seafood.

Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, minerals, proteins, and vitamin B12, TUNA has various other advantages. But the super fish is a victim of its own amazing qualities and nutritional properties, threatened as it is by the overwhelming demand from the human population.

Most of the world's tuna catches cater to the CANNING INDUSTRY.

USA, EU, Egypt, Japan and Australia have been the major markets for canned tuna.

According to the United Nations, latest data shows that 33.3 per cent of the stocks among the Seven principal TUNA SPECIES are estimated to be fished at "biologically unsustainable" levels.

In a bid to spread awareness about TUNA FISH and its importance to humans and planet earth, World Tuna Day also promotes the importance of SUSTAINABLE FISHING PRACTICES and educates the world on how TUNA have become ENDANGERED SPECIES due to the high demand for their meat.

STOP Corporate Loot - SAVE Tuna.


"Without WORKERS, no CIVILISATION could be built.”

If suddenly the whole WORKERS of the whole World disappear then the WHOLE WORLD WILL STOP !

Let us all realise this and let us celebrate the WORKERS - these great people who make our World MOVE !

Let's Thank every WORKER and Wish them on this MAY DAY !

Revolutionary Greetings to all WORKERS across the globe, on this May Day !


Missing Our Friend !

In an age of towering glass buildings accommodating offices and homes for humans, the tiny SPARROW has suffered the biggest brunt of RAPID URBANISATION by humans in the past few years. Lack of habitat, food and more than required Mobile usage are biggest reasons for the decline in the number of sparrows.

The high level of microwave pollution caused by mobile phone towers are also a key reason for the decline of sparrows.

Several native trees were felled to make way for cities and their place was taken by ornamental and other plants has taken a toll on the number of sparrows.

"The conservation of the house sparrow and its habitat is important as it will also help save much of the common biodiversity as well,"

Let's change our way of life, a bit
Let's Save the SPARROWS !!!


WETLANDS are crucial for a HEALTHY PLANET. Wetlands are "Kidneys Of the Earth" - they CLEAN the environment of POLLUTANTS and regulate CLIMATE CHANGE as they store 30% of land based Carbon.

The health of people on our planet depends on healthy wetlands.They "PROVIDE LIVELIHOOD to One Billion People" - their ecosystems are worth USD 47 trillion annually. 40% of the world's species live or breed in WETLANDS.

The most important thing they keep us Safe. These WETLANDS PROVIDE PROTECTION from the NATURAL CALAMITIES such as FLOODS AND STORMS.


It's time We Wake Up and Protect our WETLANDS from the Corporate Loot !


A "freethinker" is someone who bases her or his ideas on RATIONAL THOUGHT, on EVIDENCE, on SCIENCE, on REASON - as opposed to basing ideas on tradition, authority, or revelation.

Let's embrace Freethinkers Day by Challenging Arbitrary Authority, Questioning the Status Quo, and Constructing Logical and Reasonable Arguments against Engrained Behaviour.

This is an opportunity for people to listen to different perspectives. That is how people come out of SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEVES.

( Freethinkers Day falls on the birthday of Thomas Paine, a prominent thinker whose work and publications promoting a philosophy of Enlightenment heavily influenced the course of the American and French Revolutions.)

HOUSING is a HUMAN RIGHT. There can be no fairness or justice in a society in which some live in homelessness, or in the...

HOUSING is a HUMAN RIGHT. There can be no fairness or justice in a society in which some live in homelessness, or in the shadow of that risk, while others cannot even imagine it.

According to the National Geographic Society, the place where any living organism makes its home is its HABITAT. This habitat is also supposed to contain all environmental conditions needed to survive — shelter, water, food, and space, in adequate amounts.

Every year thousands of people die because THEY DON’T HAVE AN ADEQUATE SHELTER TO LIVE.

As per estimates, 1.6 billion people live in inadequate shelters. Of those, one billion live in informal settlements.

More than 55% of the world lives in cities. As per global estimates, more than 96,000 thousand housing units will need to be built each year to meet the rising demand.

According to the present trend, urban areas will see an influx of an additional three billion people by 2050.

Thus, it is important to address the challenges facing the human population for a sustainable life.

Mind the Gap. Leave No One and No Place Behind !!!


World Rabies Day is held every year on September 28. This date was chosen as it is the anniversary of the death of LOUIS PASTEUR – THE FIRST PERSON TO SUCCESSFULLY CREATE A VACCINE AGAINST RABIES.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has raised many doubts and misconceptions about VACCINATION in general. For RABIES, this is nothing new, as fears and misconceptions about the disease dates back hundreds of years.

FAKE NEWS will negatively affect the RABIES elimination efforts. FACTS are the only way to beat fake news, so help to SHARE ACCURATE FACTS about rabies control.

We need to dispel the myths about VACCINE HESITANCY and the MISCONCEPTIONS.

RABIES is a Vaccine-preventable Viral Disease. Dogs are the source of the vast majority of human rabies transmission and deaths.

Calling for effective Mass Dog Vaccination, instead of ineffective Dog Culling.

Vaccinate your pet. Act now !

Let us use facts to raise awareness and educate others about rabies – a 99% FATAL, yet 100% PREVENTABLE DISEASE.

Let us work together to Spread FACTS, and not FEAR, this World Rabies Day !

Let's achieve our goal of “Zero Human Rabies Deaths by 2030.”


“ నీ తల వెంట్రుకలు, నీ మొగుడు, తండ్రి, సోదరులు, కొడుకులు మరియు తోటి మహిళలు మాత్రమే చూడగలరు పరాయి మగవాళ్లు చూడకూడదు” అని ఆదేశించే మతాచారామే హిజాబ్.

దీనికి వ్యతిరేకంగా పోరాటం చేయడం అంత సులువు కాదు. లాలిపప్ మీద ఈగలు, చీమలు ముసరకుండా ఉండటానికి దాని మీద wrap ఎలా ఉంటుందో అలాగే హిజాబ్ కూడా నీ అందాన్ని పరాయి మగవాళ్ల చెడ్డ చూపుల నుండి కాపాడి నీకు రక్షణ కల్పిస్తుంది అని, అంతేకాదు దీనిని ధరించడానికి నీకు ఎవరైనా అడ్డుపడితే ఎన్ని పోరాటాలు అయినా చేసి దీనిని ధరించే స్వతంత్రం సంపాదించుకో అని తర తరారలుగా మహిళలను brainwash చేసి వారిని కండిషన్ చేయబడి ఉంది.
దీనిని ఎక్కవగా promote చేసి ఆడవారి మీద రుద్దేది మగవారు.
అలాంటి హిజాబ్ కి వ్యతిరేకంగా ఇరాన్ మహిళలు పోరాడుతున్నారు. ఈ ఫోటో హిజాబ్ కి వ్యతిరేకంగా protest చేస్తున్న ఒక మహిళది.
వారి పోరాటం సఫలం కావాలని మనస్ఫూర్తిగా ఆశిస్తూ❤️


To all my Pakistani Friends across the globe...

As Pakistan celebrates its 75th Yaum-e-Azadi (Independence Day) on August 14, 2022. This day remains significant as Pakistan not just received independence but was declared a sovereign state, following the end of the British Raj in 1947.

However, with every passing year, the country has only moved further away from Jinnah’s vision.

Pakistan is currently in the midst of one of its worst political, constitutional, and economic crises in its history.

Parliament has become practically irrelevant as the political elite is at loggerheads. The country’s judicial system faces a collapse, as thousands of cases remain pending in courts. The bureaucracy is deeply politicized and resists reforms that could see the administrative system becoming more effective.

This INDEPENDENCE DAY should be a day to reflect and ponder on the mistakes of the past rather than just celebrating.

It is about time that Pakistan’s leadership do some course correction and think about making Pakistan a country that is respected, valued, and sought after by the world.

More than ever, Pakistan needs a clear direction, otherwise, the gradual decay of the state’s institutions and ethos would eventually lead to the implosion of the state.

Happy Independence Day,
Jashn-e-Azadi, Pakistan !


"I will never allow PATRIOTISM to triumph over HUMANITY as long as I live."

~ Rabindranath Tagore,
The creator of the National Anthem and his views on Nationalism, “freedom of mind” and opinions “forcibly made alike”


The ELEPHANT is one of the most Pleasant and intelligent animals on the Planet. So being unique for their ivory tusks they are hunted & used and abused for loading logs.

Tens of thousands of elephants are killed every year, ONE EVERY 15 MINUTES. Driven by demand for IVORY as a symbol of wealth or prestige, the ILLICIT PROFITS OF IVORY TRADE FINANCE WARS, TERRORISM, ILLEGAL DRUGS and HUMAN TRAFFICING. The worst and obvious victims of the trade were the ELEPHANTS.

There are only about 470,000 elephants roaming the continent of Africa presently. Compare this to 3 to 5 million that roamed the vast expanses at the beginning of the 20th century. It's a frightening drop of 90 percent.

Only 35,000 Asian elephants remain. The ASIAN ELEPHANT is the Largest Endangered Mammal on Earth.


Protecting ELEPHANTS around the world will help in maintaining balance in the ECOSYSTEM. It is up to us to save elephants from extinction by educating people. So you can help elephants in the world by not using ivory-made products.

Stopping the crisis will require efforts from a diverse coalition of GOVERNMENTS, INSTITUTIONS, ORGANIZATIONS, MEDIA, SCIENTISTS, and INDIVIDUALS.

Let's do our bit and Let's Save them from EXTINCTION !


Nothing is quite as Elegant as a BLACK CAT !

Some People believe that, If a black cat walks in front of them, it is thought that misfortune will come their way.

There are some countries where Black Cats are seen as good luck, such as Great Britain and Japan.

But Sadly, these days due to SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEFS, black cats are often seen as the unlucky ones. Consequently, they have been neglected and it takes longer for black cats to be adopted from shelters.

In fact there is no such thing as BAD LUCK or GOOD LUCK. Black cats are associated with STRENGTH, SENSUALITY, ELEGANCE, SUPPORTING and ADVOCATING.

So, let's Shun Superstition !

A society with SCIENTIFIC TEMPER will not fall for populist thinking and manipulation by politicians .They will demand better services from their representatives, thus Strengthening DEMOCRACY.

On this International Cat Day, Let's take an oath to Shun SUPERSTITION and Inculcate SCIENTIFIC TEMPER.


Their LABOUR brings Produce to our PLATE !

It's time we care about them.

We all often see them as we drive by the fields, hundreds of strong backs labouring under the hot summer sun to bring in the harvest. "Farmworker Appreciation Day" was made to help raise awareness of these 'often forgotten bastions of the economy," and remind us to be thankful for all they’ve done.

FARMWORKERS help keep the world fed and work what is considered to be one of the MOST DANGEROUS JOBS in the first world, and yet the "OFTEN NOT PROTECTED BY THE SAME LAWS that Protect other Workers." This is due in part to their seasonal status and their tendency to be immigrant workers who return to their home country after the harvest is complete.

SOME OF THE HAZARDS THEY FACE in their line of work INCLUDE EXPOSURE TO PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS THAT CAN BE TOXIC or even worse. They work under the punishing SUMMER SUN for hours on end Without Shade. In the course of their jobs they apply pesticides, dig in fertilized soil, and harvest those same plants they previously doused with POISON.


Celebrating Farmworker Appreciation Day is a great chance to stand by them and share our generosity with those who helped bring FOOD to your PLATE.

Let's raise awareness among the people about the difficulties faced by FARMWORKERS every day and to stand by them.

Please use the hashtag to increase awareness on social media.


Nepal does it !


If left untreated, LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF HEPATITIS CAN BE DEADLY. One of the more dire outcomes of this condition is CIRRHOSIS, a deadly liver disease. LIVER CANCER is another potential long-term side effect of CHRONIC HEPATITIS.

Hepatitis C is the most common form of Viral Hepatitis, but there's still No VACCINE for it.

With ONE person DYING every 30 seconds from a HEPATITIS related illness – even in the current COVID-19 crisis – We CAN’T WAIT To Act on Viral Hepatitis.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 354 million people in the world are living with hepatitis B and C. For most people testing as well as treatment is beyond reach.

Let's focus on raising awareness of the need to make hepatitis care more accessible. This day plays a significant role in improving the chances of curing the disease and stopping its further transmission. Awareness is required for people to get vaccinated against hepatitis B.

On World Hepatitis Day 2022, WHO is highlighting the need for bringing hepatitis care closer to the primary health facilities and communities so that people have better access to treatment and care, no matter what type of hepatitis they may have.

WHO also aims to achieve hepatitis elimination by 2030. To get there, WHO calls on countries to achieve specific targets:

✓ Reduce new infections of hepatitis B and C by 90%;
✓ Reduce hepatitis related deaths from liver cirrhosis and cancer by 65%;
✓ Ensure that at least 90% of people with hepatitis B and C virus are diagnosed; and
✓ At least 80% of those eligible receive appropriate treatment.

Decision makers CAN’T WAIT and MUST ACT NOW to make Hepatitis Elimination a Reality through POLITICAL will and sufficient FUNDING.

We Can’t Wait To Act on VIRAL HEPATITIS.


Am I an AVIATOR because I've flown in a PLANE ?

Maybe its time to define the People who are Paid-to-fly ASTRONAUTS (or AstroPiliot, AstroCrew etc) and People who have bought tickets as PASSENGERS.

A small precision that the Non-specialized Media need to know, that the PASSENGERS are not ASTRONAUTS !

To deserve this title you must have completed at least one orbit around the Earth in SPACE (like Yuri Gagarin, the first in history), and these are only SPACE TOURISTS and in no way ASTRONAUTS, so will be the same for Passengers of Blue Origin etc,, as these two companies practice Ballistic Flight and not Orbital Flight.


They reached an altitude of about 88 kilometers over the New Mexico desert - enough to see the Curvature of the Earth. The Crew experienced a few minutes of Weightlessness before making a gliding descent back to Earth.

They are SPACE TOURISTS. Maybe in the early days of Space Tourism we can call them as SPACE ADVENTURERS.

But as ASTRONAUTS !? Nah.

Disclaimer: This Post is in no way intended to hurt anyone’s brand, personal religious, political, spiritual, fanatic beliefs and/or faith, whatsoever. It is also not to defame or disregard anyone’s personal decision or his/her identity ! The creator of this Post understands, every individual has a right to do whatever he/she is doing and there is no intention to stop or highlight anyone from doing anything, they feel is their right, duty, and lawfully permissible. The same applies to the creator of the Post !

The intention is not to hurt Sentiments but a sincere effort to bring AWARENESS !






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