Day/Question - 30 = राजस्थान की एक डिश जो हमे युद्ध की वजह से मिली 🤔🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat#radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #dalbaati #rajasthan #rajsthanifood #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 28 = एक डिश जिसमे, डिश का नाम और मुख्य इंग्रेडिएंट का नाम सेम है 🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat#radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #pasta #macroni #speghetti #italian #italianfood #baigan #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 28 = एक सब्ज़ी जो आज PURPLE कलर में मिलती है लेकिन वो और कई कलरो में भी मिल शक्ती है… 🤔🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat #radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #brinjal #eggplanet #baigan #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 27 = एक फल 🍎 जो 25% हवा से बना हुआ है 🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat #radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #apple #fruit #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 26 = 6700 साल पुराना एक नास्ता जो आज सिनेमाघरों की जान है 🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us @khanekibaatt #radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #popcorn #theater #cinema #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 25 = एक ड्राय फ्रूट जिसमे 20% प्रोटीन होता है 🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat #radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #pista #pistacchio #pistachio #nut #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 24 = एक फल जो USA 🇺🇸 की सुप्रीम कोर्ट की वजह से सब्ज़ी बन गया 🤔🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat#radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #tomato #tomatoes #fruit #vagetable #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 23 = आइसक्रीम का एक फ़्लेवर जो Orchid जैसे प्लांट से मिलता है 🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat #radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #orchids #orchid #vanila #vanilaicecream #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 22 = एक पिज़्ज़ा 🍕 जो एक महारानी के नाम पर है 🤔 🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat #radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #pizza #margarita #margaritapizza #mozzarella #mozzarellacheese #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 21 = एक फल जो दिखने में फुटबॉल ⚽️ जितना बड़ा है पर वो एक बैरी 🍓 है 🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat #radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #fruit #fruits #watermelon #summer #summerfruit #melon #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 20 = आज का एक DESSERT जो पुराने जमाने में एक CURRENCY के हिसाब से इस्तेमाल किया जाता था… 🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat#radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #chocolate #cocobean #coco #cocobeans #currency #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 19 = एक सब्ज़ी जो आज RED🔴 या ORANGE 🟠 कलर में मिलती है वो पहले YELLOW 🟡 या PURPLE 🟣कलर में मिलती थी 🤔🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat#radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #carrots #carrot #gajar #gajarkahalwa #coffeebeans #oldestfruit #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 18 = एक ड्रिंक ☕️ जिसकी खोज भेड़-बकरी द्वारा की गई थी 🤔🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat#radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #coffee #coffe #coffeelover #coffeeholic #coffeebeans #oldestfruit #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 17 = दुनिया का सबसे पुराना फल 🍌 कौनसा है ? 🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat #radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #kela #banana #oldestfruit #51days #51questions #dailychallenge
Day/Question - 16 = एक स्वीट डिश जिसके लिए भारत के दो राज्य कोर्ट में पहुँच गए थे 🤔🤔🤔51 Days-51 Questions…❌STRICTLY NO REPOST❌To known unique food history and interesting food stories don’t forget to follow us Khane Ki Baat #radheradhe #khanekibaat #foodporn #foodies #foodstories #foodhistory #foodtrivia #infotainment #explore #explorer #reeloftheday #viral #trending #rasgulla #rosogulla #westbengal #orrisa #odisha #51days #51questions #dailychallenge